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Specification Clarification/Modification and Recap of the Networking/Bidders Conferences Held on September 29, 2009 and September 30, 2009 ______
The following Sections have been modified to read as shown below. Changes made to the original RFP document are in bold print and highlighted, and deletions made have a strike through.
ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A – Acknowledgement Exhibit B – Bid Form Exhibit C – Insurance Requirements Exhibit D1 – Current References Exhibit D2 – Former References Exhibit E – SLEB Certification Application Package Exhibit F – Small and Local Business Subcontracting Information Exhibit G – Request for Small and Local or Emerging Preference
1401 LAKESIDE DRIVE, SUITE 907, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612 510 208 9600 FAX 510 208 9626
I:\PURCHASING\Contracting Opportunities\Purchasing\Type 4 Brush Trucks\Addendum 2_Type 4 Brush Trucks.doc County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639, Addendum No. 2
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Exhibit H – First Source Agreement Exhibit I – Exceptions, Clarifications, Amendments Exhibit J – Standard Agreement Contract Draft Exhibit K – Environmental Certification Exhibit L – RFQ Vendor Bid List Exhibit M – Response/Content Submittal; Completeness Check List Exhibit N – Debarment and Suspension Certification Exhibit O1 – Winch Mount Exhibit O2 – Locking Mechanism Exhibit O3 – Hose Reel Assembly Exhibit O4 – Foam System Instrumentation Configuration Exhibit O5 – Control Panel Configuration Exhibit O6 – Storage Box Configuration
Requirements Checklist, #6, page 9:
DELIVERY To insure proper break in of all components while still under warranty the apparatus shall be delivered under its own power; rail or truck freight is not acceptable. A member of the Alameda County Fire Department shall pick up the apparatus from the factory and drive it to one of the ACFD stations in Alameda County. The apparatus shall be delivered by the vendor to a location within Alameda County. The time, date and place of delivery shall be scheduled by the Alameda County Fire Department in coordination with the vendor.
Requirements Checklist, #17, page 12:
NFPA 2004 2006 STANDARDS This unit shall comply with the NFPA standards effective January of 2004 2006 (or latest edition) except for customer directed specifications that replace a specific NFPA specification. Requirements Checklist, #19, page 13:
APPARATUS BODY Body to be 95" wide, 40” tall and 106"long. Body to be of sufficient strength and sufficient reinforcement to withstand the installation of a skid load with a 300-gallon tank. Body to be manufactured with .125” aluminum tread-plate materials which shall be welded together, not riveted. Side compartment depth shall be 19”. Clear center deck dimension shall be 57” wide.
Requirements Checklist, #20, page 14: ROLL BAR A 3" schedule 40-iron pipe roll bar with long radius bends is to be provided and mounted directly to the frame between the cab and body. Utility body to be modified to accept the bar. All welds are to be dressed and painted to match body color. County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639, Addendum No. 2
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Requirements Checklist, #29, page 15: PERIMETER BODY LIGHTS Six (6) Eight (8) Whelen LED red warning lights shall be provided on the apparatus. Requirements Checklist, #35, page 16: FOAM TANK A foam tank is to be provided and be 15 gallons in capacity and an integral cell within the water tank. The foam tank is to have a separate fill tower. A large label “CLASS A FOAM ONLY” shall be attached to the fill inlet.
Requirements Checklist, #40, page 17: PLUMBING The following stainless steel plumbing shall be provided at the rear of the unit. All valves are to be Akron swing out type with chrome caps.
Requirements Checklist, #44, page 18: CONTROL PANELS A control panel shall be installed at the rear of the body. Pressure and intake lines shall be plumbed with Teflon lined stainless steel braded lines. The following gauges and controls shall be installed.
Requirements Checklist, #49, page 19: TRUCKS WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Four (4) Auto City grab handles - at rear of body as directed. Four (4) folding steps at rear and front of body as directed. Two (2) tow eyes at rear. Three (3) radio antennas shall be installed. Cables are to be routed to the underside of the center cab console. A department furnished MDC will be installed by bidder ACFD personnel.
Responses to Verbal Questions
Q1) On page 25 of the RFQ, Item 10. Proprietary or Confidential Information, the County states:
Additionally, all bid responses shall become the property of County.
At what point is the bid response considered property of the County? Is it the County’s property upon being received, or after the bid opening? A) Bid responses become County property after the bid response is opened during the bid opening.
Q2) Is the SLEB program desired or mandated? A) Fulfillment of the SLEB requirement is mandatory. County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639, Addendum No. 2
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Q3) Is it a negative if a bidder cannot meet the SLEB requirement? A) It is not a negative all by itself. There are several considerations that the County would look at, for instance, a local firm that could build the unit right here in Alameda County. If a bidder builds the unit in Pennsylvania and ships it to the County, and there is no opportunity for subcontracting, the County expects the bidder to state and explain that situation in their bid response and ask for a waiver. The County’s SLEB requirements cannot be ignored. It must either be met or addressed. If a bidder is unable to meet the requirement, the bidder can request a waiver.
Q4) Should bidders request the waiver before the bid submittal or as part of the bid submittal? A) Bidders should submit their request for a SLEB waiver as part of the bid submittal. If a bidder submits a bid response and is able to meet the SLEB requirement, it is unlikely that other bidders that request a waiver will have their waiver approved.
Q5) If Bidder A can meet the SLEB requirement in their bid response, while Bidder B requests a waiver, will Bidder B’s bid response be automatically rejected? A) Bidder B’s waiver may be rejected.
Q6) Is Exhibit I (Exceptions, Clarifications, Amendments) where bidders should note their request for a waiver and the reasons why? A) Yes.
Q7) Is Exhibit I for clarifying areas of the specifications and requirements sections only? A) Bidders can use Exhibit I to state any exceptions, clarifications or amendments for any part of their bid response.
Q8) The County is requiring one hard copy and one electronic copy on a thumb drive, is that correct? A) Per the RFQ (page 24, Paragraph J: SUBMITTAL OF BIDS, Item 3), Bidders are to submit an original hardcopy and one (1) electronic copy on a CD, DVD or thumb drive.
Q9) Can UPS, FedEx or USPS deliver to the specified address? A) Yes, the County regularly receives bid responses via UPS, FedEx and USPS. Regardless of how the bid response is delivered, it must be received before the specified due date and time.
Q10) On page 6, under Specific Requirements, Item 1 states:
Apparatus proposed by the bidder shall meet the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) as stated in current Pamphlet 1901 for fire apparatus except where amended herein. County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639, Addendum No. 2
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Should the unit outlined in this RFQ fall under NFPA 1906 as a Type 4 Brush Truck? And therefore, should all references to NFPA 1901 be changed to 1906? A) ALL REFERENCES WITHIN THIS RFQ WHICH STATE “NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION AGENCY (NFPA) 1901” SHALL BE MODIFIED TO READ “NFPA 1906”. The unit described in this RFQ shall be built to meet the requirements of NFPA 1906, not 1901. In some cases a specification within this RFQ calls out for something to be included which does not meet NFPA 1906. If a non-NFPA 1906 part is called for in this RFQ, the bidder shall provide that part as specified in this RFQ. In this case the item or part will not be expected to meet NFPA 1906. However, unless an item is specified in the RFQ which does not meet NFPA 1906, all items are expected to meet NFPA 1906.
Q11) Doesn’t a Type 4 Brush Truck require a 750-gallon water tank? The RFQ seems to be more a Type 6. Can the County clarify whether it should be a Type 4 or a Type 6? A) The unit the County is requesting is a wild land urban interface type unit. The County of Alameda Fire Department calls it a Type 4 unit. The unit should have a 300-gallon tank.
Q12) Page 8, Requirements Checklist # 1. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN, the RFQ states:
The completed unit shall not exceed seventeen thousand (17,000) pounds when outfitted for front line service.
Does the 17,000 pounds include the NFPA mandated allowances for personnel and equipment? A) Yes, the 17,000 pounds should include personnel and equipment.
Q13) Page 9, Requirements Checklist # 3. PRE CONSTRUCTION MEETING, the RFQ states:
There shall be a pre construction meeting to be held at the factory facility or at the Alameda County Fire Department.
Since bidders will have to factor cost into the bid, does the County clarify any preference for this requirement? Does this pre construction meeting have to take place in the County of Alameda, the manufacturing site, or the factory facility? A) The County will leave that to the bidder’s discretion. The bidder must provide for a meeting, either in-person or remotely, in which all of the County’s questions are addressed answered prior to construction.
Q14) Page 9, Requirements Checklist # 4. APPROVAL DRAWING, the RFQ states:
A detailed drawing will be provided showing locations (photo to be provided by Alameda County Fire Department) of the mounted winch assembly. County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639, Addendum No. 2
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Is this photo currently available for viewing? A) Photo of mounted winch assembly is provided in Exhibit O-1 attached to this Addendum 2.
Q15) Page 9, Requirements Checklist # 5. INSPECTION TRIPS, the RFQ states:
The bidder will allow two (2) factory inspection trips for two (2) Alameda County Fire Department customer representatives. The inspection trips will be scheduled at times mutually agreed upon between the manufacturer's representative and the customer.
The two inspections shall be as follows:
1) PRE-PAINT INSPECTION There shall be an inspection after buildup and prior to painting.
2) FINAL INSPECTION There shall be a final inspection prior to the County taking delivery of the apparatus.
Our company’s factory branch is in Ontario because that’s where we finish trucks after they have been manufactured. Pre-paint inspection would be in Pennsylvania. Would the County have any objection to having the final inspection in Ontario? A) No. The County would not object.
Q16) Page 9, Requirements Checklist # 6. DELIVERY, the RFQ states:
To insure proper break in of all components while still under warranty the apparatus shall be delivered under its own power; rail or truck freight is not acceptable. A member of the Alameda County Fire Department shall pick up the apparatus from the factory and drive it to one of the ACFD stations in Alameda County.
Will a member of the Alameda County Fire Department drive the truck from the factory to one of the ACFD stations in Alameda County? A) No, the vendor will be responsible for delivering the vehicle to a facility in Alameda County after the build is completed. See change to requirements checklist #6 in the RFQ modifications section on page 2 of this Addendum 2.
Q17) On page 11, Requirements Checklist # 10. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS, the RFQ states:
The unit is to be of current year manufacture, and is to be new and unused. County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639, Addendum No. 2
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This could be problematic since the County requires the unit to be delivered 150-days after the contract is awarded. Can the County please clarify what its expectation of “current year manufacture” is? A) The unit shall be of the latest available model year at the time of PO issuance.
Q18) On page 12, Requirements Checklist # 16, BUILD TIME, the RFQ states:
The maximum period for completion and delivery/acceptance of the unit shall not exceed 150 calendar days after receipt of order. This time frame will begin when the contract (or purchase order) is received and accepted by the contractor.
Please clarify. A) The unit shall be delivered no more than 150 days after vendor takes receipt of chassis from the chassis manufacturer.
Q19) Page 13, Requirements Checklist # 18. CHASSIS, the RFQ states:
17,500 GVWR
Would the County consider a 19,500 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) unit? A) Yes, the County will consider a 19,500 GVWR unit.
Q20) On page 13, Requirements Checklist # 19. APPARATUS BODY, the RFQ states:
Compartments shall be furnished ahead of, above and aft of the rear axle. The forward compartment on the passenger side shall be equipped with vertically hinged double overlap style doors. The left side compartment aft of the rear axle shall be equipped with vertically hinged double overlap style doors.
Will the County accept a flush door instead of an overlap door? A) A flush door will be acceptable.
Q21) On page 14, Requirements Checklist # 19. APPARATUS BODY, the RFQ states:
All door hinges shall be polished stainless steel strap style. All door handles shall be polished stainless steel T-style.
Will the County accept a D-style handle, which is more common in the industry? A) The t-style handles traditionally have two link rods that positively secure the door. This is what the County requires. The d-style handles traditionally have only one securing mechanism, which is unacceptable. As long as the locking mechanism has two dual- rods and positively secures, the style of handle does not matter. County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639, Addendum No. 2
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A photo of the preferred locking mechanism is provided in “Exhibit O-2” attached to this Addendum 2.
Q22) On page 14, Requirements Checklist # 20. ROLL BAR, the RFQ states:
A 3" schedule 40-iron pipe roll bar with long radius bends is to be provided and mounted directly to the frame between the cab and body. Utility body to be modified to accept the bar. All welds are to be dressed and painted to match body color.
There are legal ramifications to calling it a “roll bar.” Can this feature be renamed to something other than a roll bar? The reel is the highest part of the vehicle and therefore will take structural force before the roll bar specified by the County. A) The County will bolt lights to the bar. All references to “roll bar” shall be replaced with the term “bar” in any contract which is the result of this RFQ. The County requires that the “bar” meet all specifications described in RFQ #900639. See change to requirements checklist #20 in the RFQ modifications section on page 2 of this Addendum 2.
Q23) It seems like Requirements Checklist # 28., HEADLIGHT FLASHER and Requirements Checklist # 31., WIG-WAG SYSTEM refer to the same thing. Requirements Checklist # 28 seems to have more clarity. Do these items refer to the same feature? A) Yes, they do refer to the same feature. Additionally, bidders can use the Whelen LINZ series clear LEDs in front and have them alternate flash.
Q24) On page 15, Requirements Checklist # 29. PERIMETER BODY LIGHTS, the RFQ states:
Six (6) Whelen LED red warning lights shall be provided on the apparatus.
Two (2) 400 series Linear LED lights will be mounted forward-facing on the brush guard (per department furnished photos). Lens color is to be red.
Two (2) 400 series Linear LED lights will be mounted side-facing on the brush guard (per department furnished photos). Lens color is to be amber.
Two (2) 400 series Linear LED warning lights are to be mounted on each side of the body over the rear duals (per photos). Lens color is to be red.
Two (2) 700 series Linear LED warning lights are to be mounted as high as possible on each side of the rear body. Lens color is to be red.
The first line mentions six (6) Whelen LED lights, but the rest of the body totals eight (8). Should it be eight (8)? A) Yes, it should be 8 (eight). See change to requirements checklist #29 in the RFQ modifications section on page 2 of this Addendum 2. County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639, Addendum No. 2
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Q25) Page 16, Requirements Checklist # 37, HOSE REEL, does the County want the hose reel painted the same color as the body color or is the entire assembly required to be stainless steel? A) The County requires the hose reel and assembly to be in stainless steel. Please refer to “Exhibit O-3”, attached, for a picture of the desired configuration.
Q26) On page 16, Requirements Checklist # 39, CROSSLAY, the RFQ states:
A treadbrite transverse hose bed tray is to be installed on top of the water tank. Tray to be made out of .188 aluminum treadbrite with a 125 aluminum hinged cover. Hinge to be a stainless steel continuous hinge. A 1.5" NSTM discharge shall be inside the box with a control valve at the rear control panel.
Would the County prefer to stay with 3/16” throughout? 3/16” would be standard. A) Bidders may provide either 3/16 inch or .188 inch throughout.
Q27) On page 17, Requirements Checklist # 40. FOAM SYSTEM, the RFQ states:
The foam system is to be a Foam Pro 2001 for class A Foam. A Foam Pro flow meter is to be installed on the discharge side of the pump only. All discharges are to be plumbed for foam. Foam Pro digital display and controls shall be provided on the rear pump panel. On/off controls shall be furnished in the cab console.
The pump specified by the County is about a 150 gpm pump. However, the Foam Pro 2001 is designed for a 1500 gpm pump. Would the County entertain the Foam Pro 1600, which is much less expensive and fits the flow characteristics of the pump specified? The electrical draw is also greater on the 2100 than the 1600. A) The County requires the Foam Pro 2001 to remain consistent with current units. Please refer to “Exhibit O-4”, attached, for a picture of the desired foam system instrumentation configuration.
Q28) Is it standard throughout the fleet to have the foam system On/Off Controls in the cab console? A) Yes.
Q29) On page 18, with regards to Requirements Checklist # 44. CONTROL PANELS and Requirements Checklist # 46. STORAGE BOX, can the County clarify where the consoles and storage boxes are supposed to be located? A) Please refer to “Exhibit O-5” and “Exhibit O-6”, attached, for pictures of the desired control panel and storage box configuration.
Q30) In regards to the extended cab, does the County use the seats in the back? A) The County requires the ability to put personnel in the rear seats. County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639, Addendum No. 2
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Q31) What type of body does the County want? Do you want a less expensive utility box (e.g., plumber or contractor type box), or a fire type body? A) The County wants a rugged fire type body with fully welded construction.
Q32) Does the County want NFPA treadright on vertical surfaces as well as horizontal surfaces? A) The County does not require treadright on vertical surfaces; but all walking surfaces should have treadright.
Q33) Page 19, with regards to Requirements Checklist # 48. PAINT & LETTERING, the body of the unit is a diamond-plate body so there would be no paint on the body, correct? A) Correct, there will be no paint on the body. All horizontal walking surfaces shall be constructed with NFPA non-skid diamond plating.
Q34) If the plumbing is stainless steel, does the County still want the plumbing painted? A) No.
Q35) Page 19, Requirements Checklist # 49. TRUCKS WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS, the RFQ states:
A department furnished MDC will be installed by bidder.
A) Please see Requirements Checklist # 49 on page 2 of this Addendum 2. The bidder will not install the MDC. The County will install the MDC in its entirety after delivery of the unit.
Q36) Upon award, the County is requires one truck initially, and then possibly more in future years, is that correct? A) The County wants two (2) trucks initially. After that, purchases will be made on an as needed basis.
County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639, Addendum No. 2
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The following participants attended the Bidders’ Conferences:
Company Name Representative Contact Information West-Mark Joshua Vincent Phone: (209)343-3120 2704 Railroad Ave. E-Mail: [email protected] PO Box 100 Prime Contractor: Yes Ceres, CA 95307 Subcontractor: No Certified SLEB: No West-Mark Wayne Kindred Phone: (209)765-2334 2704 Railroad Ave. E-Mail: [email protected] PO Box 100 Prime Contractor: Yes Ceres, CA 95307 Subcontractor: No Certified SLEB: No KME Fire Apparatus Dean Carriger Phone: (800)328-1033 Ext. 230 5400 E. Jurupa St. E-Mail: [email protected] Ontario, CA 91761 Prime Contractor: Yes Subcontractor: No Certified SLEB: No American Truck & Fire Apparatus Glenn Baley Phone: (800)547-7311 100 West Valpico Rd. E-Mail: [email protected] Building D Prime Contractor: Yes Tracy , CA 95376 Subcontractor: No Certified SLEB: No COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, GENERAL SERVICES AGENCY-PURCHASING EXHIBIT A – BID ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
RFQ No. 900639, Addendum No. 2
The County of Alameda is soliciting bids from qualified bidders to furnish its requirements per the specifications, terms and conditions contained in the above referenced RFQ number. This Bid Acknowledgement must be completed, signed by a responsible officer or employee, dated and submitted with the bid response. Obligations assumed by such signature must be fulfilled. 1. Preparation of bids: (a) All prices and notations must be printed in ink or typewritten. No erasures permitted. Errors may be crossed out and corrections printed in ink or typewritten adjacent and must be initialed in ink by person signing bid. (b) Quote price as specified in RFQ. No alterations or changes or any kind shall be permitted to Exhibit B, Bid Form. Responses that do not comply shall be subject to rejection in total. 2. Failure to bid: If you are not submitting a bid but want to remain on the mailing list and receive future bids, complete, sign and return this Bid Acknowledgement and state the reason you are not bidding. 3. Taxes and freight charges: (a) Unless otherwise required and specified in the RFQ, the prices quoted herein do not include Sales, Use or other taxes. (b) No charge for delivery, drayage, express, parcel post packing, cartage, insurance, license fees, permits, costs of bonds, or for any other purpose, except taxes legally payable by County, will be paid by the County unless expressly included and itemized in the bid. (c) Amount paid for transportation of property to the County of Alameda is exempt from Federal Transportation Tax. An exemption certificate is not required where the shipping papers show the consignee as Alameda County, as such papers may be accepted by the carrier as proof of the exempt character of the shipment. (d) Articles sold to the County of Alameda are exempt from certain Federal excise taxes. The County will furnish an exemption certificate. 4. Award: (a) Unless otherwise specified by the bidder or the RFQ gives notice of an all-or-none award, the County may accept any item or group of items of any bid. (b) Bids are subject to acceptance at any time within thirty (30) days of opening, unless otherwise specified in the RFQ. (c) A valid, written purchase order mailed, or otherwise furnished, to the successful bidder within the time for acceptance specified results in a binding contract without further action by either party. The contract shall be interpreted, construed and given effect in all respects according to the laws of the State of California. 5. Patent indemnity: Bidders who do business with the County shall hold the County of Alameda, its officers, agents and employees, harmless from liability of an nature or kind, including cost and expenses, for infringement or use of any patent, copyright or other proprietary right, secret process, patented or unpatented invention, article or appliance furnished or used in connection with the contract or purchase order. 6. Samples: Samples of items, when required, shall be furnished free of expense to the County and if not destroyed by test may upon request (made when the sample is furnished), be returned at the bidder’s expense. 7. Rights and remedies of County for default: (a) In the event any item furnished by bidder in the performance of the contract or purchase order should fail to conform to the specifications therefore or to the sample submitted by bidder with its bid, the County may reject the same, and it shall thereupon become the duty of bidder to reclaim and remove the same forthwith, without expense to the County, and immediately to replace all such rejected items with others conforming to such specifications or samples; provided that should bidder fail, neglect or refuse so to do the County shall thereupon have the right purchase in the open market, in lieu thereof, a corresponding quantity of any such items and to deduct from any moneys due or that may there after come due to bidder the difference between the prices named in the contract or purchase order and the actual cost thereof to the County. In the event that bidder fails to make prompt delivery as specified for any item, the same conditions as to the rights of the County to purchase in the open market and to reimbursement set forth above shall apply, except when delivery is delayed by fire, strike, freight embargo, or Act of God or the government. (b)Cost of inspection or deliveries or offers for delivery, which do not meet specifications, will be borne by the bidder. (c) The rights and remedies of the County provided above shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under the contract. 8. Discounts: (a) Terms of less than ten (10) days for cash discount will considered as net. (b) In connection with any discount offered, time will be computed from date of complete, satisfactory delivery of the supplies, equipment or services specified in the RFQ, or from date correct invoices are received by the County at the billing address specified, if the latter date is later than the date of delivery. Payment is deemed to be made, for the purpose of earning the discount, on the date of mailing the County warrant check. 9. California Government Code Section 4552: In submitting a bid to a public purchasing body, the bidder offers and agrees that if the bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2, commencing with Section 16700, of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials, or services by the bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to the bidder. 10. No guarantee or warranty: The County of Alameda makes no guarantee or warranty as to the condition, completeness or safety of any material or equipment that may be traded in on this order.
THE undersigned acknowledges receipt of above referenced RFQ and/or Addenda and offers and agrees to furnish the articles and/or services specified on behalf of the bidder indicated below, in accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions of this RFQ and Bid Acknowledgement.
Firm: Address: State/Zip
Printed Name Signed Above:______
Below is the Bidder Bid List for this project consisting of bidders who have responded to RFI No. 900639 and/or been issued a copy of this RFQ. This Bidder Bid List is being provided for informational purposes to assist bidders in making contact with other businesses as needed to develop local small and emerging business subcontracting relationships to meet the requirements of the Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Program (described within this RFQ). For additional information regarding the SLEB Program, please visit our website at and/or contact the Auditor-Controller’s Office of Contract Compliance (OCC) located at 1221 Oak St., Rm. 249, Oakland, CA 94612 at Tel: (510) 891-5500, Fax: (510) 272-6502 or via E-mail at [email protected]
Bidders who attended the Networking/Bidders Conferences have been added to the Bidder Bid List. Please see the RFQ sections entitled ‘Calendar of Events’ and ‘Networking/Bidders Conferences’ for additional information. The Networking/Bidders Conferences scheduled for all current projects are posted on the GSA Calendar of Events website at This RFQ Addendum is being issued to all bidders on the Bidder Bid List; the following revised bidder list includes contact information for each bidder attendee at the Networking/Bidders Conferences.
RFQ No. 900639 – Type 4 Brush Trucks Business Name Contact Phone Address City St Email American Truck & Fire (209) 605- Glenn Bailey 285 Industrial Way Woodland CA [email protected] Apparatus 0522 (949) 488- 630 S. El Camino Real, San BME Scott Pearson CA [email protected] 0338 Ste B1 Clemente (408) 497- mcreech@eastbaytruckcent East Bay Ford Truck Sales Mike Creech 333 Filbert St. Oakland CA 0241 800-443- Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. Michael Doran 314 Littlefield Ave. So. S.F. CA [email protected] 9006 Travis (770) 431- [email protected] Fouts Bros. Fire Equipment 2158 Atlanta Road Smyrna GA Rakestraw 0216 m Golden State Fire (209) 522- Ryan Wright 1237 Doker Drive Modesto CA [email protected] Apparatus 0422 (209) 847- Hi-Tech Emergency Unit Dan Burch 444 W. Greger Street Oakdale CA [email protected] 3042 (570) 578- Kovatch Group Dean Carriger 5400 E. Jurupa Street Ontario CA [email protected] 8519 Brandon (570) 578- Kovatch Group 5400 E. Jurupa Street Ontario CA [email protected] Gomez 8519 Jan (408) 275- Monarch Truck Center 29899 Union City Blvd. Union City CA [email protected] Scharnikow 0500 Katrina (909) 428- Truck Hydraulic Equipment 14262 Whittram Ave. Fontana CA [email protected] Spendlove 0280 (209) 343- West Mark Joshua Vincent 2704 Railroad Avenue Ceres CA [email protected] 3120 Wayne (209) 765- West Mark 2704 Railroad Avenue Ceres CA [email protected] Kindred 2334 Heather (209) 343- West Mark 2704 Railroad Avenue Ceres CA [email protected] Silveira 3110 (888) 772- Unruh Fire Inc. Mark D. Voges 100 Industrial Dr. Sedgwick CA [email protected] 8400 County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639
Exhibit O-1
Winch Mount County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639
Exhibit O-2
Locking Mechanism County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639
Exhibit O-3
Hose Reel Assembly County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639
Exhibit O-4
Foam System Instrumentation Configuration County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639
Exhibit O-5
Control Panel Configuration County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900639
Exhibit O-6
Storage Box Configuration