Unit 10 Pentecost

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Unit 10 Pentecost

God Matters Year 3 Unit 10 Pentecost

Contents: The story of Pentecost Acts 2: 1-10 When the Holy Spirit comes, he brings change: in the apostles; in the crowd; in the lives of individuals – Paul Acts 9: 1-19

Jesus’ promise > Holy Spirit is with us now in the Eucharist

Welcome and gathering


Have a moment of stillness with some background music. While the candle is being lit, make the sign of the cross.

Gathering Song: Abba, Father, send your Spirit Glory Jesus Christ (x 2) Glory hallelujah, glory, Jesus Christ ( x 2)

If you seek me, you will find me ….

If you listen, you will hear me ……

Come my children, I will teach you …..

Time to Remember

Recall the story of Pentecost focusing on the change brought about in the disciples.

They changed from being weak, disillusioned and frightened to being eager, courageous and full of energy. The “gifts” brought by the spirit turned them into leaders. See the change in Peter when he spoke to the crowd and baptised 3,000 people. See the change in Paul after his experience on the road to Damascus (Acts 9)

A Time to Reflect


The Holy Spirit made a big difference in the lives of the disciples.

Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would always be with us. He is with us today in the lives of each one of us. When we do something brave, or kind, or thoughtful or generous it is the Holy Spirit prompting us.

Draw on your own examples and theirs of acts of love, caring, courage which speak of love of God or of our neighbour. Have some pictures as talking starters.

The Holy Spirit is with us at Mass. Listen very carefully and watch the priest at the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer – after we have said / sung Holy, holy, holy and knelt down.


The priest places his hands over the bread and wine and says:

Make holy, these gifts we pray, By sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall, So that they may become for us The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit brings about this change.

Slide The words of Consecration follow shortly and Jesus is present on the altar in the form of bread and wine until the moment of communion when the bread and wine – the Body and Blood of Christ - is shared among the people present.

Each time we are at Mass, the power of the Spirit is active and effects a miraculous change. When the priest places his hands over something it is a gesture of calling down the Holy Spirit.

A Time to Pray


Song: Walk in the light

A reading from the Acts 4: 13 – 16 adapted

The number of believers grew steadily. Many signs and wonders were worked through the apostles. The sick were taken out into the streets so that they could be healed as peter went passed. People even came flocking in from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those seeking healing. All praised God for his mighty works.

These early believers were the beginning of the Church, our church which now spreads all over the world. We all believe the same thing, we are one big family.

Let us speak aloud our faith, just as Peter did. (Repeat after the leader)

I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, who died for us and rose again, and ascended into heaven. I believe in the Holy Spirit, sent to guide and help us. I believe in the Church, in my parish and all over the world.

As members of God’s family we say together: Our Father

Song: Bind us together Lord…

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