Office and Phone: Shearer 211, 477-1712

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Office and Phone: Shearer 211, 477-1712

Remote Sensing Fall 2009

Instructor: Mike Applegarth Class Times: W 6:30 - 9:15 Room: SRH 205 & 001 Office and phone: Shearer 211, 477-1712 Email: [email protected] Web: Office hours: M 1:00-2:00, 5:00-6:00; T 1:00-2:00; W 1:00-2:00, 5:00-6:00 Text: Introduction to Remote Sensing (Campbell) 4th Ed.

Overview Remote sensing will explore viewing and interpreting the earth from aircraft and satellite-borne imaging systems. We will study remote sensing of the Earth and use the interaction of electromagnetic energy with matter to determine physical properties of surfaces. Imagery will include those from Landsat TM, SPOT, TIMS, and Radar.


Course grades will be assigned according to the following scale:

Grade Percent A 93+ A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 70-76 D 60-69 F <60

The points for the course will come from the following activities:

Test 1 - 100 Test 2 - 100 Labs (5) - 100 Total = 300 Labs - The labs are an opportunity to ‘do something’ with the imagery that we will be learning the development of during the semester. We will designate class time to working on the labs, but likely you will need other time to complete them, so plan accordingly. The software (Imagine) that we will use is located only in SRH001. We have priority to use the computers in that room for remote sensing purposes. All lab write-ups are expected to be typed and turned in as per the due date. Imagery associated with the lab should be turned into the S: drive. Be sure to keep a copy of your work. If I can’t view your images, then you get no grade for them.

Tests - Two tests will be given during the semester. The final is not comprehensive, but you will be asked to solve problems based on information obtained during the semester. The tests are short answer and problem-solving based.

No extra credit assignments are available

Schedule (subject to change)

Date Topic Readings Sept. 2 Class/Remote sensing introduction Chap 1 Raster data/Intro to Imagine

9 EM spectrum; Spectroscopy; Chap 2 Atmospheric Interference

16 Imaging Systems; Satellite platforms Chap 2, 6

23 Lab 1 (DEMs)

30 Image Pre-processing Chap 10, 11

Oct. 7 Test 1

14 Lab 2 (ortho-rectification) (Lab 1 due)

21 Image processing (introduction, stretching) Chap 5, 12 28 Image processing (filter, band ratio, PCA) Chap 5, 12

Nov. 4 Importing imagery

11 Lab 3 (Image processing) (Lab 2 due)

18 Lab 4 (Spatial Model)

25 Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 2 Thermal; Lab 5 (Thermal) (Lab 3 due) Chap 9

9 Lab Time (Lab 4 due)

16 Final (Lab 5 due)

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