JOHN MALL - PRIDE OF THE PANTHERS Weekly Informational Bulletin Week of November 28th – December 3rd - 2016 Date Event Monday November 28th  ELIGIBILITY – Reminder Basketball & Wrestling.  GET CREATIVE – NOVEMBER THEME: GRATEFULNESS  Path of Panther Pride- Let’s keep it going! Pipe, Flag Pole, and I-Beams. Who wants to tackle these?  CHAE ORGANICS – Fundraiser continued!  Kitchen and Culture Club – Christmas Food Drive Begins  Hat/Glove/Scarf/Coat Drive – Standing Rock, North Dakota  American Fidelity Agent to visit with ALL STAFF. On your prep period – in Room 5. If not on prep, we do have a floating substitute to cover. Tuesday  Informal Teacher Evaluations (Josh & Gunny) November 29th  FORMAL evaluations – next week - evaluator will be in communication to set up pre-conference. Wednesday  Staff Meeting: Topics – 1st Semester Finals – 2nd Semester November 30th Homeroom & Schedule  Informal Teacher Evaluations Thursday  Basketball – Trinidad State Junior College Tournament December 1st Schedule to be determined  Informal Teacher Evaluations (Josh & Gunny)  Finalize Formal Evaluations for next week. Friday  TSJC Basketball Continued (Schedule T.B.A.) December 2nd

Saturday  TSJC Basketball – Final Day December 3rd  Wrestling Tournament – Akron, CO – All Day  Live, love, laugh with family and friends!  Relax! Upcoming Events & Reminders:  LESSON PLANS BY MONDAY MORNING PLEASE. CC Josh if applicable.  A.M./P.M. Duty This Week: (STRESS DIRT PARKING AREA ) Mr. Tauer & Mr. Hallihan------Duty Next Week: Mr. Patrick & Mr. Pollack  Lunch Duty: Mon.(Catherine/Lisa) Tues.(Ross/Josh) Wed.(Cammie/Payne) Thurs.(Jon/Sean) – Duty teachers (ONLY)escort class 5 min. early: 11:44 a.m.  Lunch Duty -- Inside duty person please monitor in front of office- They need to go to cafeteria or outside. “A teacher affects eternity; (he or she) can never tell where his influence stops.” Henry B Adams