Demande De Financement D Activités Habillitantes Procédure Accéléré
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UNDP Request for Enabling Activity Funding GEF Under Expedited Procedures
Project Identifiers 1- Project Number : BKF/03/Gxx/A/1G/99 3-GEF Implementing Agency/Executing Agency: UNDP 2- Project Name: Enabling activity for the 5- Country eligibility: Burkina Faso signed the preparation of a National Implementation Plan Stockholm Convention (NIP) on POPs for Burkina Faso 4- Country: Burkina Faso 6- Name of focal point: Ministry of Environment: Jean Babtiste Kambou, GEF Operational Focal Point, 20th November 2002. Summary of Project Objectives, Activities, and Expected Outcomes 7- Project objectives: The project is aimed at preparing through a participatory process a National Implementation Plan for the elimination and reduction of POPs in Burkina Faso by meeting the following sub-objectives:
(a) Development and strengthening of multiparty coordination structures and government capacity building; (b) Preparation of inventories and collection of data regarding POP management on Burkina territory; (c) Development and strengthening of national expertise in POP management; (d) Development of a National Implementation Plan in consultation with the actors involved, aimed at eliminating or, as the case may be, reducing POPs for each target substance by sector (agriculture, power generation and distribution, waste management and fight against malaria) ; (e) Development and strengthening of capacities for the communication of information on POPs to the general public, policy making entities and the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention. 8- Project activities:
(a) Elaboration and setting up of coordination and consultation structures (national committee, sectoral sub-committees, secretariat staff) ; (b) Identification of members for the national committee and sectoral sub-committees; (c) Development of a preliminary inventory on POP management in Burkina Faso ; (d) Determination of priorities for action through a multiparty consultation process with the actors (sectoral sub-committees) and the national committee; (e) Elaboration of a national implementation plan; (f) Training of committee/sub-committee members and government representatives; (g) Creation of an entity in charge of communications and information communication tools on POPs; (h) Delivery of a national workshop to validate the national plan.
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9- Project duration: 24 months
10- Project expected outcomes: (a) Creation of a national coordination and consultation structure; (b) Preliminary POP inventory; (c) Preparation of a Stockholm Convention National Implementation Plan; (d) Preparation of a specific action plan for each sector concerned; (e) National expertise strengthening; (f) Communication, information and awareness-raising tool; (g) Strengthening of capacity to participate in international processes on POPs. 11- Estimated total budget: US$490,184
Government in-kind contribution is equivalent to $18,285. This contribution covers the cost of counterpart salaries, office space and office operation (utilities) over the life of the project.
12- Amount being requested from the GEF: US$471, 899
Information on institutions submitting project brief 13- Information on the Ministry of Environment and Living Conditions of Burkina Faso:
The Ministry of Environment and Living Conditions has been entrusted with the mission of protecting and preserving the environment in Burkina Faso. This project will be housed within the General Directorate of Environment, and more precisely the Directorate of International Environmental Conventions. This Directorate’s major task is to monitor the implementation of the conventions.
14- Information on the proposed executing organization (Same as no. 13) 15- Date the proposal was submitted to the GEF Implementing Agency: 17 January 2002
16- Date the proposal was submitted to the GEF Secretariat:
17- Date the proposal was approved:
Information to be completed by the Implementing Agency 18- Project identification number: 2351
19- Implementing/Executing Agency contact person: Maryam Niamir-Fuller, Regional Coordinator, UNDP-GEF; Lusaka, Zambia. [email protected]
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Project Objectives
The project is aimed at preparing, through a participatory process, a National Implementation Plan for the elimination and reduction of POPs in Burkina Faso
Project Description
The project will be implemented according to the following stages: (1) Setting up coordination mechanisms and organizing the consultation process; (2) Preparation of inventories and evaluation of management structures; (3) Preparation of the National Implementation Plan and setting up communications infrastructures; and (4) Creation of a permanent secretariat. The project will be executed over a period of 24 months after funding has been approved.
Stage 1: Setting up coordination mechanisms and initiate consultation process.
- Identify the members of the expert team (7 national experts including 1 public health engineer, 1 chemical engineer specialized in dioxin and furan inventories, 1 chemical engineering specialized in organic processes, 1 expert in international convention management, 1 rural development engineer, 1 chemical engineer specialized in PCB inventories and 1 agricultural engineer specialized in pesticide management.) - Identify international experts - Hire coordination staff (one secretary, one coordinator and one assistant) - Identify and approach members of the National Coordination Committee (14 members including 2 representatives of the Ministry of Environment, 1 representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, 1 representative of the Ministry of Energy, 1 representative of the Ministry of Commerce, 1 representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1 representative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, 1 representative of the Ministry of Health and 2 representatives of civil society) - Identify and approach members of the sectoral sub-committees (agriculture, electricity generation and distribution, waste management and malaria/DDT) - Deliver two training sessions to members of the National Committee and the 4 sub-committees on the following themes: POPs and impacts on environmental and human health, and POPs’ physico-chemical properties and transportation.
Stage 2: Creation of a national inventory and evaluation of management infrastructures.
- Training for members of the National Coordination Committee and sub-committees (types of toxic and harmful substance inventories, legislative framework for the management of toxic substances, management, classification and transportation (Basel) of toxic products). - Collection of data on POP discharges, evaluation of management infrastructure, evaluation of POP imports/exports by 4 assessment teams - Data validation and analysis by the expert team - Validation of data by the sectoral sub-committees (agriculture, electricity generation and distribution, waste management and malaria/DDT) - Production of preliminary inventory by the National Coordination Committee in collaboration with the team of experts - Production of a report on management and monitoring capacities by the National Coordination Committee and the team of experts including preliminary data on health. - Production of a report providing a preliminary socioeconomic assessment of costs linked to the sound management of POPs and their elimination.
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Stage 3: Preparation of the National Implementation Plan
- Meetings and workshops for sub-committees (identify actions to be undertaken, constraints and alternatives to POP use) - Production of a strategic option report for each sector containing recommendations by the sectoral sub-committees to the National Coordination Committee. - Meetings and workshops for the National Coordination Committee to identify priorities for action at the national level based on the recommendations of all sectoral committees - Production of a first draft of the National Implementation Plan by the National Coordination Committee - Review of the National Implementation Plan by a committee of experts - Review of the National Implementation Plan by international experts. - Production and printing of the National Implementation Plan (final draft).
Stage 4: Validation of the National Implementation Plan
- Validation of the National Implementation Plan to the Government of Burkina Faso by the National Coordination Committee. - Validation of the National Implementation Plan to the general public and society at large through a national validation workshop and a national press conference. - Monitoring and evaluation of the work of the sectoral sub-committees and the National Coordination Committee. - Elaboration of the proposal for funding of NIP implementation
Stage 5: Setting up permanent communication infrastructures and the secretariat to the Convention.
- Production and printing of a leaflet for information on and awareness-raising to POPs - Production and implementation of an publicity campaign (pesticides and waste management) - Development of a web site and putting it on line - Establishment of the Permanent Secretariat to the Stockholm Convention for Burkina Faso.
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STAGE 1: COORDINATION AND CONSULTATION PROCESS Main activities Results/Outputs Assistance needs Timeframe
Identify local team of experts Creation of committee of None 1 month experts Identify international experts Team of international None 1 month experts Hire coordination staff Coordination team None 1 month Identify members of the National Creation of National None 1 month Coordination Committee Coordination Committee Identify members of the sectoral Creation of 4 sectoral None 1 month sub-committees sub-committees Training for members of Participation in training Support from 2 months committees and employees activities international experts Establishment of coordination Establishment of a None 2 months logistics arrangements provisional secretariat
Training for members of Participation in training Support from 2 months committees and employees activities international experts Data gathering Data bank and None 6 months information Validation of data / experts Data validated None 2 months Validation of data / sectoral sub- Data validated None 2 months committees Production of draft inventory Inventory document Support from 3 months international experts Production of management Document on Support from 3 months inventory management assessment international experts Production of socioeconomic Document on None 3 months assessment socioeconomic aspects
STAGE 3: ELABORATION OF THE NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Main activities Results/Outputs Assistance needs Timeframe
Sectoral committees’ meetings Report on strategic Support from 2 months and workshops options by sector international experts National Coordination Report on strategic Support from 4 months Committee’s meetings and options at national level international experts workshops Review of National National Implementation None 1 month Implementation Plan by Plan reviewed committee of experts Review of National National Implementation Support from 1 month Implementation Plan by Plan reviewed international experts international experts Production and printing of NIP National Implementation None 1 month Plan finalized and printed
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STAGE 4: VALIDATION OF THE NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Main activities Results/Outputs Assistance needs Timeframe
Validation to the Government of Official approval by the None 1 month Burkina Faso Government Implementation of a national Validation by None 3 days workshop participants Implementation of a national Media coverage None 2 days press conference
STAGE 5: SETTING UP COMMUNICATIONS AND PERMANENT SECRETARIAT Main activities Results/Outputs Assistance needs Timeframe
Production of information leaflet 20,000 leaflets None 3 months on POPs Publicity campaign Radio and TV spots None 3 months Web site development and placing Web site None 3 months on line Elaboration of resource Resource Mobilization Support from 2 months mobilization strategy for NIP Strategy international experts implementation Establishment of a permanent Permanent secretariat None 2 months secretariat
Note: The sectoral committees are committees of approximately 10 to 15 people from various sectors of society but with an interest in the committee’s theme. Their mandate is to issue recommendations to the National Coordination Committee, identify obstacles to the reduction and elimination of POPs and identify alternatives to the use of POPs. The 4 themes are agriculture (pesticides), energy generation and distribution (BPC), waste management (HCB and dioxins/furans) and the fight against malaria (DDT).
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Work Programme Project-Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 24 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 1- Determining Coordinating Mechanism and Organizing Process Identification of National Committee X members Identification of members of 4 sectoral sub-committees X Constitution of technical team (7 X experts) Constitution of provisional secretariat X Training sessions for committee X X members Establishment of logistics X X infrastructures 2- Establishing POPs Inventory and Assessing Management Infrastructures 2.1 Management Infrastructures Preparation of questionnaires X X X Data gathering and compilation X X X X Data validation (committees and X X experts) Production of sectoral report X X X Production of national report X X X 2.2 Establishing POPs Inventory Preparation of questionnaires X X X Data gathering and compilation X X X X Data validation (committees and X X experts) Production of sectoral inventories X X X Production of national inventory X X X 3- Preparation of National Implementation Plan Preparation of recommendations by X X sector
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Setting priorities – National Committee X X X X Production of draft NIP X X Validation of NIP by technical team X 4- Approval and Validation Process Approval of NIP by the Government X National workshop on NIP X National press conference X X 5- Setting Up Communication Infrastructures Setting up of Permanent Secretariat X X Preparation of national communication X X X strategy Setting up communication tools X X Preparation of request for funding of X X implementation
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Component Number of Units Unit Cost Total Cost USD USD 1. Coordinating mechanism and organizing process National Project Coordinator 23 mm 811.83 18,672 Technical assistance (local) 30 mm 625.00 18,750 Chief International Consultant 20 md 540.00 10,800 Project administrative personnel 46 mm 365.74 16,824 Training 0 0 0 Workshops/meetings 0 0 0 Travel of International expert 2 missions 3000 6000 Travel local 40 missions 1002.90 40,116 Others (audit, communications, operations) misc 42,000 42,000 Sub-total 153,162 2. Inventory and assessment of national infrastructure capacity Technical assistance (local) 50 mm 625.00 31,250 Technical assistance (International) 10 md 540.00 5,400 Training 54 people 596.33 32,202 Equipment (computers, software, lab) misc 22,750 22,750 Workshops/meetings 1 10,000 10,000 Travel (international expert) 1 3058 3,058 Travel local 14 missions 1002.86 14,040 Others (specify) 0 0 0 Sub-total 118,700 3. Priority setting and formulation of NIP Technical assistance (local) 30 mm 625.00 18,750 Technical assistance (international) 7 md 540.00 3,780 Workshops/meetings 1 12,675 12,675
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Travel (international expert) 1 mission 2,824 2,824 Others (publication of NIP) 2000 copies 17.81 35,614 Sub-total 73,643 4. Stakeholder involvement Technical assistance (local) 15.5 mm 626.19 9,706 Technical assistance (International) 7 md 540.00 3,780 Training 0 0 0 Workshops for national and local committees 30 1005.70 30,171 Workshops/meetings 3 833.33 25,000 Travel (international consultant) 1 mission 2,824 2,824 Travel (local) 15 missions 1000 15,000 Others (publicity, website) misc 39,913 39,913 Sub-total 126,394 Total Cost of Enabling Activities 471,899
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There is currently very little available information to enable the Government authorities to develop a detailed description of the POP situation on Burkinabe territory. This first stage will enable the Government of Burkina to develop an initial POP inventory based on the information scattered among the various ministries and gathered as a result from field work.
General State of Affairs for Burkina Faso POP’s
The general situation of POP’s (quantitative and qualitative data) is relatively unknown. This is because there have been no inventories produced on this subject. However, one can affirm without risk of error that stocks of these substances do exist throughout the country.
In fact, earlier DDT, heptachlor, aldrin and dieldrin were used. The principal sectors in which POPs are used as pesticides are: small-scale agriculture, construction, forestry, and intensive agriculture. Today, these substances have been banned. However, in reality their use still widely occurs. In fact, heptachlor and DDT are still fraudulently used against termites and ants. This is due on the one hand to the permeability of borders and on the other to the population’s lack of association of danger to the use of these substances.
During Burkina Faso’s 2001 inventory of expired/obsolete pesticide stocks, the technical team discovered a rather important DDT residue in recipients having once been used to contain the substance. This is accounted for in that DDT was once used in the fight against malaria until its use was banned in the CILSS region in 1994. Also, the stock remained there for lack of knowing what else to do with it. In parallel to POP’s pesticides, there exists an important stock of condensers and transformers containing PCB that are rejected and persist to discharge until their life cycle comes to term.
Currently, the National electricity utility still uses these machines. Unfortunately, we do not dispose of quantitative data, as no study exists on this matter. Similarly, on a national level there are many sources of dioxin and furan emissions. Among these are the emissions due to the practice of open sky incinerations. In the absence of appropriate incinerators, populations and even municipalities proceed in burning household waste, which contributes in the diffusion of these substances in the ambient air. Nearly ¾ of garbage is burned.
Additionally, the use of second hand vehicles is another source of heavy emissions of these substances. In Burkina Faso, the average age of vehicles is 16 years hence indicating a worrisome situation. Aside from these sources exist of course those coming from industrial processes. Despite there being no epidemiological studies to testify the health harm posed to populations by these substances, we can concede to it in light of the information we hold. For example, illnesses that were once rare have developed impressively in the past few years (e.g. cancers, cardiovascular diseases, congenital malformations, sterility, etc.).
Judicial Instruments for the Management of Chemical Products
The principal judicial instruments are:
The November 8th, 1996 n°041/96/ADP law instituting a control of pesticides in Burkina Faso and a March 26th, 1998 n°006-98/AN law modifying the November 8th, 1996 n°041/96/ADP law forbidding the control over pesticide use in Burkina Faso.
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The December 2nd 1998 n°98-481/PRES/PM/ AGRI decree attributing the composition of rules of functioning to the National Commission of Pesticide Control (Commission Nationale de Contrôle des Pesticides, CNCP). The December 9th, 1998 n°98-481/PRES/PM/MCIA/AGRI decree fixing delivery conditions for the Agreement of import, sale, marketing, detention, non-profit distribution and services using pesticides. The January 6th, 1994 n°94-041/PRES/PM/MICM/MFPI decree dealing with the establishment of a “national certificate of conformity” for products destined for consumption in Burkina Faso. The June 30th, 1997 n°005/97/ADP law establishing section 5 on measures for pesticides and fertilisers within the Burkina Faso Environment Code.
In parallel with these efforts, the country has signed and ratified certain international conventions in chemical products and dangerous waste domains, which are:
The Bale Convention on dangerous waste. Henceforth, at this level, all the inventoried POP’s will be dealt with in conformity with the dispositions of this convention.
The Rotterdam Convention on the information and consent procedures in chemical substance commerce.
On the institutional level, the newly created Ministry of Environment and Living Conditions (Ministère de l’Environnement et du Cadre de Vie MECV) assures the environmental security of the country. Consequently, the MECV is the thinking cell of chemical products management. In their management, the environmental department works in combination with the Agriculture and Health department.
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The project will be executed by the Ministry of Environment and Living Conditions and more specifically by the Directorate for International Conventions, according to national execution (NEX) procedures. The coordinator, who is also the POPs focal point, will be appointed by the Ministry and the other project staff members and consultants will be recruited according to UNDP procedures (i.e. publication of candidacy in all newspapers, selection committee, etc.) The terms of reference for all project staff positions and consultants are annexed to this document.
A national committee will be established, meeting twice a month to provide directions to the sectoral sub-committees, provide support guidance to the coordination committee and for the elaboration of the national strategy for POP management. There will also be four (4) sectoral sub-committees, i.e. for agriculture, energy, waste and malaria, meeting once every two months, to submit recommendations to the national committee. UNDP will ensure the monitoring and evaluation of the project in accordance with standard NEX (National Execution) procedures. The specialized services of UNOPS will be requested for the recruitment of international consultants, and procurement of equipment from international sources.
Further details on execution arrangements and monitoring and evaluation arrangements will be provided in the operational project document, upon approval of the POPs proposal by GEF.