National Institute for BASEL CONVENTION Environmental Studies, Japan

Asia-Pacific Regional Inception Workshop on the Environmentally Sound Management of Electronic and Electrical Wastes Tokyo, Japan, 21 – 22 and 24 - 25 November 2005

Workshop Agenda

Mon, 21 Nov 2005

08:30-09:00 Registration of Participants OPENING SESSION 09:10-09:30 Welcoming Speeches HE Minister of the Environment of Japan

Mr. Kosugi, MP Japan Executive Secretary, SBC

09:30-10:00 Coffee Break

10:00-12:30 Session I – Introduction Chairman: Mr. Okazawa, MOE Japan Background and Objectives of the Workshop Mr. Ibrahim Shafii, SBC Overview of the Project on ESM of E-Waste in Asia Pacific Region Mr. Ibrahim Shafii, SBC Basel Convention – Part of the Solution Mr. P. Portas, SBC E-waste Control in Japan Mr. Yoshida, MOE Japan Output and implementation of the project on survey of Dr. Li Jinhui, BCRC China import and the ESM of e-wastes in the Asia-Pacific Region

Facilitating Partnership for the ESM of E-waste Development Alternatives The Digital Dump: BAN’s Latest Findings on the Global Toxic Trade BAN in E-waste

12:30:14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:00 Session II - Panel Presentation on Current Practices Chairman: Mr. Adisak Thingkaimook (Thailand)  Economics, Design for environment, life-cycle analysis,, extended producer responsibility  1. UNCTAD – Dr. U. Hoffmann 2. E-Waste Recycling in Developing Asian Countries – Mr. M. Kojima, Inst. For Developing Economics 3. 4. Directives 2002/96/EC on WEEE – Mr. Kurt van der Herten, European Commission  Collection systems and product take-back 1. The Results and Current Status of the Law for Recycling of Specified Consumer Electric Goods – Mr. K. Morita, AEHA Japan 2. Fuji Xerox Integrated Recycling System in Asia Pacific Region – Mr. T. Watanabe, Fuji Xerox 3. WEEE Disposal System in Switzerland – Mr. M. Buletti 4. Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative – Mr. M. Buletti, Switzerland  

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-17:45 Session III – Panel Presentation on Current Practices (contd) Chairman: Mr. Marco Buletti, Switzerland  Disposal of residues 1. Integration Between Mining & Smelting Business & Environ. Business – Mr. M. Naka, DOWA Ltd

2. E-waste and Persistent Chemicals - Dr. S. Sakai, University of Kyoto, Japan  Transboundary movements issues 1. Australia's experience in the control of used electronic equipment – Dr. Greg Rippon 2. Material Flow of E-waste in Asia – Dr. Terazono, NIES 3. Hong Kong's Experiences in the Control of Import and Export of Hazardous Waste – Mr. Stephen Siu, Hong Kong EPD  Legal issues 1. Legislations and Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste in Malaysia – Ms. Siti Zaleha Ibrahim, DOE, Malaysia 2. The Success of Japan’s Electric Appliance Recycling Law and Warning for a new Environmental Pollution by Reuse Products and Components – Mr. K. Ueno, Mitsubishi Elec. Corp., Japan

18:00-20:30 Welcome Reception/Dinner Host: MOE Japan, SBC Tues, 22 Nov 2005

09:30-12:30 Session IV- Discussion in Breakout Groups  Introduction to Breakout Groups  Breakout Groups Session1

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-17:30 Session IV- Discussion in Breakout Groups (contd)

Wed, 23 Nov 2005 Public Holidays

Thurs, 24 Nov 2005

09:30-10:30 Session V – Presentations by Breakout Groups Chairman: Mr. Okazawa

10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-12:30 Session VI – Presentations by Breakout Groups (contd) Chairman: Mr. Adisak

12:30-14:00 Reception/lunch Host: NIES

14:00-16:00 Session VII – Conclusions and Recommendations Facilitator: Mr. Okazawa  Regional and National Strategies Mr Adisak (Thailand)

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-17:30 Session VIII –Official launching of Country Projects and Closure SBC, MOE Japan  Official launching of Country Projects  Closing remarks and Closure

Friday, 25 Nov 2005 Field Trip to E-Waste Recycling Facilities (Optional) MOE Japan

1 Suggested Breakout Groups:  E-waste management plan  Best practices and technology transfer  Awareness, capacity building and training needs  Institutional, economic and legal measures