How Much Does It Cost for a Child to Go to Brodsworth Hall and Gardens?

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How Much Does It Cost for a Child to Go to Brodsworth Hall and Gardens?

1. The Entrance Resources: Maths Trail booklet, clipboard, pencil.

National Curriculum: KS1 Ma2 1a, 1c; PNS Y2 Using and applying mathematics L.O. 1.

(These prices are for 2009-2010 and may vary, for current prices either visit the website or contact Brodsworth Hall)

The trail begins at the entrance and ticket hut. Draw the children’s attention to the hut and the fact that it is the first place the children have come to. Ask question such as; ‘What happens here? What is it used for? What can you see?’ Use comments that the children make to pose questions which lead to using the prices of entry. Then the children can complete the activity questions:

 How much does it cost for a child to go to Brodsworth Hall and Gardens?

 How much does it cost for an adult to go to Brodsworth Hall and Gardens?

 How much does it cost for a child and an adult to go to Brodsworth Hall and Gardens?

An extension activity could involve the children creating their own questions and giving them to their peers to answer. For example:

1  How much does it cost for a child and their grandma to go to Brodsworth Hall?

2. The Front of Brodsworth Hall Resources: Maths Trail booklet, clipboard, pencil, 2-D shape support sheet.

National Curriculum: KS1 Ma3 2b, 2a; PNS Y2 Understanding shape L.O. 1.

Standing in front of the house discuss with the children different features of the house. What can they see? Lead onto the question from the booklet: ‘Looking at the front of the house what 2-D shapes can you see?’

Here the children are required to extract the shapes from a whole picture. When the children have found a shape the adult might ask them to pick out a number of the same shape on different positions on the house. Extension questions might include asking about the properties of the shape, such as;

 How do you know it is a square? 2  How many edges has it got? 3. The Croquet Lawn Resources: Maths Trail booklet, clipboard, pencil.

National Curriculum: KS1 Ma3 4a; PNS Y2 Measuring L.O. 1.

Assist the children to answer the questions from the booklet:

 How many paces do you think the length of the croquet pitch is?

 How many actual paces is it?

Here there is need to demonstrate to the children how to measure in paces. The children would then be required to estimate how many paces they think the croquet pitch is in length. Next they would count out the

3 number of paces and compare how close their estimate was to the actual number of paces. Ensure that the children are reminded that they need to be careful and try to keep each pace the same length.

4. Which way?

From the formal flower garden follow these directions: Resources: Maths Trail booklet, Facing the arches clipboard, pencil.

1. Take 20 paces forward under the arches. National Curriculum: KS1 Ma3 3a; PNS Y2 Understanding shape L.O. 3. 2. Turn left.

3. Take 45 paces forward.

4. Turn right

5. Follow the path under the bridge.

6. Take 15 paces forward.

7. Turn right.

8. Hold the hand rail as you walk down the steps. 4 Where are you?

Ask the children questions such as ‘which way is left/right?’ they might instruct the children to count the paces out loud so that they don’t lose count. Alternatively they could count in twos. Before walking down the steps ask the children to estimate the number of steps. Some children may need help with reading the instructions.

5. Pet Cemetery

Resources: Maths Trail booklet, clipboard, pencil.

National Curriculum: KS1 Ma2 2b; PNS Y2 Counting and understanding number L.O. 1. 5 In the pet cemetery look around and allow the children to observe and investigate the headstones. Ensure that the children can read and understand the headstones. In the Maths Trail booklets the children are required to answer a number of questions and complete an investigation into odd and even names. Differentiation can be established by the challenge question and the number of names investigated.


Page Activity National Primary National Resources Curriculum Links Strategy Links 1 The Entrance KS1 Ma2 1a, 1c Y2 Using and applying Maths Trail booklet, mathematics L.O. 1 clipboard, pencil. 2 The Front of KS1 Ma3 2b, 2a Y2 Understanding shape Maths Trail booklet, Brodsworth Hall L.O. 1 clipboard, pencil, 2-D shape 6 support sheet. 3 The Croquet Lawn KS1 Ma3 4a Y2 Measuring L.O. 1 Maths Trail booklet, clipboard, pencil. 4 Which way? KS1 Ma3 3a Y2 Understanding shape Maths Trail booklet, L.O. 3 clipboard, pencil. 5 Pet Cemetery KS1 Ma2 2b Y2 Counting and Maths Trail booklet, understanding number clipboard, pencil. L.O. 1


2D shapes-shapes which only have two dimensions; length and width. E.g. square, circle, triangle.

Estimate- to judge size, amount, etc. Roughly to guess.

Paces- a step with the foot.

7 Definitions have been taken from:

 Geddes & Grosset (2005) Students’ English Dictionary. Scotland: Geddes & Grosset.  (2003) Mathematics Glossary for teachers in Key Stages 1 to 4. Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.


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