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Power Up Plus! Unit Template for 21st Century Teaching and Learning
Unit Plan Title: Reading Fluency (poetry and personal narratives)
Developed By: Michele Merrill Grade Level: Third Length of Unit:3 weeks Standard: What standards will provide the focus for this unit? Choose one core content and one educational technology. 3.W.1.1 Students can write statements, questions, commands, and exclamations. 3.W.1.3 Students can write a paragraph using supporting details. 3.W.2.1 Students can capitalize geographical names, holidays, special events, titles of books and stories, and titles of people 33.W.2.2 Students can use commas when writing dates, city and state, and items in a series. 3.R.2.1 Students can apply comprehension strategies to read and interpret text. 3.R.2.2 Students can fluently read aloud. 3.R.3.1 Students can identify and describe literary elements and devices in literature 3.CT.1.1 Identify parts of an operating system environment 3.CT.2.1 Use a word processor to develop a product. 3.CP.2.1 Describe how a message communicated through information technology is affected by an audience.
Essential Questions: What essential questions will focus this unit? What is poetry? What are limericks, haikus, free verse and acrostics poems? How do writers self‐evaluate their personal stories? How do writers engage their readers by sharing personal experiences? How do writers enhance their personal story? How do writers build from graphic organizers (prewriting plan) to expand thinking about a topic? How do writers write stories about themselves in a logical sequence of events? How do writers identify a main idea from their prewriting plan?
What does reading fluently sound like? Academic Vocabulary: List the key terms students will need to know in order to understand the content. Technology words: student page, wiki space page, linking, embedding, avatars (voki), social networking/sharing Reading: fluency, comprehension Writing: personal narratives, wordels, dialogue, rhyme, poetry, Learning Targets: What are the knowledge, reasoning, skill, and product targets unpacked from the standard or benchmark? Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Create Evaluate Analyze Apply Understand Remember Content (nouns) Skill Assessments (verbs) What topics do students need to know? What should students be able to do to What could students do or create to Understand Terms process and retain the knowledge? demonstrate their understanding? Explain what reading fluency sounds like. . *Formal Assessment Technology words: student page, wiki Organize words to create an acrostic *Rubric on final written project space page, linking, embedding, avatars poem to be written. *Student Self-Evaluation on published (voki), social networking/sharing Identify personal narratives and acrostic work poems. Reading: fluency, comprehension Explain their completed table. Informal Assessment Create an acrostic poem *Class Discussions Writing: personal narratives, wordels, Revise, Edit and publish a personal * Individual work on selected tasks dialogue, rhyme, poetry, acrostic poems narrative and poems *Held individual conferences with Practice reading fluently. students during the writing process.
Page 1 Content (nouns) Skill (verbs) Assessments What topics do students need to know? What should students be able to do to What could students do or create to process and retain the knowledge? demonstrate their understanding? Development of ideas based on personal experience Demonstrate comprehension by Students will…. Sensory details reviewing other personal narratives Writer’s thoughts and feelings and discussing how they might apply First person point-of-view Whole Class…. Discuss the writing Dialogue where appropriate some of the same techniques to their projects and what they learned from own work their writing and reviewing their classmates’ personal narratives, Students will complete a Peer Review poetry, as well as reading fluency. Worksheet after reading another students’ narrative. If they have Students will find words that begin time, students can discuss their with the letters in their chosen word, narratives with their reviewers as using a variety of sources including well. word banks and online dictionaries. Students will create two acrostic Students will revise their personal poems. narratives using the feedback from the peer review sheets. Publish their poems to the web by creating a voki and reading them They will turn in these sheets along fluently with their final personal narrative. Students will select a personal narrative from their writing journal to revise, edit and publish.
Each student will use Microsoft word to type their story and read it to their class. They will also create Wordel using the text of their narrative and then publish it to the classroom wiki.
Page 2 Planning the Learning Experiences: What learning experiences will equip students to demonstrate the targeted learnings? In other words, what instructional strategies can be used to facilitate students’ ability to successfully complete the assessments? Learning Cycle Tech Integration Reading Strategies
Where: How will you let participants know the Before KWL Chart Class discussion about the expected outcomes/purpose of the work? Smartboard activities for terms listed above and used when reading examples the introducing narrative selection and Students will be given a listening target at the writing samples. beginning of the class and asked to repeat developing their poetry Discuss attributes and characteristics of what they are to remember or learn during Internet to share the poetry, personal narrative and oral reading each class. In short they are given the Acrostic Poem interactive fluency. standard orally. with the students. Hook: How will you engage participants? Complete an example together. Or, demonstrate During Throughout the use of online resources such the ReadWriteThink KWL Chart Class discussion about the terms listed above and used when as video lips, vokis, and websites in addition Printing Press for helpers, introducing narrative selection and to a variety of high interest books students indicating which template developing their poetry will be engaged throughout the unit. to use for students' work. During the readings of their poetry and Acrostic Poems for Children personal narratives the previous evaluation Explore: What activities will provide experiences of the student reading offers visual cues to and explorations to equip participants for Voki.com to publish their improve fluency. completing the final performances? fluency and poetry. Through out the unit, the students will be After KWL Chart Class discussion about the guided through each step with the aid of Lucy My wiki space for other terms listed above and used when sites for the students to Culkin’s book the Writing workshop activities introducing narrative selection and to complete tasks. use. developing their poetry Students will listen to their oral reading Reflect: In what ways will participants be Networked word and evaluate their classmate fluency and encouraged to dig deeper through feedback and processing application for poetry. self-assessment? typing, editing, saving, and Students will also try to match the visual The class added to KWL chart throughout the publishing the story wordle to the students shared narrative. lessons. The students shared what they would 21st Century Skills: change about their creations if they could. Wordle.com to create a Digital Age Literacy What would it be and why. visual representation of their narrative. Inventive Thinking
Exhibit: How will participants show their level of Effective Communication understanding? Evaluate their strengths and High Productivity challenges?
Students will show their level of understanding by reading their creations fluently and sharing their creations with other students. Then ask question to their classmates and answer questions from their classmates.
Page 3 Lessons/Activities: Use this space to describe sequence of learning activities, materials/resources needed, time frames, etc. Read and show some acrostic poems to students. Gather students and explain that they will help you write a poem using the letters in a chosen word. On chart paper, write a name vertically down the left side, so that each letter can be the first letter of the first word of one line. Have students read the letters aloud, starting at the top. Write all appropriate suggestions on the letter/word matrix and explain that the chart is going to be a word bank the whole class can use. If no one can come up with an appropriate word, refer to the online dictionary for some ideas. Show students how to find lists of words by clicking on a letter. When the poem is complete, have students read it aloud together and then talk about it. Does it make sense? Do you get a picture of the person by reading the poem? Did we use complete sentences or just words and phrases? Is there anything we should change? If changes are suggested, talk about them and change some words if desired. Leave the poem displayed on the wall. Have students begin by writing their nouns in capital letters down the left side of a sheet of paper, then to begin their poem. Invite them to help each other find words they need that begin with the letters of their names, and to use those words in phrases. Have adult helpers assist students as needed, if they are available. As students work, invite them to add any particularly interesting words to the matrix for others to use, too. As students finish their poems, have them informally share with each other. Working with pairs or small groups of students, invite them to give each other suggestions. Encourage students to rewrite their poems on clean paper if they have done a lot of erasing. When all students are finished, have volunteers read their poems aloud to the group. Students will then create a voki make their recordings and publish them to the classroom site. After instruction is done. Students will select a personal narrative from their writing journals to revise, edit and publish. After a student review and conferencing with the teacher the students will use the laptops to type their stories and print out for display and to use while they practice reading them fluently. Finally they will use wordle to create a visual representation of their personal stories.
Modifications: In what ways will the learning experiences be differentiated to meet student needs? Far Below Standard Approaching Standard Meeting Standard Exceeding Standard Have students create one Have the students work Have students create two Have the students write an acrostic poem. Then with a partner to create acrostic poems. Then in additional poem or narrative. provide assistance to the any of the projects order to practice their Assist other students. student to publish voki on assigned. fluency students will the classroom site. create a voki, read their Depending on the ability. poetry and record it then The student could orally post it to their classroom tell his narrative while an page. assistant types it into the Students will also publish a computer and pasting it personal narrative and into the wordle to be read it fluently to their displayed with the class. class while displaying a visual representation of their narrative through wordle.
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