Minutes of the Roads Committee Meeting s1
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APOLOGIES; The Very Rev Robert Key (Dean) Mr P Freeley (Procureur du Bien Public) Mr P Noble (Director of Technical & Environmental Services)
IN ATTENDANCE: Mr C Barton (Procureur du Bien Public) Mr J Stievenard (Assistant Director of Technical & Environmental Services) Mr R MacKenzie (Town Centre Manager)
OPEN MEETING Having been previously circulated, the ‘A’ Agenda Minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2009 were agreed. MATTERS ARISING 01/10 - RUE DE Previous minute 305/09 refers FUNCHAL Mr Jennings provided draft wording for the sign but suggested the style of the Jersey Heritage/Tourism sign may be more appropriate as there would be more room for information/pictures and as they are cheaper than the slate version and the sign could be replaced if more information came to light about the origin of the name for James Street. This type of sign would also be preferable if it was decided to provide the history of other street names around the town. The Committee agreed with the suggestion and the Constable said an application could be made to the Tourism Development fund for a series of signs and contact would be made with Jersey Heritage to establish supplier details. Mr MacKenzie agreed to look at the maintenance and updating of the Centre Ville signs.
02/10 - POTENTIAL Previous minute 306/09 refers LOCATIONS FOR Deferred until the March meeting. ADDITIONAL JERSEY CROSSINGS
03/10 - PARK SIGNS Previous minute 307/09 refers Deferred until the March meeting.
04/10 - FILTER IN Previous minute 279/09 refers TURNS T & E Services agreed to obtain an update.
05/10 - PARKING – Previous minute 210/09 refers ROYAL SQUARE The Constable said he had not yet had opportunity to speak with the new Bailiff and would update the Committee in due course.
AGENDA ITEMS 06/10 - BATTLE OF Previous minute 308/09 refers FLOWERS FUNFAIR A meeting had been held with the Battle of Flowers Committee and a set of conditions have been agreed as follows:- 1 Noise control BOF will source and provide independent noise monitoring equipment which will operate 24 hours a day and record noise levels throughout the duration of the funfair and will employ suitable personnel who will be qualified to read and disseminate the data. The data to be kept by BOF for future reference. The equipment can be located at Westmount Lodge. The use of tannoys will be banned except for the necessary health and safety announcements such as advising that the ride is about to commence movement. A single sound source will be used throughout the arena to relay music. Individual rides will therefore not operate their own music systems. Sound limiting devices will be investigated and a promise has been given that the funfair manager will try to play music which does not have a heavy bass content.
2 Policing More security staff and site marshals will be employed to ‘manage’ the arena. One or more officers will be on duty throughout the night to police anti social behaviour and be responsible for calling the States Police should it be necessary. St Helier Honorary Police have agreed to locate their ‘command post’ within the arena on all days apart from the two ‘Battle’ days. The degree of manning will be dependant on available resources.
3 Closing times 10.00pm closing Monday to Wednesday; 10.30pm closing Thursday to Sunday; opening night closing time of 11.00pm and Moonlight Parade evening closure of 11.30pm.
4 Site responsibility Use of People’s Park is contractually between the Parish and BOF Committee, and that Committee will continue to have overall responsibility for the funfair. Last year’s site manager will manage the 2010 funfair and will have an assistant. BOF confirm that, in addition, they will employ a suitably qualified officer to act as first point of contact and interface between the public and the BOF Committee. This person will possess a mobile telephone, the number of which will be well publicised and delivered to all residential accommodation in the vicinity. He/she will be responsible for receiving calls between 2.30pm and midnight for the duration of the funfair. A second telephone, held by the site manager will remain accessible 24 hours a day, and this number will also be publicised.
The Committee were pleased to see that a positive response had been received from the BOF Committee and look forward to a trouble free event. It was hoped that the number of security staff would be adequate but it was agreed that a low profile presence was desirable.
Representatives of the Friends Of People’s Park welcomed the commitment of the Association to adhere to the conditions but hoped that the noise monitoring would be carried out by an independent professional.
07/10 - EXTENSION The Committee were asked to consider a request to extend the alfresco TO ALFRESCO AREA area at the Cock & Bottle in a westerly direction further into Royal Square to – COCK & BOTTLE, enable them to create a dedicated smoking area. The Peirson did not have ROYAL SQUARE any objection to the proposals and the Bailiff had been consulted and was in agreement to the extension subject to:-
1. the boundary line adjacent to the States building being realigned to its original position 2. the new boundary line at the front of the area not exceeding the measurement stated in the application 3. to reserve the right to request the area be moved, restricted or vacated should the space be required for other events
T & E Services pointed out that the architect’s drawing which had been supplied was incorrect as it did not show the correct line of the existing area. The Committee agreed to the proposal subject to this error being pointed out and if it was the intention to extend the area in line with the drawing this would have to be subject to another application to the Committee.
08/10 - Previous minute 323/09 refers REFURBISHMENT Responses had been received following the consultation exercise and OF COMMERCIAL concern had been expressed by some businesses that the stopping and STREET unloading facilities were inadequate. It was felt that as the pavement was being widened significantly there should not be any objection to vehicles stopping briefly on the pavement. It was pointed out that implementation of the scheme will lead to an overall increase in legal unloading areas along the length of the street and be an enhancement for some businesses who do not have any unloading facilities at present.
The Committee agreed that the scheme should proceed subject to the comments received and adjustments being made where possible.
09/10 - HAWKER’S The Committee were asked to discuss the policy for the issue of Hawker’s LICENCES Licences and advise on some current applications, eg cheese trailer, mobile ice cream bike. There had been a recent influx of applications possibly to do with the general economic downturn and an increase in entrepreneurial spirit. The Committee’s previous stance, following consultation with the Chamber of Commerce, had been not to support this type of outlet and it was suggested to applicants that they contact the organisers of special events ie food fairs etc. However some members of the Committee felt that in some instances these outlets could enhance the town and add to the ambiance of certain locations.
It was felt that the blanket decision could be relaxed and each application should be dealt with separately.
Mr MacKenzie agreed to consult the Chamber of Commerce to gain an up to date view.
10/10 - TOWER Previous minute 324/09 refers ROAD FOOTPATH The proposal for Compulsory Purchase of land at Richelieu Villa had been withdrawn from the Parish Assembly on 30 December 2009 as the 1981 revised improvement plan for the area had not been ratified by Parish Assembly.
In advance of taking the matter to Parish Assembly the Committee were asked to formally approve the plan. The Committee asked if all the property owners involved were aware of the road improvement line proposals and T & E Services advised that all parties had been advised but this was a number of years ago.
It was suggested that all parties were contacted again as some properties could have had a change of ownership in the intervening period and this would give them opportunity to attend the Parish Assembly. T & E Services agreed that the letters would be followed up by a personal visit to the property along with the involvement of the Deputies where this was felt necessary. The Committee agreed that this project should be actively pursued because of the safety implications for pedestrians.
PLANNING APPLICATIONS 11/10 - 49, ST P/2009/2254 MARKS 49, St Marks Road/Byron Lane, St. Helier ROAD/BYRON LANE, ST HELIER Convert 1 No. dwelling into 1 No. flat and 1 No. maisonette. Demolish garage and construct store and 1 No. maisonette. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comments as follows:-
The applicant has not shown how pedestrian and vehicle visibility lines can be achieved onto Byron Lane, and this must be incorporated into the design before the Parish can make further comment.
12/10 - 1, WESLEY P/2009/2339 STREET, ST HELIER 1, Wesley Street, St. Helier Convert existing office building into 8 No. flats. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comments as follows:-
Support is given for this application on condition that a minimum of one car parking space per unit can be provided and that the bin store is doubled in size to accommodate 2 x 1100 litre eurobins and 1 x 660 litre glass bins with space for future separation and recycling.
13/10 - BENTO A/2009/2342 SUSHI, 1 Bento Sushi, 1 Commercial Street, St Helier, JE2 3RU COMMERCIAL STREET, ST HELIER, JE2 3RU Display 1 No. new sign. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided:-
The requirements of the Highways Encroachments (Jersey) Regulations 1957 are complied with.
14/10 - 42 DON P/2009/2310 STREET, ST HELIER 42 Don Street, St Helier Change of use of 3rd floor retail storage area to office accommodation. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comments as follows:-
The Parish has no objection in principle to the change of use but will not give formal approval until the applicant satisfies the Parish Refuse Manager that the storage and disposal of rubbish can be undertaken in an appropriate manner.
15/10 - LE GALLAIS A/2009/2301 SELF STORAGE, Le Gallais Self Storage, Hilgrove Street, St Helier HILGROVE STREET, ST HELIER Display 3 No. new and 1 No. replacement signs. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comments as follows:- All signs must comply with the Highway Encroachments (Jersey) Regulations 1957, particularly the requirement for projecting signs not to project further than a point 300mm inside an imaginary vertical line drawn from the outer edge of the kerb. The sign in the corner car park (sign 4) must be located in such position so as not to impede visibility for vehicles when exiting Hilgrove Street.
16/10 - SPAR P/2009/2257 STORE, LA ROUTE Spar Store, La Route de St Aubin, St. Helier DE ST AUBIN, ST HELIER RETROSPECTIVE: Replacement of air conditioning units and installation of louvred screen enclosure around the plant. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comments as follows:- The Parish is aware of previous complaints regarding noise from air- conditioning units at this site and the Parish cannot support this application unless the applicant can prove that the new units will operate silently.
17/10 - 18A, P/2009/2289 CHEAPSIDE, ST 18A, Cheapside, St Helier, JE2 3PG HELIER, JE2 3PG Change of use of second floor office to workshop. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comments as follows:- The applicant has not indicated what the proposed workshop will be used for. Concern is expressed that such use should not involve any activity at any time which would adversely affect the enjoyment of adjacent domestic accommodation.
18/10 - BETHANY, P/2009/2258 LE CLOS DE MON Bethany, Le Clos de Mon Sejour, St Helier SEJOUR, ST HELIER Demolish existing dwelling. Construct 2 No. dwellings. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided:- The existing grass verge on La Rue de Mon Sejour is maintained to its current width of approximately 2.30m to retain the rural streetscape, and that no trees, shrubs, fences or other structures are positioned thereon.; The kerb and footpath must be lowered by the Parish of St. Helier at the expense of the applicant; That a line of 50mm wide split blocks shall be laid flush at the junction between the private land and the rear of the public footpath for the width of the site; and That all surface water generated on site is disposed of within the site and does not discharge onto the public highway.
19/10 - JERDON, P/2009/2381 UPPER MIDVALE Jerdon, Upper Midvale Road, St Helier ROAD, ST HELIER Demolish existing building. Construct 2 No. dwellings. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comments as follows:- The Parish is not opposed to the redevelopment proposal, but cannot approve the design of the vehicular entrance. Visibility southward when exiting is obscured by the adjacent high brick wall and does not meet the required criteria for both pedestrian and vehicle visibility. A revised plan should be submitted to show how this can be achieved, possibly by relocating the access more centrally on the site. The refuse store is too far from the road. It should be located adjacent to Raleigh Avenue for ease of access and to reduce collection time.
20/10 - WESLEY RP/2009/2369 CHAPEL, WESLEY Wesley Chapel, Wesley Street, St Helier STREET, ST HELIER Retain and refurbish existing chapel façade. Demolish outbuildings. Construct 41 no. underground parking spaces and stores. Construct 3 no. apartment blocks consisting of 62 no. apartments. Associated landscaping and roof terraces. AMENDED PLANS: Retain and refurbish the existing chapel façade and slight returns. Demolish other substandard and fire damaged structures/outbuildings and adjoining warehouse. Construct 31 No. underground parking spaces with ancillary storage. Construct a mix of 58 No. one and two bedroom apartments with associated landscaped amenity courtyard, roof terraces and roof gardens. AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED. REVISED PLANS: Reduce number of apartments to 56. Revised parking layout. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comments as follows:-
The Parish wishes to reiterate its previous comments that only 36 car parking spaces will be provided for 56 units. Whilst it is accepted that a proportion of the units will be occupied by persons who are car-free, the proposed provision equates to 65% of the units, most of which are two- bedroomed and likely to attract more than one car per unit. The two bin stores are just adequate to accommodate refuse from the development, but the Parish recommend that the applicant increase their size and shape to aid future separation and recycling.
21/10 - P/2009/2414 CHERRYTREE Cherrytree Farm, La Ruette Pinel, St Helier FARM, LA RUETTE PINEL, ST HELIER
RETROSPECTIVE: Change of use of shed to dry storage. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided:- A Clause is incorporated into the planning approval that no P30 plated (oversized) vehicle will be permitted to service the site. Ruette Pinel is very narrow and damage to roadside banks and walls is likely to occur if large vehicles are allowed access.
22/10 - CASTLE P/2009/2341 QUAY, THE Castle Quay, The Waterfront, St Helier, JE2 3WF WATERFRONT, ST HELIER, JE2 3WF Construct 3 No. mixed blocks – offices, retail units and 280 No. apartments. Model available. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comments as follows:-
Refuse Following extensive discussion with the Parish, the developer has designed a scheme which incorporates refuse stores within the basement which are of adequate size to meet the need of the residential and commercial units. The proposal for a management company to transport all bins to a surface level holding area ready for collection is acceptable to the Parish but will only be successful if a robust policy of delivering bins on time to the appropriate collection point can be maintained. It is recommended that the refuse strategy is further developed, fine tuned and delivered in conjunction with the Parish Refuse Manager.
Parking Total car parking provision including disabled spaces is 221, which equates to approximately 80% of the total units of accommodation. Whilst it is accepted that perhaps 20% of the residential units will be occupied by persons who will use transport other than the car, it is noted that over half of the units will be 2 bedroomed and therefore likely to attract more than one car per unit. Unless the developer can produce information to show that the proposed car parking provision is adequate, the Parish believe that the number of residential units should be reduced or car parking increased.
Servicing Daily servicing requirements for 280 units of accommodation, 8 retail outlets, two office suites and a leisure unit will be considerable, and the proposed shared drop-off bay on Rue de l’Etau appears inadequate to meet this need. It is recommended that further assessment of servicing requirements be undertaken to determine the number and frequency of deliveries/collections to the development which will not result in the parking of vehicles on Rue de l’Etau.
Retail Units It is noted that the proposed retail units have been designed not to have a detrimental impact on the current town centre facilities by creating lifestyle market units. The Parish welcomes this proposal and requests that this is controlled by planning conditions to prevent major retail outlets migrating to this development. It is required that these units are serviced by suitably located bicycle stands.
23/10 - ALHAMBRA P/2009/2382 HOTEL AND Alhambra Hotel and Restaurant, Roseville Street, St Helier RESTAURANT, ROSEVILLE STREET, ST HELIER Demolish single storey part of hotel to north. Construct 3 storey extension to form 3 No 1 bed self catering apartments. REVISED PLANS: Construct 3 storey extension to form 1 No self-catering dwelling. The Roads Committee has examined the plans for the above submission and gives approval provided:-
Refuse from the units can be disposed of within the existing hotel arrangements; and No part of the development, including roof, fascias, porticos, windows and foundations, encroaches beyond the site boundary. 24/10 - P/2009/2373 D’AUVERGNE, LA D’Auvergne, La Rue des Canons, St Helier RUE DES CANONS, ST HELIER
Demolish existing dwelling. Construct 2 No. dwellings. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comments as follows:- The Parish has no objection to the development of the site including the proposal for three car parking spaces. However, concern is expressed that spaces 3 and 6 on drawing no. 5025-001B are located immediately adjacent to high boundary walls, thereby affording virtually zero visibility. Rue des Canons is narrow and, although vehicle speeds are likely to be low, the front of a vehicle will have to project 2m. into Rue des Canons before sight of oncoming vehicles can be achieved. It is recommended that a similar arrangement to the property on the site’s Western boundary is adopted, whereby a central vehicular access is created thereby giving adequate vision in both directions. The Parish cannot support the proposed arrangement of car parking.
25/10 - LA CANTINA P/2009/2394 RESTAURANT, 7 La Cantina Restaurant, 7 Peirson Road, St Helier, JE2 3PD PEIRSON ROAD, ST HELIER, JE2 3PD Alterations to pavement in front of restaurant to form alfresco area. Erect detached alfresco area with screens. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comment as follows:-
The Parish supports this application but will request further details on the design of the end glazed screens.
It should also be noted that both TTS and the Parish will require the pedestrian walkway around the alfresco area to be constructed from granite kerbstones with tarmac infill as a formal extended footpath. No bollards will be required.
26/10 - BLOCK A, P/2010/0021 LA COLLETTE Block A, La Collette Flats, Green Street, St Helier FLATS, GREEN STREET, ST HELIER
Various external alterations to include cladding, replacement windows, parking arrangement and landscaping. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comment as follows:-
Full support is given for the refurbishment scheme, but the opportunity to improve vehicular access for the refuse wagon must not be missed. The current arrangement whereby the wagon reverses up the narrow lane from Green Street is unacceptable and potentially unsafe.
The creation of a turning head as shown on the attached sketch plan will allow the vehicle to drive forward up the lane and then turn safely within the site and it is requested that the detail is amended accordingly.
The scheme should also incorporate a minor amendment to the north west corner of block ‘A’ to incorporate an area for recycling bins, and this is shown on the attached sketch plan in red.
27/10 - OLD P/2010/0051 PILOT’S OFFICE, Old Pilot’s Office, Victoria Pier, St Helier, JE2 3NB VICTORIA PIER, ST HELIER, JE2 3NB
Convert store/workshop to retail unit. The Parish asks if this retail is appropriate to the maritime area – more information is requested before comment can be made. 28/10 - LAND P/2010/0058 ADJACENT TO Land adjacent to Slipway, La Folie, The Quay, St Helier SLIPWAY, LA FOLIE, THE QUAY, ST HELIER
Erect trailer for the sale of cheese. The Roads Committee oppose the application as this takes retail away from the town centre.
Unlike existing shellfish kiosks operating the from harbour area the sale of cheese has no maritime connection and is therefore in conflict with Island Plan policies designed to protect the retail core of St Helier.
29/10 - 79B GREAT A/2010/0083 UNION ROAD, ST 79B Great Union Road, St Helier, JE2 3WA HELIER, JE2 3WA Display 2 No signs. The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided:-
That the requirements of the Highway Encroachments (Jersey) Regulations 1957 are strictly complied with.
NEXT MEETING The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 17 March 2010 at 9.30am in the Committee Room, First Floor, Town Hall.