Meeting Called to Order

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Meeting Called to Order

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District Twenty-Two Organization of Bridge Units, Inc.

District 22 Board of Directors Rancho Mirage , CA Dec 15th, 2006

Date: 6:30pmFriday December 15, 2006 Location: Westin Mission Hills, 71333 Dinah Shore Drive, Rancho Mirage, Ca 92270 (760-328-5955) Presiding 2006 D22 President: Dennis Boomgaarden, Area II (951) 764-9450

Representatives: Area I: Don Daly & Richard Meffley; Area II: Dennis Boomgaarden & Teri Atkinson; Area III: Ed Layton & Jon Wright ; Area IV: Gayle Andrews & Hal Binder; National Representative: Jim Kirkham.

Guests: Harriet Buckman 2006 ACBL President Sharon Fairchild 2007 ACBL President Warren Cederborg, incoming Area 1 representative. .CALL TO ORDER

 Approval of Minutes from Costa Mesao. with one change, number of tables at Costa Mesa were not 1198, but 1649.50. The Costa Mesa Minutes have been updated and so approved.

I. TREASURER’S Report-Andrews The year 2006 is projected to show an increase of $16,000 over 2005, this was mainly due to hospitality costs being less the Budgeted costs for Palm Springs. Total expenses for 2006 will be $3000 less, due to changes in the invoicing procedures for the Forum. Profit for the year 2006 is projected to be $40,000 with $20,000 of it earmarked for the 2009 NABC in San Diego. (Net profit should come in around $20,000 for 2006). For year 2007 $5000 has been budgeted for tournament supplies, including bidding boxes, and education expenses of $3000 For year 2007 income, Riverside is projected lower, all other tournaments stay approximately the same. Treasurers report accepted by the Board. (Gayle later said one item she forgot, a notice from Franchise Tax Board Stating that the year 2002 nothing was apparently filed. So there could be a liability for this)

Some remarks from Harriet Buckman: Harriet recommended that the District Board/Units enable monies to be set aside For teacher get togethers. These teachers are the ones bringing new members to the ACBL, in meeting together they energize one other and get more motivated when they return to their units.

III. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report - Boomgaarden, Meffley and Andrews

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report

1215 Rancho Mirage 2006 II. NATIONAL DIRECTOR’S REPORT-Jim Kirkham

1. Jim mentioned a number of Units have not provided zip codes outlining their Unit territory. They need to know the physical boundaries not necessarily where members live. 2. Most Districts have not sent their by laws to Memphis, however, District 22’s is on our website. Jon Wright will notify Carole Robertson. 3. No changes will be made in Senior ages, also Open Pairs and Senior Pairs being impacted by KO’s.


A. Tournament Committee, Chairman Hal Binder

General Report- Hal Binder.

1. Palm Springs this year now at 2533, up from 2005., 2006 still projected to be around 3300. 2. TM’s for 2007: Riverside, Jess Sellers; San Diego, Ken Monzingo;Costa Mesa, Gayle Andrews/Hal Binder; Palm Springs Nancy Nasan. In 2008 Visalia, might be a candidate, Warren Cederborg will look into this location.(instead of Riverside) Riverside does not look good for a future site. 3. San Diego in 2008, Sheraton lowered the guarantee to 1000 rooms, with the same tower. Town and Country very anxious to have tournament back. Sheraton very big for the Pros, for convenience. However, Town and Country more convenient for the locals 4. Tournament Manual, there have been no recent changes to this manual, keep in mind this is a work in progress manual. 5. Some problems with Dishner with tables, not up to grade. 6. Suggested that another Compact KO might be recommended in the future tournaments. 7. Visually impaired , board recommends that they bring their own cards . Recommend a article be put into the Forum to address this. It should include they bring their own boards as well. 8. Times should remain the same at 2:30p, need more feedback if there is to be a change. 9. Some complaints about new card fees, start putting them on the flyers and in the Tournament Manual. 10. Recommend another Directors course next year in Palm Springs this will be a 2 day course. 11. Will try to use Town and Country as the preferred location in 2008

B. GNT-NAOP’s(Meffley) All games are scheduled, with no changes. Some units still delinquent on fees from last year. Gayle will Update for Richard Meffley. C. Contract Bridge Forum Coordinator (Andrews) Gayle passed out a schedule for when articles are to be submitted, this should be very helpful. D. Budget-Boomgaarden, Andrews & Meffley Nothing to report, try to project any costs, even if by email E. Western Conference (Andrews & Kirkham) Next year, each District will only get $500 instead of $1000. The problem with delinquent STAC fees being addressed by Gayle with Betty Bratcher. Gayle has developed a report that matches results with the monies, this should help the problem in the future. F. Bylaws, Policies & Procedures (Boomgaarden, & Meffley) Impeachment policy to be tabled for the next meeting. G. Education, Membership & Club Relations (Atkinson/Layton) Recommend doing a teacher gathering again. Speaker attendance very well attended this tournament even with the times pressing lunch. Directors course as recommended for next year at Palm Springs. Recommend article in Forum asking for Bridge teachers to notify Teri so she can recommend them. H. Unit Relations (Meffley) Nothing to report. I. Internet/Web Site (Wright) Jon Wright now has access to this site. Front page is Ken Monzingo’s, but back pages are for Jon. Jon can add anything to the website, including minutes et al. Minutes should be done sooner so that they can be added, however, they must be accepted minutes. J. STAC Coordinator Board decided we do not need this position. K. Newer Players Affairs (Atkinson/ Layton) Previously discussed

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L. Parliamentarian (Boomgaarden) Nothing to report M. Charity Games (Daly) Nothing to report N. Disciplinary Chairman (Kostal)* Bob Schwarz recommended for this position, currently in another District and will transfer to District 22. Matthew Mallory will be designated to be new District Recorder. This was approved by the Board. Bob Schwarz also approved effective January 1, 2007.( He cannot play in any District 22 teams as in GNT etc) O. Appellate Chair(Jim Tritt)* No change P. Insurance Committee-Richard Meffley Most units have complied with the new insurance.


The speaker system will be addressed at a future meeting, it is still recommended we have our own

III.NEW BUSINESS Recommendation that Joel’s salary for the forum be increased to $250 monthly, effective January 1, 2007 The Board approved this recommendation.

A dollar surcharge on bracketed KO’s at future tournaments recommended. The monies would go into the GNT Fund to help fund GNT Teams. This was tabled for the next meeting. Gayle Andrews will work some numbers to help Board.

Fresno Unit members voting to move to District 21, needs signatures for this to become official

Zip Codes, need for Unit Boundaries, ask your Units to provide this data soon.

Incorporation, ACBL has instructed how to incorporate for protection of the Unit Boards. This can be Looked at the ACBL website for further information.

III. ADJOURNMENT Next meeting: Tentatively in Riverside, Ca Convention Center/Marriot, 8:30AM Friday February 3, 2007

2007 District 22 Board of Directors

President Jon Wright 1st Vice President Richard Meffley 2nd Vice President Teri Atkinson Treasurer Gayle Andrews Secretary Ed Layton

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