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College of Education and Human CSD 5230 Service Professions Assistive Technology Department of Communication Summer 2004 Sciences and Disorders Mark Mizuko, Ph.D. M-F 9:00 am-12:55 pm, Montague 30 Office: 233 Bohannon Hall Phone: 218-726-8203 Office Hours: 1-3 Wednesdays or by email: [email protected] appointment
Course Syllabus
Course Objectives: 1) To identify augmentative and alternative communication systems used by persons with moderate to severe speech and writing disabilities; 2) to administer appropriate assessment and intervention procedures used for augmentative and alternative communication system selection and implementation for a variety of populations; and 3) to operate a variety of augmentative and alternative communication devices (computer based and dedicated systems).
Course Outcomes (CAA/CFCC Standards):
Standard III-C. The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the nature of speech, language, hearing, and communication disorders and differences and swallowing disorders, including the etiologies, characteristics, anatomical/physiological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates. Outcomes Areas Evidence 1. The student will be able to identify augmentative and 4, 9 4,6,8 alternative communication modalities (aided, unaided), techniques and assistive technologies used by speech and/or writing impaired individuals. 2. The student will be able to identify motor access and 9 4,6,8 visual considerations (anatomical sites and physiological factors) related to augmentative and alternative communication techniques and assistive technologies. 3. The student will be able to identify cognitive components 7 4,6,8 (object permanence, cause-effect, memory) related to augmentative and alternative communication techniques and assistive technologies. 4. The student will be able to identify linguistic components 4, 9 4,6,8 (symbol systems and vocabulary) related to augmentative and alternative communication techniques and assistive technologies. 5. The student will be able to identify social aspects of 8, 9 4,6,8 communication (conversational components) related to augmentative and alternative communication techniques and assistive technologies.
1 Standard III-D. The applicant must possess knowledge of the principles and methods of prevention, assessment, and intervention for people with communication and swallowing disorders, including consideration of anatomical/physiological, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates of the disorders. Outcomes Areas Evidence 1. At emerging level, student will be able to adapt 4,7,8,9 6 assessment procedures for augmentative and alternative communication candidates, administer assessment procedures efficiently, interpret results and make appropriate recommendations. 2. At emerging level, student will be able to interpret and 4,7,8,9 6 integrate behavioral observations and/or test data to define the client's communicative functioning. Student will be able to develop diagnostic impressions and make basic recommendations that are consistent with evaluation results and that are adequate for case management. 3. At emerging level, the student will identify appropriate 4,9 6 treatment approaches and strategies that are appropriate for augmentative and alternative communication and assistive technologies use. 4. At emerging level, the student will be able to operate and 4,9 5 program augmentative and alternative communication aides and assistive technologies used by speech and/or writing impaired individuals.
Standard III-F. The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of processes used in research and the integration of research principles into evidence-based clinical practice. Outcomes Areas Evidence 1. At emerging level, student will be able to demonstrate 4,9 8 data collection procedures that are used with evidence-based AAC clinical practice.
2 Standard IV-B. The applicant must possess skill in oral and written or others forms of communication sufficient for entry into professional practice. Outcomes Areas Evidence 1. Student will be able to demonstrate oral communication 9 4,5,6 skills sufficient to achieve effective classroom presentations.
2.At an emerging level, student will be able to demonstrate 9 6 written communication skills sufficient to prepare appropriate diagnostic reports and treatments plans in terms of accurate content and appropriate form.
Recommended Texts:
Glennen, S. & DeCoste, D. Handbook of Augentative Communication and Alternative Communication. San Diego, CA: Singular Publication, 1996.
Yorkston, K. Augmentative Communication in the Medical Setting. Tucson, AZ: Communication Skill Builders, 1992.
Final Grade:
Grade: Assignments - 100 points
1. Switch Scanning Centre Tutorials - 5 2. Special Access Technology Book - 5 3. PowerPoint Application - 5 4. Case Presentation & Evaluation - 35 5. **Aided Langauge Intevention Activity - 5 6. ERICA Assessment Component -15 7. Garrett & Beukelman’s Intervention Model - 5 8. Participation in Labs* - 10 9. Reflection Paper* – 15 *individual **surprise
3 Policies
Assignments: Due dates for assignments are listed in the schedule of topics and readings list. Late work will be penalized 25% of the total points for each day it late. Attendance is expected at all classes and mandatory for classes that involve individual and/or group assignments and exams and/or quizzes.
Disability Accommodations: If you have a disability of any type, either permanent or temporary, please communicate with me to make arrangements for reasonable accommodations to ensure equitable participation.
Exams: You are responsible to make arrangements for missed exams within two days of the scheduled exam. The make-up exam may be different from the one given on the scheduled day.
Incompletes: If it is necessary to take an incomplete for this course, set up an appointment to discuss some options.
Participation: You are expected to contribute to classroom discussions and activities as your participation will be rated.
Standards Legend
Areas 1-Articulation 2-Fluency 3-Voice & Resonance 4-Receptive & Expressive Language 5-Hearing 6-Swallowing 7-Cognitive Aspects 8-Social Aspects 9-Communication Modalities
Evidence 1-Exams 2-Papers 3-Performance Evaluation 4-Presentations 5-Demonstrations 6-Case Studies 7-Journal/Research Articles 8 -Classroom Discussions
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