Syllabus and Policies
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Syllabus and Policies 7th Grade Science Mrs. Linda Smith Email: [email protected] Voicemail: 759-2653 Website:
Seventh Grade Science students will expand their understanding of the natural world. Students will become familiar with the elements of scientific inquiry and the tools and skills necessary to successfully investigate scientific information. Indiana State Standards for Grade 7 will guide instruction for students in the areas of physical, life, technological and earth sciences.
Student Materials: Composition Notebook-may be purchased from Mrs. Smith for 50₵ (No Spiral Notebooks) # 2 Pencils Blue, black and red pens Highlighters Box of Tissues 2 Scotch Tape Refills for Refillable Tape Dispenser
Science Curriculum: SEPUP-Science: Indiana Addition Grade 7
Course Outline:
Note: The order of units is approximate and subject to change. Please refer to the daily schedule posted on eChalk.
Introduction to 7 th Grade Science: o Classroom rules and policies
Standard 2: Earth and Space Systems 7th Grade Core Standard Describe how earth processes have shaped the topography of the earth and have made it possible to measure geological time.
SEPUP Issues and Earth Science-7 o Studying Soil Scientifically o Rocks and Minerals o Plate Tectonics
Standard 1: Physical Science 7th Grade Core Standard Explain that energy cannot be created or destroyed but only changed from one form into another or transferred from place to place. 7th Grade Core Standard Describe and investigate how forces between objects can act at a distance or by means of direct contact between objects.
SEPUP Issues and Physical Science-7 o Force and Motion
Standard 3: Life Science 7th Grade Core Standard Understand the cellular structure of living organisms, both single-celled and multicellular.
SEPUP Issues and Life Science-7 o Cell Biology and Disease o Body Works o Bioengineering
Standard 4: Science, Engineering and Technology 7th Grade Core Standard Design and construct a device that converts energy from one form to another to perform work.
Included throughout SEPUP Issues and Science-7 Dear Parent or Guardian,
This year, your child is using a science course called Issues and Science that was developed by SEPUP, the Science Education for Public Understanding Program. SEPUP has developed and published innovative and highly acclaimed middle school curriculum for more than 30 years. Issues and Science, like other SEPUP curriculum materials, was funded by the National Science Foundation in association with Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley. To learn more about SEPUP, visit us on the Internet at
Issues and Science is an engaging hands-on science course based on the education approach of scientific inquiry. As such, it uses several kinds of activities to teach science. A combination of experiments, readings, models, debates, role-plays, and projects help students discover the nature of science, learn science content, and experiences the relevance of science in today’s world.
How do we know that this is a good way for your child to learn? In general, research on science education supports it. In particular, SEPUP tests out its materials, such as Issues and Science, with hundreds of students and their teachers throughout the country, and experts in science provide scientific review of the content. SEPUP then revises the materials based on the feedback and evaluation of the materials. We believe the resulting curriculum shows students that learning and using scientific ideas is an important and an exciting endeavor.
The SEPUP Staff Classroom Policies:
Four Simple Rules:
1. Follow Directions 2. Raise Your Hand before Speaking Or Leaving Your Seat 3. Respect Your Classmates and Your Teacher 4. Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to Yourself
Getting Your Attention:
When you hear the word STOP or hear a bell you are to do the following: Freeze and stop talking. Turn and face the teacher, pay attention and listen for instructions.
Late Assignments: (Subject to change)
• Assignments one day late will be docked 20%. • Assignments two days late will be docked 50%. • Assignments turned in after two days will not receive credit.
• You will be allowed one make-up day for every day missed. • Check absent student notebook for make-up work. Pick up missed assignments in the black magazine holder next to the absent student notebook. ASK IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. • If you are absent only the day an assignment is due or a test is scheduled you will be expected to turn in your assignment or take your test on the day you return. • Alternative assignments may be given in place of lab work.
• Grades will be comprised of a combination of daily class work, labs, homework, quizzes, tests and participation. Grading scale can be found in the student agenda. • In some cases labs that cannot be recreated will not be able to be made up by students even if the absence is excused. In this case an alternative make up assignment will be provided. • CHEATING WILL BE TREATED AS A VERY SERIOUS OFFENSE. Cheating is misrepresenting work as your own which is actually someone else’s. Talking during a test, copying someone’s homework, using another lab group’s data are all examples of cheating. • Please feel free to ask for extra help if you are in need. I will make arrangements to come in before or after school to work with you. Name: ______
Class Rules and Expectation Understanding
I have read the class rules and expectations for 7th Grade/7th Grade Accelerated and 8th Grade Science with Mrs. L. Smith. I understand that it is my responsibility to follow the stated rules and that failure to do so could result in losing participation points or other disciplinary measures.
I understand that these rules are for the benefit of the entire class and will lead to the best learning environment possible for each class member.
______Student’s Signature Date Parent’s Signature
Best Way to Contact Parent:(Please Circle Preferred Method of Contact)
______Email address: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Text or Call