Character List For: the Outsiders
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Character List for: The Outsiders
Ponyboy – narrator of the novel, sensitive, 14 Darry – hardworking and strict brother, he gave up college to work, 20 Sodapop – reckless, sympathetic brother, happy-go-lucky, 16 Steve – Sodapop’s buddy whose specialty is cars Two-Bit – irresistible wisecracker of the greasers, 18 Johnny – puppy-like favorite of the greasers Dallas – toughest and meanest greaser Socs – wealthy “Jet set” gang, West-side rich kids Greasers – leather jacketed, tough East-side gang, poor Cherry – sympathetic Soc who likes sunsets, red-head Bob – Soc who is killed Randy – Bob’s buddy, Soc, has feelings, concerned Mickey Mouse – a horse that Sodapop loved Sandy – Sodapop’s girlfriend, very nice Marcia – Randy’s girlfriend; short, cute girl at the movies The Outsiders Chapter 1 (pp. 1-18)
Sensitive (p. 7) - to understand or share another’s feelings or thoughts
Reckless (p. 7) - careless, rash
Sympathetic (p. 8) – susceptible to the feelings of others
Acquired (p. 10) – to get by one’s own efforts
Irresistibly (p. 10) – cannot be resisted; overwhelming appeal
Unfathomable (p. 10) – not understood; mysterious
Gingerly (p. 12) – cautiously
Sagely (p. 12) - wisely
Glaring (p. 13) – staring fiercely
1. How is Ponyboy different from the other members of his gang? ______
2. Who are the Socs? ______
3. How are the Greasers different from the Socs? ______
4. Compare Ponyboy’s brothers, Darry and Sodapop. ______
5. What happened to the Curtis brothers’ parents? ______
6. What happened to Ponyboy on his way home from the movies? ______
______The Outsiders Chapter 2 (pp. 19-36)
Roguishly (p. 22) – in the manner of a scoundrel, an unprincipled person
Incredulous (p. 24) – skeptical; disbelieving
Nonchalantly (p. 25) – without enthusiasm; indifferently
Incidentally (p. 28) - casually; by chance
1. List the Greasers who are at the movies “with” Cherry and Marcia.
2. At the drive-in Dallas harasses Cherry and Marcia. How is this choice of amusement a reflection of his character? ______
______3. What does Ponyboy tell Cherry while standing in line for popcorn? ______
______4. Evaluate why Cherry and Ponyboy communicate rather openly despite the gap in their social positions? ______
______5. Why is Ponyboy’s comparison of Johnny to a puppy a good analogy? ______
______The Outsiders Chapter 3 (pp. 37-52)
Gallantly (p. 37) – courageously, daring
Sophisticated (p. 38) – worldly; lack of natural simplicity
Rave (p. 38) – to speak wildly and incoherently
Passionately (p. 43) – with intense feeling and emotion
Quivering (p.51) - trembling
1. What does Cherry say is the real separation between the Socs and the Greasers? ______
______2. Why does Ponyboy remind Cherry that they both watch the same sunsets?
______3. Who is Mickey Mouse and why is he so important to Sodapop’s life? ______
______4. Immediately after his visit with Cherry, Ponyboy expresses a bitterness towards Socs. If Ponyboy has developed a certain respect for Cherry, why does he feel such bitterness? ______
______5. What qualities of Darry’s and of Ponyboy’s cause them to conflict? ______
______6. Explain Ponyboy’s motivation for running away. ______
______The Outsiders Chapter 4 (pp. 53-67)
Unceasingly (p. 56) – continuously
Quavered (p. 57) – to quiver or tremble
Apprehensive (p. 59) – uneasy, anxious
Ruefully (p. 60) – with regret; remorsefully
Winced (p. 64) – to shrink or draw back abruptly, as in pain or distress
Bewildering (p. 65) - confusing
Avoiding (p. 66) – keeping away from
Premonition (p. 67) – a forewarning
1. What did the Socs do to make Johnny kill Bob? ______
______2. Why do Ponyboy and Johnny turn to Dallas for help? ______
______3. What does Dally give Ponyboy and Johnny to take with them to Windrixville?
______4. Explain why it is ironical that Johnny and Ponyboy are involved in a murder. ______
______The Outsiders Chapter 5 (pp. 68-84)
Hue (p. 77) - color
Subsides (p. 77) – descend; to sink to a lower level
Eluded (p. 78) – escaped; evaded
Vital (p. 80) – full of life and vigor
Indignant (p. 80) – feeling anger aroused by something unjust
Wistfully (p. 82) – with yearning; wishfully
Amazed (p. 83) – filled with great surprise; astounded
1. Why is Ponyboy upset about getting his hair cut and bleached? ______
2. Johnny compares Dallas to a southern gentleman. Why is this ironical? How does Johnny defend his comparison? ______
3. Why does Johnny’s remark about the sunrise remind Ponyboy of Robert Frost’s poem? ______
4. When Dally comes to the abandoned church, he brings Ponyboy a letter from Sodapop. Describe the contents of the letter. What is Sodapop’s position in Ponyboy’s conflict with Darry. ______
5. Who is the spy for the Greasers? ______The Outsiders Chapter 6 (pp. 85-99)
Apparently (p.87) – plainly
Desperately (p. 87) – hopelessly; with despair
Conviction (p. 89) – strong belief
Hysterics (p. 96) – a mental condition characterized by excitability and anxiety
1. What is Cherry’s rationale for aiding the Greasers? ______
2. Johnny informs Dallas and Ponyboy that he and Ponyboy are turning themselves in. What are Johnny’s reasons? ______
3. Johnny and Ponyboy feel personally responsible for the safety of the children in the church. Why? Is it consistent with their characters? ______
4. Why was saving the children the only time in Johnny’s life he didn’t have a defeated, mistrustful look? ______
5. What function in the story does Jerry Wood serve? ______
6. Why does Darry’s crying have such a profound effect upon Ponyboy? ______The Outsiders Chapter 7 (pp. 100-118)
Mimicking (p. 100) – to imitate in speech or action
Radiates (p. 101) – to give forth joy, love, etc., in a glowing manner
Stunned (p. 103) - dazed
Aghast (p. 112) – greatly dismayed
Contemptuously (p. 115) – bitterly scornful
Individual (p. 115) – single human being; a particular person
1. What does the doctor say will happen to Johnny? ______
2. What Soc wants to talk to Ponyboy? Why? ______The Outsiders Chapter 8 (pp.119-130)
Abruptly (p. 123) - suddenly
1. Explain Ponyboy’s words when he visits Johnny in the hospital: “I figured that Southern gentlemen had nothing on Johnny Cade.” ______
2. What is Johnny’s reaction when the nurse tells him that his mother is at the hospital to see him? ______
3. What reason does Cherry give Ponyboy for not going to see Johnny in the hospital? ______
4. Ponyboy admits that he doesn’t like to fight. Why then is it so important to him to participate in the rumble? ______The Outsiders Chapter 9 (pp. 131 - 149)
Grimacing (p. 134) – showing an expression of pain, contempt
Disgusted (p. 146) – feeling an intense dislike for
Agony (p. 149) – intense physical or mental pain 1. Describe the mood at the Curtis house just before the rumble. ______
2. Ponyboy feels the only reason to fight is self-defense. According to his survey, why do these others fight?
Darry ______Two-Bit ______
Soda ______Steve ______
3. Compare Tim Shepard’s gang to Ponyboy’s gang. ______
4. Who comes late to the rumble? ______
What effect does his late entrance have? ______
5. Why is it significant that Paul Holden is the Soc who steps forward to accept Darry’s challenge? ______
6. Where does Dally take Ponyboy after the rumble? ______7. What are Johnny’s last words? ______The Outsiders Chapter 10 (pp. 150-160)
Stupor (p. 150) – extreme mental insensitiveness and confusion
Vaguely (p. 153) – not clearly expressed or thought
Delirious (p. 157) – in a state of temporary mental disturbance marked by confused speech and delusion
1. Why can’t Dally accept Johnny’s death? ______
2. Does Dallas want to die? Explain. ______
3. Why does Ponyboy collapse the night of the rumble? ______
4. What does Johnny give to the nurse for Ponyboy? ______
5. Why won’t Ponyboy believe that Johnny is dead? ______
The Outsiders Chapter 11 (pp. 161 - 166)
1. What thoughts are triggered in Ponyboy’s mind when he sees Bob in the yearbook? ______
2. Who does Ponyboy tell Randy was the person who killed Bob? ______The Outsiders Chapter 12 (pp. 167-180)
Circumstances (p. 169) – conditions or facts attending an event and having some effect on it
Realized (p. 175) – to understand completely
1. During the hearing, what is the judge aware of that Ponyboy is not? ______
2. What does Ponyboy do that makes Two-Bit know that Ponyboy will not get tough? ______
3. In the days following the hearing, Ponyboy and Darry continue to have disagreements. Explain why Sodapop bolts from the room during a fight between Ponyboy and Darry. ______
4. In the letter Johnny writes Ponyboy, what does he ask Ponyboy to tell Dally? ______
5. What thought is Johnny trying to communicate to Ponyboy? Explain this message in terms of Robert Frost’s poem, sunsets, and events in the story. ______
6. What effect does Johnny’s message have on Ponyboy? ______
7. What is the subject of Ponyboy’s theme for English class? ______