FOREST STAND IMPROVEMENT (666) Job Sheet - Invasive and Exotic Plant Species in a Woodland
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Forest Stand Improvement – Invasive and Exotic Plant Species in a Forest Habitat
Illinois Job Sheet – 666 September, 2007
Landowner and Property Information:
Landowner -
Tract Name/Number(s) -
Field Name/Number(s) -
Forest Management Plan information:
Forest Management Plan Certification date -
Forest Management Plan Prepared by -
Number of Stands listed in the Forest Management Plan -
List of Stand Numbers that include controlling Invasive Species in the Recommendations section. Fill out table below.
Stand Stand Acres to be Invasive target plant species to be treated number Acres treated
FOREST STAND IMPROVEMENT (666) Job Sheet – Invasive and Exotic Plant Species in a Forest Habitat September 19, 2007 version Page 1 of 4 Summary schedule of treatments (fill this out after all the individual invasive target plant sheets are completed)
Stand Invasive target Percent of area Acres to Year of Treatment method Number and timing of Comments Number(s) plant species occupied by be treatment (Include equipment type, treatments target invasive treated herbicide rates) species canopy cover
FOREST STAND IMPROVEMENT (666) Job Sheet – Invasive and Exotic Plant Species in a Forest Habitat September 19, 2007 version Page 2 of 4 Fill out this page for EACH invasive target species to be controlled.
Specific Recommendations:
Invasive target plant species to be controlled -
Characteristics of Infestation: Percent of area occupied by target invasive species canopy - If woody species, range of diameter sizes measured at ground level -
Level of Control Objective: Containment **Treatment methods/strategies may Eradication vary with level of control objective**
List stand number(s), whether the whole or partial stand needs treatment, and acres to be treated for the invasive target plant species (if a partial stand needs treatment show the treatment boundaries on the project map or aerial photo):
Stand #: Whole Stand Partial Stand Acres to be treated: Stand #: Whole Stand Partial Stand Acres to be treated: Stand #: Whole Stand Partial Stand Acres to be treated: Stand #: Whole Stand Partial Stand Acres to be treated: Stand #: Whole Stand Partial Stand Acres to be treated: Stand #: Whole Stand Partial Stand Acres to be treated:
List reference for invasive target plant species recommended treatments (control method, number and timing, and method of disposal):
Control method(s) to be used for each plant species:
Mechanical Chemical Biological Manual Prescribed Burning Other
Number and timing of treatments for each control method:
Control method: Control method: Number of treatment(s): Number of treatment(s): Timing of treatment(s): Timing of treatment(s):
FOREST STAND IMPROVEMENT (666) Job Sheet – Invasive and Exotic Plant Species in a Forest Habitat September 19, 2007 version Page 3 of 4 Method of disposing treated invasive plant material:
Any sensitive areas or setbacks required? (List here and also show on project map or aerial photo.)
Method of re-vegetating treated areas and species to be planted (if applicable): * If YES, use the conservation practice that suits the site and objective for the stand. (i.e. TREE/SHRUB ESTABLISHMENT (612), CONSERVATION COVER (327), CRITICAL AREA PLANTING (342))
Schedule for monitoring re-growth of invasive plants and plan for follow-up control measures as needed:
Additional specifications and notes:
Please attach a map or aerial photo that shows: Stand boundaries Location of sensitive resources, if applicable Total area of infestation Location of setbacks, if applicable Planned treatment areas by method and year
When choosing herbicides, review leaching, runoff potential, setback requirements, persistence, and toxicity ratings of chemical formulations. Use the safest available herbicide. Pesticides used improperly can be injurious to man, animals, and plants. Follow all labels.
FOREST STAND IMPROVEMENT (666) Job Sheet – Invasive and Exotic Plant Species in a Forest Habitat September 19, 2007 version Page 4 of 4