MCHS Governance Board Meeting Minutes December 12, 2013

Members Attending: Ruth Bearden, Chairperson Sally Tuell, Vice Chairperson Ken Kuperberg, Secretary Brandon Patch Jean McIntosh Torbett Dana Buxton Brandy Nichols Glenn Tolbert Caroline Jones Mauli Desai Tyler Benford

Guests Present: None

Call to order 12:35 pm – R Bearden Inspiration – R Bearden Pledge of Allegiance led by R Bearden

Approval of Agenda and Minutes Motion – Sally Tuell 2nd – Brandon Patch

Pride Time Members of the GYA updated the group on their activities and accomplishments – MCHS swept the McCutchen awards this year. Members of the Competition Cheerleading Squad updated the group on their activities and accomplishments. Placed 9th at State Competition among 32 Teams competing.

Old Business

1. Discussion and vote on official name of our group to be used going forward. The council agreed on MCHS School Governing Council – in order to be consistent with other schools. Motion K Kukperberg, 2nd S Tuell - all approved

2. Visit to the Capitol by Neerav Kingsland – R Bearden, K Kuperberg – discussed New Orleans school reforms and how they are using charter schools to accomplish. Excellent model, but difficult to translate to our one high school system. 3. Video from Fulton County Schools, What is a Charter School was shown.

4. Bylaws – R Bearden led a discussion about the edits of the bylaws: aim is to get consensus, then vote on them as a whole at next meeting. Main issue for followup – student voting on executive session issues – group consensus was that our student members are responsible and we would like to give them as much voting privilege as possible. Ruth will check back with Joe Reitman to see if there is a legal reason why they cannot vote or issues upon which it would be illegal for them to vote. The council does not make decisions, but rather recommendations, so we agreed that students should be able to participate in that process. Also discussed ways to make sure incoming freshman parents could be represented on the council and in council elections for following year.

New Business Jan 9th is the next meeting but will be cancelled due to the holidays and we will meet again in February Motion to cancel the Jan 9 mtg - D Buxton, 2nd K Kuperberg – all approved

Principal’s Report –

Jean McIntosh sat in for Dr. Malanowski, who was attending a budget/finance training session in Macon.

AdvancedEd update, teams met today, final reports are due Thursday, Jan 9 the teams will present the findings to the staff, the reports are due to the district the following week. Actual visit is April 13-16. Will send out a list of potential questions before the interviews HPPLC report, High Performance Professional Learning Communities

Prepare for next meeting Bylaws review ongoing

Adjourn at 1:35pm Motion – K Kuperberg 2nd – S Tuell