Pre-K News Ms. Aisha & Ms. Tiffany

April 17, 2015

This week: Our Building study is off to a great start. This week we began discussing things we already know about buildings. The children shared pictures of their homes with the class and we also shared pictures of different homes around the world. After sharing pictures of our homes we drew pictures of them to display in class.

We took a walk around our school and pointed out some of the details we noticed like the curved doorways, the many windows the building has and the flat roof. We then enjoyed sitting outside and drawing sketches of LCCS.

We were hard at work building structures this week.

The children decided they wanted to open a flower shop in our dramatic play area this week. We have been working on making our shop and its coming along nicely. The children created flower boxes and signs for the shop.

Donations Needed

-Building Materials(tools, nails, screws, wood,gloves,hammers, etc)

-Gardening Supplies (pots, gardening tools, flowers (artificial &real), seeds, etc).

** Please send in a picture of the front of your home if you havent done so already.