Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc

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Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc

Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc. Minutes Tuesday, October 6, 2015 9:00 A.M. Vince Whibbs Conference Room 1st Floor City Hall

Board Members Present Butch Hansen, John B. Clark, Michael Swinehart, Steve Wilmer, Peter McKanna, Paul Entrekin, David Glassman, Charlie Switzer, Roberto Rivera, Paul Brown, Jack Brown (Ex-Officio, Immediate Past President), Ed Holt (Legal Advisor) and Bill Weeks (City Representative) Board Members Absent Nancy Clark, John Ochs and Joe Glover Guest(s) Present

Warren Palmer, Volunteer Coordinator Joe Garner, President Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association (CVMA) Members of the CVMA

(Motions and actions taken are listed in red) Order of Business Discussion Action Call to Order and Welcome The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by Board President Butch Information Only Hansen who led those present in a moment of silence for those we honor at the Park and their families, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Visitor Acknowledgement & Presentations President Hansen welcomed visitors and asked Joe Garner, Information Only President of the CVMA, to provide an update on their memorial bench and paver installation. Mr. Garner provided board members with an update on the time line of the project and passed around samples of the pavers to be used. According to Mr. Garner: . Project is nearing completion. . There will be approximately 100 blocks and they will be for sale. Donors who are combat vets and/or auxiliary members will have their names on the pavers. . Bench will sit on the pavers. There was considerable discussion regarding the installation of the pavers. The CVMA was urged to have the work done professionally to insure uniformity. Was suggested that they contact Wallace Landscaping for advice. Mr. Garner will keep the board appraised of their progress and tentative dates for installation.

Minutes The minutes of the September 22, 2015 board meeting were presented for approval. Motion by John Clark to approve as submitted. Second by Michael Swinehart. Motion Carried Treasurer’s Report President Hansen, in the absence of Treasurer, John Ochs, presented the report prepared by Mr. Ochs. No official action was Information Only taken. Reports are attached to minutes.

1 President’s Report President Hansen reported: . He has successfully submitted an application for Information Only RESTORE funding which included funding for, Global War on Terror (GWOT) Memorial Project, master planning, adding names to the Wall South, the IMPACT 100 project (should we not be selected), restroom facility. . Also suggested we receive community input on these projects. Local artist Randy New has offered to assist the board with planning for any GWOT memorial, education center or similar project. . Jim Sanborn with WCOA has reported that their event, after the official Veteran’s Day ceremony, will now be held at the Hawkshaw property. . WCOA will provide a porta-potty and will have a table, under a tent, where we will be able to sell hats and t- shirts. Was also suggested, and everyone was in agreement, that we would share a table with Art Giberson who would have his updated book available on the Park history. . Still no definitive word on the quartet from the Pensacola Opera. . He is still working to liaison with the Gulfcoast Veterans Council regarding the parade and Grand Marshal. . Has not heard anything official regarding the Bud Day Award presentation. . No final decision on the presentation ceremony of memorial plaques in honor of Senior Airman Nathan Sartain and Staff Sgt. Forrest Sibley; although more than one group has offered to pay for the plaques. . Security patrol reported they only had one person who was sleeping in the Park and they left without incident.


Paul Entrekin reported on the following: . Suggested that WCOA and WEBY coordinate promoting the AFVN documentary and possible promos at the Veterans Day event. Committee Reports . The program is somewhat flexible for the Veterans Day Events event at this time. However, most of the key events are scheduled and we are good to go. Information Only . President Hansen will send invitations to appropriate civilian and military dignitaries. . Heroes Among Us series is concluding this month. Members were urged to attend.

Peter McKanna reported on the following: . It has been determined that the Wall South has 124 additional names that need to be added to the Wall. GLMCO can engrave the names into the Wall for $3,400. Some discussion about timing of placing the name on the 2 Wall and making sure that the kiosk will have system in Maintenance and Planning place to locate the names. . Irrigation system has not been working properly. Wallace Information Only Landscaping repaired the system. . Dead sod is being replaced and all the Park trees have been trimmed so that visitors can now view the entire Park from any area. . Flag pole lights have not been working properly; however, there is a retrofit from the manufacturer that will allow the use of LED lighting. We can acquire this at cost. They have not provided us the cost as of yet. If approved, Smith Electric can install for $879. . Wall South lights are still not working properly. This is due to improper installation when first installed. To fix the lights so that the problems do not continually re-occur would cost $2,220. . Was decided to informally approach the City to see if they would pay for the fix as the City originally installed the lights. . It was noted that someone had driven over the grass area by WWI Memorial; most likely during the Heroes Among Us event. Efforts should be made to insure this does not happen as it can destroy the sod.

Steve Wilmer provided information on a recent fundraiser called Ribbon of Hope which was for breast cancer. He passed out some information on that event. He proposed that we have a similar event around Memorial Day which could become an annual event. He provided some preliminary figures for such an event; which would include dinner, silent auction, speaker and entertainment. Anyone interested in working with Steve on the project should contact him. Fundraising President Hansen reported that Dottie Dubuisson provided him some information on fundraising policies. He noted she also Motion by Paul Entrekin to provided him with some wording for exempting meetings from the approve concept and Sunshine when discussing information on donors. Ed Holt agreed provide more details. to check the law. Second by David Glassman. Motion Carried. David Glassman reported that the website continues to grow and he again encouraged members to visit the site. BLAB TV is on board for supporting information on Park events such as Reunions. One venue is the Monday morning Daily Brew show.

David also reported that Allen Jones will attend our next meeting and present framed photographs from our website. These could be sold as a fundraiser. Orders will come through the website and Treasurer will track income and expenses. Board will need to Technology decide on sale price. Framed pictures could also be used to give to donors. He recommended that we pay for two samples; one standard and one premium for $250. 3 John Clark reported that Dr. Hal Hinman had decided to withdraw his name for consideration as a board member. President Hansen asked if we have the list from for previous selections. That is available but is an old list. Board members should give consider who might be a potential board member. As on now there is one position available. Motion by Charlie Switzer to pay for two samples. Paul Entrekin recommended that consideration be given to Second by eliminating the Events Chair position; as most of this is done by John Clark. Motion the full board. It has evolved into a position where there is not Carried. much to do. He recommended that at the discretion of the Board Nominating he might be appointed to be the liaison to community for GWOT Memorial planning. President Hansen said we might consider this Information Only when we seat the next board.

Other Business Information Only

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 AM. Next meetings will be Information Only Tuesday, October 20 commencing at 9:00. Submitted by: These minutes were approved at the October 27, 2015 meeting of the VMP Board John B. Clark of Directors.


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