Lesson Plan Template s53

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Lesson Plan Template s53

Trousdale County Schools Focused Lesson Plan 2015-16

Teacher: Zarichansky Unit Name: Leaving a Legacy

Unit #:1 Unit Length: 5 weeks

Week: August 3-7 Week _1____ of _5_____ Subject: Reading/Writing

Tennessee State Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard) Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.

Explain events, procedures ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text. Determine the meaning of general academic and domain specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area. Describe overall structure (eg. Chronolgy, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and and information clearly. Use context as a clue to the meaning of a word or a phrase. ( definitions, examples, or restatements)

I Can Statements : I can summarize paragraphs. I can use text features in nonfiction writing. I can determine what new vocabulary words mean. I can organize my writing using a graphic organizer. (TIDE) I can write a detail paragraph for an informative piece of writing.

Accommodations for students, both regular and special populations : One on one teacher assistance Centers and small groups Writing conferences

Unit Vocabulary: Archeologist Artifact Culture Native Prehistoric Summarizing Details Informative Resources, Technology, Formative and/or Summative Daily Agenda Assessments, Assignments, and a Daily Activity for citing text based evidence in conversations and/or writing

1 Monday Reading Teacher directed lessons on skills for the week: Social studies text  Summarizing using the RAP technique- use the Sequoyah article Sequoyah paragraphs and teacher models how to Scholastic article “Stopping a Toppling Tower” summarize Chart for text features  Text features- students read “Stopping a Toppling Tower” essay and teacher points out features of nonfiction text. Students will then explore Chapter Citing text based evidence: summarizing activity 3 lesson 1 of Social studies book and find text features and add to chart  Vocabulary- teacher will use cards and read the word and definition and use the word in a sentence. Students will form groups and complete an activity with the words and present their activity Writing  Using the two informative texts students will “The Peanut Man” complete a pre-assessment on informative writing “ Eliza and the Cherry Tree” pieces SRSD Manual Tuesday Reading Social studies text  Teacher completes a jist read of Chapter 3 lesson 1 Teacher made chart  Students reread assignment and complete chart and questions comparing the two groups of archaic Citing text based evidence: Students take information people from text to describe archaic people Writing  Introduce Pow-tide using SRSD training lesson SRSD Manual plan

Wednesday Student charts Reading Social studies text Students take chart and questions and share with group. Teacher clears up any misunderstandings and makes a Citing text based evidence: Students evaluate whole class chart. evidence from text to describe archaic people Writing  Exemplar essay- discuss components SRSD Manual

Thursday Student chart Reading Culminating activity writing prompt Students take charts and as a whole class and respond to the writing prompt. (culminating activity)

Writing  Show graphic organizer and put exemplar essay on SRSD Manual organizer

Friday Teacher made assessment Reading Assessment over text features and summarizing

Writing Repair a weak essay SRSD Manual

2 Trousdale County Schools Focused Lesson Plan

Teacher: Zarichansky Unit Name: Types of Sentences

Unit #: 1 Unit Length: 3 days

Week: 2 Week 1 of 1

Subject: Grammar Tennessee State Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.4.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

I Can Statements :

I can identify, and create a Declarative Sentence. I can identify, and create an Interrogative Sentence. I can identify, and create an Exclamatory Sentence. I can Identify, and create an Imperative Sentence. I can identify the subject, complete subject, and simple subject of a sentence.

Accommodations for students, both regular and special populations :

Unit Vocabulary:

Interrogative Sentence Declarative Sentence Exclamatory Sentence Imperative Sentence Subject Complete Subject Simple Subject

Resources, Technology, Formative and/or Summative Daily Agenda Assessments, Assignments, and a Daily Activity for citing text based evidence in conversations and/or writing

3 Monday 1. Prezi 1. I will show a prezi over all 4 types of 2. Blue Grammar Book sentences on the elmo. Link: https://prezi.com/szbhwxtt-uzz/types-of- sentences/ 2. I will introduce Declarative and Interrogative Sentences with the students on pg. 50 of the blue grammar book. 3. I will explain to the students that Declarative Sentences make a statement, and always end in a period. 4. I will explain to students that Interrogative sentences ask a question, and always end in a question mark. 5. Students will complete exercise A on pg. 50, and turn it in before the start of Reading.

Tuesday 1. I will introduce Imperative, and 1. Blue Grammar Book Exclamatory Sentences to students on pg. 56. 2. I will explain to students that Imperative Sentences state a command, and always end in a period. 3. I will explain that Explanatory Sentences always end in an exclamation point, and show excitement. 4. Students will complete exercise A on pg. 56, and turn it in before the reading lesson.

Wednesday 1. Review all four types of sentences by 1. Prezi showing the prezi shown on the first day again. 2. Have students write two examples of each type of sentence on their own sheet of paper, and turn it in before the reading lesson.

Thursday 1. Test

4 Friday 1. Show Prezi over Subjects, Simple Subjects, 1. Prezi and Complete Subjects. 2. Introduce Subjects, Simple Subjects, and Complete subjects to students on pg. 62 of the blue grammar book. 3. Explain to students that the subject of a sentence tells the reader what the sentence is about. 4. Explain to students that all the words in the subject are called the complete subject, and the simple subject is the most important word in the complete subject.

Trousdale County Schools Focused Lesson Plan

Teacher: Zarichansky Unit Name: Place Value Unit #: 1 Unit Length: 5 weeks Week: 8/3/15-8/7/15 Week __1___ of ___5___ Subject: Math Tennessee State Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard) 4.NBT.A.1 Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. For example, recognize that 700 ÷ 70 = 10 by applying concepts of place value and division. 4.NBT.A.2 Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

I Can Statements:  I can read and write numbers in standard form, written form, and expanded form.  I can identify the value of digits.  I can tell greater than, less than, or equal to for numbers up to one million.

Accommodations for students, both regular and special populations: One on one teacher assistance Centers and small groups Math Interactive Notebooks

Unit Vocabulary: Place Value Standard form Word form Expanded form Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten Thousands, Hundred Thousands, Millions Resources, Technology, Formative and/or Summative Assessments, Daily Agenda Assignments, and a Daily Activity for citing text based evidence in conversations and/or writing

5 Monday Manipulatives  Students will complete a Math daily Fix it. Centers  Teacher will introduce students to Place Value. Computers/iPads Go Math TB Pgs. 5-8  Teacher will talk with students about numbers and what they represent in where they are placed in numbers.  Teacher will explain and stress the importance of multiplication Math facts and that they will start having a daily fact quiz.  Students will create and write numbers using number/dice cubes.  Students will focus on identifying values of a specific digit using Go Math TB Pgs. 5-8.  Students will begin Math centers: Facing Math over addition/subtraction skills Teacher Table working more with Place Value Computers/iPads Addition/Subtraction Skill Center Multiplication Math Facts Center

Tuesday Manipulatives  Students will complete a Math daily Fix it. Whiteboards  Teacher will review with students about Place Value. Centers Computers/iPads  Teacher will review with students about numbers and what Fact Quiz over Lesson 1 Squares they represent in where they are placed in numbers. Go Math TB Pgs. 5-8  Students will take a multiplication fact test over Lesson 1 Squares.  Students will create and write numbers using number/dice cubes.  Teacher will explain the difference in identifying values of a digit and identifying what place a digit is located in.  Students will continue on focusing on identifying values of a specific digit and what place a digit is in using Go Math TB Pgs. 5-8.  Students will go to Math centers: Facing Math over addition/subtraction skills Teacher Table working more with Place Value Computers/iPads Addition/Subtraction Skill Center Multiplication Math Facts Center

Wednesday Whiteboards  Students will complete a Math daily Fix it. Centers  Teacher will review with students about Place Value. Computers/iPads Fact Quiz over Lesson 1 Squares  Teacher will review with students about numbers and what Go Math TB Pgs. 11-13 they represent in where they are placed in numbers. Go Math TB Pgs. 15-16  Students will take a multiplication fact test over Lesson 1 Squares.  Teacher will give out Lesson 2 Multiplication Math Facts.  Teacher will work with students on writing numbers in standard, word, and expanded form.  Students will continue on writing numbers in standard, word, and expanded form using Go Math TB Pgs. 11-13.  Students will independently complete Go Math TB Pgs. 15-16.  Students will go to Math centers: Facing Math over addition/subtraction skills Teacher Table working more with Place Value Computers/iPads Addition/Subtraction Skill Center Multiplication Math Facts Center 6 Thursday Whiteboards  Students will complete a Math daily Fix it. Centers  Teacher will review with students about Place Value. Computers/iPads Fact Quiz over Lesson 2  Teacher will review with students about numbers and what Envision TB Pgs. 4-9 they represent in where they are placed in numbers. Envision WB Pgs. 21-22  Students will take a multiplication fact test over Lesson 2.  Teacher will continue working with students on writing numbers in standard, word, and expanded form.  Students will continue on writing numbers in standard, word, and expanded form using Envision TB Pgs. 4-9.  Students will independently complete Envision WB Pgs. 21- 22.  Students will go to Math centers: Facing Math over addition/subtraction skills Teacher Table working more with Place Value Computers/iPads Addition/Subtraction Skill Center Multiplication Math Facts Center

Friday Whiteboards  Students will complete a Math daily Fix it. Centers  Teacher will review with students about Place Value. Computers/iPads Fact Quiz over Lesson 2  Teacher will review with students about numbers and what Quiz they represent in where they are placed in numbers.  Students will take a multiplication fact test over Lesson 2.  Teacher will give out Lesson 3 Multiplication Math Facts.  Teacher will give students a Math Task to complete from the Math Task Binder over Place Value.  Students may have a quiz over Place Value if they are ready to move on.  Students will go to Math centers: Facing Math over addition/subtraction skills Teacher Table working more with Place Value Computers/iPads Addition/Subtraction Skill Center Multiplication Math Facts Center

Trousdale County Schools Focused Lesson Plan 2015-16

Teacher: Zarichansky Unit Name: Spelling Unit #: 1 Unit Length: 1 week Week: August 3-7 Week ___1__ of __1____ Subject: Spelling Tennessee State Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)  L.4.2d Spell grade-appropriate words, consulting references as needed

7 I Can Statements :  I can spell fourth grade words correctly.

Accommodations for students, both regular and special populations: If students misspell four or more words, revisit the ‘Model and Sort’ for spelling patterns with long and short a.

Unit Vocabulary:

Resources, Technology, Formative and/or Summative Assessments, Daily Agenda Assignments, and a Daily Activity for citing text based evidence in conversations and/or writing Monday Journeys Reader’s Notebook P. 4  I will introduce the spelling rules for the week. (Long a and short a).  Students will sort their spelling words based on the rule.  We will discuss definitions for each word.  Cloze reading: students will read a text and fill in the blanks with appropriate spelling words. Tuesday Elmo  I will introduce long a and short a spelling patterns.  Short a - a, consonant Students will use paper in sheet protectors and dry erase markers.  Long a - a, ai, ay, ea  Students will sort their spelling words based on these Teacher observation. spelling rules.

Wednesday Journeys Reader’s Notebook P. 6  Students will proofread a paragraph and correct the misspelled spelling words.

Thursday Go Noodle quiz game.  Review game with spelling words.

Friday Test Spelling Test.


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