Evaluate Sustainable Development In A Scientific Framework
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Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework NSWTSCN402A
Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework (NSWTSCN402A) Summary of assessment In this unit there are 3 Standard Assessment Events (SAEs). You must submit/attend all 3 SAEs. NOTE: You will not receive marks for any SAE until after the mark is verified at a verification panel. SAE 1 Scientific Report (1500 words) Weighting: 30% Due: Week 10 You will carry out an investigation into an aspect of sustainability and present findings in the format of a scientific report. This report must be your own work. You will be guided and supervised in detail by your teacher. Criteria for marking are attached.
SAE 2 Portfolio Weighting: 30% Due: Week 16 The portfolio will contain TWO ITEMS OF WORK done throughout the semester, one of which will be an in-class written assessment. Item 1: case study report of an analysis of trends in resource use as indicated by the concept of ecological footprints This item must be an in-class written assessment. Learners may bring notes of no more than 100 words to class for this assessment, which may include graphs and/or diagrams. Item 2: case study report on a potentially ecologically sustainable development This item must be a combination of in-class and take-home work. The length should not exceed 1000 words – diagrams, graphs and reference lists are not counted in the word count. Material that exceeds the word limit will not be considered. Criteria for marking are attached.
SAE 3 Final Examination Weighting: 40% Week 18 - for date/time, see official Exam Timetable displayed in college
©TAFE NSW – Tertiary Preparation - 9048, 9046, 9045 (2010 – V2) Page 1 of 13 Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework NSWTSCN402A The final exam covers all the content of the unit. It may consist of multiple-choice, short answer and extended answer questions. The examination is 2 hours in length plus 10 minutes reading time. The exam will be centrally set and marked. Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework (NSWTSCN402A)
SAE 1: Report of an experimental investigation (30%)
The scientific report will be of an experimental investigation into an aspect of sustainability. It must be presented in scientific report format and must include:
Coversheet Contents page Introduction – aim, background Method Results Discussion Conclusion References Appendices for supporting information such as calculations a draft that clearly reveals the progress/refinements made in arriving at the final report. This draft will be the only one that is permitted to be annotated by the teacher, and must be signed and dated by the teacher Log of the investigation Page numbering Diagrams and graphs (if appropriate) included in the body of the report
You may work in teams during the data collection stages of the investigation. A team would ideally be about three students, but no more than four. However, you must complete the analysis, evaluation and writing-up stages individually
. Only one draft may be submitted for feedback to one teacher . The report length should be a maximum of 1,500 words (The word count does not include coversheet, contents, appendices, draft, diagrams, graphs, log or reference list. Material that exceeds the word limit will not be considered) . The report must be completed over the agreed period of time and submitted in Week 10. The report will be locally marked and centrally verified.
In addition to the report, you must include a log and a rough draft. (These are not included in the word count.)
Outline of the task You will design and undertake an experimental investigation into an aspect of sustainability. The experiment will investigate a specific factor and will be supplemented by library research. You will then relate the findings from your experiment to the impact of the factor on a real life application of the chosen aspect of sustainability
Safety considerations
©TAFE NSW – Tertiary Preparation - 9048, 9046, 9045 (2010 – V2) Page 2 of 13 Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework NSWTSCN402A Care should be taken to choose substances, processes and reactions that are safe to use and, at all times, suitable safety procedures must be followed. All safety considerations need to be discussed in your report.
The log The log is an ongoing record showing how you carried out the investigation. As it is a working record, it is completed as you go, and would not be expected to be typed.
You must write about:
Planning How you decided: which factor to investigate which tests to carry out which real life applications you were going to study which library investigations/interviews you needed to make
Progress You must report on: difficulties encountered and modifications made consultations with your teacher
Reflection Think about and record your observations of: what you have learned during the investigation how this links to other learning areas any other real world applications how your log could provide evidence of team work You must start your log as soon as you start planning this investigation. Your teacher will require you to submit your log and discuss your investigation at regular intervals to check on your progress.
Draft This should be included in the log and should contain annotations (comments, thoughts) to show ideas for improvement. You may show one draft of your report to one teacher, who will discuss it with you and provide feedback.
Report format: Writing a Scientific Report Writing a scientific report requires a particular style and structure that is different from other text-types. Write your report in the following sections.
Title page On this page write the title of your report, the date and your student number.
Introduction Aims of the investigation. Background of the investigation and hypothesis.
Methods Describe and explain the experimental design you used to carry out your investigation.
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Results Outline the results of your investigation.
Interpretation of results Discuss your findings and describe any difficulties you had.
Discussion and Conclusion Discuss the experiment and relate it to a real life application of decomposition.
References This should be a list of all the sources of information you have consulted during the course of your investigation. Give the titles, author, year and publisher for any reference material you used.
Use in-text referencing for any direct quotes and diagrams used in the report.
Acknowledgement of assistance from individuals must be included in this section of the report.
When writing the reference list different sources of information must be grouped by their origin (books, magazines, journals, pamphlets, Internet, CD-ROM, interviews etc). If material such as a journal article is obtained from the Internet, it should still be listed under journal articles.
Appendix Attach information that provides additional background to your report, for example, raw data that is summarised in the report. All appendices should be referred to in the report. (These do not make up part of the word count.)
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Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework (NSWTSCN402A) SAE 1: Scientific report of an experimental investigation into factors involved in an aspect of sustainability Student number: ______Very High Medium Low Very Not Criteria for assessing the investigation: High Low Shown Teacher comments 5 4 3 2 1 0 The extent to which the report provides evidence that the student is able to:
1. Provide the aim and background information
2. Describe the experimental method and design supporting the investigation
3. Report and interpret results
4. Discuss the experiment and relate it to real life application of an aspect of sustainability
5. Research and reference information
6. Use effective scientific communication
Total Result /30
©TAFE NSW – Tertiary Preparation - 9048, 9046, 9045 (2010 – V2) Page 5 of 13 Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework NSWTSCN402A
This assessment sheet will be used by teachers to assess the investigation.
©TAFE NSW – Tertiary Preparation - 9048, 9046, 9045 (2010 – V2) Page 6 of 13 Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework NSWTSCN402A Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework (NSWTSCN402A) SAE 1: Criteria for assessing the experimental investigation into factors involved in an aspect of sustainability 1. Provide the aim and background Information To gain a very high, the student will: 1.1 make a statement of the aim and scope of the investigation 1.2 state the hypothesis relating to the investigation 1.3 outline a range of factors that affect the aspect of sustainability 1.4 investigate the effect of one of the factors 1.5 analyse issues critical to the aspect of sustainability For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5. 2. Describe the experimental method and design supporting the investigation To gain a very high the student will: 2.1 describe and explain the method used to carry out the investigation 2.2 identify the aspect of sustainability to be investigated 2.3 explain why this factor was investigated 2.4 provide a thorough and accurate list of any apparatus and materials used in the investigation 2.5 clearly, explain how risk assessments in the investigation were undertaken and identify how the hazards in the investigation were addressed For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5. 3. Report and interpretation of results To gain a very high the student will: 3.1 record observations in appropriate formats 3.2 present results in appropriate, clearly set out and labelled formats appropriate to the aspect of sustainability investigated. 3.3 complete any relevant calculations accurately and present results using appropriate scientific and mathematical abbreviations and notations 3.4 interpret data to identify patterns and relationships related to observations made and compare with expected results 3.5 present conclusions drawn from results and related to the aims of the investigation
(Note: if the investigation is unsuccessful, it should be acknowledged in this section of the report) For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5.
©TAFE NSW – Tertiary Preparation - 9048, 9046, 9045 (2010 – V2) Page 7 of 13 Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework NSWTSCN402A 4. Discuss the experiment and relate it to real life applications of the selected investigation To gain a very high the student will: 4.1 research and present information on the selected investigation associated with efficiency and sustainability 4.2 evaluate a real life application of the selected investigation relevant to this experiment. 4.3 discuss how the factor investigated in this experiment could affect the selected investigation in the real life application 4.4 evaluate the consequences for energy use and the renewable use of resources 4.5 suggest possible approaches to improve and extend the investigation For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5.
5. Research and referencing information To gain a very high a student will: 5.1 provide a reference list in an agreed format 5.2 access information using at least two different types of secondary sources e.g. books, magazines, pamphlets, videos, CD-ROM, Internet, interviews etc 5.3 include items in the reference list that are relevant and current (published in the last five years) 5.4 critically evaluate at least two references for reliability and appropriateness of information 5.5 include in-text referencing in the body of the report with at least one reference to each item in the reference list For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5.
6. Use effective scientific communication (this criterion refers to the report as a whole) To gain a very high the student will: 6.1 lay out work clearly with appropriate organisation, including headings following the format for a scientific report 6.2 use scientific terms correctly and in appropriate context 6.3 use language which demonstrates the tentative nature of scientific ideas (for example using words such as could, maybe, possibly, suggests and avoiding words like proves) 6.4 include a log of the investigation which provides evidence of personal involvement and initiative on the part of the student 6.5 include a draft of the investigation which provides evidence of editing own work, as well as planning and consultation on the part of the student For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5.
©TAFE NSW – Tertiary Preparation - 9048, 9046, 9045 (2010 – V2) Page 8 of 13 Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework NSWTSCN402A Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework (NSWTSCN402A)
SAE 2: Portfolio (30%)
N.B. SAE 1 cannot be entered as an item in the portfolio. The following items must be included in the portfolio: ITEM 1: A case study report of an analysis of trends in resource use as indicated by the concept of ecological footprints This item must be an in-class written assessment. Learners will be given 60 minutes to complete this in-class written assessment. Learners may bring notes of no more than 100 words to class for this assessment. They can also have access to graph paper, Bilingual Dictionaries, Non- programmable Calculators and a copy of a prepared Reference List. ITEM 2: A case study report on a potentially ecologically sustainable development This item must be a combination of in-class and take-home work. The length should not exceed 1000 words – diagrams, graphs and reference lists are not counted in the word count. Material that exceeds the word limit will not be considered.
Item 1 will be marked against criterion 1 & 2 Item 2 will be marked against criterion 3 & 4 Criteria 5 & 6 will be used to assess the complete portfolio i.e. the combined submission of items 1 and 2 Students should have a copy of the marking criteria for reference when completing the in-class assessment.
One draft of item 1 in the portfolio may be submitted to one teacher prior to the in-class assessment One draft of item 2 in the portfolio may be submitted to one teacher The level of assistance provided by the teacher should be guidance to where learners need to make improvements and general statements how this could be done. It should not include correcting errors or providing detailed examples of what they could be including. Appendices are not to be used. The portfolio is to be submitted in Week 16 of the Semester in which the unit of competency was undertaken Computers/Laptops cannot be used in the in-class written assessment for Item 1 Technology should be used e.g. word processed, in the presentation of portfolio item 2
©TAFE NSW – Tertiary Preparation - 9048, 9046, 9045 (2010 – V2) Page 9 of 13 Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework NSWTSCN402A
Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework (NSWTSCN402A) SAE 2: Portfolio Student number: ______
Very High Medium Low Very Not Criteria for assessing the portfolio: High Low Shown Teacher comments 5 4 3 2 1 0 The extent to which the portfolio provides evidence that the student is able to: 1. Investigate a potentially ecologically sustainable development (ESD) 2. Evaluate energy and resource use implications in a potentially ecologically sustainable development (ESD) 3. Evaluate the impacts of own ecological footprints on the environment 4. Evaluate resources implications of ecological footprints on the environment
5. Communicate effectively using appropriate reporting format
6. Present and interpret information and data relevant to investigations
Result /30
©TAFE NSW – Tertiary Preparation - 9048, 9046, 9045 (2010 – V2) Page 10 of 13 Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework NSWTSCN402A
This assessment sheet will be used by teachers to assess the portfolio.
©TAFE NSW – Tertiary Preparation - 9048, 9046, 9045 (2010 – V2) Page 11 of 13 Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework NSWTSCN402A Evaluate sustainable development in a scientific framework (NSWTSCN402A) SAE 2: Criteria for assessing the portfolio
1. Investigate a potentially ecologically sustainable development (ESD) (This criterion relates to Item 1 in the portfolio)
To gain a very high a student will:
1.1 describe the activity or development including (if appropriate) maps or diagrams 1.2 identify a range of environmental impacts associated with the activity or development 1.3 identify and describe the ways in which the activity or development claims to be ecologically sustainable 1.4 critically evaluate the ecological sustainability of the development 1.5 make recommendations that could improve the ecological sustainability of the development
For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5. 2. Evaluate energy and resource use implications in a potentially ecologically sustainable development (ESD) (this criterion relates to item 1 in the portfolio)
2.1 identify renewable and non-renewable energy sources utilised in the development 2.2 evaluate renewable and non-renewable energy sources utilised in the development 2.3 identify a range of natural resources utilised in the development 2.4 identify environmental, social and economic impacts of resource use in the development 2.5 evaluate waste management practices in the development
For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5.
3. Evaluate the impacts of own ecological footprints on the environment (This criterion relates to item 2 in the portfolio)
To gain a very high a student will:
3.1 provide a description of the concept of ecological footprint 3.2 identify a range of factors that contribute to own ecological footprint 3.3 present results of an on-line ecological footprint calculator 3.4 discuss strategies to reduce own ecological footprint 3.5 analyse impacts of ecological footprints on global resource use
For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5.
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4. Evaluate resources implications of ecological footprints on the environment (This criterion relates to item 2 in the portfolio)
To gain a very high a student will:
4.1 identify a range of natural resources impacted on by ecological footprints 4.2 describe changes in global population and the resulting changes occurring in the global ecological footprint 4.3 analyse environmental, social and economic impacts on ecological footprints 4.4 discuss strategies to reduce the global ecological footprint 4.5 evaluate trends and consequences of ecological footprints on global resource use
For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5.
5. Communicate effectively using appropriate reporting format (This criterion relates to the whole portfolio i.e. the combined submission of items 1 and 2)
To gain a very high a student will:
5.1 present work clearly in appropriate report format 5.2 accurately and effectively express relevant information in own words 5.3 use appropriate terminology correctly in relevant contexts 5.4 demonstrate understanding and appropriate use of scientific methodology 5.5 include in-text referencing and reference lists
For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5.
6. Present and interpret information and data relevant to investigations (This criterion relates to the whole portfolio i.e. the combined submission of Items 1 and 2)
To gain a very high a student will:
6.1 record observations 6.2 present findings in appropriate formats such as tables, graphs and diagrams 6.3 analyse and interpret data, graphs and/or diagrams appropriately 6.4 quantify data and use calculations correctly where appropriate 6.5 evaluate the accuracy of the data
For this criterion - Score 0/5 if none of the above descriptors clearly and thoroughly addressed - Score 1/5 for each descriptor clearly and thoroughly addressed, up to a maximum 5/5.
(End of marking criteria)
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