The Power of Sharepoint

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The Power of Sharepoint

The Power of SharePoint

Summary: This paper explores how to build out a basic project-management app based on SharePoint lists and three key technologies that integrate with SharePoint Online: PowerApps, Microsoft Flow, and Power BI. These three technologies are all part of the Microsoft business platform, which makes it easy to measure your business, act on the results, and automate your workflows.

Writer: Michael Blythe

Published: March 10, 2017

Applies to: SharePoint Online, PowerApps, Microsoft Flow, Power BI This document is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.

Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred.

This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes.

© 2017 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

2 Contents

3 Introduction Do you have SharePoint Online and want to better automate and streamline your business processes? Have you heard of PowerApps, Microsoft Flow, or Power BI, but you’re not sure how to use them with SharePoint Online? You’ve come to the right place! This paper explores how to build out a basic project- management app based on SharePoint lists and three key technologies that integrate with SharePoint Online: PowerApps, Microsoft Flow, and Power BI. These three technologies are all part of the Microsoft business platform, which makes it easy to measure your business, act on the results, and automate your workflows. When you’re done with this paper, you will have a cool scenario like the following:

4 Business scenario In this paper, the company Contoso has a SharePoint Online site where they manage the lifecycle of projects, from request, to approval, to development to final review. A project requestor, such as a department head, requests an IT project by adding an item to a SharePoint list. A project approver, such as an IT manager, reviews the project, and then approves it or rejects. If approved, the project is assigned to a project manager, and additional detail is added to a second list through the same app. A business analyst reviews current and completed projects using a Power BI report embedded in SharePoint. Microsoft Flow is used to send approval email and respond to Power BI alerts.

5 Getting started quickly The scenario we present in this paper is simple compared to a full-blown project management and analysis app, but it still takes some time to complete all the tasks. If you just want a quick introduction to using PowerApps, Microsoft Flow, and Power BI with SharePoint, check out the following articles:

 PowerApps: Generate an app from within SharePoint using PowerApps and Generate an app to manage data in a SharePoint list  Microsoft Flow: Wait for approval in Microsoft Flow  Power BI: Embed with report web part in SharePoint Online When you’re done, we hope you’ll be back to check out this full scenario.

Even within the scenario, you can focus on the tasks that interest you, and complete the tasks as you have time. After you set up SharePoint lists in task 1, you can work through tasks 2-5 in any order; then tasks 6-8 are sequential. Lastly, we have included two finished apps and a Power BI Desktop report as part of the download package for this scenario. You can look at these and learn by example even if you don’t go through all the steps in each task.

Prerequisites To complete the scenario, you need the following subscriptions and desktop tools.

Subscription or tool Link Office 365 Business Premium subscription Trial subscription PowerApps subscription Trial subscription (click Sign up free) PowerApps Studio for Windows Free download (use PowerApps Studio for web if not on Windows) Microsoft Flow subscription Trial subscription (click Sign up free) Power BI Pro subscription Trial subscription (click Sign up) Power BI Desktop Free download (click Download) Ideally, you have basic familiarity with each technology, but you can still complete the scenario if you’re new to some of these technologies. Use the following content to get up to speed:

 Get started with SharePoint  PowerApps Guided Learning  Flow Guided Learning  Power BI Guided Learning

Task 1: Set up SharePoint lists SharePoint has a ton of features for sharing and collaboration, but we will focus on one feature for this scenario: SharePoint lists. A list is just a collection of data that you can share with team members and other site users. We’ll review the lists, then you can create them in your own SharePoint Online site.

Step 1: Understand the lists The first list is Project Requests, where a project requestor adds a request. The project approver then reviews the request and approves or rejects it.

6 List Column Data Type Notes Title Single line of text Default column, used for project name Description Single line of text ProjectType Single line of text Values: new hardware, upgraded hardware, new software, upgraded software RequestDate Date Requestor Single line of text EstimatedDays Number Enables comparison of requestor estimate to project manager estimate to actual Approved Single line of text Values: pending, yes, no

Note: We also use the ID column, which is generated by SharePoint and hidden by default. We use basic data types for simplicity, but a real app might use more complex types, like Person or Group for the Requestor column. For information on data types supported by PowerApps, see Known issues.

The second list is Project Details, which tracks details for all approved projects, like which project manager is assigned.

List Column Data Type Notes Title Single line of text Default column, used for project name RequestID Number Matches the value in the Project Requests list ID column ApprovedDate Date Status Single line of text Values: not started, in progress, completed ProjectedStartDate Date When the project manager estimates that the project will start ProjectedEndDate Date When the project manager estimates that the project will end ProjectedDays Number Working days; would typically be calculated, but isn’t in this scenario ActualDays Number For completed projects PMAssigned Single line of text Project manager

Step 2: Create and review the lists To continue with the scenario, you need to create the two SharePoint lists and populate them with sample data. We’ll show you how to do this by creating the list and pasting sample data into it. Note: use Internet Explorer for this step.

7 1. In Internet Explorer, in your SharePoint site, click or tap New, then List.

2. Enter the name “Project Requests”, then click or tap Create.

The Project Requests list is created, with the default Title field.

3. Add columns to the list:

8 a. Click or tap , then Single line of text.

b. Enter the name “Description”, then click or tap Create.

c. Repeat steps a. and b. for the other columns in the list:

c.i. Single line of text > “ProjectType”

c.ii. Date > “RequestDate”

c.iii. Single line of text > “Requestor”

c.iv. Number > “EstimatedDays”

c.v. Single line of text > “Approved”

4. Copy data into the list:

a. Click or tap Quick edit.

9 b. Select the cells in the grid.

c. Open the project-requests.xlsx workbook and select all the data (not the headings).

d. Copy the data and paste it into the grid in SharePoint, then click or tap Done.

10 5. Repeat the list creation and copy process for the “Project Details” list, using the project- details.xlsx workbook. Refer to the table above for the column names and data types.

Step 3: Update connections to samples - optional As noted earlier, we included two sample apps and a report in the download package. You can complete this scenario without using these samples, but if you want to use the samples, you need to update the connections to the SharePoint lists. You update them so that they use your lists as a data source, rather than ours.

1. Update connections for the sample apps: a. Open project-management-app.msapp in PowerApps Studio for Windows. b. Click or tap Allow, so that PowerApps to use SharePoint. c. On the ribbon, on the Content tab, click or tap Data sources.

d. In the right pane, click or tap the ellipsis (. . .) next to Project Details, then click or tap Remove.

11 e. In the right pane, click or tap Add Data Source.

f. Click or tap New connection.

g. Click or tap SharePoint, then Connect.

h. Enter the URL for the SharePoint Online site that contains the lists you created, then click or tap Go.

i. Select the Project Details list, then click or tap Connect.

12 The Data sources tab in the right pane now shows the connection that you created.

j. In the right pane, click or tap the ellipsis (. . .) next to Project Details, then click or tap Refresh.

k. Click in the upper right corner to run the app, and make sure the connections work properly. l. Repeat the steps in this section for project-requests-app.msapp, using the Project Requests list.

2. Update connections for the sample report a. Open project-analysis.pbix in Power BI Desktop.

13 b. On the ribbon, on the Home tab, click or tap Edit queries, then Data source settings.

c. Click or tap Change Source.

d. Enter the URL for your SharePoint Online site, then click or tap OK.

e. Power BI Desktop displays a banner under the ribbon, so you can apply changes and bring in data from the new source. Click or tap Apply Changes.

14 f. Sign in with an organizational account (the account you use to access SharePoint Online), then click or tap Connect.

Task 2: Create an app for project requests Now that the SharePoint lists are in place, we can build and customize our first app. PowerApps is integrated with SharePoint, so it’s easy to generate a basic three screen app directly from a list. This app allows you to view summary and detailed information for each list item, update existing list items, and create new list items. If you create an app directly from a list, the app appears as a view for that list. You can then run that app in a browser, as well as on a mobile phone.

Tip: The download package for this scenario includes a finished version of this app: project-requests- app.msapp.

Step 1: Generate an app from a SharePoint list 1. In the Project Requests list you created, click or tap PowerApps, then Create an app.

2. Give the app a name, like “Project Requests app”, then click or tap Create. When the app is ready, it opens in PowerApps Studio for web.

Step 2: Review the app in PowerApps Studio 1. In PowerApps Studio, click or tap each screen in the left navigation bar to review that screen in the middle pane. There are three screens:

15 a. The browse screen, where you browse, sort, and filter the data pulled in from the list. b. The details screen, where you view more detail about an item, and edit or delete the item. c. The edit/create screen, where you edit an existing item or create a new one.

Step 3: Customize the app’s browse screen 1. Click or tap the browse screen. This screen has a layout that contains a gallery to show list items, as well as other controls, like a search bar and sort button.

2. Select the BrowseGallery1 gallery by clicking or tapping any record except the first one.

16 3. In the right pane, update the fields to match the following list:  RequestDate  Description  Title  Requestor

4. With BrowseGallery1 still selected, select the Items property.

17 5. Change the formula to SortByColumns(Filter('Project Requests', StartsWith(Title, TextSearchBox1.Text)), "Title", If(SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending)).

This allows you to sort and search by the Title field, instead of the default that PowerApps picked. See Formula deep-dive (1) for more information.

6. Click or tap File, then Save. Click or tap to go back to the app.

Step 4: Customize the app’s details screen and edit screen 1. Click or tap the details screen. This screen has a different layout that contains a display form to show the details for an item selected in the gallery. It has controls to edit and delete items, and to go back to the browse screen.

2. Select the DetailForm1 display form.

3. In the right pane, drag the Title field to the top.

18 4. Click or tap the edit screen. This screen contains an edit form to edit the selected item, or create a new one (if you come here directly from the browse screen). It has controls to save or discard changes.

5. Select the EditForm1 edit form.

6. As above, drag the Title field to the top.

19 Step 5: Run the app from the list 1. In the Project Requests list, click or tap All Items, then Project Requests app.

2. Click Open, which opens the app in a new browser tab.

3. In the app, click or tap for the first item in the browse gallery.

20 4. Click or tap to edit the item.

5. Update the Description field – change the last word from “group” to “team,” then click or tap


6. Close the browser tab. 7. Go back to the Project Requests list, click or tap Project Requests app, then All Items.

8. Verify the change you made from the app.

This is a pretty simple app, and we only made a few basic customizations, but you can see it’s possible to quickly build something interesting. We’re going to move on to the next task, but look around the app a little more if want, and see how the controls and formulas work together to drive app behavior.

Formula deep-dive (1) - optional This section is optional, but it will help you understand more about how formulas work. In step 3 of this task, we modified the formula for the Items property of BrowseGallery1. Specifically, we changed the

21 sort and search to use the Title field, instead of the field that PowerApps picked. Here’s the modified formula:

SortByColumns ( Filter ( 'Project Requests', StartsWith ( Title, TextSearchBox1.Text ) ), "Title", If ( SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending ) )

But what does this formula do? It determines the source of data that appears in the gallery, filters the data based on any text entered in the search box, and sorts the results based on the sort button in the app. The formula uses functions to do its work; each highlighted part below is a function:

SortByColumns ( Filter ( 'Project Requests', StartsWith ( Title, TextSearchBox1.Text ) ), "Title", If ( SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending ) )

Functions take parameters (i.e. input), perform an operation (like filtering), and return a value (i.e. output):

 The SortByColumns function sorts a table based on one or more columns.  The Filter function finds the records in a table that satisfy a formula that you specify.  The StartsWith function tests whether one text string begins with another.  The If function returns one value if a condition is true, and returns another value if the same condition is false.

When you put the functions together in the formula, here’s what happens:

1. If you enter text in the search box, the StartsWith function compares that text to the start of each string in the Title column of the list. StartsWith ( Title, TextSearchBox1.Text )

For example, if you enter “de” in the search box, you see four results, including items that start with “Desktop” and “Device.” You won’t see all the “Mobile devices” items because those don’t start with “de.”

2. The Filter function returns rows from the Project Requests table. If there is no text in the search box to compare, Filter returns all rows. Filter ( 'Project Requests', StartsWith ( Title, TextSearchBox1.Text )

3. The If function looks at whether the variable SortDescending1 is set to true or false (the sort button in the app sets it). The function then returns a value of Descending or Ascending. If ( SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending )

4. Now the SortByColumns function can sort the gallery. In this case, it sorts based on the Title field, but this can be a different field than the one you search on.

22 If you stuck with us up to this point, we hope you have a better sense of how this formula works, and how you can combine functions and other elements to drive the behavior your apps require. For more information, see Formula reference for PowerApps.

Task 3: Create a flow to manage project approval In this task we’ll create a flow that drives the process of approving projects. Flow is integrated with SharePoint, so it’s easy to create a flow directly from a list. The flow we’ll create is triggered when an item is added to the Project Requests list. The flow sends an email to the project approver, who approves or rejects the request directly in email. The flow then sends an approval or rejection email to the project requestor and updates our SharePoint lists appropriately.

Step 1: Configure the flow template 1. In the Project Requests list, click or tap Flow, then Create a flow.

2. In the right pane, click or tap Send approval email when a new item is added.

3. If you’re not already signed in, sign into SharePoint and Outlook, then click or tap Continue.

23 You now see the template for this flow, ready for you to complete. The boxes in the flow represent steps. They take input from previous steps, as well as input that you provide. Each step can then provide output to subsequent steps. For example, the Send approval email step gets list information from the previous step, uses the email address you provide, and outputs an approve or reject value to the next step.

24 4. Enter a valid email address in the To box. The address should resolve to a name in your tenant, as shown in the following image.

The next box in the flow responds to the project approver’s email and routes the flow to one of two branches: IF YES or IF NO.

25 Step 2: Create actions for Approve = YES 1. In the IF YES branch, click or tap the Send email box.

2. By default, an email is sent to the person who created the list item, with the subject line and message body that you see. You can update these if you like. 3. Click or tap Add an Action.

4. Under Choose an action, search for “SharePoint”, then click or tap SharePoint – Update item.

26 5. Enter the SharePoint site URL and list name.

6. Select the ID box, then click or tap ID in the dynamic content dialog box.

27 Dynamic content is available throughout the flow, based on previous steps. In this case, the SharePoint list information is available, and we can use it in the actions that we create.

7. Select the Title box, search for “Title” in the dynamic content dialog box, then click or tap Title.

8. In the Approved box, enter “Yes”. This part of the flow should now look like the following image.

28 9. Click or tap Add an Action again. This time we’ll add an item to the Project Details list for the project that was approved.

10. Under Choose an action, search for “SharePoint”, then select SharePoint – Create item.

29 11. Enter the SharePoint site URL and list name.

12. Select the Title box, search for “Title” in the dynamic content dialog box, then click or tap Title.

13. Select the RequestId box, then click or tap ID in the dynamic content dialog box.

30 14. In the PMAssigned box, enter “Unassigned”. This part of the flow should now look like the following image.

Step 3: Create actions for Approve = NO By default, there are no actions at all for this branch. We will create an email to send to the project requestor, and update the Project Requests list. We won’t add an item to the Project Details list because the project isn’t moving forward.

1. In the IF NO branch, click or tap Add an Action.

31 2. Under Choose an action, search for “Outlook”, then select Office 365 Outlook – Send an email.

3. In the To box, add Created By Email from the dynamic content dialog box.

4. In the Subject and Body boxes, add Title from the dynamic content dialog box.

32 5. Add to the subject and body of the email, as in the following image.

6. Now we’ll update the Project Requests list. Click or tap Add an Action.

7. Under Choose an action, search for “SharePoint”, then select SharePoint – Update item.

33 8. Enter the SharePoint site URL and list name.

9. Select the ID box, then click or tap ID in the dynamic content dialog box.


10. Select the Title box, search for “Title” in the dynamic content dialog box, then click or tap Title.

11. In the Approved box, enter “No”. This part of the flow should now look like the following image.

35 12. At the top right of the screen, click or tap Create flow, then Done.

The flow is now complete, and it should look like the following image if you collapse the boxes.

36 Step 4: Run the approval flow 1. In the Project Requests list, click Quick Edit and add an item like the following:  Title = “New monitor for Megan”  Approved = “Pending”  Description = “Megan needs a 24” monitor”  EstimatedDays = “1”  ProjectType = “New hardware”  RequestDate = “02/03/2017”  Requestor = “Megan Bowen”

2. Click Done at the top of the page when you’re finished.

3. Check the inbox of the approver’s email account. You should have an email like the following.

37 Note that the email is sent to the approver, Allan DeYoung. It is sent from Megan Bowen, because she set up the flow.

4. After you click Approve or Reject, the flow runs another process, and you get feedback like the following directly in the email.

5. The flow sends an email to Megan with Allan’s response, as in the following image. This email also comes from Megan because she owns the flow.

38 Task 4: Create a project management app In this task, we’ll build an app from scratch. This app allows a user to assign a manager to projects and to update project details. You will see some of the same controls and formulas you saw in the first app, but you will build more of the app yourself this time. The process is more complex, but you’ll learn more, so we think it’s a fair trade-off.

Tip: The download package for this scenario includes a finished version of this app: project-details- app.msapp.

Quick review of PowerApps Studio You used PowerApps Studio for web in the last task, but we want to make sure you understand all the parts before we move on. You can continue to work in PowerApps Studio for web, but we recommend using PowerApps Studio for Windows, mostly because you can undo changes if you make a mistake (which is not possible in the web version at the time of this writing.)

PowerApps Studio has three panes and a ribbon that make app creation feel like building a slide deck in PowerPoint:

1. Left navigation bar, which shows thumbnails of all the screens in your app 2. Middle pane, which contains the app screen you are working on 3. Right-hand pane, where you set options like layout and data sources 4. Property drop-down list, where you select the properties that formulas apply to 5. Formula bar, where you add formulas (like in Excel) that define app behavior 6. Ribbon, where you add controls and customize design elements

39 Step 1: Create screens With that review out of the way, let’s start building an app. In this step, we’ll create four blank screens for the app. We’ll build these screens out in later steps.

Screen Purpose SelectTask Opening screen; navigate to other screens AssignManager Assign a manager to an approved project ViewProjects View a list of projects, with summary information UpdateDetails View and update the details for a project

1. In PowerApps Studio for Windows, click or tap New, then under Blank app, click or tap Phone Layout.

2. Save the app to the cloud: a. Click or tap File, which opens to an App settings tab. Enter the name “Project Management app”.

b. Click or tap Save as, verify that app will save to the cloud, then click Save in the lower right corner.

40 c. Click or tap to go back to the app. 3. On the Home tab, click or tap Screen1, then rename the screen to SelectTask.

4. Create and rename additional screens: a. On the Home tab, click or tap New screen, then rename that screen to AssignManager. b. Repeat the previous step for the other screens: ViewProjects and UpdateDetails. The app should now look like the following image.

41 Step 2: Connect to a SharePoint list In this step, we’ll connect to the Product Details SharePoint list. We only use one list in this app, but you could easily connect to both if you want to extend the app.

1. In the left navigation bar, click or tap the SelectTask screen. 2. In the middle pane, click or tap connect to data.

3. In the right pane, click or tap New connection.

42 4. Click or tap SharePoint, then Connect.

5. Enter a SharePoint URL, then click or tap Go.

6. Select the Project Details list, then click or tap Connect.

The Data sources tab in the right pane now shows the connection that you have created.

43 Step 3: Build the SelectTask screen In this step, we’ll provide a way to navigate to the other screens in the app—working with some of the controls, formulas, and formatting options that PowerApps provides.

1. In the left navigation bar, click or tap the SelectTask screen. 2. On the Home tab, click or tap Layout, then select the layout at top left.

3. In the middle pane, select the default [Title], then in the formula bar, update the Text property to “Contoso Project Management”.

4. Insert introductory text: a. On the Insert tab, click or tap Text box, then drag the text box down below the top banner.

b. In the formula bar, set the following properties for the text box:  Color property = DarkGray  Size property = 18  Text property = “Click or tap a task to continue...”

44 5. Add two navigation buttons: a. On the Insert tab, click or tap Button, then drag the button below the text box.

b. In the formula bar, set the following properties for the button:  OnSelect property = Navigate(AssignManager, Fade). When you run the app and click this button, you navigate to the second screen in the app, with a fade transition between the screens.  Text property = “Assign Manager” c. Resize the button to accommodate the text.

d. Copy the button and paste it below the first one, so you can create a second button with some different properties.

45 e. Set the following properties for the second button:  OnSelect property = Navigate(ViewProjects, Fade).  Text property = “Update Details”

6. Run the app. The app doesn’t do a lot yet, but you can run it if you like: a. Click or tap the SelectTask screen (the app always starts from the selected screen).

b. Click or tap in the upper right corner to run the app. c. Click or tap one of the buttons to navigate to another screen.

d. Click or tap in the upper right corner to close the app. 7. Save the app.

Step 4: Build the AssignManager screen In this step, we’ll add a gallery to display all projects that have been approved but don’t yet have a manager. We’ll add other controls, so you can assign a manager.

46 Note: We’ll build a page later in the app that allows you to edit all fields for a project (including the manager field), but we thought it would be cool to show you how to build a screen like this one as well.

1. In the left navigation bar, click or tap the AssignManager screen. 2. Update the screen layout like you did for the SelectTask screen: a. Change the layout style to include a blue bar at the top. b. Change [Title] to Assign Manager. c. Add a text box with the following properties:  Color property = DarkGray  Size property = 18  Text property = “Select a project, then assign a manager”

3. Add a back arrow to return to the SelectTask screen: a. Click or tap the blue bar at the top of the screen. b. On the Insert tab, click or tap Icons, then click or tap Left.

c. Move the arrow to the left side of the blue bar, and set the following properties:  Color property = White  Height property = 40  OnSelect property = Navigate(SelectTask, Fade)  Width property = 40

47 4. Add and modify a gallery: a. On the Insert tab, click or tap Gallery, then Text gallery – Vertical.

The gallery is inserted with default text.

b. Set the following properties for the gallery:  BorderThickness property = 1  BorderStyle property = Dotted  Items property = Filter('Project Details', PMAssigned="Unassigned"). Only projects with no manager assigned are included in the gallery.

48 a. In the right pane, update the fields to match the following list:  ApprovedDate  Title  Status

c. Select the title in the first gallery item, and set the following properties:  Size property = 16.  FontWeight property = Bold d. Resize text boxes in the gallery as appropriate. The screen should now look like the following image.

49 5. Change the color of an item if it’s selected: a. Select the gallery, then set the TemplateFill property to If (ThisItem.IsSelected=true, Orange, White). b. Select an item in the gallery. The screen should now look like the following image.

6. Add a text box, text input, and OK button to submit manager assignments: a. Click or tap outside the gallery you’ve been working on. b. On the Insert tab, click or tap Text box. Drag the button below the gallery, to the left. Set the following properties for the text box:  Size property = 20  Text property = “Manager:”

50 c. On the Insert tab, click or tap Text, then Text input. Drag the text input below the gallery, in the center. Set the following properties for the drop down:  Height property = 60  Size property = 20  Width property = 250

d. On the Insert tab, click or tap Button. Drag the button below the gallery, to the right. Set the following properties for the button:  Height property = 60  OnSelect property = Patch('Project Details', LookUp('Project Details', ID = Gallery1.Selected.ID), {PMAssigned: TextInput2.Text}). For more information, see Formula deep-dive (2).  This formula updates the Project Details list, setting a value for the PMAssigned field.  Size property = 20  Text property = “OK”  Width property = 80

The completed screen should now look like the following image.

51 Step 5: Build the ViewProjects screen In this step, we’ll add a gallery to the ViewProjects screen, like the gallery in the first app that we generated. This gallery provides a lot of functionality with minimal effort. The gallery displays items from the Project Details list. You select an item on this screen, then you edit the details on the UpdateDetails screen.

1. In the left navigation bar, click or tap the ViewProjects screen. 2. On the Home tab, click or tap Layouts, then select the layout you see in the following image.

PowerApps builds a complete screen, and inserts a gallery with default text.

3. In the blue bar at the top of the app, click or tap [Title]. In the formula bar, set the Text property to “View Projects”.

52 4. Select the refresh button , and set its OnSelect property to Refresh('Project Details').

5. Select the new item button , and set its OnSelect property to NewForm(Form2); Navigate(UpdateDetails, ScreenTransition.None). 6. Add a back arrow to return to the SelectTask screen: a. Click or tap the blue bar at the top of the screen. b. On the Insert tab, click or tap Icons, then click or tap Left.

53 c. Move the arrow to the left of the refresh button in the blue bar, and set the following properties:  Color property = White  Height property = 40  OnSelect property = Navigate(SelectTask, Fade)  Width property = 40

7. Change the data source for the BrowseGallery2 gallery: a. Select the BrowseGallery2 gallery

b. Set the Items property of the gallery to SortByColumns(Filter('Project Details', StartsWith(Title, TextSearchBox1.Text)), "Title", If(SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending)). This sets the data source of the gallery to the Project Details list, and uses the Title field for search and sort.

54 c. Select the in the first gallery item, and set the OnSelect property to Navigate(UpdateDetails, None).

d. In the right pane, update the fields to match the following list:  Status  Title  PMAssigned

The completed screen should now look like the following image.

55 Step 6: Build the UpdateDetails screen In this step, we’ll add an edit form and related controls to the UpdateDetails screen. On this screen, you edit details for a project that you selected on the View Projects screen.

1. In the left navigation bar, click or tap the UpdateDetails screen. 2. Update the screen layout like you did for the AssignManager screen: a. Change the layout style to include a blue bar at the top. b. Change [Title] to Update Details. 3. Add an edit form to the screen: a. On the Insert tab, click or tap Forms, then Edit.

b. Drag the form below the blue bar, then drag the bottom handle so the form covers the rest of the screen.

56 c. Set the following properties for the form:  DataSource property = 'Project Details'  Item property = BrowseGallery2.Selected d. With the form still selected, in the right pane click or tap the eye icon for each field in the following order:  Title  PMAssigned  Status  ProjectedStartDate  ProjectedEndDate  ProjectedDays  ActualDays

57 4. Add controls to submit and reset the form: a. Click or tap the blue bar at the top of the screen. b. On the Insert tab, click or tap Icons, then click or tap Check.

c. Move the check mark to the right of the blue bar, and set the following properties:  Color property = White  Height property = 40

58  OnSelect property = Submit(Form2). Because we’re using the edit form control, we can use Submit() and other simple functions, instead of using Patch() like we did earlier.  Width property = 40 d. On the Insert tab, click or tap Icons, then click or tap Cancel.

e. Move the cancel icon to the left of the blue bar, and set the following properties:  Color property = White  Height property = 40  OnSelect property = ResetForm(Form2); Back(). This resets the form to its original values, and navigates back to the ViewProjects screen.  Width property = 40

The completed screen should now look like the following image (if the fields are blank, make sure you select an item on the View Projects screen).

59 Step 7: Run the app Now that the app is complete, let’s run it to see how it works. We’ll add a link on the SharePoint site to the app. You will be able to run the app in the browser, but you might need to share the app for other people to run it. For more information, see Share your apps.

First, we’ll assume the role of the project approver—we’ll look for any projects that don’t have a manager assigned, and assign a manager to one of the projects. Then we’ll assume the role of the project manager, and add some information about a project that is assigned to us.

1. Add a link to the app: a. In the Office 365 app launcher, click or tap PowerApps.

60 b. In PowerApps, click or tap Project Management app.

c. Copy the address (URL) for the app in the browser.

d. In SharePoint, click or tap EDIT LINKS.

61 e. Click or tap (+) link.

f. Enter “Project Management app”, and paste in the address for the app.

62 g. Click or tap OK, then Save.

2. Assign a manager to a project: a. First, let’s look at the Project Details list in SharePoint. Two projects have a value of Unassigned in the PMAssigned column. We will see these in the app.

b. Click or tap the link that you created to the app.

63 c. On the first screen, click or tap Assign Manager.

d. On the Assign Manager screen, you see the two unassigned projects from the list. Select the New BI software project.

e. In the Manager text box, enter “Joni Sherman”, then click OK. The change is applied to the list, and the gallery refreshes so only the remaining unassigned project is displayed.

64 f. Go back to the SharePoint list. You’ll see that the project entry is now updated with the project manager name.

3. Update details for the project:

a. Click or tap to go back to the first screen, then click or tap Update Details.

b. On the View Projects screen, enter “New” in the search box.

65 c. Click for the New BI software item.

d. On the Update Details screen, set the following values:  The Status field = “Not started”

66  The ProjectedStartDate field = “3/6/2017”  The ProjectedEndDate field = “3/24/2017”  The ProjectedDays field = “15”

e. Click or tap to apply the change to the SharePoint list. f. Close the app, and go back to the list. You see that the project entry is now updated with the date and day changes.

Formula deep-dive (2) - optional This is the second optional section on PowerApps formulas. In the first deep-dive, we looked at one of the formulas that PowerApps generates for the browse gallery in a three-screen app. In this deep-dive, we’ll look at a formula that we use for the AssignManager screen of our second app. Here’s the formula:

Patch ( 'Project Details', LookUp ( 'Project Details', ID = Gallery1.Selected.ID ), {PMAssigned: TextInput2.Text} )

67 What does this formula do? When you select an item in the gallery and click the OK button, the formula updates the Project Details list, setting the PMAssigned column to the value that you specify in the text box. The formula uses functions to do its work; each highlighted part below is a function:

Patch ( 'Project Details', LookUp ( 'Project Details', ID = Gallery1.Selected.ID ), {PMAssigned: TextInput2.Text} )

 The Patch function modifies one or more records of a data source.  The LookUp function finds the first record in a table that satisfies a formula.

When you put the functions together in the formula, here’s what happens:

1. When you click the OK button, the Patch function is called to update the Project Details list. 2. Within the Patch function, the LookUp function identifies which row of the Project Details list to update. It does this by comparing the ID of the selected gallery item to the ID in the list. For example, an ID of 12 means that the entry for New BI software should be updated. 3. Now that the Patch function has the right ID, it updates the PMAssigned field to the value in TextInput2.Text.

Task 5: Create a Power BI report In this task, we’ll create a Power BI report based on the two SharePoint lists. We’ll bring the list data into Power BI Desktop and clean it up a little, do some basic data modeling, and create a set of visuals that tell us something about the data.

Tip: The download package for this scenario includes a finished version of this report: project- analysis.pbix.

Quick review of Power BI Desktop Before we dive into report creation, let’s review Power BI Desktop. This is a powerful tool, with a lot of features, so we will focus on an overview of the areas that you will use in this task. There are three main work areas or views in Power BI Desktop: Report view, Data view, and Relationships view. Power BI Desktop also includes Query Editor, which opens in a separate window.

The following screen shows the three view icons along the left of Power BI Desktop: Report, Data, and Relationships, from top to bottom. The yellow bar along the left indicates the current view; in this case, Report view is displayed. Change views by selecting any of those three icons.

68 The Report view has five main areas:

1. The ribbon, which displays common tasks associated with reports and visualizations. 2. The Report view, or canvas, where visualizations are created and arranged. 3. The Pages tab area along the bottom, which lets you select or add a report page. 4. The Visualizations pane, where you change visualizations, customize colors or axes, apply filters, drag fields, and more. 5. The Fields pane, where query elements and filters can be dragged onto the Report view, or dragged to the Filters area of the Visualizations pane.

69 The Data view has three main areas:

1. The ribbon, which has the Modeling tab selected below. On this tab, you create calculated tables and columns, and make other changes to the data model. 2. The center pane, which shows data for the selected table. 3. The Fields pane, where you control how fields are displayed in your reports.

70 We don’t use the Relationships view in this task, but you can check it out later after we bring the list data into Power BI Desktop.

In Query Editor, you build queries and transform data, then load that refined data model into Power BI Desktop. Query Editor has four main areas:

1. The ribbon, which has many options for shaping and transforming the data that you bring in. 2. The left pane, where queries are listed and available for selection, viewing, and shaping. 3. The center pane, where data from the selected query is displayed and available for shaping. 4. The Query Settings window, which lists the query’s properties and data transform steps that have been applied.

71 Step 1: Get data into Power BI Desktop In this step, we’ll first connect to the two lists. Then we’ll clean up the data by removing columns we don’t need for our data analysis. We’ll also change the data types on some of the remaining columns so that calculations work properly. For more information on getting and cleaning data in Power BI Desktop, see the Getting Data section in our Guided Learning course.

1. Connect to SharePoint lists: a. In Power BI Desktop, on the Home tab, click or tap Get Data, then More…

72 b. In the Get Data dialog box, click or tap SharePoint Online List, then Connect.

c. Enter the URL for your SharePoint site, then click or tap OK.

73 d. If you get the following dialog box, make sure you’re signed in with the right credentials, then click or tap Connect.

e. Select Project Details and Project Requests, then click or tap Edit.

74 The lists are now displayed as tables in Query Editor.

75 2. Remove unnecessary columns from the Project Details table: a. In the left navigation pane, click or tap Project Details. b. In the middle pane, select the FileSystemObjectType column, then click or tap Remove Columns.

76 c. Remove the two columns after the Id column: ServerRedirectedEmbedURL and ContentTypeId. Tip: use the Shift key to select both columns, then click or tap Remove Columns. d. Remove all columns to the right of the PMAssigned column (a total of 22 columns). The table should match the following image:

3. Remove unnecessary columns from the Project Requests table: a. Repeat the process you went through for Project Details, and remove all columns to the right of the Approved column (a total of 22 columns). The table should match the following image:

4. Change the data type on Project Details columns: a. Select the ProjectedDays column, click or tap Data Type: Any, then Whole Number.


b. Repeat the previous step for the ActualDays column. c. Select the ApprovedDate column, click or tap Data Type: Any, then Date.

d. Repeat the previous step for the ProjectedStartDate and ProjectedEndDate columns. 5. Change the data type on Project Requests columns: a. Select the EstimatedDays column, click or tap Data Type: Any, then Whole Number. b. Select the RequestDate column, click or tap Data Type: Any, then Date. 6. On the Home tab, click Close and Apply to close Query Editor and go back to the main Power BI Desktop window.

7. Click or tap File, then Save, and save with the name project-analysis.pbix.

78 Step 2: Improve the data model Now that we have the data from our SharePoint lists pulled into Power BI Desktop, we’ll move on to data modeling. Data modeling can be a time-consuming process, but we’ll briefly show you some interesting things you can do to get more out of the list data in Power BI Desktop:

 Change how the two tables are related to each other  Add a date table so we can make calculations based on weekdays  Add calculated columns to calculate timespans between project milestones  Add measures to calculate variance in projected versus actual days for a project After these steps are complete, we can build visualizations that take advantage of the improvements to our model. For more information on modeling data in Power BI Desktop, see the Modeling section in our Guided Learning course.

1. Change table relationships: When Power BI Desktop brought the lists in, it created a relationship between them based on the Id column in both tables. The relationship should actually be between the Id column in the Project Requests table, and the RequestId column in the Project Details table. Let’s fix that:

a. Click or tap the Data view icon.

b. On the Modeling tab, click or tap Manage Relationships. We’ll stay on this tab in the Data view for all the data modeling steps.

c. Make sure the existing relationship is selected, click or tap Delete, then Delete again to confirm.

79 d. Click New to create a different relationship. e. In the Create Relationship dialog box: e.i. For the first table, select Project Requests, and the Id column. e.ii. For the second table, select Project Details, and the RequestId column. e.iii. The screen should look like the following image. When you’re ready, click or tap OK.

80 2. Add a date table to make date-based calculations easier: a. Click or tap New Table.

b. Enter this formula into the formula bar: Dates = CALENDARAUTO().

This formula creates a table called Dates with a single date column. The table covers all dates from your other tables and updates automatically if additional dates are added (i.e. if data is refreshed).

This formula and the other ones in this section use Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), a formula language for Power BI and other technologies. For more information, see DAX basics in Power BI Desktop.

81 c. Press enter to create the Dates table.

3. Add a calculated column to the Dates table: a. While still on the date table, click or tap New Column.

b. Enter this formula into the formula bar: IsWeekDay = SWITCH(WEEKDAY(Dates[Date]), 1,0,7,0,1). This formula determines whether a date in the Date column is a weekday. If the date is a weekday, the IsWeekDay column gets a value of 1; otherwise it gets a value of 0.

c. Press enter to add the IsWeekDay column to the Dates table.

4. Add a calculated column to the Project Details table: a. In the right pane, click or tap the Project Details table, then New Column.

b. Enter this formula into the formula bar: ApprovedStartDiff = CALCULATE(SUM(Dates[IsWeekday]),


'Project Details'[ApprovedDate],

82 'Project Details'[ProjectedStartDate]



This formula calculates the difference in days between when a project was approved and when it is projected to start. It uses the IsWeekday column from the Dates table, so it counts only weekdays.

c. Press enter to add the ApprovedStartDiff column to the Project Details table.

5. Add a calculated column to the Project Requests table: a. In the right pane, click or tap the Project Requests table, then New Column.

b. Enter this formula into the formula bar: RequestDateAge = CALCULATE(SUM(Dates[IsWeekday]),


'Project Requests'[RequestDate],


83 )


This formula calculates the difference in days between when a project was requested and today’s date (NOW()). Again, the formula counts only weekdays. This column is used to look for the project that has been pending the longest.

c. Press enter to add the RequestDateAge column to the Project Requests table.

6. Add a measure to the Project Details table a. In the right pane, click or tap the Project Details table, then New Measure.

b. Enter this formula into the formula bar: VarProjectedActual = DIVIDE(

SUM('Project Details'[ActualDays]) - SUM('Project Details'[ProjectedDays]),

SUM('Project Details'[ProjectedDays])


84 This formula calculates the variance between actual and projected days for a project. We add this as a measure, rather than a calculated column, so it returns the correct results regardless of how the data is filtered or aggregated in a report.

c. Press enter to add the VarProjectedActual measure to the Project Details table.

7. Add a measure to the Project Requests table: a. In the right pane, click or tap the Project Requests table, then New Measure.

b. Enter this formula into the formula bar: MaxDaysPending = MAXX(

FILTER('Project Requests', 'Project Requests'[Approved]="Pending"),

'Project Requests'[RequestDateAge]


This formula finds the project that has been pending the longest, based on the calculated column we defined earlier.

85 c. Press enter to add the MaxDaysPending measure to the Project Requests table.

Step 3: Create report visualizations Now we’re at the step that many people think of when they think of data analysis: creating visualizations so we can find patterns in our data. In this step, we’ll create four visualizations:

 A column chart that shows projected days versus actual days on projects  A column chart that shows the variance for each project  A card that shows the project that has been pending the longest  A table that shows the time between project approval and projected start date After we’ve created these report visualizations in Power BI Desktop, we’ll publish the data and reports to the Power BI service, so we can create and share dashboards. For more information on creating reports in Power BI Desktop, see the Visualizations section in our Guided Learning course.

1. Create a bar chart to show projected versus actual: a. Click or tap the Report view icon. We’ll stay in this view for the rest of our time in Power BI Desktop.

b. In the Visualizations pane on the right, click or tap Clustered column chart.

86 c. Drag PMAssigned and Title from Project Details in the Fields pane to Axis in the Visualizations pane.

d. Drag ActualDays and ProjectedDays from Project Details in the Fields pane to Values in the Visualizations pane.

e. The visualization should now look like the following image.

87 f. Drag Status from Project Details in the Fields pane to the Filters area of the Visualizations pane, then check the Completed check box.

The chart is now filtered to show only completed projects, which makes sense because we are comparing projected days to actual days.

88 g. Click the arrows in the upper left corner of the chart to move up and down the hierarchy of project managers and projects. In the following image, you see what the drill down into projects looks like.

2. Create a bar chart to show variance from projected: a. Click or tap on the canvas outside the visualization you just created. b. In the Visualizations pane on the right, click or tap Clustered column chart.

c. Drag PMAssigned and Title from Project Details in the Fields pane to Axis in the Visualizations pane.

89 d. Drag VarProjectedActual from Project Details in the Fields pane to Values in the Visualizations pane.

e. Drag Status from Project Details in the Fields pane to the Filters area of the Visualizations pane, then check the Completed check box.

The visualization should now look like the following image.

90 You can see from this chart how much more variability there is for projects that were run by Irvin Sayers versus Joni Sherman. Drill in to see the variability by project, and whether the days projected was more or less than the actual days.

f. Before we create more visualizations, move and resize the ones you already created, so they fit side-by-side.

91 3. Create a card that shows the longest pending project: a. Click or tap on the canvas outside the visualization you just created. b. In the Visualizations pane on the right, click or tap Card.

c. Drag MaxDaysPending from Project Requests in the Fields pane to Fields in the Visualizations pane.

d. Click or tap Format (paint roller), then set Border to On.

92 e. Set Title to On, then add the title “Max days pending approval”.

The visualization should now look like the following image.


After we publish this report, we’ll use this tile to trigger an alert if the maximum value for a pending project reaches a certain threshold.

4. Create a table that shows the time between project approval and projected start date: a. Click or tap on the canvas outside the visualization you just created. b. In the Visualizations pane on the right, click or tap Table.

c. Drag PMAssigned, Title, and ApprovedStartDiff from Project Details in the Fields pane to Values in the Visualizations pane.

d. Drag ProjectedStartDate from Project Details in the Fields pane to the Filters area of the Visualizations pane, then select all dates except for (Blank).

94 e. Drag the columns of the table so you can see all the data. The visualization should now look like the following image.

95 f. Click or tap the down arrow for ApprovedStartDiff, then click or tap Average, so we can see the average duration between project approval and projected start date.

g. Click or tap the down arrow for ApprovedStartDiff again, then click or tap Conditional formatting.

96 h. Use the default settings and click OK.

The visualization should now look like the following image.

97 As you can see, projects that Irvin Sayers runs tend to start a lot later after approval. There could be factors other than the assigned manager, but this would be worth looking into.

That brings us to the end of the report section, and you should now have a complete report based on data imported from SharePoint and cleaned up and modeled in Power BI Desktop. If everything went according to plan, your report should look like the following image.

98 You are now ready to publish this report to the Power BI service.

Task 6: Publish the Power BI report and create a dashboard In this task, we’ll publish our data set and report to the Power BI service; then we’ll create a dashboard based on the report. In many cases a report has a large number of visualizations and only a subset are used in a dashboard. In our case, we’ll add all four visualizations to the dashboard.

1. Publish the data set and report: a. In Power BI Desktop, on the Home tab, click or tap Publish.

b. If you’re not already signed in to the Power BI service, enter an account, then click or tap Sign in.

99 c. Enter a password, then click or tap Sign in.

d. Choose a destination for the report, then click or tap Select. We recommend publishing to a group workspace to simplify access to the report in SharePoint. In this case, we are publishing to the Project Management group workspace. For more information, see Creating groups in Power BI.

100 e. After publishing completes, click or tap Open 'project-analysis.pbx’ in Power BI.

f. The Power BI service loads the report in a browser. Click or tap the menu at the top left (a) to see the left navigation pane.

101 You can see that when we published, Power BI Desktop uploaded a data set (d) and a report (c). You create dashboards in the service, not Power BI Desktop, and this workspace doesn’t have any dashboards yet (b). We’ll create one next.

Note: Power BI has a new navigation experience coming out, and it could be enabled in your site. If the left navigation pane looks different from the above image, see The new Power BI navigation experience for more information.

2. Configure credentials for refresh:

a. In the service, click or tap in the top right corner, then click or tap Settings. b. Click or tap Datasets, then project-analysis.

102 c. Expand Data source credentials, then click or tap Edit credentials.

d. Select OAuth2 for Authentication method, then click or tap Sign in.

e. Select or sign in to an account that has permissions for the SharePoint lists.

103 When the process completes, you’ll get the following message in the service.

3. Create a dashboard:

a. In the service, click or tap the chart on the upper left, then click or tap .

b. Enter a name for the dashboard you want to pin to, then click or tap Pin.

104 c. Click or tap the chart on the upper left, then click or tap .

d. Select the existing dashboard, then click or tap Pin.

105 e. Repeat the pinning process for the other two visuals. f. In the left navigation pane, click or tap the dashboard name.

g. Review the dashboard. If you click on a tile, you will go back to the report.

106 That wraps up most of the work in Power BI. If that was your first experience creating reports and dashboards, congratulations! If you’re already a pro, we hope you could move through it quickly. Now we will add alerting to make sure we know if the dashboard needs our attention.

Task 7: Set up data alerts In this task we’ll add an alert in Power BI to let us know if pending projects are taking too long to approve, and a flow that responds when that alert occurs. For more information on alerts, see Data alerts in Power BI service.

1. Create an alert: a. In the Power BI service, open the dashboard you created in the last task. b. On the card with the single number, click or tap the ellipsis (. . .).

c. Click or tap .

107 d. In the right pane, click or tap Add alert rule.

e. Look at the options that are available for alerts, such as how frequently an alert should run. Enter a value of 25 for Threshold, then click or tap Save and close.

108 The alert won’t fire right now even though 56 is above the threshold of 25. It will fire when data is updated, which we’ll see when we run through the scenario end-to-end.

When the alerts fires, Power BI sends email to the creator of the alert, and we’ll see how to send additional mail using Flow, in the next step.

2. Create a flow that responds to the alert: a. Sign into, click or tap Services, then Power BI.

109 b. Click or tap Send an e-mail to any audience when a Power BI data alert is triggered.

c. Click or tap Use this template. d. If you’re not already signed in, sign into Outlook and Power BI, then click or tap Continue.

e. In the Alert Id drop-down list, select Alert for Max days pending approval.

f. In the To box, enter a valid email address.

110 g. Click or tap Edit to see other fields that you can update.

h. At the top right of the screen, click Create flow, then Done.

We will see this flow run when we walk through the scenario end-to-end. Now we’ll move on to the last task in this scenario—embedding a Power BI report into SharePoint.

Task 8: Embed a Power BI report in SharePoint The last task in this scenario is to embed our Power BI report in the same SharePoint Online site that hosts our two lists. Power BI supports a variety of approaches to embedding, and has recently added integration directly into SharePoint pages for web and mobile views.

With this type of embedding, Power BI embeds the report as a web part, provides appropriate access for users, and lets you click through from the embedded report to the report at First, we’ll generate an embed link in Power BI, then use that link in a page that we create. For more information on embedding, see Embed with report web part in SharePoint Online (especially the Requirements section).

1. Generate an embed link:

111 a. Sign in to Power BI, then in the left navigation pane, click or tap the report name.

b. Click or tap Embed in SharePoint Online.

c. Copy the embed link from the dialog box to a file, then click Close. We will use the link after we create a SharePoint page.

2. Embed the report:

112 a. Sign in to SharePoint, then click or tap Site contents.

b. You could just include a report on the team home page, but we’ll show you how to create a separate page for it also. Click or tap New, then Page.

c. Enter a name for the page, like “Project Analysis”.

d. Click or tap then Power BI.

113 e. Click or tap Add report.

f. In the right pane, copy the embed URL into the Power BI report link box. Set both Show Filter Pane and Show Navigation Pane to On.

114 g. The report is now embedded in the page. Click Publish to make it available to anyone who can access the underlying report.

115 3. Grant access to the report. If you are using Office 365 Groups as we recommend, list users who need access as members of the group workspace within the Power BI service. This ensures that users can view the contents of that group. For more information, see Creating groups in Power BI.

That wraps up our work in Power BI for this scenario. You started by pulling data from our SharePoint lists into Power BI, and have now come full circle to embedding your Power BI report back into SharePoint.

Summary We have covered a huge amount of ground in this paper, from building apps and flows, to creating reports and embedding them in SharePoint. We hope you’ve learned a lot and have enough exposure to how these technologies integrate, so that you can integrate apps, flows, and reports into SharePoint based on your own needs. Before we finish, we want to walk through the scenario end-to-end and see how all the parts work together.

Step 1: Add a project to the Project Requests list 1. In the Project Requests list, click or tap All Items, then Project Requests app.

2. Click Open, which opens the app in a new browser tab.

3. In the app, click or tap to create a new item. 4. Fill out the form with the following values:  Title = “Mobile devices for design team”  Approved = “Pending”  Description = “The design team will now use Contoso-supplied devices”  EstimatedDays = “30”  ProjectType = “New hardware”

116  RequestDate = “03/01/2017”  Requestor = “Emily Braun”

5. Click or tap , then close the browser tab. 6. Go back to the Project Requests list, click or tap Project Requests app, then All Items.

7. Verify the new entry in the list.

Step 2: Approve the project 1. When you add the item in Step 1, the flow should run and send out an approval mail. Check the inbox of the approver’s email account.


2. Click Approve. The flow runs another process, and you get feedback like the following directly in the email.

3. Check the inbox of the requestor’s email account, and you should see an approval email.

4. Verify the updated entry in the list.

118 Step 3: Assign a manager to the project 1. First, let’s look at the Project Details list in SharePoint. The new project has a value of Unassigned in the PMAssigned column.

2. In the SharePoint site, in the left navigation, click or tap Project Management app. 3. On the first screen, click or tap Assign Manager.

4. On the Assign Manager screen, you see the two unassigned projects from the list. Select the Mobile devices for design team project.

119 5. In the Manager text box, enter “Joni Sherman”, then click OK. The change is applied to the list, and the gallery refreshes so only the remaining unassigned project is displayed.

6. Close the app, and go back to the SharePoint list. You’ll see that the project entry is now updated with the project manager name.

120 Step 4: Add time estimates for the project

1. Click or tap to go back to the first screen, then click or tap Update Details.

2. On the View Projects screen, enter “Mobile” in the search box.

3. Click for the Mobile devices for design team item.

121 4. On the Update Details screen, set the following values:  The Status field = “Not started”  The ProjectedStartDate field = “3/6/2017”  The ProjectedEndDate field = “3/24/2017”  The ProjectedDays field = “15”

122 5. Click or tap to apply the change to the SharePoint list. 6. Close the app, and go back to the list. You’ll see that the project entry is now updated with the date and day changes.

Step 5: Review report data for existing projects 1. In SharePoint Online, click or tap Site contents, then Site Pages. 2. Open the Project Analysis page that we created earlier.

123 3. Review the variance visualization.

124 As we noted when we created this visualization, there is a lot more variance for projects that were run by Irvin Sayers versus Joni Sherman.

4. Drill into the visualization, and you see that much of the variance comes from two projects that took a lot longer than projected.

5. Review the table that shows how long it takes for projects to go from approval to projected start date.


As we noted when we created this visualization, the projects that Irvin Sayers is assigned to take longer to start with two projects taking much longer than the rest.

Step 6: Respond to pending project delays 1. In the Power BI service, click or tap the project-analysis dataset, then click or tap REFRESH NOW. The refresh triggers the alert we set up for pending projects.

126 2. After the refresh is complete, the Notification Center at top right shows a new notification icon.

This can take some time, so check back if you don’t see it right away.

3. Open the Notification Center to see the details of the alert that fired.

4. Check the inbox for the person who created the alert (Megan Bowen in our case).

127 5. Check the inbox for the person you added in the data alerts flow (Allan DeYoung in our case).

6. Now that you have information on pending projects, you can go back and approve any that have been waiting for your attention.

That brings us to the conclusion of our end-to-end walkthrough and the paper itself. We encourage you to continue your journey at the following sites:

 PowerApps

 Microsoft Flow

 Power BI

 SharePoint

 Microsoft Tech Community

Let us know at [email protected] if you have any feedback on this paper, suggestions for additions, or ideas for additional content that will help you work with the technologies covered in this paper.


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