New Zealand Hotel Industry Awards 2016

Hotel Industry Housekeeper Employee of the Year Entry Criteria

About this award

This Hotel Industry Housekeeper Employee of the Year Award will honour an employee (executive, head of department) who has made an exceptional contribution to their employer in the past 12 months, and also engagement in the wider hotel industry. He or she will be a rising star in our industry.

Nominees will:

 be supported by the head/executive/owner of the organisation/property  have been employed by present employer for not less than 12 months prior to nomination  be employed in a New Zealand hotel at the time of submission

Please note self-nominations are welcome but must be supported by the head/executive/owner of the organisation/property.

Entry format

In addition to completing the Official Entry Form, please provide a typed overview (maximum 2000 words) of the nominee and their contribution to the industry. This may include the following:

 recognition the nominee has received from the hotel/guests that is over and above what would be expected in current role (inclusive of examples)  training courses or cross department training has the nominee undertaken or is intending to further his/her career  how the nominee has illustrated his or her commitment to the hotel, over and above their job description  Personal attributes o Personality o anticipating guest needs o understanding of guests and team cultural needs o proactive o problem solving o integrity / discretion o self-supervising o organizational skills

 Relevant skills o Entrants position on hotels green initiatives and what they are o Details of green initiatives they may have been instrumental in introducing

Submissions must also include:

 a copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae, which should include:

o prior hotel/hospitality experience/employment o knowledge, experience, interest, involvement in the hotel industry day to day running / industry o hotel education, training and self-development/personal development

 supporting statements from the General Manager and/or current manager and any other relevant source

 the contact names and phone numbers of two referees (judges may contact these referees for further information)

 visuals: o several high resolution (1 MB at least) jpeg images of the hotel property with at least one featuring the nominee o one head and shoulders of the nominee (1MB at least) o hotel logo

All components of this submission must be completed and submitted in order for the application to be considered.

Judging criteria

The winner will be determined based on the information and submission provided.

The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

The judges’ decision will be based upon the nominee’s ability to fulfill the outlined criteria along with the supporting information.

In consultation with the judges, the New Zealand Hotel Industry Conference reserves the right to remove this award category either due to insufficient entries or nominations not meeting the required standard. New Zealand Hotel Industry Awards 2016 Official Entry Form

The New Zealand Hotel Industry Awards celebrate excellence in our industry. They are managed by the Tourism Industry Association New Zealand (TIA) and Horwath HTL.

Please complete this entry form and return with supporting materials to: Sally Attfield Hotel Sector Manager Tourism Industry Association New Zealand PO Box 1697, Wellington 6140, or Email [email protected]

Any enquiries, please contact Sally on 04 495 0814, email [email protected]

Entry Deadline: 4pm, Tuesday 3 May 2016 Nominations or submissions will not be accepted after this deadline

______The 2016 Awards will be presented at the New Zealand Hotel Industry Conference Dinner Thursday 2 June 2016 at The Langham, Auckland ______Award Category

Hotel Industry Housekeeper Employee of the Year

Name of hotel:

Name of nominee/applicant:

Title/position: Or Name of the environmental initiative

Name of person submitting the entry:

Contact phone number:

Contact mobile number:

Email address:

Terms & Conditions 1. The achievements made by the nominee or the hotel must have taken place between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2016. 2. Several finalists will be chosen in each category and a winner selected from those finalists. 3. Submission of an application deems award winners have consented to their name and photograph being used for post- event publicity. 4. Submission of an application deems entrants’ consent to publication in connection with the Awards of any of the documents or materials constituting their entry. 5. Winners may state in advertising, promotional and any other business material that they are winners but must also state the category of the Award and the year in which it was won. 6. Material submitted for these Awards will not be returned to the applicant.

Award Category

Hotel Industry Housekeeper Employee of the Year

Name of hotel:


Overview (maximum 2000 words) of the nominee and their contribution to the industry. This may include the following:

 recognition the nominee has received from the hotel/guests that is over and above what would be expected in current role (inclusive of examples)  training courses or cross department training has the nominee undertaken or is intending to further his/her career  how the nominee has illustrated his or her commitment to the hotel, over and above their job description

 Personal attributes o Personality o anticipating guest needs o understanding of guests and team cultural needs o proactive o problem solving o integrity / discretion o self-supervising o organizational skills

 Relevant skills o Entrants position on hotels green initiatives and what they are o Details of green initiatives they may have been instrumental in introducing

2000 words entered here Submissions must also include:

 a copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae, which should include:

o prior hotel/hospitality experience/employment o knowledge, experience, interest, involvement in the hotel industry day to day running / industry o hotel education, training and self-development/personal development

 supporting statements from the General Manager and/or current manager and any other relevant source

 the contact names and phone numbers of two referees (judges may contact these referees for further information)

 visuals: o several high resolution (1 MB at least) jpeg images of the hotel property with at least one featuring the nominee o one head and shoulders of the nominee (1MB at least) o hotel logo

All components of this submission must be completed and submitted in order for the application to be considered. Judging criteria

The winner will be determined based on the information and submission provided.

The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

The judges’ decision will be based upon the nominee’s ability to fulfill the outlined criteria along with the supporting information.

In consultation with the judges, the New Zealand Hotel Industry Conference reserves the right to remove this award category either due to insufficient entries or nominations not meeting the required standard.