School Name: Lewis School

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School Name: Lewis School

Date Submitted: September 24, 2012

Dates of Revisions:

School Name: Lewis School School Performance Plan 2012 - 2013 All school advisory agendas, minutes, Legend membership, and guidelines of operations are AICE: Advance International Certificate of housed at the school site as well as the district Education NCLB: No Child Left Behind AP: Advanced Placement PDSP: Professional Development Site Plan office. These reflect the process used in the AYP: Adequate Yearly Progress PERT: Postsecondary Education Readiness Test preparation and evaluation of the school CCS: Common Core Standards PLAN: (ACT’s 10th Grade Assessment Test) performance plan and the school’s annual DA Differentiated Accountability PMP: Progress Monitoring Plan budget. SAC funds in the amount of $ , DEA: Discovery Education Assessment PMS: Progress Monitoring System will primarily be used for : . ED: Economically Disadvantaged POC: Plan of Care ELL: English Language Learners PPP: Pupil Progression Plan The names represented below indicate ESE: Exceptional Student Education RtI: Response to Intervention FAIR: Florida Assessment for Instruction of approval of the SPP by SAC committee SAC: School Advisory Council Reading SAI: Supplemental Academic Instruction members. FCAT: Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test SAT 10: Stanford Achievement Test IB: International Baccalaureate SESAT: Stanford Early School Achievement Test Mike Fantaski IEP: Individualized Education Plan SINI: Schools in Need of Improvement Principal IPDP: Individualized Professional Development SPP/SIP School Performance Plan; School Plan Improvement Plan NGSSS: Next Generation Sunshine State SWD: Students with Disabilities SAC Chair Standards VE: Varying Exceptionalities

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School Profile 2012 - 2013

School Profile: (Narrative) Lewis was established as a Junior High School in Valparaiso, Florida in 1971 and later transitioned to a middle school. In 2010, Lewis has transitioned again into a kindergarten through eighth grade school. Students at Lewis reside primarily on Eglin Air Force Base, Niceville, and Valparaiso. We have 626 students with 160 students attending Lewis on zoning waivers. Our Climate Survey supports this impressive number with over 80% positive responses from parents in areas such as school emphasis on academic performance, clear expectations in areas of communication, conduct and behavior, and providing a safe environment. Our students, parents, and teachers have come together to make this school merger a positive experience for all. To continue our goal of unification and “team spirit” Lewis middle school students are provided with many opportunities unique to our school environment. Elementary students are provided with secondary level type benefits to include band and chorus. Fifth grade students may also participate in all school sponsored sports excluding football. Students in second through eighth grade may also participate in our very own Lewis School of American Sign Language Club. In addition, our school also offers many unique opportunities for other interests such as Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Earth Club, Fifth Grade Young Astronauts Club, National Junior Honor Society, Student Council, Academic Team, Minority Council, Chess Club, Marsville, and Spanish Club. In addition to these clubs Lewis also offers sixteen athletic programs, chorus, band, and Orff. Lewis serves as a diverse population of students with exceptionalities to include: Varying Exceptionalities, Emotionally Behaviorally Disabled (EBD), Communication, Behavior and Socialization (CBS) which serves identified students in the autism spectrum, and we also serve the hearing impaired with five full-time interpreters and one full-time teacher. We believe that our diversity benefits all students in becoming well-rounded productive members of our community.

The racial diversity at our school is a reflection of that found in our community. Of the 626 students enrolled at Lewis, 67% are Caucasian, 13% are African-American, 7% are Hispanic, 14% are Multi-racial, and 3% are Asian. We currently have 43% of our student body on free and reduced lunch.

Feedback was collected from stakeholders in order to gauge areas of strength and to focus on for the 2012-2013 school year. Data was collected through various methods, including student small group and surveys, informal opinions from teachers, parents and staff members (to include the administrator 360 survey) and the county climate survey results, it was decided as a group that the areas most necessary to focus on for the upcoming school year were in student assessment and improving stakeholder relationships and communication.

Lewis is in the fourth year of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) partnership with Eglin Air Force Base. In this collaborative effort with Eglin’s AFRL and local engineering groups, students will be actively engaged in research, career discovery,

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hands-on engineering projects, technical writing, and field trips. Students will be the beneficiaries of professional mentoring and career education through visiting speakers. Our curriculum design utilizes quarterly focused areas of interest which involve cross-curriculum content areas of science, math, social studies, and language arts. STEM is one more important step that Lewis takes to ensure our students, upon graduation, will be college and/or career ready.

Lewis was awarded the status of being an “A” school for the 2011-2012 school year as defined by the state of Florida. High expectations continue across the curriculum as students are expected to master the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards as well as moving forward to Common Core Standards. To achieve mastery students and staff will be held to high, measurable standards of performance and conduct which will be driven by student needs and data. The number of students performing at or above grade level on the FCAT last year was:

GRADE Level 3 & Higher Reading Level 3 & Higher Math 3rd 53% 60% 4th 53% 57% 5th 74% 65% 6th 70% 80% 7th 72% 81% 8th 68% 89%

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Okaloosa County District Profile 2012- 2013

School Vision: Maximize educational systems that empower students to successfully transition into a globally competitive society.

School Mission:

Perpetuate our commitment to educational excellence through:  Rigorous and relevant curriculum  Accountability  Stakeholder relationships

Belief Statements:

 Every student regardless of ethnicity, gender, economic status or disability is expected to reach his or her academic potential.  Students and staff are held to high, measurable standards of performance and conduct.  Students are provided a positive and safe learning environment.  Students’ needs drive resource decisions.  Education is the shared responsibility of the entire community of stakeholders.  Curriculum and instruction are research-based.  Differentiated instruction is based on analysis and application of student achievement data.  Comprehensive professional development is imperative for quality instruction and improved student performance.  Grades are an accurate reflection of a student’s academic progress and skill application, as defined by the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, Common Core Standards, and/or course content.  Upon graduation, students will be college and/or career-ready.

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School: Lewis School School Focus: Reading District Goal: Students shall demonstrate reading proficiency at or above expected grade level.

Highly Qualified Status

Administrators: (Title I) Reading 1 Principal with a reading endorsement Instructors/Recruitment: 3 Teachers with reading certification/endorsement 0 Teachers working towards reading certification/ endorsement. (Secondary) 1 Teacher working toward NGCAR-PD

Objective R-1 The percentage of all curriculum students who will be proficient in reading as defined by the State of Florida on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test will be at least 65%. (District Objective: x +2 percentile points or maintain 90-100%) Objective R-2 The percentage of all curriculum students who will make learning gains in reading as defined by the State of Florida on the FCAT will be at least 70%. (District Objective: x + 2 percentile points or maintain 90-100%) Objective R-3 The percentage of students in the lowest 25% who will make learning gains in reading as defined by the State of Florida on the FCAT will be at least 74 %. (District Objective:x + 2 percentile points or maintain 90-100%)

Page 5 of 20 Target Group(s) Supporting Strategies/Innovative methods & extended Communication with Parents Data (summary) – Provide 3 Budget Professional Development learning opportunities (Identify measurable teacher outcome) & Customer Relations year historical data chart Include technology and assessment (Community/Parent awareness) FCAT Reading **Students will receive instruction in *POC Tutor PDSP Focus:All staff will *Lewis Website reading informational text to Funding participate in 3rd Grade SSS FCAT include: determining central ideas *Americorp professional learning *Open House-twice yearly Reading % Results by and themes from primary and $5100.00 communities where level from 2010 -2012 secondary sources, understanding Matching teachers will analyze *Kindergarten/1st Grade Level 1 2 3 4 5 how a text is formatted to present Fund Grant student data, discuss parent/teacher 2010 6 3 24 47 19 information (e.g. sequential, application, learn how to conferences 2011 5 12 41 39 2 comparative, use of visual graphs), provide appropriate Twice a year 2012 15 32 36 2 8 and identifying aspects of text that student and parent

rd reveal author’s point of view or feedback, create plans 3 Grade FCAT Area of purpose. (Taken from Literacy for affecting positive *Parent Portal Emphasis Strands for CCSS) change in content areas, Reading Application and reflect upon the *PMP/IEP Conferences *Middle school students enrolled in subsequent impact.

th social studies classes, science (see A copy of the most 4 Grade SSS FCAT science section), and all technical PLC’s meeting times to recent DEA results will be Reading % Results by level classes will be taught reading increase drastically by provided to parents and from 2010-2012 strategies to improve content area means of common students with explanation Level 1 2 3 4 5 reading (i.e. Comprehension planning times. of the student current 2010 5 13 38 33 13 Instructional Sequence, Two- performance to the 2011 4 10 35 32 18 Column Notes, Summarization, use Elementary grade level NGSSS and CCS. 2012 9 38 23 25 6 of graphic organizers). PE classes to be at the 4th Grade FCAT Area of same time with extension Emphasis *Middle school social studies of PE time to 45 minutes. Literary Analysis courses will include primary source E-mail list to all k-2 documents on all assessments. Middle school subject parents area teachers to have 5th Grade SSS FCAT same planning period to On-Line Program-Teacher Reading % Results by level enable in-school Web-Post Calendar from 2010-2012 common planning every Information Level 1 2 3 4 5 Allocate a minimum each day of 90 day during the school Connect Ed (text, email, 2010 8 24 27 35 6 uninterrupted minutes for reading day. and phone) 2011 2 14 38 38 7 block in grades K-5. 2012 9 17 32 25 17 Objective: All staff will 5th Grade FCAT Area of Use of High School Student increase knowledge and K-2-Individual Discipline Emphasis mentors; Americorp Volunteer: Plan practice of effective Plan signed by parent Informational Text of Care tutors: Military personnel feedback strategies and student mentors through participation in All Lewis Middle School professional learning Students Grades Sixth *Continue to utilize school progress communities where through Eighth monitoring System (PAWS, teachers will use Grades 6-8 FCAT Area of PMP/DATA Star, DEA) to monitor formative/summative Emphasis Informational student progress on assessments.Page 6 of 20 assessment to align with Text Utilize DEA probes, cold reads, and CCSS. fluency checks for RtI students to 6Th Grade SSS FCAT monitor progress. Objective/other: Students

 The process for administering formative and summative assessments (screening, diagnostic, & progress monitoring) is identified in the Okaloosa County Pupil Progression Plan.

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School: Lewis School School Focus: Math District Goal: Students shall demonstrate math proficiency at or above expected grade level.

Objective M-1 The percentage of all curriculum students who will be proficient in math as defined by the State of Florida on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test will be at least 72%. (District Objective: x +2 percentile points or maintain 90-100%) Objective M-2 The percentage of all curriculum students who will achieve FCAT adequate yearly progress in math as defined by the State of Florida on the FCAT will be at least 82%. (District Objective: x +2 percentile points or maintain 90-100%) Objective M-3 The percentage of students in the lowest 25% who will make learning gains in math as defined by the State of Florida on the FCAT will be at least 75 %. (District Objective: x + 2 percentile points or maintain 90-100%) Objective M-4 The percentage of all curriculum students who will be proficient in math as defined by the State of Florida on the Florida Algebra I (Secondary only) End-of-Course Exams will be at least 90%. (District Objective: +2 percentile points or x maintain 90-100%) Objective M-5 The percentage of all curriculum students who will be proficient in math as defined by the State of Florida on the Florida (Secondary only) Geometry End-of-Course Exams will be at least 90%. (District Objective: +2 percentile points or xxx maintain 90-100%)

Page 8 of 20 Communication with Target Group(s) Supporting Strategies/Innovative methods & Data (summary) – Provide 3 Budget Professional Development Parents & Customer extended learning opportunities (Identify measurable teacher outcome) year historical data chart Include technology and assessment Relations (Community/Parent awareness) FCAT Math Grades 3-8 *Students will benefit from an PDSP Focus: All staff will Online Gradebook ongoing horizontal alignment of participate in Email Grade 3 SSS FCAT course curriculum from the new Next professional learning Teacher Web Pages Results Math Generation SSS in Mathematics to communities where Open House % Results by Level from Common Core standards by including teachers will analyze Kindergarten/First Grade 2010- 2012 higher order thinking and problem student data, discuss Parent Teacher Level 1 2 3 4 5 solving questions for the increase in application, learn how to Conferences 2010 3 3 23 42 29 rigor for student instruction and provide appropriate PMP/IEP Meetings 2011 7 7 32 34 19 performance. student and parent A copy of the most recent 2012 2 1 34 17 9 feedback, create plans DEA results will be 3 7 *Teachers will increase use of for affecting positive provided to parents and technology to enhance parent change in content areas, students with explanation Grade 4 SSS FCAT communication, engagement, and and reflect upon the of the student current Results Math student achievement. subsequent impact. performance to the % Results by Level from NGSSS and CCS. 2010- 2012 *DEA will be administered to all K-5 Objective/other: All staff Level 1 2 3 4 5 students and regular math middle will increase knowledge 2010 3 5 42 30 20 school students three times per year; and practice of effective *Kindergarten/1st Grade 2011 1 9 35 38 16 the results will be analyzed by feedback strategies parent/teacher 2012 21 23 30 17 9 classroom teacher and used to drive through participation in conferences Grade 5 SSS FCAT the instructional process. A copy of professional learning Twice a year Results Math the most recent results will be communities where % Results by Level from provided to parents and students with teachers will use 2010- 2012 explanation of the student current formative/summative *Parent Portal Level 1 2 3 4 5

2010 8 24 27 35 6 performance to the NGSSS and CCS. assessment to align with *PMP/IEP Conferences 2011 2 23 34 33 8 CCSS. 2012 12 23 34 18 13 Teachers will learn about new 8 Math *District Math Curriculum Practices and begin implementation Specialist will provide E-mail list to all k-2 Grade 6 SSS FCAT to bridge to CCSS. training on the County 8 parents Results Math Math Practices to math % Results by Level from Student practice of CCS/PARCC will department. On-Line Program-Teacher 2010- 2012 be analyzed at the departmental level Web-Post Calendar Level 1 2 3 4 5 through common planning and PLC *Grade/Department Level Information 2010 13 20 31 24 12 meetings. Periodic data meetings PLC’s will work to Connect Ed (text, email, 2011 9 14 31 30 16 with administrators and literacy analyze student data to and phone) 2012 1 19 43 30 7 coach will include classroom determine areas of need K-2-Individual Discipline exemplars of CCS questions and and develop an Plan signed by parent Grade 7 SSS FCAT lessons. appropriate Model and student Results Math Lesson through the % Results by Level from Identified students will be offered Lesson Study Process. 2010- 2012 after school tutoring, assignment of a Level 1 2 3 4 5 mentor, small group assistance, and 2010 2 15 35 35 13 individually designed learning Page 9 of 20 2011 4 11 33 34 17 strategies as directed by the RtI team 2012 5 14 34 33 14 in conjunction with teacher recommendation.

 The process for administering formative and summative assessments (screening, diagnostic, & progress monitoring) is identified in the Okaloosa County Pupil Progression Plan.

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School: Lewis School School Focus: Writing District Goal: Students shall demonstrate writing proficiency at or above expected grade level.

Objective The percentage of 4&8 rade students scoring 4.0 and above on FCAT Writing will be at least 86%. (District Objective: x +2 percentile points or maintain 90-100%)

Page 11 of 20 Communication with Target Group(s) Supporting Strategies/Innovative methods & Data (summary) – Provide 3 Budget Professional Development Parents & Customer extended learning opportunities (Identify measurable teacher outcome) year historical data chart Include technology and assessment Relations (Community/Parent awareness) FCAT Writes *Students will be exposed to and PDSP Focus: All staff will Online Gradebook evaluated with greater emphasis on participate in Email 4th Grade increased rigor through higher level professional learning Teacher Web Pages 2010 2011 2012 3.5 and 4.0 and 3.5 and sustained reading passages and communities where Open House up up up utilizing the components of text teachers will analyze Kindergarten/First Grade 91% 69% 37% complexity to bridge to CCS. student data, discuss Parent Teacher application, learn how to Conferences twice yearly *Teachers will use the Lewis “NICE provide appropriate th 8 Grade (neatly, indenting paragraphs, student and parent PMP/IEP Meetings 2010 2011 2012 4.0 and 4.0 and 3.5 and capitalization, and ending feedback, create plans up up up punctuation) across the curriculum. for affecting positive E-mail list to all k-2 84% 86% 61% change in content areas, parents *Elementary and Middle School and reflect upon the English teachers will assess writing subsequent impact. On-Line Program-Teacher skills with a pre-, mid, and post Web-Post Calendar writing sample scored based on Information Florida Writing Rubric, monitor Objective/other: All staff Connect Ed (text, email, progress and make adjustments in will increase knowledge and phone) instruction. and practice of effective K-2-Individual Discipline feedback strategies Plan signed by parent *Increased emphasis on moving through participation in and student student writing along the continuum professional learning of scaffolding to a higher skill level communities where rather than formulaic writing. teachers will use formative/summative *Emphasis on writing literary assessment to align with analyses of various genres CCSS.

*Incorporation of STEM-related technical writings to support Science, Technology, *Grade/Department Level Engineering, Math emphasis in PLC’s will work to interdisciplinary curriculum. analyze student data to determine areas of need *Incorporation of writing lab utilizing the and develop an mobile lab laptops. appropriate Model Lesson through the *Common Core standards will be Lesson Study Process. progressively implemented focusing on routine writings for research, reflection and editing/revision.

*Renewed emphasis on conventions and spelling mastery relative to writing Page 12 of 20 assignments across the disciplines.

ESOL Students Identified students will be offered

 The process for administering formative and summative assessments (screening, diagnostic, & progress monitoring) is identified in the Okaloosa County Pupil Progression Plan.

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School: Lewis School School Focus: Science District Goal: Students shall demonstrate science proficiency at or above expected grade level.

Objective S-1 The percentage of 5/8 grade students who will be proficient in science as defined by the State of Florida on the Florida (Grades 5, 8) Comprehensive Assessment Test will be at least 71%. (District Objective: x +2 percentile points or maintain 90-100%) Objective S-2 The percentage of all curriculum students who will be proficient in science as defined by the State of Florida on the Florida (High school only) Biology End-of-Course Exams will be at least %. (District Objective: +2 percentile points or maintain 90-100%)

Page 14 of 20 Communication with Target Group(s) Supporting Strategies/Innovative methods & Data (summary) – Provide 3 Budget Professional Development Parents & Customer extended learning opportunities (Identify measurable teacher outcome) year historical data chart Include technology and assessment Relations (Community/Parent awareness) FCAT Science DEA will be administered to all 5th PDSP Focus: All staff Online Gradebook and 8th grade students. Teachers will will participate in Email Grade 5 SSS FCAT analyze results for instructional professional learning Teacher Web Pages Results Science planning. communities where Open House % Results by Level from teachers will analyze Kindergarten/First Grade 2010- 2012 *All middle school science teachers student data, discuss Twice yearly Level 1 2 3 4 5 will provide study guides for all application, learn how to Parent Teacher 2010 1 41 40 10 0 0 major assessments. provide appropriate Conferences 2011 5 33 39 18 5 student and parent PMP/IEP Meetings 2012 8 26 42 13 12 *To increase rigor students will feedback, create plans summarize current science for affecting positive Science Nights- two held Grade 8 SSS FCAT article/event weekly and share in change in content areas, during the year for parents to Results Science small and large group discussions. and reflect upon the view science projects % Results by Level from subsequent impact. 2010- 2012 * Teachers of all students in science Level 1 2 3 4 5 will implement the Common Core 2010 2 17 48 22 11 Objective/other: All staff 2011 5 23 43 25 4 State Standards for Literacy in 2012 3 29 45 17 6 Science and Technical Subjects as will increase knowledge documented in lesson plans. and practice of effective feedback strategies *Middle school students enrolled in through participation in science classes will be taught professional learning reading strategies to improve communities where content area reading (i.e. teachers will use Comprehension Instructional formative/summative Sequence, Two- Column Notes, assessment to align with Summarization, and use of graphic CCSS. organizers).

Nearly 40% of all 7th and 8th grade *Grade/Department Level students have chosen to take a PLC’s will work to STEM Research elective focusing on analyze student data to Marine Science. determine areas of need and develop an *Science students will complete an appropriate Model individual science investigation on Lesson through the their current course curriculum. This Lesson Study Process. may be completed during the time frame of the ISEF science fair, and/or at other times during the year as determined by each instructor.

*The 8th grade physical science Page 15 of 20 students will use the new interactive PITSCO modules and CPO science hands-on activities as part of their

 The process for administering formative and summative assessments (screening, diagnostic, & progress monitoring) is identified in the Okaloosa County Pupil Progression Plan.

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School: Lewis School School Focus: College Readiness/Academic Acceleration School Objective: Student enrollment in high school credit courses will increase by 5%

Target Group(s) Supporting Communication with Strategies/innovative methods & Data (summary) – Provide 3 Budget Professional Development Parents & Customer extended learning opportunities (Identify measurable teacher outcome) year historical data chart Include technology and assessment Relations (Community/Parent awareness) PDSP Focus: All staff will Online Gradebook HS Course 11 12 13 STEM Research elective focusing STEM course – participate in Spanish 12 24 11 on Marine Science, scientific already professional learning Blackboard Connect-Ed Physical Sci 0 18 31 process and regular lab work will encumbered communities where Algebra Hon 27 37 25 be offered to 7th and 8th grade teachers will analyze Email Geometry 0 8 12 students. student data, discuss Intro to IT 0 43 23 application, learn how to Teacher Web Pages Web 0 1 33 All 6th grade students will be placed provide appropriate TOTAL SEATS 39 131 135 in a grade required keyboarding student and parent Open House /PE wheel class in order to provide feedback, create plans common foundation for all middle for affecting positive PMP/IEP Meetings school students and offer wider change in content areas, preparation for IT & Web high and reflect upon the A copy of the most recent school courses. subsequent impact. DEA results will be provided to parents and Students will be able to take Objective/other: All staff students with explanation courses for high school credit in will increase knowledge of the student current mathematics, science, Spanish and and practice of effective performance based on IT. feedback strategies NGSSS and CCS. through participation in Online ACT/SAT/Career and AP professional learning *Parent Portal preparation software communities where ( will be made teachers will use *PMP/IEP Conferences available at no cost to all interested formative/summative middle school students for assessment to align with ungraded and optional after CCSS. school/weekend enrichment and high school preparation.

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 The process for administering formative and summative assessments (screening, diagnostic, & progress monitoring) is identified in the Okaloosa County Pupil Progression Plan.

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Title I Schools


Plans for assisting preschool children in the Instruction by highly qualified teachers Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers transition from early childhood programs to local elementary programs (preschool transition strategies)

 The process for administering formative and summative assessments (screening, diagnostic, & progress monitoring) is identified in the Okaloosa County Pupil Progression Plan.

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SUPPLEMENTAL PAGE Accreditation Standards 2012- 2013 1. Vision and Purpose 2. Governance and Leadership GOAL 1: OCSD will develop innovative and relevant curricula which engage students and are tailored to 3. Teaching and Learning 4. Documenting and Using their individual needs and aspirations. Results  Daily Five Strategies used in all elementary classrooms 5. Resources and Support  High School credit classes offered in Middle School Systems 6. Stakeholder Communication and GOAL 2: OCSD will ensure the achievement of high academic standards by all students as measured by national, state and local standards.  District pacing guides being followed by teachers and monitored by administration  Implementation of CCS in place in K & 1st and through literacy standards for all grade levels and subjects

GOAL 3: OCSD will ensure conditions are in place which optimize learning for all students.  SLD teacher, reading aide, Americorp person giving individual help to struggling readers  Engineering club established for students with high Math skills

GOAL 4: OCSD will actively pursue family and community members to become our partners in the improvement of student performance and the process of school improvement.  Many parent and community members involved in Oval Art education  Enormous mentoring program fueled by the military personal from local base

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