Chairman Harry Williams Called the Meeting to Order at 7:30 Pm
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Chairman Harry Williams called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Roll call was taken and members in attendance were: Andrea Dalessio, Debbie Burns, George Ervin, Nic Giancaspro, Peggy Hansen, Allison Jackson, Tony Lore, Ana Maria Meizys, Chris Sariti and Harry Williams. Also in attendance was Recreation Director Dawn DaPuzzo.
The flag salute was followed by the Sunshine Law announcement. On a motion by Andrea Dalessio, seconded by George Ervin, the meeting minutes of October 24, 2012 were approved. All in favor, motion carried.
Old Business Tree Lighting: The Annual Tree Lighting will be on Sunday, December 2 at 5:00. Allison is the Chair, George is the Co-Chair. We will meet on Saturday at 10:00 to decorate. Volunteers arrive at 4:00. If possible please bring baked cookies. We will also give out donated mini-cupcakes. The lights are on the tree. Santa and the Fire Dept. have confirmed. The sled will be delivered by Friday. The Magician is booked and the choir will be singing. Anna Maria volunteered to wear the snowman suit. The Mayor will be sending the message out via Nixle to the residents so we expect a big turnout. Halloween candy will be given out in Christmas bags.
Tennis: The committee would like to start an adult tennis program. We need to decide whether to have a Clinic or League. The committee discussed and decided that we would like to have both a clinic for instruction by pros, and a league for playing matches. Dawn will request the High School tennis courts 2 nights per week from July through the 2nd week of August. It would be 2 hours per night, 6:30 – 8:30. The cost would be $100 per person for instruction by the pros, which would be 7 1-hour classes. The league would be held like softball with a fee of $25 or $30, with a t-shirt. In-person registration is required for proof of residence.
Holiday party: Dawn and John DaPuzzo have offered to host the Holiday party, which will be on Sunday, Dec. 16 at 6:00. Spouses are invited, please bring a dish. Joanne will send out an email. New Business New member: Rich Maneri has resigned from the committee. Thank you to Rich for your contribution to the committee. If you know of someone that may be interested, please let Harry know, and they can attend a meeting and meet the committee.
Re-organization: The committee has unanimously nominated Harry Williams to remain Chairman of the Recreation Committee, and Andrea Dalessio to remain as Co-Chairman to the committee in 2013.
The list of Chairs and Co-Chairs for the 2013 Events is attached to the minutes.
The committee will request that Ana Maria Meizys move up as a Regular Member in place of Rich Maneri.
Allison suggested that we have a town wide garage sale, where residents can set up tables at one location. We discussed possibly having it at the High School, or Joyce Kilmer School, or Town Hall. We will discuss further at upcoming meetings.
Recreation Director’s Report Dawn will try to get the tennis courts from the Bd. Of Ed.
On a motion by Chris Sariti, seconded by Nic Giancaspro, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 23, 2012 at 7:30 pm.