Loose Leaf College Rule Paper

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Loose Leaf College Rule Paper

English 12 Mrs. Kari Young [email protected] 270-622-4119 ext. 611 Course Description: This twelfth grade course is designed to develop skills necessary for students to meet or exceed College and Career Ready Standards. In particular, students will read from a variety of genres from multicultural and international authors. They will engage in analytical and argumentative speaking and writing to show their understanding of literary, historical, and contemporary issues and to enter the conversation of ideas by asserting their own reasonable claims with properly -documented evidence for support. We will be using as a foundation of instruction, the College Board’s SpringBoard curriculum.

Students will study The Collective Perspective, Literary/Critical theories, Formalism, Reader Response, Cultural Criticism, nonfiction, personal narratives, memoirs, essays, rhetorical analysis, SOAPS, Read and analyze George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion, argumentation, read The Things They Carried, and complete a Senior Project..

Required Items: • 2’ 3-Ring Binder • Loose leaf college rule paper • Pens/Pencils and a highlighter • Flash drive

Instructional Methods: teacher lead discussion, notes, small group activities, individual presentations, student speeches, speakers,

Unit 1: Perception Is Everything Overview: In this unit, students explore the relationship between perspective and critical theory. Two essential questions focus their attention on the skills and knowledge presented and assessed in the unit: • How do artists and writers organize or construct art or text to convey meanings? • What does it mean to be a stranger in the village? Assessments: Two performance-based tasks, called Embedded Assessments, give students an opportunity to demonstrate their new learning in the skills of argumentation and narration. Specifically, • Embedded Assessment 1 asks students to create a photo essay revealing their perspective about an issue. • Embedded Assessment 2 asks students to write a reflective essay illustrating the concept of “stranger in the village.”

Unit 2: Canterbury Tales

 Wife of Bath

 This I Believe English 12 Mrs. Kari Young [email protected] 270-622-4119 ext. 611  Rotating Argument

Unit Three: Hamlet

Unit Four: Senior Project and Research

Unit Five: The Things They Carried

Classroom Expectations:


1. Entering Class—please enter class quickly and quietly. Be seated in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings. Once a student accumulates three tardies, an afterschool detention will be assigned.

2. End of Class—please continue working until the teacher dismisses you. If you finish early, you may revise your work or read a book. DO NOT ask to leave the room.

3. Pencil/Binder—you will need to bring your own pencil/ink pen to class. It is your responsibility to come to class prepared with proper materials.

4. All homework is to be done neatly or it must be typed. Assignments that consist of more than one paper must be stapled. All written essays must be handed in with ALL previous pre-writing activities, drafts, peer editing sheets, and self-evaluation forms attached. Late work will be accepted, but only for partial credit and must be turned in before the unit test or final essay is given for whichever unit the work applies.

5. You are allowed one bag in class. Purses must be inside your backpack. You may keep a pencil pouch inside your binder. Once you enter the room, get your materials out of your bag and hang bag on the back of your chair. If bags become a problem, backpacks will not be allowed in the room.

All of the rules in the student handbook apply in this classroom. If you break one of those rules, you will receive the consequences as they are outlined in the handbook.

Here are some other rules that will make your semester in my classroom more successful:

--Do not leave the classroom until I dismiss you from class.

--Respect property belonging to the school, others, and yourself.

--In class discussions, do not talk while someone else is talking.

--Please treat others with respect including you. English 12 Mrs. Kari Young [email protected] 270-622-4119 ext. 611

Grading: English 12 consists of four units. Each unit will have a pretest that is graded but will not affect your grade. Assessment activities, such as, homework will comprise 10% of your final grade. During the course of the unit I will give quizzes and assign presentations which will be worth 30% of your grade. Not all units will have one unit assessment, but the unit final will resemble the unit pretest; however all assessments and writings will make-up 50% of your final grade. It is extremely important you complete assignments and prepare for the unit final as there are no retakes or second chances on the unit final. Before the semester is over, each English 12 student will complete a senior project. Your senior project will account for 10% of your final grade.

Homework: Homework will be check for completion and accuracy when you enter class. If you do not have your homework, you will be given a zero, assigned morning detention, and I will contact your parents. After the third zero, you will automatically be given a morning detention and an office referral for every zero.

Makeup Work: In my class, you will have 1 day after you return from an excused absence to make up work or to make arrangements to do so. After that time, grades for missed work become zeroes. After three zeroes, an afterschool detention will be assigned. It is your responsibility to see me and get the missed work. A test or a quiz must be taken on the day of your return to class if it was announced well in advance of your absence.

Cheating: Cheating is a very serious offense. If you are caught copying homework or class work, both of you will receive a zero for that assignment. If you are caught cheating on a test or a quiz, you will receive a zero. Talking during a test or a quiz will result in an automatic zero for both parties. There is no exception to this rule, and the zero will not be debated. Plagiarizing will result in a zero. Plagiarizing all or part of your portfolio will result in a zero for the entire portfolio grade. You will not receive a grade for the class until the portfolio plagiarism has been replaced by your own work, but the zero for the portfolio grade will stand.

______English 12 Mrs. Kari Young [email protected] 270-622-4119 ext. 611 I hereby certify that I have read and agree to abide by the classroom rules outlined in this handout. A copy of these rules is posted in my classroom.

Student Signature______Date______

I hereby certify that I have read the classroom rules on this handout. If I have any questions, I will contact Mrs. Young at school (622-4119), at home before 8:30 p.m. (622-4462), or by e-mail [email protected]

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Parent phone numbers:

Parent email:

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