Church of the Holy Family

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Church of the Holy Family

Church of the Holy Family

The Episcopal Church in Mills River

The Third Sunday of Lent

March 23, 2014

Please observe silence after the Altar Candles are lit


A bell rings three times; the people stand.

Hymn #690 “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah”

A Penitential Order Book of Common Prayer pg. 351

Hymn #S96 “Kyrie Eleison”

Collect of the Day BCP pg. 218 Exodus 17:1-7

Hymn #399: To God With Gladness Sing”

Romans 5:1-11

Hymn #673 “The First One Ever”

The Holy Gospel: John 4:5-42

The Sermon The Rev. Robert Lundquist

Nicene Creed BCP pg. 358

Prayers of the People Form V BCP Pg. 389

The Peace

Hymn #577 “Here in Christ We Gather” vs. 1

Offertory “Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus” The Holy Family Choir

Let us ever walk with Jesus, follow His example pure, Through a world that would deceive us, where to sin our hearts are lured. Ever in His footsteps treading, living here, yet home above. Full of faith and hope and love, let us do our Father’s bidding, Faithful Lord abide with me. Savior lead, I follow Thee. Let us also die with Jesus. By His cross He conquered death, Freed us from our souls’ destruction, quickened us with life’s new breath. Let us mortify, while living, self and pride and die to sin. And the grave that shuts us in shall but prove the gate to heaven, Jesus, here I die to Thee, there to dwell eternally. Let us gladly live with Jesus, He is risen from the dead. Death is swallowed up in victory, Jesus Thou art now our Head. Living members of thy Body, where thou livest we shall be. Thou wilt keep us constantly. Even so, dear Lord, come quickly Jesus here I love to Thee. There to dwell eternally.

German text by Sigsimund von Birkin (1653 Based on John 11:16 Music by George Boltze, arranged by Dan Forrest The Great Thanksgiving: Eucharistic Prayer A BCP pg. 361

Hymn #S130 “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord” Sanctus

The Lord’s Prayer (traditional)

Communion of the People

Healing Prayer is available at the right rear of the church

Hymn #692 “I Heard the Voice of Jesus” Sung to tune “Resignation” (664)

Post Communion Prayer BCP pg. 366


The Blessing

Hymn #685 “Rock of Ages”

The Dismissal

Hospitality and Fellowship

Soup and Salad Lunch

Lenten Program

We give thanks for those who serve God and us today.

Altar Server Liz Sp Chalicist Linda B/Warren S Altar Guild Diane C Listener Liz Sp OT Reader Warren S Intercessor Leslie S NT Reader Molly P Ushers Ann O/Molly P Prayer Team TBA Counters Warren S/Jay Callan

This week at Holy Family Mar 24 through Mar 30

Wednesday 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal Next Sunday 10:00 am Holy Eucharist 6:00 pm Youth Meeting ~Announcements and Events~

Please stay for a Lenten Program and light lunch following the service this morning. Today we will hear The Yin and the Yang of the Cross for the Fullness of Life. Professor Chung Hyun Kyung of Union Theological Seminary brings cross-cultural and interfaith themes to her presentation

The Youth will not meet at the church this evening. They will be leaving after the service this morning to go to Charlie’s Angels, an animal rescue service, to do volunteer work.

Hot Cross Bun Sale! Please sign up for your Hot Cross Buns order. Pick-up will be at Holy Family on the 5th of April. We will be limiting the baking to 60 dozen, so sign up early! Warren Spahr, 388-1475.

Holy Family will be providing a light soup and salad lunch before the Lenten Programs each Sunday. Please sign up if you would like to help with the food preparation. Thank you. Liz Spahr, at 388-1474.

Spring is here! Time to spruce up the grounds in preparation for Easter! We will post a sign up sheet in the next week or two to find out how most of us feel about participating in the clean up. Would you rather donate a small amount to help defray the cost, or work in the kitchen making drinks and snacks for the workers, or do light outside work while paying a professional crew to do the heavy lifting? Let us know how you feel. Jay Callan, Junior Warden.

Handbell rehearsals will be on the following Wednesdays at 6:30pm; March 26, April 2 and April 9. Please let me know right away if you can’t make one of these evenings. In a handbell choir, we need every single one. Thanks so much for your interest. Terri Karlsson, 577-1848.

Our lunch servers at the Hendersonville Rescue Mission on Saturday, April 5 from 12:00 to 1:00 are Ann O’Brien and Teresa Kelly.

A Booklet of Lenten Meditations from Episcopal Relief and Development is available for you to pick up and use. Also for you, there is a fold together “Hope Chest” for your offerings. Both are at the Greeting Desk in the hallway. he people of Holy Family, Ministers The Rt. Rev. G. Porter Taylor, Bishop The Rev. Robert Lundquist, Rector The Church of the Holy Family is a parish of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Western North Carolina 419 Turnpike Road, Mills River, NC 28759 (828) 891-9375 Website: [email protected]

Vestry Liz Spahr [‘14] Senior Warden, Jay Callan [‘16] Junior Warden Cissy Ford [‘15], Cindy Gaffney [‘15], Robert Miller [‘15] Jim Neal [‘14], Stan Pacana [‘16], Dick Smith [‘14], Leslie Stott [‘16]

Ellery Aldrich, Office Minister Terri Karlsson, Music Minister Molly Pace, President Daughters of the King Dick Smith, Treasurer Louise Rooney, Altar Guild Coordinator Michele Burnette, Outreach Chair Mary Frances Burkett, LEM Coordinator

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