Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index Parking Lot Lab

Hypothesis: Which parking lot (student or teacher) will be the most diverse?

Results: Include charts from your personal data, the student’s parking lot class data, & the staff’s parking lot class data. Be sure to label the tables! Determine the H’ value for your personal data and the class data for the student and staff parking lot.  How does your personal data compare with the equivalent class data (in terms of H’ values). Why would this be?

Conclusion Questions: Which parking lot was the most diverse? Based on your observations and data, was your hypothesis supported? List the most abundant spp. In each set of data and write a plausible explanation to explain why these are the most abundant spp. If you conducted this lab in a shopping mall parking lot, predict whether the Shannon Diversity Index would be high or low, how would it compare to the school parking lots.  If you conducted this lab in a new car dealership parking lot, predict whether the Shannon Diversity Index would be high or low, how would it compare to the school parking lots. The importance of biodiversity have been correlated to ecosystem resilience and stability. According to your results, which parking lot demonstrates the higher degree of ecological stability?