1. Correct These Sentences If Necessary

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1. Correct These Sentences If Necessary

GRAMMAR ______2. Rewrite the sentences in the past simple. UNIT 1 1 Graham buys a lot of CDs. > Consolidation Graham bought a lot of CDs. 2 Elsa sleeps all day. 1. Correct these sentences if necessary. ______1 I’m liking Tony now. ______I like Tony now. 3 They run to school. 2 We’re studying German this year. ______4 Noel likes his birthday present. 3 Do you enjoy this party? ______5 David writes a letter in the morning. 4 She always goes home early. ______6 We talk all evening. 5 ‘What do you watch?’ ‘It’s a comedy ______programme.’ ______7 You have a rabbit. ______6 ‘Where’s James?’ ‘He shops.’ ______8 I wake up at 7.30. ______7 The telephone rings. Can somebody ______answer it? 9 My mum drives a Ferrari. ______8 They’re never doing any work. ______9 How are you usually going to school? ______10 My dad works in a bank. ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Extension 5 my friends/watch/a video/now ______3. Complete the sentences with the present 6 I/do/judo/every Tuesday simple or present continuous form of the ______verb in brackets. 7 you/not do/your homework/at the 1 My grandmother gets up (get up) at 6.00 moment every morning. ______2 They ______(eat) lunch in the 8 the boys/not eat/pizza/right now garden right now. ______3 How often ______(you/play) 9 Ronaldo/not often play/tennis football in the stadium? ______4 Please be quiet! I ______(listen) 10 you/have/dinner/at the moment? to the news on the radio. ______5 ______(Tom/like) computer 11 Tony/visit/his grandma/at the weekend? games? ______6 I can hear Lisa ______(sing) in 12 they/listen/to music/now? the shower! Can you? ______7 We ______(not/watch) 13 your sister/study/at the moment? television very often because we are too ______busy. 8 Sharon ______(stay) in Brighton 5. Complete the conversation with the past until September. simple of the verb in brackets. 9 I’m sorry. I ______(not Kate: Hey Jamie. 1 What did you do (do) understand). Please can you repeat that? last night? Jamie: I 2 ______(go) to the 4. Write sentences using the present simple cinema. or present continuous. Kate: 3 ______you 1 Andy/ski/at the moment ______(see) that new Tom Andy’s skiing at the moment. Cruise film? 2 we/go/to school/every day Jamie: No. I 4 ______(not ______watch) that one. I 5 ______3 I/live/in Paris/at the moment (see) the Julia Roberts one. ______Kate: 6 ______(be) it good? 4 Sue/go/swimming/on Saturdays Jamie: 7 I ______(not like) it ______but my girlfriend 8 ______(think) it 9 ______(be) great.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 UNIT 2 6 ______went home at four o’clock in the morning. I sat and talked to > Consolidation my brother for an hour 7 ______we went to bed. 1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in 8 ______I felt very tired. the correct form. 1 While I (tidy) was tidying my room I (discover) discovered a family of mice! > Extension 2 They (play) ______tennis when it (start) ______to rain. 3. Write what these people should or 3 I (see) ______you while you shouldn’t have done. (shop) ______in the 1 John got up late and missed his bus. supermarket. He should have got up earlier. 4 She (listen) ______to pop music 2 Laura threw a book across the classroom when her CD player (break) and got a detention. ______5 Adrian (burn) ______his tongue 3 My dad drove through a red light and while he (eat) ______hot soup. had an accident. ______2. Complete the text with the connectors in 4 We went walking in the mountains the box. without a map and got lost. ago before before finally first of all ______later the next morning then 5 Harry kicked the ball at the window and broke the glass. My sister Alison met her fiancé four years ______1 ago and last Saturday was their wedding 6 I forgot to go to the supermarket and day. 2 ______there were lots of now I’m hungry. preparations to make, 3 ______we all ______had to get to the church for 6.00pm. The 7 I didn’t post a letter for my mum and ceremony was very emotional and now she’s angry. everyone was happy at the reception. ______4 ______dinner there was champagne – well, orange juice for me. 4. Write sentences using the past simple and Dinner was great. I ate lots of chicken and past continuous. 5 ______we had wedding 1 Tony/sleep/when/Mick/call cake and danced until very late. We Tony was sleeping when Mick called. 2 we/walk/when/it/start/to rain

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 ______3 I/finish/the washing up/as/mum/cook/ dinner 5 6 ______4 Rob/see/a big fish/while/he/swim ______5 my dad/paint/kitchen/when/he/fall off/ the chair ______6 mum/arrive/with some Chinese food!/as/ we/order/pizza 7 ______7 our dog/jump/on me/while/I/study ______

5. Look at the pictures and write sentences. Use a verb from the box and the correct form of have to, must or mustn’t. do do get up go pay talk walk 1 Gary must go to his room. 2 You ______in the library. 1 2 3 Our mum ______the washing up, we always do it. 4 You ______in the corridor. 5 Last night Yvonne ______her homework before dinner. 6 Yesterday, James ______3 euros to go to the museum. 7 Last Sunday, Nathalie 3 4 ______early.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 UNIT 3 ______> Consolidation 3. Now write complete sentences using the present perfect and the words given. 1. Complete the sentences with for or since. 1 She/already/do/homework 1 We’ve been here since Tuesday. She’s already done her homework. 2 I’ve lived in Madrid ______14 years. 2 We/already/have/dinner 3 Alan has had his car ______last July. ______4 I’ve known my best friend ______we 3 Mark/already/see/results were at infant school together. ______5 We’ve worked in the company 4 Fiona/already/finish/exam ______nearly a year. ______6 Nigel hasn’t come out with us ______5 You/already/tell/me/this/story he met his new girlfriend. ______7 They haven’t said anything ______an 6 Eugene/already/win/match hour. ______8 The dog hasn’t eaten ______last 7 Liam/already/play/game Thursday. ______9 I haven’t understood anything ______8 The baby/already/start/walking the start of the class. ______9 Mum/already/go/bed 2. Now write complete sentences using the ______present perfect and the words given. 1 Lisa/no/talk/Darren/yet 4. Complete the sentences with the verb in Lisa hasn’t talked to Darren yet. the present perfect continuous. 2 I/no/have/shower/yet 1 I’ve been living (live) here for six ______months. 3 They/no/see/film/yet 2 She ______(sleep) for two ______hours. 4 We/no/have/lunch/yet 3 George ______(play) in ______the team since March. 5 Graham/no/get up/yet 4 I ______(sit) here for ______forty-five minutes. 6 You/no/tell/me/your/name/yet 5 Tina ______(laugh) since ______you told that joke. 7 I/no/post/letter/yet 6 They ______(look) at me ______since I came in. 8 They/no/arrive/yet 7 The baby ______(cry) all

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 morning. 5. Write sentences in the past simple with so 7 I ______(think) about Ana or because. all day. 1 I/tired/I/go to bed 8 We ______(watch) The I was tired so I went to bed. Simpsons since two o’clock. 2 Lisa/eat/a sandwich/she/hungry ______7. Complete the sentences with and, but, 3 Kerry/miss/the train/she/get up/late because, so, both. ______1 I had tickets to the concert, but I 4 the film/finish/Rob/turn off/the TV couldn’t go because I was sick. ______2 She loves ______medicine and 5 they/leave/they/have to/go/home animals, ______she may become a ______vet. 6 Alan/know/the answer/he/put up/his 3 I haven’t seen her for a year ______hand she went to University ______we ______haven’t kept in contact. 7 we/want/an ice-cream/we/buy/one 4 I enjoy listening to music ______going to concerts, ______I hate hip-hop. 5 I don’t have much money now > Extension ______I went shopping with my friends on ______Friday and 6. Write the verbs in the present perfect Saturday. simple or continuous. 6 ______my sisters are married, 1 He has been waiting (wait) for ten ______my brother isn’t. minutes. (temporary) 7 Joe and Noah practice the guitar 2 She has lived (live) here all her life. everyday ______they ______(permanent/long time) want to be famous guitarists 3 I ______(do) this exercise ______play on MTV. for two minutes. 8 They are vegetarians ______they 4 My dad ______(work) at don’t eat meat, ______they do eat the bank for fifteen years. fish sometimes. 5 We ______(ski) since the 9 He arrived on time ______he was runs opened this morning. all wet ______he’d forgotten 6 Spain ______always ______his raincoat and his ______(have) good umbrella. weather.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 8. Look at the diary and write sentences about what Sarah has already done. Things to do today: phone Tom √ play tennis with Anna do maths homework watch ‘The Simpsons’ finish English essay √ have lunch with Mike √ start geography project wash my hair √

1 Sarah’s already phoned Tom. 2 ______

3 ______

4 ______

9. Look at Sarah’s diary again and write sentences about what she hasn’t done yet. Things to do today: phone Tom √ play tennis with Anna do maths homework watch ‘The Simpsons’ finish English essay √ have lunch with Mike √ start geography project wash my hair √

1 Sarah hasn’t played tennis with Anna yet.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 2 ______

3 ______

4 ______

10. Write complete sentences in the present perfect based on the words given. Include yet or already. 1 I-no-see-film I haven’t seen the film yet. 2 they-finish-lunch ______3 she-no-leave ______4 we-eat-tonight ______5 Jenny-no-say-anything ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 UNIT 4 6 Millions of newspapers ______(read) every day. > Consolidation 7 I ______(no tell) he was going to arrive yesterday. 1. Write complete sentences using the words 8 The TV programme Big Brother given. ______(watch) by some 1 his-car-fast-mine people almost 24 hours a day. His car is faster than mine. 9 My sister ______(no give) 2 it-fast-car-in-our-street any pocket money if she doesn’t do her ______homework. 3 this-CD-not-cheap-that-one ______3. Write these sentences in the passive. 4 she-pretty-girl-I-know 1 They bake bread early in the morning. ______Bread is baked early in the morning. 5 black-skirt-expensive-blue-one 2 They eat rice in many countries. ______6 Julio Iglesias-rich-singer-Spain 3 She does the washing in the morning. ______7 I-not-tired-I-was-yesterday 4 They publish newspapers every day. ______8 we-have-good-team-in-league 5 He opens the doors at 9 o’clock. ______6 They lost the money in the street. 2. Complete the sentences with the verb in ______the correct passive form. 7 They broke the window with a stone. 1 Yesterday my bike was stolen (steal). ______2 The hamburger ______8 She found the key under a rock. (invent) in Germany before it became ______the stereotypical American food. 9 He chose the picture because it was 3 Famous actors ______(know) superb. all over the world. ______4 In some countries, insects ______(eat) as part of the daily diet. 5 A man ______(kill) in the park last night.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Extension 5 You: 8 cousins, me: 8 cousins. ______4. Write sentences comparing these things 6 Book 1: 321 pages, Book 2: 321 pages. using as + adjective + as. ______1 CD: 12 euros, Video: 12 euros The video is as expensive as the CD. 6. Complete the sentences with the verb in 2 I’m good at swimming, you’re good at the passive continuous (am/is/are being + swimming. past participle). I’m as good at swimming as you are. 1 The baby is being washed (wash) by my 3 Kevin: 1m76, Gary: 1m76. (tall) sister. ______2 The dogs ______(take) for a 4 Madrid: 8°C, Barcelona: 8°C. (cold) walk at the moment. ______3 Don’t look now, but we 5 Trousers: cool, Shirt: cool (cool) ______(watch) by someone! ______4 The car ______(repair) 6 Maths class: 40 min, Biology: 40 min. today. (long) 5 I ______(teach) German by a ______neighbour from Berlin. 7 London: 50km, Brighton: 50km. (far) 6 The suspects ______(question) by the police. 8 Panda: 100kg, Bear: 100kg (big) ______7. Write complete sentences in the past passive continuous based on the words given 5. Compare these situations using as much (was/were + being + past participle). as/as many as. 1 I-show-around-the museum. 1 Tina: 8 dresses, Jan: 8 dresses. I was being shown around the museum. Jan’s got as many dresses as Tina. 2 The lions-take-to-Zambia. 2 Kim’s homework: 5 exercises, Ian’s ______homework: 5 exercises. 3 The man-hold-for questioning. ______3 Pete: 6 weeks holiday, Dave: 6 weeks 4 The illness-treat-with antibiotics. holiday. ______5 The crime-investigate-by detectives. 4 Luke: 100 euros, Bill: 100 euros. ______6 The old ladies-help-across the road. ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 UNIT 5 6 Irene said: ‘I’m having a party soon.’ ______> Consolidation 7 Danny said: ‘I won’t be here.’ ______1. Complete the sentences with the verb in 8 We said: ‘We want world peace!’ the correct form. ______1 He said that he was (be) happy. 9 I said: ‘That is where Harry lives.’ 2 They said that they ______(go) ______home tomorrow. 3 I said that he ______(be) going 3. Complete the sentences using the past to be late. perfect of the verb in brackets. 4 We told her that we ______1 Luke had bought (buy) the tickets early (want) to help. so he got good seats. 5 David said that he ______2 Tom failed the exam because (have) a new car. ______(not study) 6 Did you say that I ______(can) enough. leave now? 3 Fiona ______(have a 7 Theresa told me that Canberra shower) before she went out. ______(be) the capital of 4 We ______(not Australia. check) the time so we missed the train. 8 He told her that he ______5 They ______(train) (love) her. hard so the marathon was easy. 9 We said that we ______(go) 6 When I got home the dog shopping on Saturdays. ______(eat) all the chocolates. 2. Write the sentences in reported speech. 7 ______you ______1 John said: ‘I’m tired.’ (ask) anyone before you borrowed the John said (that) he was tired. car? 2 Laura said: ‘I have to work tonight.’ 8 I ______(not realise) ______that the shops were closed in the 3 They said: ‘It will rain later.’ evening. ______9 ______they 4 Bill said: ‘I can help them.’ ______(do) their homework before ______they watched TV? 5 She said: ‘Kyoto is in Japan.’ ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Extension 8 ‘Don’t turn the TV on.’ His mum ______4. Complete the reported imperatives/ him ______requests with the verb in the correct form 9 ‘Please take the dog home.’ They ______(he/she … told/asked me/you/her … + (not) to us ______+ infinitive). 1 She told me to sit (sit) down. 2 We told her ______(be) quiet. 3 The teacher told him ______(no run) in the corridor. 4 His mother told him ______(no make) so much noise. 5 I asked her ______(help) me. 6 We asked Dad ______(let) us borrow the car. 7 She asked him ______(no smoke) in the room. 8 I asked her ______(no tell) anyone the secret.

5. Complete the statements. 1 ‘Can you please open the window?’ I asked her to open the window. 2 ‘Give me the book.’ He ______me______3 ‘Don’t stand up.’ The teacher ______the boy ______4 ‘Please pass the salt.’ She ______him ______5 ‘Don’t shout.’ My dad______me______6 ‘Please close the door.’ We______her ______7 ‘Please don’t leave!’ She ______me ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 UNIT 6 ______6 I go swimming every evening. > Consolidation ______7 Ben and Ann are watching a DVD. 1. Complete the sentences with who, that, ______which, where or when. 8 My sisters go to a club on Fridays. 1 That’s the school where I used to study. ______2 Did you use to know the man ______9 Peter listens to music in the morning. lived next door? ______3 That’s the book ______John lent me. 4 Do you remember the summer ______we went to Cadiz? > Extension 5 Buenos Aires is the city ______Boca Juniors play. 3. Join these sentences using whose. 6 Did you use to play with that dog 1 Do you know that man? His leg is ______barks all the time? broken. 7 This is the film ______I want to see. Do you know that man whose leg is 8 There was a time ______we used to broken? listen to Abba constantly. 2 I saw a woman. Her hair was green. 9 Are you the person ______called ______earlier? 3 We visited my neighbour. Her daughter’s ill. 2. Match the echo questions with the ______sentences. 4 I want to meet Tom Cruise. His last film Are they? Do you? Do they? Does she? was great. Are you? Does it? Does he? Is it? Is she? ______5 I’ve got a friend. His mother is a singer. 1 Sally plays the guitar in a band. ______Does she? 6 Have you met my grandfather? His war 2 We’re eating Chinese food. medals are in the museum. ______3 The record shop opens on Sundays. ______4 Jessica’s dancing in her bedroom. ______5 My dog’s playing in the park.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 4. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition + which. 1 This is the train on which I go to school. 2 Do you know the street ______all the cinemas show old films? 3 That was the party ______I met my girlfriend. 4 This is the football team ______four players are injured. 5 It’s the park ______the squirrels live. 6 There’s the beach ______we sunbathed all day yesterday.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 UNIT 7 5 If it isn’t cloudy, Nick goes/will go to the beach. > Consolidation 6 The parents don’t get/won’t get up if the baby doesn’t cry. 1. Complete the sentences with what used to 7 When the door bell rings/will ring, will happen – the opposite of now. you answer it? 1 I like peas now. 8 If Danny cleans/will clean the car, his I didn’t use to like peas. parents will give him five euros. 2 We don’t play tennis now. We used to play tennis. 3. Complete the sentences using words from 3 She’s got a car now. the box. ______be committed be really unhappy be very 4 We don’t live in France now. unpleasant forgive her pass the ______exam 5 Tim studies hard now. ______1 If we lose the match, we will be really 6 Helen plays in a band. unhappy. ______2 If it rains, the excursion will ______7 They don’t eat chocolate anymore. ______3 If she studies hard, she will ______8 I run a lot now. ______4 If she is honest and tells the truth, I will 9 You don’t love me anymore! ______5 If I join the political party, I will ______10 I find these exercises easy now. ______

2. Choose the correct words in each sentence. 1 If I have/will have time, I’ll buy some bread. 2 The dog bites/will bite you if you do that. 3 We’ll phone him when we get/’ll get there. 4 If plan A doesn’t work/won’t work, we’ll try plan B.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 4. Write sentences using the first conditional 5. Complete the sentences using the type II (type I). conditional. 1 If he were (be) rich and famous, he would go out with (go out with) a model. 2 She ______(be) very angry if someone ______(steal) her mobile phone. 3 If I ______(not have) my laptop computer, it ______(be) difficult for me to travel so much. 4 If I ______(see) Prince William, I ______(kiss) him on the cheek! 1 if/I/not pass/my driving test/I/be 5 It ______(take) a long depressed time for me to get to work if I If I don’t pass my driving test, I’ll be ______(not drive) a depressed. scooter. 2 if/he/have/a map/I/show him/the sports 6 If ______(own) a horse, I ground ______(ride) in the ______countryside everyday. 3 she/feel tired tomorrow/if/she/not go/to bed now 6. Complete the sentences with your own ______ideas, making sure you use a type II 4 if/you/ask/a policeman/he/help/you conditional. ______1 I’d fly to Australia if I had the money. 5 I/buy/those jeans/if/they/not be/too 2 If I won the lottery, expensive 3 I’d move to Scotland ______4 If I was king, 5 If I could live anywhere in the world,

6 I’d study Arabic 7 I’d be a film star 8 If I met Julia Roberts, 9 If I was grounded for a month,

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Extension (on the moon!) ______? 7. Write questions and answers about the ______pictures using the type II conditional. 5 do/be young? 1 2 (bungee-jump in New Zealand) ______? ______

8. Unless means the same as if not. Write the sentences again using unless. 3 4 1 If it doesn’t stop raining we won’t go for a picnic today. Unless it stops raining we won’t go for a picnic today. 2 I’ll tell her if you don’t give me the money. 5 ______3 We’ll go bowling if we don’t get homework. ______1 write a best-selling book/what happen? 4 The door won’t open if you don’t push it (become rich) hard. If she wrote a best-selling book, what ______would happen? ______She would become rich. 5 If somebody doesn’t stop him, he’ll hurt 2 what do/win the lottery? himself. (buy a plane and learn to fly) ______? ______6 They won’t know we’re here if we don’t 3 have a yacht/when sail? make any noise. (every weekend) ______? ______7 Our team will win if the opponents don’t 4 where live/be rich? score soon. ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 UNIT 8 Now complete these plans or intentions with going to. > Consolidation 6 He ______(see) his cousins during the holidays. 1. Write complete predictions using the 7 I ______(get up) late at the words given. weekend. 1 tomorrow-it-no-be-cold 8 What ______he ______Tomorrow it won’t be cold. (eat) for dinner? 2 she-pass-the-exam 9 We ______(no ______do) our homework tonight. 3 Jim-arrive-soon ______3. Write complete sentences using will + 4 my-team-no-win-the-match present. ______1 Tom-ring-after-he-play-football 5 I-probably-have-chicken-for-lunch Tom will ring after he plays football. ______2 dog-eat-until-there-no-more-food 6 the-picnic-be-great-fun ______3 Sarah-arrive-before-you-leave 7 we-probably-no-go-to-university ______4 They-have-party-after-do-the-exams 8 pollution-cause-more-problems? ______5 We-work-until-job-done 9 elephants-become-extinct? ______6 She-go-shopping-before-she-lunch ______2. Complete the arrangements. Use the present continuous. 1 At 6.00 we’re playing (play) football. 2 I ______(have) a party at the weekend. 3 Tomorrow morning we ______(go) on holiday. 4 What time ______you ______(meet) your friends in the park? 5 She ______(no arrive) until Friday night.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Extension 4 Spain 3, Italy 0 after 75 minutes (of 90) I think Spain ______(win) 4. We can also use going to to make 5 People are looking at the sky and getting predictions if we have evidence that out their umbrellas. I think something is going to happen. ______(rain) 1 The clouds are very black, I think it is 6 You have studied hard for an easy exam. going to rain. (rain) I’m sure ______(pass) 2 She’s driving dangerously. She 7 You have studied enough but it’s a ______(have) an accident. difficult exam. I hope ______3 I feel ill. I think I ______(be) (pass) sick. 4 Spain 4, France 1 after 85 minutes. 6. Correct the sentences. Spain ______(win) 1 She must to be ill. 5 Spain 1, France 4 after 85 minutes. She must be ill. Spain ______(no win) 2 He mights be the man you’re looking 6 This boy looks very angry. I think he for. ______(hit) me! ______7 The weather forecast says it 3 The town must being damaged after the ______(snow) tonight. storm. 8 That woman is very fat. ______she ______(have) she a baby? 4 That girl can’t to work here. She’s too 9 You haven’t studied much. ______young. you ______(pass) the ______test? 5 They may coming to the party if they have time. 5. Look at these situations and decide ______whether to use will or going to for 6 The baby cannot be asleep with this predictions. Remember, if there is evidence, noise. use going to. If there is no evidence, use will. ______1 You are pessimistic about the weather 7 She mays win the competition. tomorrow: I think it will rain tomorrow. ______2 The weather forecast predicts rain: They say it’s going to rain tomorrow. 3 Spain 1, Italy 1 after 25 minutes (of 90) I think Spain ______(win)

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 7. Write the sentences again using a modal verb of deduction. 1 There’s a good chance we’ll find the money. We may find the money. 2 It’s possible oil will be replaced by solar power. ______3 I’m sure she will like this present. ______4 It’s not possible for him to arrive this morning. ______5 There’s a slight chance that it will snow tonight. ______6 They will probably have a party this weekend. ______7 After running a marathon she’ll definitely be tired. ______8 There’s no chance that Kerry is happy now. ______9 He’ll possibly be able to help you. ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 VOCABULARY 1 museum CITY VOCABULARY 2 ______3 ______1. Match the objects in the pictures with the 4 ______places in the box. 5 ______bus station gym hospital 6 ______library museum restaurant 7 ______theatre tourist information office 8 ______

2. Write the correct place. 1 2 1 Where do you stay when you go on holidays? hotel 2 Where do you go when you are very ill? ______3 Where do you go when you want to see a play? 3 4 ______4 Where do you go when you want to look at or borrow books? ______5 Where do you go to buy milk, biscuits, 5 6 fruit, etc.? ______6 When you are on holiday, where do you go to find information about the city you are visiting? ______7 8 7 Where do you go to post a letter? ______8 Where do you go to catch a bus? ______9 Where do you go when you are hungry? ______10 Where do you go to do exercise? ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 FEELINGS 3. Match the extreme adjectives in the box to the definitions. > CONSOLIDATION delighted devastated ecstatic exhausted fascinated furious 1. Complete the words to form feelings. mortified terrified 1 emba rrased (7 more letters) 2 rel (4 more letters) 1 very very happy ecstatic 3 exc (4 more letters) 2 very very unhappy ______4 bo (3 more letters) 3 very very frightened ______5 dep (6 more letters) 4 very very angry ______6 dis (9 more letters) 5 very very pleased ______7 fan (6 more letters) 6 very very embarrassed ______8 gu (4 more letters) 7 very very interested ______9 ne (5 more letters) 8 very very tired ______

2. Complete the sentences with an adjective 4. Complete these sentences with an from exercise 1. adjective from exercise 3. 1 We were bored with lying on the beach, 1 I’m more than happy. I’m ecstatic! so we went to explore the city. 2 His football team lost the final 9-0 and 2 The news is always so bad. It just makes he’s ______me ______3 She wasn’t just embarrassed. She was 3 He was really ______that ______you weren’t at the party. 4 When the dog attacked me I was 4 Everyone was looking at me and I felt ______really ______5 My friend won the lottery and he was 5 The children are really ______about Christmas. 6 I’ve just run a marathon and I’m 6 I slept really well last night and today I ______feel ______7 My brother crashed my mum’s car and 7 He’s very ______about his she was ______driving test. 8 The first time we saw a really good 8 I feel ______because I didn’t magician we were ______invite her to the party. 9 Jim was lying in the sun, looking very happy and ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 HEALTH 9 ______10 ______1. Label the pictures. 2. Match the injury with the part of the body and the decision you should take. Injury Part of the body Decision 1 break your leg put on a plaster 2 sprain your finger get a bandage 3 twist your back go to the dentist 4 hurt your ankle get an ice pack 5 cut toothache go to hospital 1 Knee 2 ______6 have your wrist call a doctor

1 When you break your leg you should go to hospital. 2 When you sprain ______you should 3 When you twist ______3 ______4 ______you should 4 When you hurt ______you should 5 When you cut ______you should 6 When you have ______5 ______6 ______you should

3. Circle the odd one out. 1 eyes, ears, mouth, hip 2 knee, ankle, toes, teeth 3 toes, stomach, hip, waist 4 wrist, fingers, neck, nails 7 ______8 ______5 wrist, arm, ankle, elbow

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 4. Find seven more health problems.


Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 MODIFIERS 2. Write the words in the box in the correct place on the scale (1 = the weakest, 7 = the 1. Circle the correct word in each sentence. strongest). 1 I was so shocking/shocked by her a bit extremely not very quite language. rather really very 2 The book was really quite boring/bored. 3 I get a bit depressing/depressed when it 1 ______rains all day. 2 ______4 I felt so insulting/insulted by her rude 3 ______words. 4 ______5 It’s rather annoying/annoyed when you 5 ______miss the bus. 6 ______6 Andy is really terrifying/terrified of 7 ______heights. 7 I don’t think horror films are very 3. Give your opinion of these things using a frightening/frightened at all. word from exercise 2 and an adjective. 8 Come and look at this. It’s quite (Note: extreme adjectives, such as terrifying/ interesting/interested. terrified, can only be used with really.) 9 That joke was rather amusing/amused! 1 rap music 10 We’re going on holiday tomorrow and ______I’m really excited/exciting. 2 skiing 11 Are you terribly worrying/worried about ______crime? 3 Mr Bean 12 I feel a bit frustrating/frustrated because ______I can’t do this maths problem. 4 snakes ______5 rain ______6 failing an exam ______7 going on holiday ______8 losing your homework ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 MONEY 3. Match words from exercise 2 with the definitions. 1. Write the prices in words. 1 Not spend your money save 1 £3.50 Three pounds and fifty pence. 2 Round metal money ______2 £6.35 ______3 Paper money ______3 £10.40 ______4 ‘Plastic money’ ______4 £8.32 ______5 A time when all the shops sell things 5 £6.75 ______cheaper ______6 £5.00 ______6 How much something costs ______7 £42.78 ______7 You write on this paper and pay with it 8 £15.60 ______8 Money which only exists on the Internet 2. Rearrange the letters. ______1 vesa save 7 snico ______9 Something you don’t have to pay for is 2 hacs ______8 yemno-e ______3 refe ______9 yrucrenc ______10 I pay 10 euros for something that costs 9 4 lasse ______10 erpic ______euros. I get 1 euro ______5 dricet drac ______11 queech ______11 ‘Real’ money, not cheques or credit 6 ghacne ______12 nbak stone _____ cards is called ______12 Euros, pounds or yen are types of ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 4. Match the colloquial words in the box with a picture. a buck a fiver a quid a 5. Complete the sentences with one of the tenner words from exercise 4. broke in the black in the red loaded 1 ‘That’s six pounds.’ ‘Oh. I’ve only got a fiver.’ 2 Good news from the bank. We’re ______again. 3 I haven’t got a penny! I’m ______! 4 Look at my bank account. I spent too much money last month and now I’m ______. 5 In New York a hamburger costs 3 ______. 6 In London a hamburger costs 2 ______. 7 Most film stars and pop stars are ______. 8 ‘Can you lend me a ______?’ ‘I’ve only got eight pounds. Sorry.’

1 a fiver 2 ______3 ______4 ______5 ______6 ______7 ______8 ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 NATURAL FEATURES 4. Complete the definitions with words from the box. 1. Complete the words. deforestation earthquake forest 1 h u r r i c a n e hurricane oil slick ozone layer 2 f _ r _ st f _ r _ tidal wave volcano 3 _ _ r t h q u _ k _ 4 p _ l _ u t _ _ n 1 A violent storm with a very strong wind. 5 d _ s _ _ s _ hurricane. 6 f l _ _ d s 2 A layer of oil floating on water. 7 d r _ _ g h t ______8 g l _ b _ l w _ r m _ n g 3 The cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area. ______2. Give two examples for each word. 4 A mountain with a large hole at the top. 1 sea Mediterranean, ______Lava and hot ash sometimes erupt 2 river ______, ______through the hole. ______3 lake ______, ______5 A sudden shaking of the earth’s surface. 4 mountain ______, ______5 coast ______, ______6 A layer of gases that stops harmful 6 valley ______, ______radiation from the sun. 7 beach ______, ______8 forest ______, ______7 A very large movement of sea water that flows onto the land and destroys things. 3. Circle the odd one out. ______1 rain drought floods 8 A large area of land that is thickly 2 beach mountain sea covered with trees. ______3 forest tree lake 4 storms hurricanes valley 5 sea lake beach 6 storms hurricanes global warming 7 forest fire drought floods 8 earthquake greenhouse effect air pollution

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 5. Order the letters to form words related to 7. Write the words from exercises 5 and 6 the natural environment. under the correct picture. 1 yba bay 2 verir ______3 fislcf ______4 dilef ______5 yevlal ______1 A bay 2 ______6 tominuna ______7 disnal ______8 lhli ______9 klea ______10 terfso ______11 chabe ______3 ______4 ______12 ase ______

6. What are these famous geographical features or descriptions? 1 Bay of Pigs 5 ______6 ______2 Everest ______3 Nile ______4 Mediterranean ______5 Hawaii ______6 Titicaca ______7 ______8 ______7 A big group of trees ______8 A vertical rock face ______9 A high point of ground ______10 Sand next to the sea ______11 A place where cows live ______9 ______10 ______12 A low area between two hills______

11 ______12 ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 RELATIONSHIP TASTES AND PREFERENCES

1. Match the phrases in the box with the 1. Write sentences about your likes and pictures below. dislikes using words from the two boxes. to be together to break up don’t like don’t mind enjoy to drive someone mad to solve problems hate like love

1 2 do my homework eat chocolate tidy my room get up early play tennis sleep study for exams swim

1 I enjoy sleeping. 3 4 2 ______3 ______4 ______5 ______6 ______7 ______8 ______1 to break up 9 ______2 ______3 ______4 ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 PHRASAL VERBS

> Give > Phrasal verbs with go

1. Find the phrasal verbs with give in the 1. Complete the dialogue with a phrasal verb word search. Then write the phrasal verb from the box. with give next to its definition below. go away go down go on go in go over go up B D G N G T I O Q G U S I F I U L D E R Martin: Look, over there. It’s Ronaldo! G I V E B A C K U Y Let’s 1 go up to him and ask him for his I M E P A R O F N I autograph! Quick, he’s going to 2 ______the lift. V D A R D N I G A P David: Oh no! Let’s 3 ______the E A W K V F O I T K stairs and catch him on the ground floor. O P A I Y O N V X H Run! U F Y O G I V E I N Martin: Ronaldo, can we have your T H S A I U S U D P autograph please? G W E Z T F S P Q F Ronaldo: Sure. Here you go. David: Are you leaving for the club now? 1 return give back Ronaldo: Don’t worry. I’m not going to 2 stop doing something ______4 ______just yet. 3 surrender ______Martin: Excellent! 4 donate ______Ronaldo: Bye guys. 5 distribute ______David/Martin: Bye. Martin: I’m going to 5 ______this story again and again! David: I know! I’m going to 6 ______about it to my friends and family forever!

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Phrasal verbs with take 6 There was too much in the museum to 1. Complete the sentences with one word or take ______on our phrase from box A and a preposition from ______box B to make a phrasal verb with take.

A book coat cook day to day first visit responsibilities salsa

B after back in off on over up

1 I’ve got to run to the library to take ______the ______I borrowed. 2 We aren’t planning any new investment until the new management takes ______the ______running of the business. 3 Lisa takes ______her mother. She’s such a wonderful ______! 4 My girlfriend and I have decided to take ______dancing classes on Friday nights. 5 James got a salary raise six months after taking ______additional ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 READING AND WRITING


1. Read the texts about Sam’s mistake and put them in order.

1 b 2 ______3 4 5 6

a Now I’m running down the street. I’m getting a bit wet because it’s raining. I don’t like the rain and I haven’t got an umbrella. b I’m lying in my bed, half asleep, and I look at my watch. Oh no! It’s half past eight! I get up and quickly go into the bathroom because I’m one hour late. c I’m walking through the front entrance of the school but something is not right. The front door is locked and there’s nobody about. Then I know my mistake. d I’m waiting at the bus stop for the bus and I’m looking at my watch. Ten to nine already. This is bad! I decide that I can’t wait for the bus because I haven’t got time, so I start to run. e I’m not eating my breakfast because I need to leave the house in two minutes. I have a glass of milk and put on my coat and close the front door. f I’m thinking how stupid I am and I start to walk home again, very slowly, thinking about going to bed again.

2. Read the text again and answer these questions. 7 What’s the problem with the school 1 What time does Sam usually get up? door? He usually gets up at half past seven. ______2 What does he eat for breakfast? 8 How does he go home? ______3 Does he drink anything? What? ______3. What is Sam’s mistake? 4 Why does he not take the bus? a He goes to the wrong school. ______b It’s Saturday. 5 What’s the weather like? c His watch is one hour fast. ______6 Why is this a problem? ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Write

4. Imagine your journey from your bed to school. Write it as if it is happening now. I’m lying in bed when my alarm clock wakes me up. I’m getting up and going into the bathroom …


Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 LANGUAGES

1. Read the text and circle the best title. a Language studies in England b A different language to study c Why English people study languages

Most students at school study at least one and maybe two languages apart from their own. European children tend to learn European languages and in England these languages are probably French, Spanish or German, but one student, Alex Brown, learns another language after school, and it’s not European. It’s Swahili. Alex is interested in the language because his grandparents are originally from the southern part of Africa and their first language is Swahili. So, every day when classes finish, Alex goes to his grandparents’ house for his extra class. Alex really enjoys learning from his grandfather, because he loves hearing all the old stories about his grandfather’s childhood. His grandfather obviously doesn’t ask for any money, but Alex pays for the class in another way. He looks after his grandparents’ garden. He enjoys cutting the grass and watering the plants, but the one thing he doesn’t like is collecting the fallen leaves from the trees. Alex’s dad picks him up after the class to take him home. ‘I’m very happy that my son is learning the language of my father’ he says. ‘When he is older he can go to Africa to visit his distant family and talk to them.’

2. Read the text again and answer these questions. 6 What does Alex love hearing about? 1 What languages do English students ______normally study? 7 Who ‘pays’ for the class? They usually study French, Spanish or ______German. 8 What does he enjoy doing in the garden? 2 Who studies Swahili? ______9 What does he hate doing in the garden? 3 Why does he study Swahili? ______10 Who picks Alex up after class? 4 Where does Alex study Swahili? ______11 What does Alex’s dad think of his son 5 Who teaches Alex? learning Swahili? ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 12 Who can talk to Alex when he goes to Africa? ______

> Write

3. Think of one subject that you like and one you don’t like studying and explain why. I really like studying music and I hate studying mathematics. I enjoy going to music class because …


Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 AN URBAN COW a b 1. Read the story and order the pictures. 1 b______4______2 5______3 c d

One day, while I was studying in my bedroom for an exam, I heard a strange noise, e like a cow mooing. I didn’t pay any attention at first because it was such an important exam that I really needed to study hard, but then I heard the sound again. It was so strange because I don’t live anywhere near a farm. I put my book down and listened but I could 2. Read the text again and answer these only hear silence. questions. I went back to studying until lunchtime and 1 What was the girl doing in her bedroom? then I went into the sitting room, where my She was studying for an exam. brother was watching television. I asked him 2 What did she hear? about the cow sound but he didn’t know what ______I was talking about. The volume on the TV 3 Why didn’t she pay attention at first? was so loud that he couldn’t hear anything. ______I walked into the kitchen and I heard the 4 Why was the sound so strange? sound again, this time much louder. I looked ______out of the kitchen window and to my surprise, 5 When did she finish studying? there really was a cow in the garden and it ______was eating my mum’s best flowers. It mooed 6 Why couldn’t her brother hear the noise? again and I was so surprised that I could only ______stand there with my mouth open. 7 Where did she hear the noise again? ______8 What was in the garden and what was it doing? ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Write

3. Write a story that concludes with one of these sentences: a I was so tired that I went to bed. b It was such a strange experience that I didn’t tell anybody about it. c We were so happy that we laughed all the way home.


Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 DEDICATED FOLOWER OF FASHION uncomfortable but you have to suffer for fashion! ______1. Read Angela’s descriptions of the clothes 4 These trousers are baggy at the top and and match them to the correct picture. tight at the bottom and I don’t think they’re very fashionable. They’re quite sporty, I suppose, at least for playing golf! ______5 The other trousers are much better. I think they’re really trendy because they’re tight at the top and baggy, or flared, at the bottom. They look really nice. ______

2. Read the texts again and answer the questions. 1 Why is the first skirt too unfashionable? Because it has big flowers. 2 Why does Angela say this skirt is comfortable? ______3 Why is skirt c) the most comfortable? ______4 Why is skirt a) the most popular? ______1 It’s the longest skirt in the shop, but it’s not 5 What opinion does Angela give of the trendy enough for me with its big flowers. It’s flowers? very baggy too, which I don’t like, but I ______imagine it means it’s quite comfortable. 6 Are trousers b) tighter at the top or __e__ bottom? 2 This skirt is also very baggy, but it’s not as ______long as the first one. It’s medium length. It’s 7 What sport does Angela say you could got the same flowery design and so it’s just play in trousers b)? as unfashionable too. Because it’s shorter, I ______also think it’s the most comfortable. ______8 Why does Angela think trousers d) are 3 This is the skirt that I like the most. It’s long fashionable? and quite fashionable. It hasn’t got the ______horrible flowers of the other two and it’s quite tight. It’s probably the most

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Write

3. Write a description of two or three of your favourite clothes. I’ve got a jacket which I think is really cool. It’s quite baggy but it’s very trendy …


Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 MY IDEAL JOB

1. Read the texts and fill in the spaces with one of the jobs in the box.

accountant architect baker biologist cashier librarian

1 SAM: ‘I’m going to be a baker when I leave school. I won’t go to university because I don’t need to. My mum’s shop makes bread and they’re going to give me a job there. I don’t think I’ll like it very much because I’ll have to get up very early, but at least I’ll earn money.’ 2 ALLIE: ‘I’m going to be a ______because I’m really interested in books. I’m going to go to university to get some qualifications so that I make sure I get a job. I think it will be a very quiet and relaxing job.’ 3 NEIL: ‘I’m going to be an ______I know the exams at university will be very difficult but I will be all right I think. I love designing houses and other buildings, so I know I’ll be really motivated to study hard.’ 4 FRED: ‘I’m going to be a ______I love animals and plants and I’ve always been interested in science. In fact, tomorrow I’m going to a friend’s house to talk to her father, who works in a laboratory. He’s going to give me some advice about what to study.’ 5 COLIN: ‘I’ll probably work as a ______in a supermarket for a while because I don’t really know what I’m going to do. I’ll do that until I get bored and I have enough money to go travelling.’ 6 SALLY: ‘I’m going to be an ______like my father. He earns a lot of money in a company and I’m planning to do the same. I don’t think it will be very exciting but I don’t think any job will be really interesting.’ ______2. Read the texts again and answer the questions. 5 What does Neil predict about the 1 Whose shop makes bread? university exams? Sam’s mum’s. ______2 Why doesn’t Sam think he’ll like the 6 Why will he be motivated? job? ______7 Why does Fred want to do his chosen 3 Why is Allie going to choose her job? job? ______4 How does she describe it? 8 Who is he going to talk to?

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 ______

9 Where is Colin going to work? ______10 What is he going to do when he has enough money? ______11 Who has the same job as Sally’s chosen one? ______12 What does she predict about the job? ______

> Write

3. Write about three possible jobs that you think you will do after school. Give your reasons. You can invent them. I’m going to be a film star when I leave school. I love acting and I’m really good at it and think I will be very successful in Hollywood … ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 A DIFFICULT DECISION

1. Read the texts and put them in the correct order.

1 d 2______3 4

a Unfortunately, if I do this, my parents will be really angry. The other option is to leave school and go and study at college and if I do this, my parents will be pleased but my girlfriend won’t, because the college is in another town and if I go and study there I won’t see much of her. b If I do this, my parents will be happy and so will my girlfriend because she is definitely going to continue studying here. The next option is to leave school and look for a job. If I choose this one, and if I find a job, I will have more money, which will be good. This will also make my girlfriend happy. c Obviously, the first option is the one that makes my girlfriend and my parents happy, but I think it’s the one that I personally don’t want. I need a change and if I stay at school I think I’ll be demotivated and bored. So it looks like there is no option that will please everybody: What can I do? If someone can give me some advice, I’ll be very grateful! d On the 30th of June I have to make a decision and that’s not long as now we’re in April. I’m 16 and finishing my last year of compulsory secondary school this year and I’m not sure what to do next. I have to choose between three options. The first choice is to stay at school for two more years and there are some advantages to this.

2. Read the text again and answer the questions. 6 Who won’t be pleased if he chooses 1 When does he have to make a decision? option 2? On the 30th of June. ______2 What month is it now? 7 Why won’t his girlfriend be happy if he ______chooses to go to college? 3 How many options does he have? ______8 Which choice does he like the least? 4 Who will be happy if he chooses the first ______option? 9 What does he say he needs? ______5 What will be good if he decides on the 10 What will happen if he stays at school? second option? ______11 Why will he be grateful?

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 ______

> Write

3. Imagine you have the same three choices as the boy in the text. What will you do if you choose each option? If I decide to stay at school, I’ll continue seeing all my friends but I’ll also have to …


Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 HOLIDAY ROMANCE

1. Read the two e-mails and circle the best descriptions of Keith and Helen.

Keith Helen a embarrassed a excited b anxious b stressed c angry c pleased

Dear Aunt Helen, I have a big problem. Do you remember the photos of the girl, Isabel, who I met when we were on holiday in Spain? Well, now I can’t stop thinking about her. I can’t concentrate on my studies and in a German test yesterday my mind was blank and I couldn’t remember anything! I don’t know why, and I failed it! What can I do? I’m worried that I’ll fail all my exams because all that I do is think about her. If I could stop thinking about her, I’d be OK. Love, Keith

Dear Keith, First of all, I think it’s great that you met such a lovely girl! She’s very beautiful in the photos you sent me. You should be glad to know her and you shouldn’t be stressed. I know you’re unhappy because she’s far away but you should be positive. She’s not in Australia! You could ask your parents for a plane ticket to Spain for your birthday. And you shouldn’t be embarrassed about it. If you explained how you felt to them, I’m sure they’d understand. And you shouldn’t worry about your exams. If you were more relaxed, I’m confident that you’d pass them. And remember that I’m very happy for you! Aunt Helen 3 What was the subject of the test he 2. Read the e-mails again and answer the failed? questions. ______1 What’s the name of the girl who Keith met? 4 What is he worried about? Isabel. ______2 What’s the name of the country where 5 Why does he think this will happen? he went on holiday? ______6 How does Helen know what Isabel looks

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 like? ______7 How does Helen say he should feel? ______

8 What does Helen say he could ask for as a birthday present? ______9 When would his parents understand? ______10 What would happen if he was more relaxed? ______

> Write

3. Give your own advice to Keith in this situation. What other things could he do or should he do to feel happier and make sure that Isabel doesn’t forget him? I think Keith should write an e-mail to Isabel and tell her …


Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 GHOST STORY

1. Read the story and put the pictures in the a b correct order.

1 b 4______2 ______5______3 ______

I’ve never been so frightened as I am now. I’m absolutely terrified! Have you ever seen a ghost? Well now I can say that I have and c d I don’t want to repeat the experience ever! This is what happened. I was watching television – a boring programme about famous people. It was quite depressing really. Then I heard a noise like tic, tic, tic. At first I didn’t take any notice but then it got really annoying, so I switched off the TV and tried to locate where it was coming from. However, as soon as I stood up e the noise stopped. I sat down again and the tic, tic, tic started again. Then I thought it was amusing, even intriguing. Like a mystery. I’ve had strange experiences before but this was definitely one of the strangest. I stood up again. Again the sound stopped. When I sat down I saw the most shocking thing. Three white fingers under the sofa. I couldn’t stop myself screaming and in that moment the ghost came out from under the sofa and said ‘Hello!’ I ran out of the room and I haven’t returned yet. What am I going to do?

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 2. Read the story again and answer the > Write questions. 1 How does the boy feel right now? 3. Write a story that starts: ‘I’m absolutely Absolutely terrified. terrified!’ and write about what has 2 What has he seen? happened. ______I’m absolutely terrified! I’ve climbed a 3 What was the TV programme like? tree and I can’t get down again. I decided ______to climb up the tree because … 4 How does he describe the noise at first? ______5 When did the noise stop? ______6 Why did he think it was amusing and ______intriguing? ______7 Is it the first time he has had a strange ______experience? ______8 What did he see under the sofa? ______9 Is he in the room now? ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 FAME AND FORTUNE I started going out with the drummer who was on our last tour of China, and now we’re 1. Read the text and circle the best title. married and living in London, where nobody a Anonymous Annie. knows who we are, which is wonderful!’ b A Changed Woman. c What Ann Used to Be Like. 2. Read the text again and answer true, false or don’t know. Ann Clarke is 27 and happily married with 1 Ann used to use a different name. True. two young children. She looks like a very 2 Ann has green hair now. ______normal person, who probably had a very 3 Ann still sings. ______normal past. Don’t be deceived. Ann used to 4 Ann used to be recognised in Tokyo. be very different. For a start, Ann used to be ______known as Annie. Annie Mator to be precise, 5 Ann used to enjoy returning to Europe. and she used to have green hair as the lead ______singer in a rock group called the Animators, 6 Ann prefers her old lifestyle. ______which used to be very successful in China 7 Ann married a musician. ______and Japan in the late nineties, although not 8 She misses the fame she used to have. in Europe. ______‘It was amazing at the time.’ Annie told me. ‘We used to go out on the streets of Tokyo and have hundreds of fans asking for our > Write autographs.’ I asked about Europe. ‘No. Nobody knew us 3. Think about the music you used to like at all in Europe, which was great because we three years ago and the music you like now. used to get quite tired of all the attention in How is it different? What do you think of the Far East. We used to spend at least six your old music? months a year there, so it was nice to get I used to really like Britney Spears and back to a place where you could be Christina Aguilera and I used to buy all anonymous.’ their CDs, but now I think that their music So what happened? Why is she now a is … ‘normal’ wife and mother? ‘In the end I just got tired of all the travelling. It used to be ______great to live that kind of lifestyle, but after ______three years of it ______I decided that it was time to lead a quieter ______life. ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 DISASTER IN GALICIA

1. Read the text and circle the best title. a Ship sinks near Galicia b Oil disaster off Galician coast c Storm causes ship to sink

In November 2002, the oil tanker Prestige broke in two off the Galician coast, to the north-west of Spain, leading to one of the worst environmental disasters Spain has experienced. The ship, which was carrying more than 70,000 tonnes of oil, started to have problems when it was caught in a terrible storm. The strong waves broke a hole in the side of the ship and, despite attempts to avoid the disaster, a large amount of oil was released into the sea. Westerly winds blew a large amount of this oil onto the Galician beaches and rocks, destroying wildlife and one of the most beautiful parts of European coastline. Fishing also had to be completely suspended in the area, meaning many local people lost their means of earning money. After a few days floating helplessly at sea, the Prestige sank, taking to the bottom with it most of its deadly cargo, the long-term consequences of which are not yet known. Thousands of local people helped clean the more than 140 beaches affected along the ‘Coast of Death’ by removing the oil and taking affected sea birds to have the oil removed from their feathers. Only time will tell if this natural paradise will return to its previous state. ______2. Read the text again and answer the questions. 8 What happened after a few days? 1 Into how many parts did the ship break? ______Two. 9 How many beaches were affected by the 2 How much oil was the ship carrying? oil? ______3 What caused the ship to have problems? ______4 What did the waves do to the ship? ______5 What was released into the sea? ______6 From which direction were the winds? ______7 What happened to the fishing?

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Write

3. Write your opinion of one of these statements. Do you agree or disagree? Why? a Oil may be the biggest cause of environmental disasters. b Man is responsible for most forest fires.

I think oil must be the biggest cause of environmental problems for more than one reason. First, when disasters like the Prestige happen …


Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 PROTEST

1. Read the news report and put the paragraphs in the correct order. 1 b 2______3 4

a We interviewed one very unhappy woman, Clare Brown, who said that she was protesting about all of these issues. She said she was worried because she lived near a nuclear power plant and also that she was unemployed. She said that there were a lot of violent crimes in her town and that many drug addicts lived in her street. She also said that, after voting for the government in the last election, she definitely wouldn’t be voting for them again. b Last Saturday a demonstration marched to Parliament to protest about the government’s policies. Two large organisations were involved in the march. One was ‘Green Planet’, which was demonstrating in general about environmental problems and specifically about the new law on nuclear energy. c We also asked a member of the government for his views and he said people didn’t understand how complicated it was to solve these problems and that the government was doing everything it could to make things better. We told him about the unfortunate woman and all her problems but he said he had no comment on the matter. d The other was ‘No More Crime’, which believes that the government does not do enough to prevent crime and violence. There were also thousands of individuals, all with their own personal worries and protests against the government, such as unemployment and drug abuse. ______2. Read the text again and answer the questions 6 Why does Clare Brown agree with 1 Where did the demonstration march? Green Planet’s protest? To Parliament. ______2 What was Green Planet generally 7 What is Clare’s job? protesting about? ______8 Why does she agree with ‘No More 3 What was their specific complaint? Crime’s’ demonstration? ______4 What is ‘No More Crime’ unhappy 9 Why is she unhappy about drug abuse? about? ______10 Who did she vote for in the last election? 5 What were other people protesting ______about? 11 Will she vote for them again?

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 ______> Write

3. Imagine you were a journalist at the demonstration and that you interviewed somebody who was unhappy about these things: Aids and serious diseases, alcohol abuse, world peace and nature. Write about your interview. I interviewed Ana Blasco, who was at the demonstration. She said that she was worried about the spread of serious diseases like …


Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 MYSTERY PRODUCT

1. Read the text and decide which product was made and sold. a magazine b newspaper c novel d comic

First, obviously, it was written by the author, on his portable laptop computer. Then the story was sent to the publishers. The editor thought that the general idea was fantastic, although the story was a bit flawed in places, so parts of it were rewritten. When everyone had decided that it was ready to be printed, the complete work was loaded onto the publisher’s main computer. The work was 326 pages long, so 163 sheets of paper were needed, as both sides are used. These were loaded into the printer and a test was printed. When everyone was satisfied, thousands of copies were printed. Also the front and back covers were designed. An artist was employed for this job, and when they were approved by the author and the editor, these were also printed, on special, more expensive paper, and in colour. The product wasn’t advertised heavily, but copies were given to critics, whose reviews were read by many people. The product was sold in specialised shops and also in department stores, in their literary section, and because the reviews described it as ‘excellent’ and ‘superb’, nearly a hundred thousand copies were sold.

2. Read the article again and answer the questions. 7 Who were the front and back covers 1 Where was it written? designed by? On the author’s laptop computer. ______2 Where was the story sent? 8 Was the same paper used for all the ______pages? 3 What did the editor think of it? ______9 Who were the reviews written by? 4 What happened because of this? ______10 Were they positive? 5 Why were only 163 pieces of paper ______needed? 11 Was the product a success? ______6 What happened when everyone was happy with it? ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Write

3. Describe how two of these things are made. Try to use the passive. • a paper aeroplane • a chair • a Spanish omelette • a ham and cheese sandwich

A paper aeroplane is made like this: An A4 piece of paper is selected. It is folded …


Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 PENGUIN READERS FACTSHEETS he can make up for what he has done is to destroy the painting. In the climax of the story THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY Dorian tries to kill the man in the portrait, but BY OSCAR WILDE kills himself in the process.

Teacher’s Notes > About Oscar Wilde > Summary Oscar Wilde is one of the best-known Published in 1891, The Picture of Dorian Gray characters of British literary history. Wilde is Oscar Wilde’s only novel. An immediate and grew up in a professional middle-class family popular success, it has never been out of print in Dublin. He was a brilliant student and went since. to England to study at Oxford University. He The story is set in London towards the end of was very ambitious and wanted to join English the 19th century. Basil Hallward has painted a high society. He soon became famous for his portrait of a handsome young man, Dorian witty conversation, especially his ironic Gray. Thrilled by the beauty of the painting, epigrams or amusing sayings. Dorian Gray wishes that he could always stay Oscar Wilde was flamboyant and eccentric as young as his image in the picture. He gives from an early age. At a time when men only up his soul to achieve this wish. wore black or grey he put on colourful clothes, Dorian sets out on a life of self-indulgence grew his hair long and wore a green flower in and evil. His behaviour seems to be reflected in his buttonhole. the portrait and he realises that his wish has He was a founder member of the influential come true – the portrait is beginning to show a ‘aesthetic movement’ which believed in ‘art for corrupted man while he remains unchanged. art’s sake’ and rejected the strict morality of Frightened of what is happening, Dorian hides Victorian society which regarded all sexual the picture in a locked room. matters as ‘dirty’ and immoral. The years pass and Dorian leads an In Victorian England all men were expected increasingly depraved life, but the years have to get married and have a family. Oscar married no effect on him; he looks as young and and had two children, but he secretly loved beautiful as ever. Then one evening he meets men, something which was considered the artist once more and, after he has shown disgusting and was a serious crime. Oscar kept him the evil-looking portrait, Dorian kills him his love affairs with men a secret and between in a fit of hatred. Dorian tries to carry on with 1892 and 1895 his plays made him the most his immoral life. But he is tormented by successful and popular writer in Britain. He feelings of guilt and decides that the only way loved mixing with the aristocracy yet his works made fun of the English upper classes and, in a

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 subtle way, criticised the cruel morality of his in an immoral lifestyle, carelessly disregarding time. the feelings of the people he seduces and then When Oscar was found guilty of having a rejects. Dorian thinks that he can escape from sexual relationship with a man, nearly all his the consequences of his own immoral life friends dropped him, his plays and books were because the portrait will take the blame for him. withdrawn and his possessions were sold to pay But, of course, he goes too far by killing his old his creditors. He came out of prison a broken friend Basil Hallward and begins to suffer from man and spent the final years of his life in guilt. Wilde is showing us that nobody can ever poverty, unable to write and forced to live in escape the moral consequences of their actions. exile. To this familiar moral fable Wilde adds the extra ingredient of sexual scandal. Although the novel never actually describes it, the reader is > Background and themes aware that there is an undercurrent of sexuality in many of the relationships. Apart from the The Picture of Dorian Gray is often described story of Sibyl Vane, we do not know exactly as a melodrama, in other words a work in which what Dorian does that is so ‘immoral’, as in everything is larger than life. It is more like a Victorian England it was impossible for a myth or a morality tale than the realistic novels writer to be honest about sexual matters. In the which modern readers are accustomed to. It end, good triumphs over evil when Dorian kills contains so much dialogue that it is almost as if himself. This is the type of moral ending that it is a written version of a stage play. This is not was expected in 19th century literature. surprising as Wilde went on to write a series of The Picture of Dorian Gray is not simply a enormously successful plays in the three years moral fable. It is full of Oscar Wilde’s unique following its publication, including his wit and humour. The dialogue sparkles with masterpiece, The Importance of Being Earnest. numerous examples of Wilde’s epigrams— The theme of The Picture of Dorian Gray is short witty sayings which have now become a recurring one in European culture, most part of the English language. These epigrams famously expounded in Faust. In the story of are often based on irony or a reversal of logic, a Faust, the devil tempts a man to sell his soul in typical example of which is when Lord Henry exchange for all the things he desires. The says ‘I choose my friends for their beauty and result is disaster and the lesson is that a man’s my enemies for their intelligence. A man soul is more valuable than anything he could cannot be too careful in choosing his enemies.’ possibly gain in the material world. In Oscar Wilde’s own conversation was full of this wit, Wilde’s version, Lord Henry represents the and it gives the novel an extra dimension which devil figure and Dorian Gray is Faust. The most Victorian stories lack. portrait symbolises Dorian’s soul or personal morality. Lord Henry tempts Dorian to indulge

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 more epigram from these chapters. > Communicative activities Chapters 4–6 1. Put students into small groups to answer The following teacher-led activities cover the these questions: same sections of text as the exercises at the a Why does Dorian change his mind about back of the reader, and supplement those Sibyl? exercises. For supplementary exercises b ‘He felt the time had come to choose. Or covering shorter sections of the book, see the had he already chosen?’ (p. 32). What is photocopiable Student’s Activities pages of this this choice? Factsheet. c What would you choose if you were in the These are primarily for use with class readers same situation? but, with the exception of discussion and pair/groupwork questions, can also be used by Chapters 7–8 students working alone in a self-access centre. Put students into pairs. They write as many adjectives as they can to describe Basil Hallward and as many adjectives as they can to > Activities before reading the book describe Lord Henry. After 5–10 minutes, put two pairs together to compare ideas. They make Put students into small groups to discuss these a list of adjectives they all agree with. Write all questions: Some tribes in the Amazon rainforest adjectives on the board. do not allow scientists to take photographs of them. They believe that each time you take a Chapters 9–10 photograph of someone you take a little bit of Put this sentence on the board: ‘Corruption is a their soul away. Can the class explain why this thing that writes itself across a man’s face. It is? Do they share these feelings? cannot be hidden.’ (p. 45). Put students into small groups. They discuss this statement and whether they agree with it or not. > Activities after reading a section Chapters 11–13 Chapters 1–3 Dorian says ‘I have done too many terrible Write this famous epigram (clever, witty or things in my life. I am not going to do any funny saying) from the book on the board: more.’ (p. 56). In small groups, students answer ‘I choose my friends for their beauty and my these questions: enemies for their intelligence. A man cannot be a Do you believe what Dorian says above? too careful in choosing his enemies.’ b Can you think of ways people can get Ask students to work in pairs. Do they agree forgiveness for earlier bad behaviour? with this saying or not? Each student finds one

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Activities after reading the book Chapters 4–6 absurd (adj) seeming completely silly Students discuss this question in small groups: scandal (n) something that happens that people What is the lesson of The Picture of Dorian think is bad or shocking behaviour Gray? Is there a lesson for people today in it? tragedy (n) an extremely sad event in which something terrible happens

> Glossary Chapters 7–8 corrupt (v) to make someone dishonest and It will be useful for your students to know the behave very badly following new words. They are practised in the ‘Before You Read’ sections of exercises at the back of the book. (Definitions are based on those in the Longman Active Study Dictionary.)

Chapters 1–3 charming (adj) very pleasing or attractive exhibit (v) to put something in a public place so that people can see it extraordinarily (adv) in an unusually good or special way fascinating (adj) extremely interesting flatter (v) to say nice things to someone in order to please them frown (v) to look angry influence (v) to have an effect on the way someone behaves or thinks passion (n) a very strong feeling of love portrait (n) a painting, drawing or photograph of a person soul (n) the part of a person that contains their deepest thoughts and feelings and which many people believe continues to exist after death worship (v) to love and admire someone very much

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Student’s Activities Chapter 2 1. Answer these questions. > Activities before reading the book a How does Lord Henry know Basil? b What advice does Lord Henry give to 1. Read the Introduction at the front of the Dorian? book. Then close the book and try to answer c What does Basil do at the bottom of his these questions. painting? a When was Oscar Wilde born? d Why is Dorian jealous of the painting? b Who was Constance Lloyd? e What does Lord Henry want to do that c Who was Lord Alfred Douglas? night? d How long did Wilde spend in prison? e Where did he spend the last years of his 2. Dorian makes a wish about the painting life? on page 11. Fill the gaps: f When did he die? ‘If I could stay ______and the picture grow ______! For that – for that – I would give > Activities while reading the book ______! Yes, there is ______in the whole world I Chapter 1 would not give! I would give 1. Are these statements about Basil Hallward my______for that!’ true or false? a He is an artist. ____ 3. If you were Dorian, would you make the b He went to Oxford University. ____ same wish? Why/Why not? Talk to another c He is going to exhibit the painting of student. Dorian Gray at the Grosvenor. ____ d He met Dorian Gray at a party. ____ Chapter 3 e He wants Lord Henry to meet Dorian. 1. Complete each sentence with one word. ____ a Dorian is in ______with an actress. 2. Write a paragraph or discuss with another b Dorian saw Sibyl in Romeo and student: ______Do you think Lord Henry will be a good or c Sibyl is ______years old. a bad influence on Dorian? Why? Why d Dorian wants Lord Henry and Basil to not? come and watch Sibyl ______night.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 e Lord Henry read in the Chapter 6 ______that Dorian was 1. Put these events into the correct order. going to marry Sibyl. a Dorian writes a letter to Sibyl. b Dorian and Lord Henry go to the theatre. 2. Look at the picture on page 18 and write a c Lord Henry tells Dorian that Sibyl is short description of Lord Henry. dead. d Dorian looks at the portrait and decides Chapter 4 it is time to choose. 1. Who says these words? e Lord Henry knocks on Dorian’s door. a ‘I hope this girl is good.’ f Dorian goes for breakfast feeling happy. b ‘Oh, she is better than good – she is g Lord Henry tells Dorian to keep his beautiful.’ name out of any scandal. c ‘But how can Dorian marry an actress ...? It is absurd.’ 2. Imagine that Sibyl writes a letter to d ‘I have never been so happy.’ Dorian before she kills herself. Write the e ‘You have annoyed Dorian. He is not letter. like other men.’ f ‘Pleasure is the only thing worth having Chapter 7 ideas about.’ 1. Answer these questions. g ‘I know what pleasure is. It is to worship a Who does Basil think has changed someone.’ Dorian? b How does Basil think he has changed? 2. Do you agree with the statement in ‘g’? If c How does Dorian say he has changed you don’t agree, what do YOU think pleasure since Basil knew him? is? d What does Dorian ask Basil to do? e What does Dorian say he will do if Basil Chapter 5 looks at the portrait? 1. Answer these questions. f Why does Basil decide not to exhibit the a What does Lord Henry think of Sibyl? portrait of Dorian Gray? b Why does Sibyl act so badly? g What does Dorian decide to do at the c How is Dorian cruel to Sibyl? end of the chapter? d How has the portrait changed? e What does Dorian do with the mirror? Chapter 8 f What does the mirror show him? 1. Complete the sentences. g What has the portrait taught him? a Basil decides to put the portrait in the h What does he decide to do? ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 b When he looks around the room he Chapter 10 thinks about ______1. Put these events into the correct order. c Dorian feels safe now because no other a Basil says that Dorian must be even ______worse than people say. d In the library there is a note from b Dorian hides Basil’s bag and coat in a ______cupboard. e In the newspaper report Sibyl’s death is c Dorian takes the knife and sticks it into described as ______Basil’s neck. d Dorian takes Basil into the room. 2. On page 40 Dorian says ‘Every moment of e Francis tells Dorian about Basil’s visit. his lonely childhood came back to him as he f Dorian starts to hate Basil. looked around.’ What do you think Dorian’s g Dorian shows Basil the portrait. childhood was like? Talk about it with a h Dorian goes out of the house and then friend or write a paragraph. comes back.

Chapter 9 Chapter 11 1. Are these statements true or false? 1. Who says these words, Dorian Gray or a Although many years pass, Dorian still Alan Campbell? looks young and pure. ____ a ‘You don’t need to know how or why he b Basil is planning to go to Paris on the died.’ eleven o’clock train. ______c Basil says there are rumours about b ‘You are mad ...’ Dorian’s life. ______d Some of Dorian’s friends have killed c ‘It is impossible for you to refuse now.’ themselves. ______e Basil thinks Dorian has killed them. d ‘Let us never see each other again.’ ______f Basil wants to see Dorian’s soul. ____ e ‘You have saved me ...’ g Dorian is pleased that someone is going ______to share his secret. ____ 2. What happens to the portrait after the 2. What do you think will happen next? death of Basil Hallward? Compare your ideas with another student.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Chapter 12 > Activities after reading the book 1. Answer these questions. a What is the only thing that frightens 1. Work with another student. Lord Henry? Imagine you are Dorian Gray’s servant and b What does Dorian say has happened to the servant’s friend. Dorian’s servant tells the painting? the story of what he finds in the attic. His c Why doesn’t Dorian want to go to the friend asks questions. club with Lord Henry? d What does Dorian promise to do the 2. Discuss with another student. next day? Look up consequence in your dictionary. This book shows that people cannot escape 2. Lord Henry says ‘One should never do from the consequences of their actions. Do anything one cannot talk about after dinner.’ you agree? Why/Why not? Do you agree with this? Talk to another student or write a paragraph.

Chapter 13 1. Answer these questions. a Why does Dorian break the mirror? b Why does he want to see the portrait again? c How has the painting changed? d Why does he want to destroy the painting? e How do the servants get into the room? f What does the painting look like? g Who is lying on the floor?

2. The title of this chapter is ‘To Kill the Past’. Do you think people can change even if they have done terrible things? Talk to another student.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 THE CLIENT BY JOHN GRISHAM book, The Brethren, was published in 2000. Grisham was born in Arkansas in 1955, the Teacher’s Notes son of a migrant construction worker. As a child he wanted to be a professional baseball > Summary player. Later he changed his mind and studied accounting at Mississippi State University. In The Client is a fast-moving thriller set in the 1981, he qualified as a lawyer. He worked in a United States. Mark Sway is a bright eleven- law firm for nearly ten years, specialising in year old boy who comes face to face with criminal defence and personal injury claims. He violence of the kind he has previously seen only sat as a Democrat in the state House of on TV. He finds himself in possession of Representatives from 1983–1990. dangerous information and is caught between Although he was working 60–70 hours a the interests of the law and the Mafia. Who will week, he got up at 5 a.m. every day to write his get to him first? first book, A Time to Kill, which was inspired Mark’s mother is a single parent and she by a case he was involved with. It took him cannot leave the bedside of his sick younger three years to write this book, which was brother. Mark desperately needs to find finished in 1987. His next novel, The Firm, someone he can trust to advise him. By chance published in 1991, was his first major success. he meets the lawyer, Reggie Love, who agrees After this, he took up writing full time, except to help him for the fee of one dollar. Working for a brief period in 1996 when he represented against time, together they are able to work out the family of a railroad brakeman killed at how to protect Mark and his family from the work. Grisham won $683,500 for his clients – people who would like to do them harm. At the the biggest award of his career. same time, they help the police to get the Grisham lives with his wife and their two information they want. children in Mississippi. In his spare time, he helps children develop their baseball skills.

> About John Grisham > Background and themes John Grisham is one of the most popular American authors writing today. There are over Thrillers are books which often contain a lot of 60 million copies of his books worldwide. All of physical violence, suspense, crime, gunplay, his books have been bestsellers. They are often escape and chase scenes – and The Client is no called ‘courtroom thrillers’ as they have a legal exception. It is an exciting story and students background. Since 1991, he has written one will want to keep on turning the pages to see book a year. Six books, including The Client, what will happen. have been made into films. His most recent However, as well as being simply a good

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 read, The Client also contains some serious story who is too busy to see Mark because he is issues which Grisham was clearly familiar with making lots of money from his injury cases. in his work as a lawyer. In the book he explores Mark himself is an intelligent boy who has the ways in which the Mafia operate in the had to grow up too fast. His father was violent criminal world and how this can accidentally and left the family to live in poverty. As a affect the lives of innocent people. Where the result, Dianne, the mother, has to work, and the Mafia are involved, the powerful federal law children find themselves often on their own. enforcement agency, the FBI, also have an Mark has taken on the role of ‘father’ to his interest and ordinary people can find little brother, Ricky, teaching him what he themselves caught in the middle with knows. Mark is used to finding his own way apparently no way out. around: he is tough and self-reliant. But much This situation is typical of Grisham’s stories: of what Mark knows about the world, an ordinary person is suddenly faced with a especially the criminal world, comes from what life-or-death moral choice. In The Client the he has seen on TV. person in this situation is a child, which gives There are some interesting questions here: do the drama an added sense of poignancy. Should children see too much violence on TV? Or does Mark tell a lie and save himself, or should he TV perform a useful function in teaching give the FBI the information they want and put children about life? Real violence, such as himself and his family in danger from the when Clifford shoots himself in front of the two Mafia? boys, is shown as being too shocking for a child Many of the professional adults in the book to cope with and Ricky is hospitalised as a are not shown in a very good light. The FBI men result. On the other hand, Mark uses what he try to frighten Mark into telling them what they knows from the TV. Sometimes this lands him want, infringing his rights as a witness. They in trouble, as when he tries to save Clifford. clearly do not have his interests in mind. Sometimes it helps him. But sometimes, too, The prosecution lawyer Foltrigg’s main TV can give a false view of the world. interest is his own self-publicity and the success of his court case. He does not care what Mark, a child, might have to suffer as a result. The news > Communicative activities reporter, Moeller, is unscrupulous in pursuit of what he thinks is a good story. The following teacher-led activities cover the However, there is one adult who is able to same sections of text as the exercises at the give Mark the help he needs. Reggie is not back of the reader, and supplement those interested in working for financial gain – all she exercises. For supplementary exercises gets is one dollar – but because she sees that covering shorter sections of the book see the she can help someone in real need. This photocopiable Student’s Activities pages of this contrasts pointedly with the other lawyer in the Factsheet.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Activities before reading the book say what they think Reggie told Mark to say to the FBI men. Then have a class discussion. 1 Ask students to find out as much as they can about: Chapters 10–13 a the FBI 1 Ask students to work in small groups and to b the Mafia look at the contents page. They should look at Then ask students to report back to the whole the titles for chapters 14–17. Ask them to discuss class. what they think will happen in these chapters and how the story will end.

> Activities after reading a section Chapters 14–17 1 Ask students to work in small groups. Ask Chapters 1–3 them to make a list of all the characters in the 1 Put students in pairs or small groups. Ask book. Then they should discuss which them to discuss the following questions. Then characters: have a whole class discussion. a they most admire a Mark is eleven years old and he smokes. b they dislike most What is your opinion about this? c they feel most sorry for b Why doesn’t Mark want to tell the adults what he knows? c Do you think Mark is clever? Why? > Activities after reading the book

Chapters 4–6 1 Have a class discussion about the following. 1 Ask students to work in pairs. Ask them to a In Chapter 8, McThune says to Mark: discuss the following. Do the people listed ‘You’ve been watching too much TV, kid.’ below know that Mark: Was it a bad thing that Mark watched a lot of a and his brother Ricky, saw Clifford kill TV? himself. b Do children watch too much TV? b knows why Clifford killed himself. c knows where the senator’s body is hidden. Dianne; Barry the Blade; the FBI men; Slick > Glossary Moeller It will be useful if your students know the Chapters 7–9 following new words. They are practised in the 1 On page 25, Reggie says to Mark, ‘Just ‘Before You Read’ sections at the back of the remember what I told you.’ Ask students to book. Definitions are based on the Longman read pages 26–28 again carefully and in pairs to Active Study Dictionary.)

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Chapters 1–3 angry (adj) feeling that you want to shout at someone or hurt them anxious (adj) very worried about something that may happen bored (adj) tired and impatient because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do client (n) someone who pays for services or advice crawl (v) a way of moving on your stomach or your hands and knees cruel (adj) causing unnecessary suffering to someone dangerous (adj) likely to harm or kill you evidence (n) facts, objects, etc that make you believe that something is true or exists fingerprints (n) a mark made by the pattern of lines at the end of a person’s finger frightened (adj) feeling afraid grab (v) a way of taking something from someone quickly and rudely happy (adj) having feelings of pleasure nasty (adj) very unpleasant pleasant (adj) enjoyable, nice sad (adj) unhappy or making you feel unhappy tail pipe (n) the pipe that takes unwanted gases out of a vehicle’s engine trailer (n) a vehicle that is pulled behind a car and that you can live in trial (n) a legal process in a court trust (v) to believe that someone will be careful with something you give them or will not tell a secret

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Student’s Activities h Ricky sees Romey shoot himself. ____ i Mark is afraid to give the police his > Activities before reading the book name. ____

1. Find a map of the United States. Find Chapters 2-3 these cities: Memphis, New Orleans, 1. Shut your book. Can you remember who Phoenix. says the following to whom and where? a ‘How did you cut your face?’ 2. Look at the back cover of the book and b ‘We’ve found the body.’ read the introduction. Then answer these c ‘Did you see the man before he shot questions. himself?’ a What is Mark’s secret? d ‘Do you think I’m lying?’ b Why is the secret dangerous? c Why can’t his mother help him? Now match these answers to the sentences d What shows that the lawyer is above. Don’t look at the book! ‘unusual’? I ‘What body?’ e Who helps the lawyer? II ‘No, sir.’ f Who is ‘The Client’? III ‘I don’t know, kid’ IV ‘It’s long story’

> Activities while reading the book 2. Match these people with the facts about them: Chapter 1 a Barry the Blade 1. Are these statements true or false? b Jerome Clifford a Mark and Ricky go to the secret hiding c Roy Foltrigg place after school. ____ d Slick Moeller b Mark and Ricky live with their mum and e Jason McThune dad in a trailer park. ____ f Larry Truman c Mark started smoking two years ago. ____ I was an FBI detective from Memphis. d The man sees Mark when Mark pulls the II was a newspaper reporter. tube away from the tail pipe. ____ III lived in New Orleans. e Romey is a lawyer who is working for IV was Barry’s lawyer. the Mafia. ____ V was an FBI detective from New Orleans. f Romey wants to kill himself because VI worked for the US Government as a there is a body in his garage. ____ lawyer. g Ricky saves his brother. ____

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Chapter 4 1. Are these sentences facts or possibilities? Write F or P. e Gill Teal is not the right lawyer for Mark a The man in the wheelchair broke his legs because in a road accident. ____ b Gill Teal will be able to get more than $600,000 dollars from Exxon for the f Mark goes into Reggie Love’s office man. ____ because c Mark takes Gill Teal’s card because he thinks it will be useful. ____ d Clifford bought his gun in g Reggie Love will see Mark because Memphis.____ e He had taken drugs. ____ f He wanted to die in Memphis because he Chapter 7 was born there.____ 1. Talk about these questions with a partner g Clifford did not write the first note in the or write your answers. car. ____ a In the introduction, Reggie Love is h Clifford wrote a note to Mark Sway called ‘unusual’. In what ways is she because he wanted Mark to help him. unusual? ____ b Mark likes Reggie Love. Why? i Mark has realised that Clifford told him c Why does Reggie ask Mark to pay her a dangerous secret. ____ something? d Is Reggie Love a good lawyer? Chapters 5-6 e Why does Mark tell the truth to a lawyer 1. Finish these sentences. but not his mother? a Ricky does not wake up because Chapters 8-9 b Ricky must see his mother when he 1. Look at these sentences and say who is wakes up because talking. Say who the person is talking to. Look at the words in bold and say who or ______what the person is talking about. c Mark feels sick when he sees the a ‘He woke up about two hours ago’ newspaper because b ‘Perfect ... Let’s go down.’ c ‘Why don’t you want to answer the question?’ d Mark knows about the Mafia because d ‘We maybe joked about that.’ ______e ‘Now tell me what you want to know

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 from my client.’ c Mark is happy because f ‘First we need to know if they know d Reggie cannot advise Mark something.’ e Slick Moeller pays one of the court guards g ‘The cops say you know more about it f Mark could not lie in court so than you’re telling.’ g Foltrigg thinks that h ‘She’s working for a dollar?’ h The FBI wants to offer the Sways a new i ‘It might help him to help Ricky.’ life if j ‘You’ve done nothing wrong, trying to i Mark is afraid that help that man.’ I he has played a joke on Detective Chapters 10-11 Klickman. 1. Number these sentences 1–10 to show the II Mark gives evidence against the Mafia. order in which they happened: III he decided to say nothing. a Gronke frightens Mark in the lift. ____ IV his little brother is going to die. b Gronke goes to the Tucker Trailer park. V to give him secret information. ____ VI to lie in court. c Foltrigg goes to Reggie’s office. ____ VII when Ricky appears at the door. d Mark goes down to the cafe for VIII the court in New Orleans can make breakfast. ____ Mark talk. e Mark stays with Reggie at her mother’s IX their trailer burnt down. house. ____ f Dr Greenway tries to question Ricky. Chapters 14-15 ____ 1. Discuss these questions with a partner or g Mark sees his and Ricky’s photos in the write your answers: newspaper. ____ a What is Gronke’s opinion of Barry the h Reggie sees that Mark has changed his Blade? mind about talking to the FBI. ____ b What is Judge Roosevelt’s opinion of i Mark sees someone watching Reggie’s Slick Moeller? mother’s house. ____ c What is Mark’s opinion of the witness j Mark goes to see Reggie. ____ protection programme? d What is your opinion of Mark’s plan? Chapters 12-13 1. Check the word information in your Chapter 16 dictionary. Match these half sentences. 1. Complete the following with words from a Diane is very upset because this chapter. Use one word for each line: b Mark agrees to go to prison Barry Muldanno was ______

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 ______fear. He wanted to move ______. Although Johnny told Barry he was ______he gave Barry ______to help him. Reggie and Mark hid ______Clifford’s > Activities after reading the book house until ______. While they were crawling ______1. Work with a partner. ______, they saw a ______a Who did Reggie phone at the end of in the garage. It was Muldanno and his Chapter 16? men ______the b Act out or write the conversation body. Reggie ______towards the between Reggie and the person she house next door and broke the window. spoke to. Muldanno and his men ______. When everything was ______, Reggie and Mark went to ______in the ______. They found the ______in a ______

Chapter 17 1. Finish the sentences: a Muldanno is nervous because

b Foltrigg is angry because

c Mark is excited because

d Diane signed the papers because

e Reggie is sad because

f Mark cries because

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 1984 BY GEORGE ORWELL room they are caught by the Thought Police, taken away and separated. Teacher’s Notes Winston wakes up in prison. O’Brien visits him, and Winston realises that he has been > Summary tricked and betrayed. O’Brien tortures Winston systematically and he is forced to confess to Winston Smith lives in an imaginary future crimes he has not done. Finally, he begs where the government (‘Big Brother’) watches O’Brien to kill Julia rather than himself. His and controls the actions and thoughts of all abilities to think independently or to feel citizens. He lives in London – a dirty city genuine emotion are completely eroded – he destroyed by an on-going war. There is no good loves Big Brother. housing or food for ordinary citizens and things that break down are rarely repaired. Winston works for the Ministry of Truth where he > About George Orwell rewrites facts about history and politics. The Ministry uses this propaganda to brainwash its George Orwell was born in India into a middle- citizens and prevent any criticism. But Winston class English family in 1903. He went to is different from the people around him: he is private school in England where he learnt to still able to think for himself. He instinctively distrust the British class system, and in 1922 he hates the system under which he is forced to started work as a policeman in Burma. In 1927 live and he is desperate to express his own Orwell returned to Europe, choosing to live opinions and feelings. among the poorest people in order to challenge Winston starts a relationship with an his own middle-class viewpoint. He wrote attractive young woman, Julia, who also works Down and Out in Paris and London about his at the Ministry. Sexual love is not allowed, and experiences. Orwell became a passionate their relationship is an act against the party as supporter of socialist ideals and his politics is well as an expression of emotion. They rent a strongly represented in everything that he room above a shop where they believe nobody wrote. can see them and their relationship develops. In 1936 Orwell went to Spain to report on the O’Brien, an Inner-Party member from the Spanish Civil War. He fought against General Ministry, invites Winston to his home and tells Franco’s Fascist rebellion. He wrote about his him about the ‘Brotherhood’, an anti- experiences and his hope for the future of governmental organisation led by Emmanuel Spanish socialism in Homage to Catalonia Goldstein. O’Brien invites Winston and Julia to (1938). become members and to join in a larger fight Orwell worked as a reporter during the against Big Brother. But when Julia and Second World War (1939-45). In 1943 he Winston are reading Goldstein’s book in their started writing Animal Farm, his celebrated

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 political satire about the communist regime in of historical documentation. An un-documented Russia. He wrote his other world-famous event ceases to exist in the present. Only by masterpiece, 1984 in 1948-49 and died only a understanding the past can we judge and make year later. informed decisions about our future. At the ironically named Ministry of Truth, Winston and his colleagues work on re-writing and > Background and themes erasing history so that citizens remain ignorant and the Party is always in the right. Winston 1984 was written shortly after the end of the records history by writing in his diary too – Second World War, when many European itself an act of rebellion. countries were establishing new political When all else fails, the Party maintains systems. Orwell was a socialist, believing power by using brute force. Those who do not strongly that individuals should be treated fairly conform are killed (‘vaporized’) or tortured and equally by their governments. However, his until fear prevents them from opposing the in-depth knowledge of European history and government in any way. Orwell’s experiences contemporary politics meant he was aware that in Spain exposed him to human brutality of the socialist ideals were not easily put into practice. worst kind. 1984 warns us that ignoring the In 1984 Orwell shows how and why a violent side of human nature can cost us our government can become all-powerful and all individual freedom. individual freedom completely eroded. As In 1984 difficult political ideas are expressed Goldstein’s book explains (Chapter 8), absolute in a very simple and elegant style. Almost all equality in society is impossible. There will the language associated with the Party is always be different social classes, and it is extremely ironic (Big Brother is a cruel tyrant, human nature for humans to exert power over not a loving, protecting friend; the Ministry of weaker people. Truth manufactures lies; and the Ministry of One way in which the government maintain Love tortures, kills and destroys). Similarly, the and strengthen their power is manipulating contradictory Party slogans reflect the inherent language. Just as clever advertising slogans and absurdity of the Party policy itself (War is political messages might persuade us today, Big Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Brother uses language to plant new ideas in Strength). peoples’ minds and erase old ones. As Syme Essentially, 1984 is about the balance explains in Chapter 3, if a word like ‘freedom’ between personal liberty and social order. It is a does not exist, then the whole idea of freedom warning of what could happen under a also ceases to exist. Orwell stresses this point government that takes more and more by inventing a whole new language, responsibility for social order upon itself. ‘Newspeak’ for 1984. Similarly, Orwell exemplifies the importance

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 > Communicative activities Chapters 4–6 Students write Winston’s diary about his The following teacher-led activities cover the experiences with Julia (Chapters 5 and 6). How same sections of text as the exercises at the does he feel before he meets Julia. How does he back of the reader, and supplement those feel afterwards? How do his opinions of Julia, exercises. Further supplementary exercises sex and love change? How has Winston covering shorter sections of the book can be changed from his last diary entry, in Chapter 4? found on the photocopiable Student’s Activities pages of the Factsheet. These are primarily for Chapters 7–9 use with class readers, but with the exception of Students write a report by O’Brien for the Inner pair/groupwork questions, can also be used by Party about Winston and Julia at the beginning students working alone. of Chapter 7. As O’Brien, they explain why Winston and Julia are dangerous. The report should explain O’Brien’s plan for catching > Activities before reading the book Winston and Julia and his plans for their futures. 1984 was published soon after the end of the Second World War in Europe. It is a story Chapters 10–12 about an imaginary world in the future. Ask Students work individually or in groups. Across students what they know about the Second the top of a piece of paper they write ‘learning’, World War. In what ways was life difficult in ‘understanding’ and ‘acceptance’. Now ask European cities after the war? How did people them to read the first paragraph of Chapter 11. feel about politics in Europe at this time in Under each word students write what it means history? Did they feel confident about the in the context of 1984. How does O’Brien put future? each of these three stages into effect?

> Activities after reading a section > Activities after reading the book

Chapters 1–3 1 Ask students to look at the book’s front Students work in small groups. They work for cover. What does it tell you about the book? Is the Ministry of Truth in the dictionary section. it a good cover? Why/Why not? In groups, Ask them to define the following words for a students think of a different cover design. One new edition of the dictionary: student from each group draws their cover on the Brotherhood; facecrime; minitrue; prole; the board and the other members explain the telescreen; thoughtcrime; unperson; vaporise ideas behind the design.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 2 Much of the language in 1984 is ironic. Ask razor blade (n) small, flat, sharp piece of metal students to explain the irony of the name ‘Big for removing hair Brother’. Students then choose three more slavery (n) using people to work for no money ironic words or phrases to explain. sweat (n) liquid that comes through your skin 3 Ask students to change the chapter headings when you are hot in the book, choosing short, clear titles which truth (n) true facts about something reflect the meaning and content of the chapter victory (n) when a player/party/army wins a they describe. Choose some good examples game/war from the class and write them on the board. Students guess which chapters are which. Chapters 4–6 betray (v) to do something that hurts someone who loves and trusts you > Glossary vaporise (v) to turn something into gas

Chapters 1–3 Chapters 7–9 brotherhood (n) a group of people with the article (n) piece of writing in a newspaper or same beliefs magazine canteen (n) place in a school or office where cell (n) room in a prison people eat and drink comrade (n) a friend – especially in the same Chapters 10–12 army/political party as you dial (n) part of a machine that you turn to make freedom (n) living your life freely, as you want it work to lever (n) part of a machine that you push or pull gin (n) strong clear alcoholic drink to make it work hang (v) to kill someone by dropping them stamp (v) to step on something very heavily with a rope round their neck ignorance (n) having no knowledge or information league (n) a group of people or organisations that join together because they have similar ideas mansion (n) very big and expensive house ministry (n) a government section/department overalls (n) clothes that cover the whole body party (n) a group of politicians with the same ideas

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Student’s Activities 2. What is London like in 1984? Write a few sentences to describe the city. > Activities before reading the book Chapter 3 1. 1984 is a book about power and freedom. 1. Use one of these words to finish the What power does your country’s government sentences a)–e) below. have over individual people? What freedoms do carefully clearly intelligent individual people have? Do you agree with this noisy openly proud balance? Why/Why not? a The canteen is full of people and very ______. > Activities while reading the book b Winston thinks that Syme will be vaporised because he’s too Chapter 1 ______. 1. How does Winston feel about: c Syme sees too ______and a the telescreen in his room? speaks too ______. b writing a diary? d Parsons writes very ______. c the girl with thick, dark hair? e Parsons is ______of his d O’Brien? children. e the future? 2. The Ministry of Truth uses the media to 2. How does Orwell tell the reader that this control people’s ideas. How does it do this? story takes place in the future? Make a list of words and sentences. Chapter 4 1. When do these things happen? Put them Chapter 2 in the right order (1–6) starting with the 1. Answer these questions: thing that happened first 1). a Why isn’t Tom Parsons at home? a Winston married Katherine and lived b How does Winston repair the sink? with her. c How often does the government hang b Winston sees the girl with the dark hair Eurasian prisoners? again. d How many bombs fall on London every c Winston’s parents were vaporised. week? d Winston visits Charrington and looks at e Why does Winston feel pain in the back the room above the shop. of his neck? e Winston paid a prole woman for sex. f Winston bought a diary from

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Charrington. 2. Winston thinks about some of the women b She has bought real sugar, bread, jam, he has known at the beginning of this coffee and tea for her and Winston. chapter. How does he feel about them, do ____ you think. Does he love any of them? c She puts on make-up and a pretty dress for Winston. ____ Chapter 5 d She sings a song with deep feeling for 1. Match the first half of the sentences a)–g) Winston. ____ with the second half i)–vii) e She loves Winston.____ a As Winston helped Julia up b In the afternoon Winston looked at the 2. Julia says ‘They can make you say words I love you again and anything … but they can’t make you believe c With the crowd still around them, Julia’s it.’ Who are ‘they’? Is Julia right do you hand touched Winston’s – think? Can anyone or anything make you d It’s easier to get good chocolate if change your feelings and beliefs? e Julia saw something in Winston’s face and Chapter 7 f Julia says she is good at finding people 1. Who are these people? Write the correct g Winston and Julia’s love is name. a ______is afraid of the guards in I though they did not dare look at each O’Brien’s building. other. b ______thinks that everybody II thought she’d take a chance. secretly hates the Party. III who don’t belong. c ______invites Winston to his IV life seemed better. home. V she put a note in his hand. d ______enjoys organising Hate VI a political act. Week. VII you seem to be a good Party member. e ______does not come to work because he has been vaporised. 2. In your own words explain how Winston’s f ______is the leader of the feelings towards Julia change in this chapter. Brotherhood.

Chapter 6 2. What things are Julia and Winston willing 1. Are these statements true or false? They to do for the Brotherhood? What are they are all about Julia. not willing to do? a She likes reading and she is interested in books. ____

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Chapter 8 1. Put these numbers in the correct sentences e ‘You don’t have to take me to that below. Change the figures to words. place!’ 5 6 6th 18 20th f ‘They got me a long time ago.’ 90 2000 1930s 6,000,000 85% 2. Describe Miniluv in your own words. a In the last ______days of Hate What does it look like? What can you hear? Week Winston worked more than What can you smell? ______hours. b ______people were hanged in Chapter 10 the park just after the ______1. Answer these questions: day of Hate Week. a Why does Winston tell the guards what c The clock’s hands said six, meaning they want to know before they touch ______. him? d Winston has Goldstein’s book for b How long do the Party men ask ______days before he reads it. questions before Winston can sleep? e In the ______the High group c What did Winston write in his diary? tried to stop equality. d Why does the Party bring people to the f In the ______century equality Ministry of Love? became possible for the first time. e What has happened to Julia? g There are ______people in the f What is the first question that Winston Inner Party. asks? h The proles make up about g What is the first question that Winston ______of the Party. thinks of?

2. In your own words explain blackwhite, 2. What do you think is in Room 101? crimestop and doublethink. Chapter 11 Chapter 9 1. Finish these sentences in your own words. 1. Who says these sentences? What are they a The proles will never attack the Party talking about? because ______a ‘We shall meet in the place where there ______is no dark.’ b The Party is ruling because ______b ‘There was no other word. So I left it.’ ______c ‘Of course I’m guilty!’ c One man shows power over another by d ‘Uncover your face.’ ______d Winston hears two voices because

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 ______> Activities after reading the book e O’Brien tells Winston to look in the mirror because ______1. Write a different ending for the story. ______Winston does not betray Julia. What f When Winston looks in the mirror he happens? feels ______2. Look at the pictures in the book. Use them ______to write a summary of the book in your own words. 2. Winston says ‘If a society were built on 3. Do you think that a future like 1984 could hate, it would fall to pieces.’ Do you agree? happen? Why/why not? Why/Why not?

Chapter 12 1. Read this paragraph about Chapter 12. There are eight wrong words. Circle the wrong words and write the correct word instead. Winston has moved to a more uncomfortable cell. He eats meat three times a day and he is getting fatter and stronger every day. O’Brien takes Winston to Room 101 because he must love Big Brother. On the floor there is a big metal box full of rats – the worst thing in the world for Winston. O’Brien puts the narrow end of the tube over Winston’s face and Winston can see the first rat. So Winston protects Julia. Finally, Winston sits in the Chestnut Tree Café and drinks some coffee. He has met Julia again, in a café on a warm day in March, but he only cares about himself now. He loves Big Brother.

2. Room 101 is different for everyone. What is in your Room 101?

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 ANSWER KEY the ball at the window. 6 I should have gone to the supermarket. 7 I should have posted the letter for my Grammar mum.

Unit 1 4. 2 We were walking when it started to rain. 3 I was 1. 2 OK. 3 Are you enjoying this party? 4 OK. 5 What finishing the washing up as mum was cooking dinner. are you watching? 6 He’s shopping. 7 The 4 Rob saw a big fish while he was swimming. 5 My telephone’s ringing. 8 They never do any work. dad was painting the kitchen when he fell off the 9 How do you usually go to school? 10 OK. chair. 6 As we were ordering pizza mum arrived with 2. 2 Elsa slept all day. 3 They ran to school. 4 Noel some Chinese food. 7 Our dog jumped on me while I liked his birthday present. 5 David wrote a letter in was studying. the morning. 6 We talked all evening. 7 You had a 5. 2 mustn’t talk; 3 doesn’t have to do; 4 have to/must rabbit. 8 I woke up at 7.30. 9 My mum drove a walk; 5 had to do; 6 had to pay; 7 didn’t have to get Ferrari. up. 3. 2 are eating 3 do you play 4 am listening 5 Does Tom like 6 singing 7 don’t watch 8 is staying 9 don’t Unit 3 understand. 1. 2 for; 3 since; 4 since; 5 for; 6 since; 7 for; 8 since; 4. 2 We go to school every day. 3 I’m living in Paris at 9 since. the moment. 4 Sue goes swimming on Saturdays. 2. 2 I haven’t had a shower yet. 3 They haven’t seen the 5 My friends are watching a video now. 6 I do judo film yet. 4 We haven’t had lunch yet. 5 Graham every Tuesday. 7 You aren’t doing your homework at hasn’t got up yet. 6 You haven’t told me your name the moment. 8 The boys aren’t eating pizza right yet. 7 I haven’t posted the letter yet. 8 They haven’t now. 9 Ronaldo doesn’t often play tennis. 10 Are you arrived yet. having dinner at the moment? 11 Does Tony visit his 3. 2 We’ve already had dinner. 3 Mark’s already seen grandma at the weekend? 12 Are they listening to the results. 4 Fiona’s already finished the exam. music now? 13 Is your sister studying at the moment? 5 You’ve already told me this story. 6 Eugene’s 5. 2 went; 3 Did (you) see; 4 didn’t watch; 5 saw; already won the match. 7 Liam’s already played the 6 Was; 7 didn’t like; 8 thought; 9 was. game. 8 The baby’s already started walking. 9 Mum’s already gone to bed.

Unit 2 4. 2 ’s been sleeping; 3 ’s been playing; 4 ’ve been 1. 2 were playing, started; 3 saw, were shopping; 4 was sitting; 5 ’s been laughing; 6 ’ve been looking; 7 ’s listening, broke; 5 burnt, was eating. been crying. 2. 2 first of all; 3 then; 4 before; 5 later; 6 finally; 5. 2 Lisa ate a sandwich because she was hungry. 7 before; 8 the next morning. 3 Kerry missed the train because she got up late. 3. 2 She shouldn’t have thrown the book. 3 He 4 The film finished so Rob turned off the TV. 5 They shouldn’t have driven through the red light. 4 We left because they had to go home. 6 Alan knew the should have taken a map. 5 He shouldn’t have kicked answer so he put up his hand. 7 We wanted an ice- cream so we bought one.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 6. 3 ’ve been doing; 4 ’s worked; 5 ’ve been skiing; 6 ’s as the bear. … had; 7 ’ve been thinking; 8 ’ve been watching. 5. 2 Kim’s got as much homework as Ian. 3 Pete’s got 7. 2 both, so; 3 because, and; 4 and, but; 5 because, both; as much holiday (as many weeks’ holiday) as Dave. 6 both, but; 7 because, both, and; 8 so, but; 9 but, 4 Luke’s got as much money as Bill. 5 You’ve got as because, both. many cousins as me. 6 Book 1’s got as many pages 8. 2 Sarah’s already finished her English essay. 3 She’s as book 2. already had lunch with Mike. 4 She’s already washed 6. 2 are being taken; 3 are being watched; 4 is being her hair. repaired; 5 am being taught; 6 are being questioned. 9. 2 She hasn’t done her maths homework yet. 3 She 7. 2 The lions were being taken to Zambia. 3 The man hasn’t watched ‘The Simpsons’ yet. 4 Sarah hasn’t was being held for questioning. 4 The illness was started her geography project yet. being treated with antibiotics. 5 The crime was being 10. 2 They’ve already finished lunch. 3 She hasn’t left investigated by detectives. 6 The old ladies were yet. 4 We’ve already eaten tonight. 5 Jenny hasn’t being helped across the road. said anything yet. Unit 5 Unit 4 1. 2 would; 3 was; 4 wanted; 5 had; 6 could; 7 was; 1. 2 It’s the fastest car in our street. 3 This CD isn’t as 8 loved; 9 went. cheap as that one. 4 She’s the prettiest girl I know. 2. 2 Laura said (that) she had to work tonight. 3 They 5 The black skirt is more expensive than the blue one. said (that) it would rain later. 4 Bill said (that) he 6 Julio Iglesias is the richest singer in Spain. 7 I’m could help them. 5 She said (that) Kyoto was in not as tired as I was yesterday. 8 We have the best Japan. 6 Irene said (that) she was having a party team in the league. soon. 7 Danny said (that) he wouldn’t be there. 8 We 2. 2 was invented; 3 are known; 4 are eaten; 5 was said (that) we wanted world peace. 9 I said (that) that killed; 6 are read; 7 wasn’t told; 8 is/was watched; was where Harry lived. 9 isn’t given. 3. 2 he hadn’t studied; 3 had a shower; 4 hadn’t 3. 2 Rice is eaten in many countries. checked; 5 had trained; 6 had eaten; 7 had (you) 3 The washing is done in the morning. asked; 8 hadn’t realised; 9 Had (they) done. 4 Newspapers are published every day. 4. 2 to be; 3 not to run; 4 not to make; 5 to help; 6 to let; 5 The doors are opened at 9 o’clock. 7 not to smoke; 8 not to tell. 6 The money was lost in the street. 5. 2 He told me to give him the book. 3 The teacher told 7 The window was broken with a stone. the boy not to stand up. 4 She asked him to pass the 8 The key was found under a rock. salt. 5 My dad told me not to shout. 6 We asked her 9 The picture was chosen because it was superb. to close the door. 7 She asked me not to leave. 8 His 4. 3 Kevin is as tall as Gary. 4 Madrid is as cold as mum told him not to turn the TV on. 9 They asked us Barcelona. 5 The trousers are as cool as the shirt. to take the dog home. 6 The maths class is as long as the biology class. 7 London is as far as Brighton. 8 The panda is as big Unit 6

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 1. 2 who/that; 3 which/that; 4 when/that; 5 where; didn’t drive a scooter. 6 If I owned a horse, I would 6 which/that; 7 which/that; 8 when; 9 who. ride in the countryside everyday. 2. 2 Are you? 3 Does it? 4 Is she? 5 Is it? 6 Do you? 6. Students’ own answers. 7 Are they? 8 Do they? 9 Does he? 7. 2 What would he do if he won the lottery? He would 3. 2 I saw a woman whose hair was green. 3 We visited buy a plane and learn to fly. 3 If he had a yacht, when my neighbour whose daughter is ill. 4 I want to meet would he sail? He would sail every weekend. Tom Cruise, whose last film was great. 5 I’ve got a 4 Where would she live if she were rich? She would friend whose mother is a singer. 6 Have you met my live on the moon! 5 What would he do if he were grandfather whose war medals are in the museum? young? He would bungee-jump in New Zealand. 4. 2 in which; 3 at which; 4 of which; 5 in which; 6 on 8. 2 I’ll tell her unless you give me the money. 3 We’ll which. go bowling unless we get homework. 4 The door won’t open unless you push it hard. 5 Unless Unit 7 somebody stops him, he’ll hurt himself. 6 They won’t 1. 3 She didn’t use to have a car. 4 We used to live in know we’re here unless we make some noise. 7 Our France. 5 Tim didn’t use to study hard. 6 Helen team will win unless the opponents score soon. didn’t use to play in a band. 7 They used to eat chocolate. 8 I didn’t use to run a lot (much). 9 You Unit 8 used to love me! 10 I didn’t use to find these 1. 2 She’ll pass the exam. 3 Jim will arrive soon. 4 My exercises easy. team won’t win the match. 5 I’ll probably have 2. 2 The dog will bite you if you do that; 3 We’ll phone chicken for lunch. 6 The picnic will be great fun. him when we get there; 4 If plan A doesn’t work, 7 We probably won’t go to university. 8 Will we’ll try plan B; 5 If it isn’t cloudy, Nick will go to pollution cause more problems? 9 Will elephants the beach; 6 The parents won’t get up if the baby become extinct? doesn’t cry; 7 When the door bell rings, will you 2. 2 ’m having; 3 ’re going; 4 are (you) meeting; 5 ’s answer it? 8 If Danny cleans the car, his parents will not/isn’t arriving; 6 ’s going to see; 7 ’m going to get give him five euros. up; 8 is (he) going to eat; 9 ’re not/aren’t going to do. 3. 2 be very unpleasant; 3 pass the exam; 4 forgive her; 3. 2 The dog will eat until there’s no more food. 3 Sarah 5 be really committed. will arrive before you leave. 4 They’ll have a party 4. 2 If he has a map, I will show him the sports ground. after they do the exams. 5 We’ll work until we get 3 She will feel tired tomorrow if she doesn’t go to the job done. 6 She’ll go shopping before she has bed now. 4 If you ask a policeman, he will help you. lunch. 5 I’ll buy those jeans if they’re not too expensive. 4. 2 ’s going to have; 3 ’m going to be; 4 is going to 5. 2 She would be very angry if someone stole her win; 5 ’s not/isn’t going to win; 6 ’s going to hit; 7 ’s mobile phone. 3 If I didn’t have my laptop computer, going to snow; 8 Is she going to have; 9 Are you it would be difficult for me to travel so much. 4 If I going to pass. saw Prince William, I would kiss him on the cheek! 5. 3 will win; 4 is going to win; 5 it’s going to rain; 5 It would take a long time for me to get to work if I 6 I’m going to pass; 7 I’ll pass.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 6. 2 He might be the man you’re looking for. 3 The Vocabulary town must be damaged after the storm. 4 That girl City vocabulary can’t work here. She’s too young. 5 They may come 1. 2 library; 3 theatre; 4 gym; 5 hospital; 6 bus station; to the party if they have time. 6 The baby can’t be 7 tourist information office; 8 restaurant. asleep with this noise. 7 She may win the 2. 2 hospital; 3 theatre; 4 library; 5 supermarket; competition. 6 tourist information office; 7 post office; 8 bus 7. 2 Oil may be replaced by solar power. 3 She must station; 9 restaurant; 10 gym. like this present. 4 He can’t arrive this morning. 5 It might snow tonight. 6 They may have a party this Feelings weekend. 7 After running a marathon she must be 1. 2 relaxed; 3 excited; 4 bored; 5 depressed; tired. 8 Kerry can’t be happy now. 9 He might be 6 disappointed; 7 fantastic; 8 guilty; 9 nervous. able to help you. 2. 2 depressed; 3 disappointed; 4 embarrassed; 5 excited; 6 fantastic; 7 nervous; 8 guilty; 9 relaxed. 3. 2 unhappy – devastated; 3 frightened – terrified; 4 angry – furious; 5 pleased – delighted; 6 embarrassed – mortified; 7 interested – fascinated; 8 tired – exhausted. 4. 2 devastated; 3 mortified; 4 terrified; 5 delighted; 6 exhausted; 7 furious; 8 fascinated.

Health 1. 2 chin; 3 arm; 4 thumb; 5 ankle; 6 wrist; 7 back; 8 elbow; 9 shoulder; 10 mouth. 2. Possible answers: 2 your wrist/get a bandage; 3 your ankle/get an ice pack; 4 your back/call a doctor; 5 your finger/put on a plaster; 6 toothache/go to the dentist. 3. 2 teeth; 3 toes; 4 neck; 5 ankle.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 4. 12 currency. Q W H E S R T Y U 4. 2 loaded; 3 in the black; 4 in the red; 5 broke; 6 a P I E O S P A S D buck; 7 a quid; 8 a tenner. A F A G T P H J T 5. 2 in the black; 3 broke; 4 in the red; 5 bucks; 6 quid; I J D K O A L M E 7 loaded; 8 tenner. N Z A X M I C V M I R C B A N N M P Natural features N U H P C I O I E 1. 2 forest fire; 3 earthquake; 4 pollution; 5 disease; T N E U H N Y T R 6 floods; 7 drought; 8 global warming. H N R E A T W Q A 2. Students’ own answers. E Y A S C H D F T 3. 2 mountain; 3 lake; 4 valley; 5 beach; 6 global C N G T H E F L U warming; 7 forest fire; 8 earthquake. H O H J E B K L R 4. 2 oil slick; 3 deforestation; 4 volcano; 5 earthquake; E S L Z X A C V E 6 ozone layer; 7 tidal wave; 8 forest. S E V D B C N M N 5. 2 river; 3 cliffs; 4 field; 5 valley; 6 mountain; T P O I U K T R E 7 island; 8 hill; 9 lake; 10 forest; 11 beach; 12 sea. 6. 2 mountain; 3 river; 4 sea; 5 island; 6 lake; 7 forest;

Modifiers 8 cliffs; 9 hill; 10 beach; 11 field; 12 valley. 1. 2 boring; 3 depressed; 4 insulted; 5 annoying; 7. 2 mountain; 3 island; 4 cliffs; 5 valley; 6 hill; 6 terrified; 7 frightening; 8 interesting; 9 amusing; 7 forest; 8 sea; 9 beach; 10 field; 11 river; 12 lake. 10 excited; 11 worried; 12 frustrated. 2. 1 not very; 2 a bit; 3 quite; 4 rather; 5 really; 6 very; Relationships 7 extremely. 1. 2 to be together; 3 to solve problems; 4 to drive 3. Students’ own answers. someone mad.

Money Tastes and preferences 1. 2 Six pounds and thirty-five pence. 3 Ten pounds and 1. Students’ own answers. forty pence. 4 Eight pounds and thirty-two pence. 5 Six pounds and seventy-five pence. 6 Five pounds. 7 Forty-two pounds and seventy-eight pence. 8 Fifteen pounds and sixty pence. 2. 2 cash; 3 free; 4 sales; 5 credit card; 6 change; 7 coins; 8 e-money; 9 currency; 10 price; 11 cheque; 12 bank notes. 3. 2 coins; 3 bank notes; 4 credit card; 5 sales; 6 price; 7 cheque; 8 e-money; 9 free; 10 change; 11 cash;

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Phrasal verbs Reading and Writing 1. Sam’s mistake B D G N G T I O Q G 1. 2 e; 3 d; 4 a; 5 c; 6 f. U S I F I U L D E R 2. 2 Nothing. 3 Yes, a glass of milk. 4 Because he G I V E B A C K U Y hasn’t got time. 5 It’s raining. 6 Because he hasn’t I M E P A R O F N I got an umbrella. 7 It’s locked. 8 He walks slowly. V D A R D N I G A P 3. b. E A W K V F O I T K O P A I Y O N V X H Languages U F Y O G I V E I N 1. b. T H S A I U S U D P 2. 2 Alex Brown. 3 Because it’s the language of his G W E Z T F S P Q F grandparents. 4 At his grandparents’ house. 5 His grandfather. 6 Stories from his grandfather’s 2. 2 give up; 3 give in; 4 give away; 5 give out. childhood. 7 Alex. 8 Cutting the grass and watering 3. 2 go in; 3 go down; 4 go away; 5 go over; 6 go on. the plants. 9 Collecting the fallen leaves. 10 His dad. 4. 2 back, book; 3 over, day to day; 4 after, cook; 5 up, 11 He’s happy about it. 12 His distant family. salsa; 6 on, responsibilities; 7 in, first visit. An urban cow 1. 2 d; 3 a; 4 e; 5 c. 2. 2 A strange sound, like a cow mooing. 3 Because the exam was so important. 4 Because she didn’t live near a farm. 5 At lunchtime. 6 Because the TV volume was so loud. 7 In the kitchen. 8 A cow was eating her mum’s flowers.

Dedicated follower of fashion 1. 2 c; 3 a; 4 b; 5 d. 2. 2 Because it’s baggy. 3 Because it’s shorter. 4 Because it’s quite fashionable. 5 They’re unfashionable. 6 At the bottom. 7 Golf. 8 Because they’re tight at the top and baggy at the bottom.

My ideal job 1. 2 librarian; 3 architect; 4 biologist; 5 cashier; 6 accountant. 2. 2 Because he’ll have to get up very early. 3 Because

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 she’s really interested in books. 4 Quiet and relaxing. 4 They broke a hole in it. 5 Oil. 6 The west. 7 It was 5 They’ll be difficult. 6 Because he loves designing suspended. 8 The ship sank. 9 More than 140. buildings. 7 Because he loves animals and plants. 8 A friend’s father. 9 In a supermarket. 10 Go travelling. Protest 11 Her father. 12 It won’t be very exciting. 1. 2 d; 3 a; 4 c. 2. 2 Environmental problems. 3 The new law on nuclear A difficult decision energy. 4 Crime and violence. 5 Unemployment and 1. 2 b; 3 a; 4 c. drug abuse. 6 Because she lives near a nuclear power 2. 2 April. 3 Three. 4 His parents and his girlfriend. station. 7 She hasn’t got one. 8 Because there is a lot 5 He’ll have more money. 6 His parents. 7 Because of violent crime in her town. 9 Because many drug the college is in another town and he won’t see her so addicts live in her street. 10 The government. 11 No. much. 8 The first one. 9 A change. 10 He’ll be demotivated and bored. 11 If someone gives him Mystery product some advice. 1. c. 2. 2 To the publishers. 3 That the idea was fantastic but Holiday romance a bit flawed in places. 4 It was rewritten. 5 Because 1. Keith: b-anxious; Helen: c-pleased. both sides were used. 6 Thousands of copies were 2. 2 Spain. 3 German. 4 He thinks he’ll fail all his printed. 7 An artist. 8 No. 9 Critics. 10 Yes. 11 Yes. exams. 5 Because he can’t stop thinking about Isabel. 6 Because Keith sent her some photos. 7 Glad that he met Isabel. 8 A plane ticket to Spain. 9 If he explained how he felt. 10 He’d pass his exams.

Ghost story 1. 2 a; 3 e; 4 d; 5 c. 2. 2 A ghost. 3 Boring and depressing. 4 Annoying. 5 When he stood up. 6 Because it was like a mystery. 7 No; 8 Three fingers. 9 No.

Fame and fortune 1. b A Changed Woman. 2. 2 False; 3 Don’t know; 4 True; 5 True; 6 Don’t know; 7 True; 8 False.

Disaster in Galicia 1. b. 2. 2 More than 70,000 tonnes. 3 A terrible storm.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Penguin Readers Factsheets The Picture of Dorian Gray Chapter 5 • Teacher’s Notes 1. a He thinks she is lovely but is a terrible actress. Communicative activities b Because she doesn’t want to act any more. c He Open answers. tells her that she is nothing to him, that he was a fool to love her, and that he doesn’t want to see her again. • Student’s activities d The mouth looks cruel. e He looks at his own face. Activities before reading the book f His real face has no sign of cruelty. g It has taught 1. a 1854; b his wife; c his lover; d two years; e in him to love his own beauty. h He decides to save Paris; f November 1900. himself by going back to Sibyl and not seeing Lord Henry again. Activities while reading the book Chapter 1 Chapter 6 1. a True; b True; c False; d True; e False. 1. f); a); e); c); g); d); b). 2. Open answers. 2. Open answers.

Chapter 2 Chapter 7 1. a They went to Oxford University together. b To live 1. a He thinks Lord Henry has changed him. b He has his life fully while he is young. c He signs his name no heart. c He was a boy before, now he is a man. in red paint. d Because its beauty will not die. e He d To do a drawing of Sibyl. e He says he will never wants to go to the theatre. talk to him again. f Because he has put too much of 2. ‘If I could stay young and the picture grow old! For himself into it–all his feelings about Dorian. g He that – for that – I would give everything! Yes, there is decides to hide the portrait. nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that!’ Chapter 8 Open answers. 1. a old schoolroom. b his lonely childhood. c person can enter it/the room. d Lord Henry. e an accident. Chapter 3 2. Open answers. 1. a love; b Juliet; c seventeen; d tomorrow; e telegram. 2. Open answers. Chapter 9 1. a True. b False. The midnight train; c True. d True. Chapter 4 e False. He thinks they have killed themselves 1. a Basil Hallward; b Lord Henry; c Basil Hallward; because of Dorian’s bad influence on them and d Dorian Gray; e Basil Hallward; f Lord Henry; cruelty to them. f False. He just wants to know if the g Dorian Gray. rumours about Dorian are true. g True. 2. Open answers. 2. Open answers.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 The Client Chapter 10 • Teacher’s Notes 1. d), g), a), f), c), b), h), e) Communicative activities Activities before reading the book Chapter 11 1. The FBI - The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the 1. a Dorian. b Campbell. c Dorian. d Campbell. national crime-fighting organisation in the United e Dorian. States. It fights serious crimes, such as kidnapping, 2. There is blood on the hands in the portrait. bank robbery, drugs, etc., which are not handled by state police. Chapter 12 2. The Mafia is a secret organisation of criminal groups 1. a death. b He says it was stolen. c Because he is tired which started first in Sicily in the Middle Ages. and he wants to go to bed early. d To visit Lord Members of the Mafia went to the United States in Henry at eleven o’clock. the 19th century. Today, Mafia groups are still 2. Open answers. powerful in organised crime in the US and in Italy.

Chapter 13 • Student’s activities 1. a Because he hates his own beauty. b He wonders if Activities before reading the book it has changed because he has changed. c There is 2. a He knows where a dead body is hidden. b It is blood on the feet and on the other hand. d It has kept dangerous because the body can be used by the FBI him awake at night and he has been frightened that to prove a Mafia murder. If Mark tells his secret, the another person might see it. e They get on the roof Mafia may find him and hurt or kill him. c His and through the window. f It shows Dorian as they brother is ill and so his mother must stay in the last saw him – young and beautiful. g Dorian Gray. hospital. d She accepts one dollar from Mark as 2. Open answers. payment. She will help a child on his own. e Mark. He is a ‘clever client’. f Perhaps it is Mark. Activities after reading the book 1. Open answers. Activities while reading the book 2. Open answers. Chapter 1 1. a True. b False. Mark and Ricky live with their mum in a trailer park. c True. d False. The man sees Mark when he crawls to the car the second time. e True; f False. Romey wants to kill himself because he is afraid that his client will kill him. His client knows that Romey knows about the body. g True. h True. i True.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Chapters 2 and 3 Chapter 7 1. a Diane is talking to Mark in a small room at St Suggested answers: Peter’s hospital. b The cop is talking to Mark just 1. a She is a woman with a man’s name. She is fifty-two outside the small room. c The cop is talking to Mark but has only been a lawyer for 5 years. She became a in the hospital cafe. d Mark is talking to the cop in lawyer after her husband left her. b She is kind to him. the hospital cafe. She takes him seriously. She tells him he can trust her. i b; ii c; iii d; iv a. He sees that they have something in common: Mark’s 2. a Barry Muldano iii lived in New Orleans. b Jerome father left his mother, like Reggie’s husband left her. He Clifford iv was Barry’s lawyer. c Roy Foltrigg sees that she is worried about his case. c Mark can’t tell vi worked for the US Government as a lawyer. his story. She wants to help him to start. When Mark d Slick Moeller ii was a newspaper reporter. e Jason pays her, he becomes her client so he must tell her. Also McThune i was an FBI detective from Memphis. they are not adult and child now, but their relationship is f Larry Truman v was an FBI detective from New a professional one between equals. d Yes she seems to Orleans. be. She gets Mark to trust her. She is thoughtful. She asks good questions. She understands his situation. She Chapter 4 makes a good plan. e Sometimes it is easier to talk to 1. a Fact; b Possibility; c Possibility; d Possibility; someone you don’t know. Mark knows that his mother e Fact; f Possibility; g Fact; h Possibility; will be angry and upset and frightened. i Possibility. Chapters 8 and 9 Chapters 5 and 6 1. a Doctor Greenway is talking to Mark about Ricky. Suggested answers: b Reggie is talking to Mark about the recorder she 1. a Ricky does not wake up because he is in shock. has hidden under his shirt before they go downstairs b Ricky must see his mother when he wakes up to see the FBI men. c The FBI men are talking to because he has been badly frightened. c Mark feels Mark. The question was: was Clifford already dead sick when he sees the newspaper because he sees the when he and Ricky found him? d The FBI men are word ‘Mafia’in the story about Clifford. d Mark talking to Reggie. They are talking about whether knows about the Mafia because he has seen films they said that Mark needed a lawyer. e Reggie is about the Mafia on TV. e Gill Teal is not the right talking to the FBI men. She wants to know how they lawyer for Mark because he only takes accident think Mark can help them. f Barry the Blade is cases. f Mark goes into Reggie Love’s office because talking to his Uncle Johnny about Mark and Ricky. he wants to hide from the policeman. g Reggie Love g Slick Moeller is talking to Mark about the Clifford will see Mark because he says he has to talk to the story. h Dianne is talking to Mark about Reggie. FBI. i Mark is talking to Dianne. ‘It’ is what he and Ricky saw when Clifford shot himself. ‘Him’is Dr Greenway. j Dianne is talking to Mark about what he did when Clifford killed himself.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 Chapters 10 and 11 1. Barry Muldanno was wild with fear. He wanted to 1. a Gronke frightens Mark in the lift.– 3. b Gronke move the body. Although Johnny told Barry he was goes to the Tucker Trailer park. – 10. c Foltrigg goes stupid, he gave Barry two men to help him. Reggie to Reggie’s office. – 6. d Mark goes down to the cafe and Mark hid behind Clifford’s house until midnight. for breakfast. – 2. e Mark stays with Reggie at her While they were crawling through the grass, they saw mother’s house. – 8. f Dr Greenway tries to question a light in the garage. It was Muldanno and his men Ricky. – 7. g Mark sees his and Ricky’s photos in the digging up the body. Reggie crawled towards the newspaper. – 1. h Reggie sees that Mark has changed house next door and broke the window. Muldanno his mind about talking to the FBI. – 5. i Mark sees and his men disappeared. When everything was silent someone watching Reggie’s mother’s house. – 9. again, Reggie and Mark went to look in the garage. j Mark goes to see Reggie. – 4. They found the dead senator in a plastic bag.

Chapters 12 and 13 Chapter 17 1. a Diane is very upset because ix their trailer burnt Suggested answers down. b Mark agrees to go to prison vii when Ricky 1. a Muldanno is nervous because he must wait before appears at the door. c Mark is happy because i he has he can try again to move the body. b Foltrigg is angry played a joke on Detective Klickman. d Reggie because Mark has disappeared and he wants Mark to cannot advise Mark vi to lie in court. e Slick Moeller be in court in New Orleans on Monday. c Mark is pays one of the court guards v to give him secret excited because his mother and brother are going to information. f Mark could not lie in court so iii he arrive in New Orleans by plane. d Diane signed the decided to say nothing. g Foltrigg thinks that viii the papers because she had agreed to the witness court in New Orleans can make Mark talk. h The FBI protection programme. e Reggie is sad because Mark wants to offer the Sways a new life if ii Mark gives is going and she has become fond of him. f Mark evidence against the Mafia. i Mark is afraid that cries because he knows he will never see Reggie iv his little brother is going to die. again.

Chapters 14 and 15 Activities after reading the book 1. a Gronke is tired of doing Muldanno’s work. He 1. Suggested answers: seems to think Muldanno is stupid or a bit mad. a She probably phoned Trumann, the FBI man from b Judge Roosevelt is angry with Slick Moeller for New Orleans. She probably said that she, not her reporting something private. He wants to punish him. client, would give the FBI the information they c Mark has seen a film on TV where the protection wanted. In return, the FBI should arrange the scheme did not work. He does not trust it. d Open protection programme as they had discussed before. answer. In other words, Ricky would go to hospital in Phoenix. When he was well again, the family could Chapter 16 start a new life where they wanted to. Suggested answer: b Open answer.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 1984 The Ministry of Truth controls people’s minds by • Teacher’s Notes destroying words. If a word doesn’t exist (like Communicative activities ‘freedom’) then that idea cannot exist either. 1. Open answers. Chapter 4 • Student’s activities 1. a 2; b 6; c 1; d 5; e 3; f 4. Activities before reading the book 2. Open answers. 1. Open answers. Chapter 5 Activities while reading the book 1. a)–v); b)–iv); c)–i); d)–vii); e)–ii); f)–iii); g)–vi). Chapter 1 2. Open answers. 1. suggested answers: a He wishes it was not there. b He is frightened. c He hates her. d He thinks Chapter 6 O’Brien understands him; e He hopes it will be better 1. a F; b T; c F; d F; e T. than the present. 2. ‘They’ means the government or Big Brother, (or the 2. suggested answers: The clocks strike thirteen/ Thought Police). telescreen/Oceania/Thought Police/BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU/Newspeak. Chapter 7 1. a Winston; b Julia; c O’Brien; d Parsons; e Syme; Chapter 2 f Emmanuel Goldstein. 1. a Because he is working. b He removes a knot of 2. They are willing to give their lives, murder another hair. c Every one or two months; d About twenty or person, cause the death of hundreds of innocent people, thirty. e Because Mrs Parson’s son throws stones at hurt other people and kill themselves. They are not him. willing to separate and never see each other again. 2. suggested answers: London is dirty, smelly and dangerous. The buildings are ugly and old. Many Chapter 8 things are broken and they don’t get repaired. There 1. a five (5)/ninety (90); b two thousand (2000)/sixth are a lot of telescreens everywhere and people are (6th); c eighteen (18); d six (6); e nineteen-thirties scared of each other. Twenty or thirty bombs fall on (1930s); f twentieth (20th); g six million (6,000,000); the city every week. h eighty-five per cent (85%). 2. Open answer. Chapter 3 1. a noisy; b intelligent; c clearly/openly; d carefully; Chapter 9 e proud. a O’Brien – he’s talking about the Ministry of Love, 2. suggested answer: It changes newspapers, magazines, Miniluv. b Ampleforth – he’s talking about the word photographs, films, posters and books. It rewrites ‘God’ which he left in a poem. c Parsons – he’s history and politics so that the Party is always right. talking about his thoughtcrime. d The voice from the

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006 telescreen; Prisoners are not allowed to cover their He loves Big Brother. faces in prison. e A woman prisoner – she’s talking 2. Open answers. about Room 101. f O’Brien – he’s talking about Big Brother and the Inner Party. He is a member and he Activities after reading the book supports the government. Open answers. 2. Open answer.

Chapter 10 1. a Because he does not want to be beaten. b Ten to twelve hours. c ‘Freedom is the freedom to say that two and two make four’. d To change their thoughts. Big Brother wants to control everybody’s minds. e All her feelings against the Party have been burned out of her. f ‘What have you done with Julia?’ g ‘What is in Room 101?’ 2. Open answer.

Chapter 11 1. suggested answers: a … the party controls everyone’s thoughts. b … it wants pure power. c … making him suffer. d … O’Brien plays a recording of his earlier conversation with Winston. e … he wants to show Winston that he is a broken man. f … frightened. 2. Open answer.

Chapter 12 1. Winston has moved to a more comfortable cell. He eats a meal three times a day and he is getting fatter and stronger every day. O’Brien takes Winston to Room 101 because he must love Big Brother. On the table there is a big metal box full of rats – the worst thing in the world for Winston. O’Brien puts the wide end of the tube over Winston’s face and Winston can see the first rat. So Winston betrays Julia. Finally, Winston sits in the Chestnut Tree Café and drinks some gin. He has met Julia again, in a park on a cold day in March, but he only cares about himself now.

Teacher’s Resource Bank ESO 4 / © Pearson Educación, S.A., 2006

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