Building Leadership Bridges Book Proposal Form

Thank you for your interest in being the editor(s) of the 2018 volume of the Building Leadership Bridges series from the International Leadership Association, published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Below you will find information about the series as well as a set of questions regarding your vision for our next volumes.

TO APPLY: Please complete this form and return to Debra DeRuyver by May 31st via email: [email protected]. Please submit, in the same email, your CV(s).

Questions? You may contact Debra DeRuyver at [email protected]. Please email before May 23rd if you’d like a reply before the proposal deadline.

About Building Leadership Bridges Each year the International Leadership Association publishes one or more books that captures the best contemporary thinking about leadership from a diverse range of scholars, practitioners, and educators working in the field of leadership studies. In keeping with the mission of the ILA, the book connects ways of researching, imagining, and experiencing leadership across cultures, over time, and around the world. The book is published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited and, as a member benefit, ILA distributes copies of one of the books to all members in good standing (excluding student members) at the time of publication. The book generally runs between 250-300 pages. View a list of past volumes: http://www.ila-

About the International Leadership Association Established at the turn of the 21st century, the International Leadership Association (ILA) is the global organization for those with a stake in leadership. The ILA embodies leadership for the twenty-first century with: a multinational membership base and conference attendance bringing together perspectives from 75+ countries and cultures; a multidisciplinary approach to leadership and followership leading to unique insights and innovative connections; a multi- sector networking between those who study, teach, develop, and exercise leadership, resulting in research-based, field-tested best practices. With members across the globe, the ILA is developing and advancing leadership knowledge and practice for the greater good of communities worldwide.

Publication Timeline Our goal is to deliver the book to Emerald by Sep 1, 2017 for a March 2018 publication date. The selected editor will work with the ILA to develop a timeline and process for receiving abstracts and/or papers, making initial acceptance decisions, receiving draft chapters, and revising and rewriting in order to meet our delivery goal.

Call for Proposals Process for Your Book Lead Editors/Associate Editors: For the past several years the BLB volume has had a lead editor and three associate editors who shared in the responsibility of reviewing, selecting, and editing. Prior to that, the volumes were co-edited by two lead editors. It is up to you, the proposer, to let us know how you envision the structure of your team for the book. Please note that the lead editor(s) must be an ILA member(s) in good standing throughout the process.

Blind Review/Invited Pieces: The CFP for the volume should solicit abstracts and/or complete manuscripts, not to exceed 5,000 words excluding references. Volume editor(s) may also invite submissions from noted authorities in order to cover particular topics, etc. These invited pieces could be evaluated under a separate process and timeline of the editor(s) choosing. For example, after receiving the submissions from the CFP, the editor may notice a gap in a particular area that needs to be filled by an invited piece.

ILA staff support: The ILA provides a staff person to help manage the book process. This includes, but is not limited to, publicizing the CFP, accepting submissions and preparing them for blind review, interfacing with our editor at Emerald, sending out notifications of acceptance, etc.

Work Load/Time Commitment: As the editor(s), you will develop the CFP, help publicize it, respond to submission questions, and issue invitations to noted authorities. You will also write an introduction framing the book and lead your team (if you work with associate editors) through the selection and editing process. Depending on the quality of the manuscripts you receive, editing can be a major time commitment involving several rounds back and forth with authors. Lead editor(s) (or their associate editors) should be prepared to spend a significant amount of time editing for content and flow to develop a book as a whole out of disparate parts. Once the manuscript is delivered to Emerald, lead editor(s) (or their associate editors) will also need to spend time reviewing the copyedit and page proofs from the publisher. Editor(s) will also be expected assist the ILA and Emerald with gathering endorsements and marketing the book. Building Leadership Bridges Book Proposal Form

Proposed book Title:

Your Name(s): Contact phone & email:


1. What is your theme? What contribution will it make to leadership literature? Why is a new publication on this topic needed at this time? How is the topic of increasing, rather than passing or declining interest?

2. What are the different areas of submission or possible sub topics/themes in your volume? In other words, what types of submissions do you hope to receive and how would you categorize them?

3. Imagine it’s March 2018 and the book is out. What’s the 150-300 word elevator pitch?

4. How does your volume contribute to ILA’s mission and the purpose of the BLB series?

5. How would your book be of interest to people around the world? In other words, what makes it global?

6. Please list some of the people that you imagine asking to submit invited pieces to the volume. Explain why their contribution is important in meeting the need discussed in question one, what you would ask them to write on, and if you know them.

7. Do you plan to make use of “section/associate” editors to help review submissions and edit accepted pieces? If so, who do you think would make an appropriate associate editor for this topic- be sure to include information on their expertise and institutional affiliation? Note: ILA may have alternate suggestions to enhance your team. If accepted, are you prepared to work with ILA to develop a strong team of associate editors even if it means not using some of the people mentioned here?

8. What are the five most competitive or similar publications to your proposed volume? How, specifically, does your proposed volume differ from and go beyond each of them? Please describe your proposed publication’s new contributions in considerable detail – this is a central issue. How is it unique?

9. Who is the intended audience for the book? Think about which sectors, disciplines, etc. that would be most interested. How will they be able to use the publication? Will the book be useful to an academic or a practitioner audience or both? Be specific and realistic. Please distinguish between primary and secondary audiences. Identify specific professional associations that are audiences outside of ILA. What types of college courses would most likely be interested in using your book? 10. Why did you originally join ILA? How have you participated in ILA? For example, membership history, conference participation, etc.

11. In a brief paragraph, describe your knowledge base including academic and/or professional experience, research, and theory. Attach your cv including title of previously published works, publisher, date of publication, and (if known) number of copies sold.

12. Tell us something about you that’s not on your CV.

13. Marketing Support. Please tell us the ways in which you, as editor, will be able to support the marketing of the book.

Please remember to attach your CV and send with the completed form to Debra DeRuyver ([email protected]) by May 31, 2016