Council on General Education March 3, 2003

MINUTES (Approved by email)

PRESENT: Larry Alferink, Jeff Bakken, Patty Dunn, Cindy Kerber, Bonnie Laesch, Kent Machina, Den Patten, Lou Perez, John Poole, Mike Sublett, Jim Swindler, Kay Weir

ABSENT: Steve McCaw

GUESTS: Mike Kurz (CHE)

The meeting was convened at 1:04 p.m. by Chair Kent Machina.

A proposal for a new Minor in African-American Studies was distributed. Jim Swindler and Den Patten will review the proposal and report back to the Council at next meeting.

Copies of a new proposal for GEO 235.05 Geography of Emerging Areas: The Former Soviet Union had been received. John Poole and Jeff Bakken will review for next meeting, and Bonnie will send each of them copies of the original proposal for the umbrella course.

Mike Kurz, Chair of Department of Chemistry, was in attendance to address concerns regarding the incompleteness of some Inner Core Science syllabi. After discussion of the individual courses, Mike assured the Council members that they all definitely address the goals of Gen Ed even though the goals may not have been listed on the syllabi and that no changes had occurred in these courses since they became part of Gen Ed. He will see that the goals of Gen Ed are listed on appropriate syllabi and will also share copies of the original proposals with all new faculty in his department.

A lengthy discussion then took place regarding a ‘statement of purpose and goals’ of Gen Ed courses; a suggestion was made to also share this information will all new department chairs so that they are aware of CGE’s expectations for syllabi.

John distributed copies of his report on the review of FOI syllabi, to which the other members of his subcommittee (Cindy, Mike and Den) may make additions. Because of the late hour, discussion of this topic will take place at next meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 2:02 p.m.; next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 24.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie Laesch, Recording Secretary

Council on General Education – Minutes – 03/03/03 1