The List of Enterprises to Be Privatized Along with Their Brief Description
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The list of enterprises to be privatized along with their brief description
1. Konin Lignite Mine in Kleczew S.A. The company is one of four coal (lignite) mines in Poland. Its share in the domestic lignite mine is 20%. It functions as a multi-pit mine. Current exploitation is around 9-10 million tons. The company has highly qualified personnel, optimized production processes as well as modern information systems to manage the company. The lignite mine “Konin” has it interests in the Holiday-Nursing Center “Lignite” in Kołobrzeg; “Aquakon” producent of the mineral water from Police; security agency “Asekuracja”; Health Care and Occupational Medicine Center “MED-ALKO”; “PWE GUBIN” a company that is searching for new brown coal deposits; in “Eko-Surowce” Company. Address: ul. 600-lecia 9 62-540 Kleczew Tel. (+48 63) 247 60 00
2. Lignite Mine Adamów SA in Turek City The company is exploitating the lignite deposits for power house "Adamów" which total power production is 600 MW, forming a part of the Power Team "Pątnów-Adamów-Konin" SA. It is one of the four coal mines in the country which is extracting lignite for electricity production. The annual production - about 4.5 million tons of lignite - takes place in opencast pits using three deposits by specialized machinery. Company's priority is to deliver fuel to produce electricity at prices competitive to other energy sources. Its share in the domestic lignite is about 8%. Address: ul. Uniejowska 9 62-700 Turek Tel. (+48 63) 278 73 02 Fax (+48 63) 278 51 09
3. MEPROZET KOŚCIAN S.A. The Company is the largest manufacturer of slurry tankers in Poland and one of the largest in Europe. The several dozen year tradition of slurry tankers design and construction provides our products with the state-of-the-artness, durability and reliability. New soloutions, released every year by the company draw much interest and attention of numerous purchasers when displayed at domestic and international exhibitions. Their products have been awarded at various agricultural shows and exhibitions. It sells their products In Poland, Lithuania, Latria, Belarus, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Norway and Sweden. Address: ul. Gostyńska 71 64-000 Kościan tel.: (+48 65) 512 25 79 fax: (+48 65) 512 11 62
4. H.Cegielski – Poznań S.A. seated in Poznań The Company is the only European manufacturer of low-speed two-stroke high-power engines (up to 30,000 kW) built under the licence of MAN Diesel and Wärtsilä. The engines produced by the Company are used by land-based power plants and in the shipbuilding industry – as the main propulsion units. The Company’s offer includes 32 engine types of varied power. Within its production offer, the engines can be delivered with an electronically controlled fuel injection system, which allows very precise control of basic parameters in order to achieve the best performance, optimal exhaust gas emission control and fuel consumption. The engines manufactured by the Company are large labour demand products ranging from 25 000 – 50 000 hours/unit. The Company’s annual production capacity amounts to 20 – 24 engines. Taking into account the real property held by the Company in perpetual usufruct, the HCP group makes use in total of approx. 50 ha of land and approx. 300 000 m2 of usable area consisting of production, storage and office areas, rest and refreshment rooms, maintenance rooms, etc. The Company’s strategy assumes an increase in the production of engines for the power market, power industry groups and large industrial enterprises at home and abroad. At the beginning of 2010, the Company’s Management Board entered into cooperation with a company from Bangladesh aimed to deliver generating sets to that market. Address: 28 Czerwca 1956 r. nr 223/229 60-965 Poznań
5. HOLAGRA Sp. z o.o. seated in Leszno The company is engaged in the manufacture and sale of feed ingredients and feeds for farm animals. The company operates mainly in the local market where it has a share of approx. 2-3 percent. Its activities are conduced in the traditionally agricultural territory of the Wielkopolska region. The main customers of the company are individual farms (90% of production). HOLAGRA is not engaged in export activities. The company operates on the retail market. The current production output of about 1200 tons monthly may be increased after modernization of the plant. The main goal of the company’s strategy of development is to adjust its technology to the market needs and to lower production costs by gradual modernization. Address: ul. Śniadeckich 1 64-100 Leszno Tel. (+48 65) 529 93 99 Fax (+48 65) 529 93 99
6. Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie Sp. z o.o. seated in Poznań Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie Sp. z o.o. is Polish leader in the exhibition industry. It holds more than 50% of Polish market share and it is the first exhibition organizer in Central and Eastern Europe. The company is a member of UFI and Centrex - organizations that bring together exhibition industry leaders from around the world. Poznań Convention Centre, situated at the MTP, is the largest conference facility in Poland. MTP offers country's largest exhibition and conference infrastructure - there are 16 modern, air-conditioned pavilions and 60 meeting rooms, comfortable spaces for discussions and business meetings, banqueting facilities, open area professionally prepared for light construction as well as attended parking for over 1000 cars. MTP offers its exhibitors professional arrangement and complex ready- for-use setting up of exhibition stands.The Company has won many awards, including prestigious Economic Award of the President of the Republic of Poland, and Teraz Polska Award. Address: Głogowska 14 St. 60-734 Poznań Board Secretary’s Office: tel. (+48 61) 869 23 01 Switchboard: tel./fax (+48 61) 869 29 99 7. Wielkopolskie Centrum Hodowli i Rozrodu Zwierząt w Poznaniu z siedzibą w Tulcach Sp. z o.o. Wielkopolskie Center for Plant Breeding and Reproduction of Animals in Poznan seated in Tulce The company’s core activities include insemination services and sale of semen harvested from bulls and boars, with an area of operation covering Wielkopolskie and Lubuskie provinces. Apart from its headquarters in Tulce, the company has five branch offices located in towns of Wielkopolskie province (Gostyń, Kościelec, Ostrów Wielkopolski and Wągrowiec) and one branch office in Ziemia Lubuska (Skwierzyna). Each of the company’s branches consists of a bull semen storage centre and a boar semen collection centre. Two bull semen collection centres are located in Tulce and Gostyń. In Tulce there is also a central bull semen bank. Wielkopolskie Centrum Hodowli i Rozrodu Zwierząt is a leading provider of insemination services and supplier of animal semen in the region. Competition includes one insemination company operating in the local market and private inseminators obtaining semen supplies from dealers representing foreign animal breeding companies. Polish farmers are the main customers to purchase bull and boar semen as well as materials for animal production. The company’s bulls are highly recognized for their breeding values and take top spots in numerous rankings. Address: ul. Poznańska 13 63-004 Tulce Wielkopolskie ph.: (+48 61) 873 85 01 fax: (+48 61) 872 73 54
8. Zakłady Chemiczne Rudniki S.A. Chemical plants seated in Rudniki The company conducts business activity in the sector of inorganic chemical products and raw materials. The core activities of the company are production and sale of sodium silicates and potassium silicates. The company produces among other things: sodium silicate in lumps, potassium silicate, sodium water glass, potassium water glass, sodium-potassium glass, silica filler “Arsil” and sodium silicate. The company products have a wide application in the production of household chemical products as well as in the paper, chemical, rubber, building, ceramic, metal and machine industries. The washing agents produced by the company for the food industry hold appropriate attestations issued by the National Institute of Hygiene (PZH). All company products hold RID and ADR certificates and have valid material safety data sheets. All of the company’s activities are covered by certification of the quality and environmental management system implemented in accordance with ISO 9000 and 14000 standards. As regards the company products, the company is a leader in Poland. The company sells its products to approx. 300 domestic and foreign customers. About half of all company customers are regular customers which have been buying company products for 10 years. At present, the company uses about 75-80% of its production capacities. The degree of use of production capacities varies in different groups of products. The company has reserves of production capacities that can be readily used. Address: ul. Fabryczna 1 42-240 Rudniki ph.: (+48 34) 321 07 00
9. Zakłady Przemysłu Ziemniaczanego “Zetpezet” w Pile Sp. z o.o. Potato Processing Plant “Zetpezet” seated in Piła Advanced and constantly upgraded technology allows “Zetpezet” to offer a wide range of products. The core business activity of the company is processing of potatoes for starch and production of starch products for the food industry (food thickeners, blancmange flour, food stabilizers), the paper industry (products for surface sealing of papers) and the textile industry (interfacings for natural and synthetic fibers). The company also manufactures starch syrups, potato starch and feed protein. 40% of the company’s production is exported to China, Africa, USA, South America, Australia, EU countries and former Soviet republics. The main consumer of starch products on the domestic market is the processing industry. The sales market is dominated by three branches: the food industry, the cellulose and paper industry, and the chemical industry. In the future, the company intends to develop manufacture of starch products and to create new products, especially in the category of food modifiers. The scope of the company’s investment plans focuses on further modernization of key production departments – the starch processing department and the starch products department. These environment-friendly modernizations are intended to increase production efficiency. Address: ul. Walki Młodych 30 64-920 Piła Tel. (+48 67) 212 27 10 Fax (+48 67) 212 27 48
10. Grodziska Fabryka Wyposażenia Wagonów GROWAG Sp. z o.o. Wagon Factory Equipment Grodziska seated in Zdrój The major business of the company is the production of railway seats mounted in passenger railway cars, seats for electric multiple units and railbusses. In recent years this production accounted for 70-75% sales revenues. Apart from seats the company specialises in the production and regeneration of hydraulic shock absorbers, used in railway carriages and locomotives. Plans for further upgrading of rolling stock of domestic and foreign operators are the basis for optimistic projections for the growth in demand for company products, in particular in the light of possible utilization of the aid from the European Union, e.g. for the purchase of 20 multiple unit trains by PKP Inter City, that are expected to enter Polish tracks between 2011 and 2012. The company intends to strengthen its leading position on the Polish railway seat market by launching new designs of seats. Also, there are plans to expand its geographic coverage to include Central and Eastern European countries. Address: 62-065 Grodzisk Wielkopolski Zdrój 49A Switchboard and Secretary Office ph.: (+48 61) 442 72 00 fax: (+48 61) 442 72 59
11. ELEKTROMONTAŻ – POZNAŃ S.A. Elektromontaż Poznań S.A. is a leading provider of electric power engineering services, and a supplier of electrical equipment and systems. The company has been offering one of the best and most powerful solutions for over 50 years. The corporate mission is based upon the concept of the customer’s unconditional satisfaction. Both main contractors and end users are among the many clients of Elektromontaż. The company have implemented a state-of-the-art SAP integrated computer system for more efficient corporate management. Elektromontaż outstanding expertise has been employed on several thousand projects nationally and abroad, serving both main contractors and end users. Address: ul. Wieruszowska 12/16 60-166 Poznań email: [email protected] tel.kom +48 608 921 129 fax 61 865 58 08
12. Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Lesznie, Municipal Water and Sewage in Leszno Ltd. Operates in a market as an independent entity over fifteen years. The core activities of the Company are: manufacture and supply of water for the population and other consumers, sewage disposal and treatment, conducting operational activities and maintenance and repair water and sanitation facilities as well as investment and development activities. In addition to its core business it performs tasks such as: • laboratory testing of water, wastewater and sewage sludge: analysis of the physico-chemical, bacteriological, parasitological studies, • storm water drainage network operation, • cleaning of sewerage lines and storm drains and, • training and professional conferences, • environmental education of children and youth • investment in renewable energy. Address: ul. Lipowa 76 64-100 Leszno tel. (0-65) 529-83-11
13. Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Przemysłu Oponiarskiego STOMIL Poznań, Research and Developing Centre of the Tyre Industry “STOMIL” Cm Ltd. The Company was established in 1957 and specializes in research works about tires testing and elaboration and implementation into practical application of new design and manufacture technologies of untypical tires and rubber based goods. Some of the major activities of the company are: tire testing; material research, work from range of construction and technology, expert opinions, experimental and small lot productions. Address: ul. Starołęcka 18 61-361 Poznań [email protected]
14. SUPOMET Sp. z o.o. Poznań The company operates in the field of occupational safety products. The offer includes protective clothing, masks, helmets, fire-fighting equipment and hydraulic cabinet. Address: Poplińskich 10 61-574 Poznań tel. +48 61 833 66 38
15. Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu Ziemniaczanego „TRZEMESZNO” Sp. z o.o. Potato Industry Company in Trzemeszno A potato processing company is a major player among the leading producers of potato starch in the Polish market. Over a hundred years tradition and experience, qualified workers, raw material coming from ecological farms, and modern technology guarantee the highest quality of our products. The company sell to the largest Polish manufacturing and trade companies, and numerous foreign companies worldwide. Address: ul. Przemysłowa 4 62-240 Trzemeszno tel. +48 61 41 54 350 16. POLMO GNIEZNO Ltd. The Company is a private family company with nearly a hundred years of history. Origins date back to 1919 years of existence. Polmo Gniezno always worked in the metal industry and electrical engineering. Gained extensive experience puts us at the forefront of producers of metal industry. Thanks to modern machines and qualified and experienced staff the company can offer professional service and the highest quality of manufactured products. Polmo Gniezno Company is a company providing reliable quality products in accordance with ISO 9001 certified TUV Certified. The products have gained recognition from the producers of engineering, automotive and metal industry in the country and abroad. Main products are: differential gears, reduction gearbox, planetary transmission, belt stretcher, gears and toothed shafts (spur gears; helical gears; bevel gears; hypoid gears; sun and planetary gears), elements with internal and external splines, chain wheels and belt pulleys. Address: ul. Roosevelta 120 62-200 Gniezno [email protected] tel. +48 61 426 53 80
17. Wielkopolska Gildia Rolno-Ogrodnicza S.A. w Poznaniu, Wielkopolska Agricultural- Horticultural Guild in Poznan The essence of the Wielkopolska Agricultural-Horticultural Guild of SA is to build an integrated supply chain of agricultural and food products. The company's mission is realized through: - Administering the wholesale market and the marketing of agri-food products in a manner that meets the requirements of food safety, - Conducting business based on the optimal distribution and logistics solutions, including the principles of food safety system in the area of trade. Address: 61-302 Poznań Franowo 1 tel.: +48 61 876 32 00
18. Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Samochodowej w Ostrowie Wielkopolskim Sp. z o.o. Motor Transport Company Ltd. in Ostrów Wielkopolski The company of a public utility operating in three regions: Wielkopolska, Łódź and Silesia. It is one of the largest transport companies in Poland. Supports long-distance services, long distance passenger communications and international passenger services in Europe. Address: Stefana Batorego 35 Ostrów Wielkopolski 63-400 62 735 07 00
19. Przedsiębiorstwo Usługowo-Techniczne MOBILER Sp. z o.o. Mobiler Service and Technical Company Ltd. The company is active in the car - service, automobile workshops, service in the Piła city. Address: ul. Kossaka 90, 64-920 Piła Tel. +48 67 212 23 83
20. Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe TRANSKOM Sp. z o.o. Transkom Multiple Company The company was established in 1993. It operates in the following sectors: passenger transport, automotive, commercial and advertising. Address: ul. Piaskowa 1 62-028 Koziegłowy k/Poznania Centrala - 61 65 14 700
More information abort the privatization in Wielkopolska Region is availeble on Ministry of Treasury in section “service for investors”, tel +48 22 695 90 01, e-mail: [email protected]