Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 Version 1.2 Rules Document

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Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 Version 1.2 Rules Document

Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 – 27 April 2015 Rules Document

1 Introduction 2 General Outline 3 Safety 4 Event Staff & Crew 5 Weapon Requirements 6 Armour Requirements Steel Tournament 7 Armour Requirements Nylon Tournament 8 Tournament Outlines 9 Target Areas 10 Scoring 11 Grappling 12 Conduct of Bouts 13 Spectators & Coaching 14 Appeals 14 Presentations 15 Amendments

1 Introduction 1.1The purpose of the Sword Fight, Gold Coast event is to provide a forum for swordsmen and women to display technical and philosophical swordsmanship as exemplified by historical masters, to share and improve sword technique, and bring together representatives of the Australian HEMA and swordsmanship community. 1.2Sword Fight, Gold Coast will follow all known conventions utilised in the national event: Swordplay, excepting those changes listed in this document. 1.3Sword Fight, Gold Coast seeks to fill in the large gap between official tournament events and provide an opportunity for participants to improve their fencing and administrative skills, this includes fencing with various weapons, scoring, judging and marshalling. 1.4The aim of the Sword Fight, Gold Coast tournament is to represent unarmoured duelling combat; not battlefield or armoured combat. 1.5The event is only made possible through the generous donation of time by volunteers acting as event staff. 1.6Wherever possible volunteers from various clubs/schools will be utilised to fill official and staff roles. 1.7Sword Fight, Gold Coast is to be held on the 30th of May 2015. 1.8The event will consist of both a steel ‘skill at arms tournament’ as well as a nylon tournament. 1.9Sword Fight, Gold Coast will not divide weapon groups e.g.; Rapier, Sword, Longsword, and Sabre, into separate weapons tournaments. The use of these/any weapons will depend entirely on a mutual agreement between two competitors. Additional exclusions and stipulations apply. 1.10 A nylon sword (waster) tournament will be held to encourage competitors with little or no tournament or competitive experience. 1.11 The waster tournament will be run simultaneously to the steel tournament. Competitors may only enter one tournament.

1 April 2015 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 1.12 Other small tournaments may be held with varying / trial rule sets EG Sudden Death depending on time restraints and volunteer staff. 1.13 Acknowledgement is given to James Wran, the Sword Play Coordinator, whose rule system, event structure and conventions are the basis for this event. 1.14 This document will detail the administrative and martial requirements for the conduct of this event. These rules are enforced by the authority of the Sword Fight, Gold Coast Coordinators and may not be modified without the expressed permission of said coordinators. 1.15 The reading of these rules is mandatory for all participants wishing to attend and / or compete at the Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015. 1.16 Participants are required to acknowledge they have read and understood this document, and will abide by them, as part of the Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 registration process.

2 General Outline 2.1The official title of this event shall be the ‘Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015’. This event will consist of two tournaments; a steel ‘skill at arms tournament’ and a nylon (waster) tournament. 2.2Other tournaments or workshops may be undertaken and will meet basic safety, weapon and armour requirements outlined in these rules 2.3Sword Fight, Gold Coast shall take place under the auspices of the Sword Fighter, Gold Coast HEMA Club and shall be presided over by the Sword Fight, Gold Coast Coordinators. 2.4For insurance purposes - only financial members of participating Schools or Groups of HEMA, western, and eastern swordsmanship etc shall be permitted to enter tournaments. 2.5Sword Fight, Gold Coast has been developed around a central philosophy; ‘everyone fights’. As such all marshals, officials, time keepers and coordinators will be afforded the opportunity to compete in this event (should they wish to). Every effort will be made to ensure ethical, impartial and honourable conduct from all officials throughout the event.

3 Safety 3.1 Safety is everyone’s responsibility. 3.2 It is the responsibility of any and all participants to call ‘HOLD’ if any safety breach is observed. 3.3 A call of ‘HOLD’ should be repeated if heard outside of combat arenas. 3.4 All activity is to cease when HOLD (outside of combat arenas) is called. 3.5 During tournament bouts the call of ‘EVERYBODY HOLD’ will be used in any urgent safety circumstances outside of single arenas. 3.6 It is a requirement that any incidents, injuries, weapon breaks, safety issues, safety warnings, red or yellow cards, etc, be immediately notified to the Safety Marshal, and to Event Coordinator as soon as practicable. 3.7 Sword Fight, Gold Coast will utilise a standard 3-level penalty system, enforced by the Event Coordinator, Safety Marshal(s) and Combat Marshals. These penalties relate only to safety concerns. Point penalties will be outlined in tournament scoring and relate only to combat actions. 3.8 Penalties will be called for any illegal technique or other unsafe or unsportsmanlike behaviour. 3.9 Penalties: 3.9.1 1st level: a verbal warning, no point penalty – typically for accidental/incidental offenses.

2 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 3.9.2 2nd level: yellow card – typically for repeated / intentional offenses. (List of possible offences – excessive tempo, power, refusing to follow Marshal’s directions). A second yellow card will immediately disqualify a combatant from the bout and be recorded as a loss. Winning combatant will retain score held; disqualified combatant score shall be reduced to 0. 3.9.3 3rd level: red card - expulsion from the bout, tournament, or event as appropriate – typically for egregious offenses including injuring the opponent maliciously. If you injure an opponent to the point of withdrawal in the course of a bout, that is a potential 3rd-tier offense and you can expect the Referee to respond accordingly. Repeated yellow cards across bouts may result in removal from tournament 3.9.4 If a combatant is disqualified see 12.14 3.10 Outcome of multiple yellow cards or red card will be determined by Event Coordinator, Safety Marshal and relevant witnessing event staff. This should occur as practicable. 3.11 Penalties need not be in progressive order; 1st to 2nd to 3rd. Progression is at Marshal’s discretion. 3.12 Note: Excessive hits and unsafe fighting: to be clear, striking an opponent with force is allowed, however it is up to the Marshals to monitor power levels and assess when force is excessive. Timely communication between Event Staff and fighters is KEY – it is much more difficult to resolve a problem after the fact than addressing it immediately, or preferably preventing it during escalation. To help make sure communication channels remain open, the following is recommended Best Practice: 3.12.1 Marshal Safety protocols: if at ANY time the Marshal(s) suspect there might be excessive force or unsafe fighting, they are expected to halt the action IMMEDIATELY. Once halted, the following protocol should be observed by the Marshal:  Referee approaches fighter that is potential subject of excessive force/unsafe fighting  Question 1: "Are you OK"? Assess if there is injury.  Question 2: "Do you feel this is excessive or you are in danger of being injured?" Assess if there is risk of future injury.  Marshal approaches fighter that is potential party responsible for excessive force / unsafe fighting. Assess legitimacy of excessive force or unsafe fighting.  From assessments, give feedback to fighters and coaches, apply penalties as appropriate 3.13 If at any time Marshal is concerned about tempo he / she should simply ‘check-in’ with competitors. Marshals should note that more experienced combatants may compete at much higher tempo. 3.14 Marshals hold the right at any time to make a judgement call on excessive tempo or force. Combatants must adhere to marshal’s directions at all times. 3.15 All combatants must take care to ensure safe and reasonable conduct during bouts. It must be remembered that Sword Fight, Gold Coast is not to replicate real / full-contact fighting. Bouts should never result in any serious injury. Combatants will remain in full control at all times (emotionally and physically). 3.16 Note: More experienced combatants should be able to limit speed / power / tempo when facing a less experienced combatant. At no time should any combatant rely on speed & power over technique & control.

4 Event Staff

3 April 2015 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 4.1Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 shall be presided over by the Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 Coordinators; 4.1.1 The Coordinator will consult with a group consisting of longstanding/respected community members, the event Weapon, Safety and Combat Marshal(s) and single representatives from each school. 4.2Staff include: Weapon Marshal, Safety Marshal(s), Combat Marshal(s), Floor / Corner / Flag judges, Scorers, and Timers. 4.3Wherever possible volunteers from various clubs and schools will be used to fill in official and staff positions. 4.4All event staff are offered the opportunity to compete, with no exclusions. They will fight the same number of rounds and compete in a competitive nature with the ability to be awarded 1st/2nd/3rd under the event scoring system rules. 4.5The Event Coordinator along with the Safety Marshal or Combat Marshal have the authority to order an end to any bout if in their consideration combatants have engaged in unacceptable conduct prejudicial to the purpose, safety and objectives of the event (refer to Safety). 4.6This can include: - Offensive language; - Dangerous play not in accordance with tournament rules; - Endangering fellow participants; or - Arguing with tournament officials. 4.7Any school or group with multiple entrants / attendees should be prepared to provide event staff; combat marshals, flag marshals, scorers and timers. This does not apply to first time event participants (but is welcomed). Please note that all event staff are volunteers and must be treated with respect at all times. 4.8 The responsibilities of each of these appointments are detailed below: 4.6.1 Sword Fight, Gold Coast Event Coordinators - Establishes the tournament venue and selection of Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 Crew - Administers the agreed upon rules for Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 - Administers the agreed upon Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 safety guidelines - Has the final say in any disputes within the Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 Crew regarding timetable, venue, combat rules and safety guidelines that cannot be resolved with a simple majority vote. - Resolution of appeals by competitors - Any and all incidents or injuries including safety warnings, red or yellow cards, must be notified to the Event Coordinator. 4.6.2 Weapon Marshal(s): - Responsible for pre-tournament weapon checks and checks during tournament 4.6.3 Safety Marshal(s): - Responsible for overseeing all safety aspects during Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015. - Inspects competitors’ safety equipment and approves for use in the Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 tournaments. - Ensures Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 combat tempo is maintained at a constant safe level. - is responsible for approving the use of any non-common weapon type, and its use in the tournament.

4 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 4.6.4 The Safety Marshal(s) is primarily responsible for ensuring all competitors enter the combat arena appropriately geared and overseeing the tempo of combat in the arena and is empowered to halt combat if in their opinion the tempo has reached too vigorous a level that has compromised safety. 4.6.5 Combat / Arena Marshal(s): - Oversees combat between competitors within the Combat Arena. - Correct layout of the Combat Arena - Supervises Combat Staff for respective Combat Arena (floor judges / timers / scorers) - Initiates and terminates all combat within their Combat Arena of responsibility - Controls conduct within the arena - Maintains tempo of Sword Fight, Gold Coast between competitors - Determines scoring issues - Consults Floor Judges to determine correct awarding of points 4.6.6 Each Combat Arena shall be presided over by a Combat / Arena Marshal. The Combat Marshal initiates and halts all bouts, determines scores and controls arena etiquette. 4.6.7 Marshals are required to be confident to call combatants to watch, check and /or reduce tempo, and should take into account skill / experience of competitors. The Combat Marshal’s call is law in their arena. 4.6.8 It is preferred that Combat Marshals have experience in the weapon form being marshalled or previous experience as a Marshal. Key requirements are confidence and quick decision making. 4.6.9 It is hoped that training videos will be developed and practice undertaken by competitors during the lead up to the event. 4.6.10 It is hoped that a marshal training course will we conducted under the authority of James Wran prior to this event. 4.6.11 Marshal shall be afforded the opportunity to compete should they wish. All fighting marshals shall work in teams to ensure they can efficiently manage both the role of a marshal and that of a competitor. 4.6.10 Corner/Flag Marshals: - Provide confirmation of successful blows to the Combat Marshal and augment safety. - Assists Combat Marshal in determining strikes and awarding of points - Ensures competitors do not move outside the Combat Arena - Ensures the Combat Arena is kept clear of unauthorised entrants - Corner/Flag Marshals roles should be undertaken by event competitors whilst not directly involved in or preparing for a combat bout. 4.6.11 Scorer: - Records strikes as confirmed by the Combat Marshal and announces winner (or a tie) at the end of each round (note that scores will not be announced due to time). - Scorers shall be afforded the opportunity to compete should they wish. All fighting Scorers shall work in teams to ensure they can efficiently manage both the role of a Scorers and that of a competitor. 4.6.12 Timer: - Monitors bout time as announced by the Combat Marshal and calls end-time for bouts. - Timers shall be afforded the opportunity to compete should they wish. All fighting Timers shall work in teams to ensure they can efficiently manage both the role of a Timers and that of a competitor.

5 April 2015 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document - The timer also acts to repeat or clarify points for the Scorer as called by the Combat Marshal. 4.7 Please note that scorers and timers are not marshals and should not be involved in calling strikes or points in any way. 4.8 Please ensure that event staff, particularly scorers and timers, are not distracted during bouts or whilst undertaking duties.

5 Weapon and Companion Item Requirements 5.1Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 will be run along martial lines to best replicate martial combat including the controlled use of the pommel or buckler to deliberately punch at the opponent and controlled grappling that in the Combat Marshal’s opinion does not compromise safety. 5.2There will be no hand, elbow, knee or foot strikes. Shoulder and body contact is a part of Grappling but should remain safe (not excessive). Note: no trips, throws or takedowns may be used, due to safety concerns inregards to hard wooden floors. 5.3Grappling will be at discretion of competitors and Marshals (see Grappling) 5.4A sword is defined as ‘a bladed weapon possessing discernable edge(s) and a point, of no less than 18’’ in blade length fitted to a hilt arrangement’. 5.5The below categories are the requirements for the most common weapon types utilised at Sword Fight, Gold Coast. Other weapons may be used so long as both fencer’s possess the same weapon. Safety is a priority at all times, the safety marshal will have the final say as to whether a particular weapon can be used. 5.6Typical/common weapons will be categorised by the Weapon Marshal in accordance with the below guidelines: 5.6.1 Sword: Blade length from 45cm to 91cm, and Forte width no less than 28mm at the cross-hilt. 5.6.2 Rapier: Blade length over 91cm, and Forte width no less than 15 and up to 27mm at the cross-hilt. 5.6.3 Longsword: Blade length over 91cm, and Forte width no less than 28mm at the cross-hilt, and 5.6.4 Dagger: Blade length under 45cm in length regardless of blade width at the cross-hilt. 5.6.5 Sabre: Blade length from 45cm to 91cm, and Forte width no less than 25mm at the cross-hilt (at Safety Marshal discretion)

5.7This list is not exclusive. Other weapons can be used, providing both opponents have access to the same weapon/ weapon combinations. All non-typical/common same weapon/ weapon combinations must be cleared with the safety marshal prior to the bout. 5.7.1 Non typical weapons may include but are not limited to: Rotellas, various shields, case of swords, case of daggers.

6 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 5.7.2 Both competitors in a bout must be using the same weapon/ weapon combinations. Thus a rottela cannot be used if both competitors do not have access to, and the appropriate safety equipment for rottelas.

5.8Please note that these weapon definitions are not historic classifications, rather standard categories for event purposes. 5.9The Weapon Marshal shall have final say over the suitability and classification of any other weapon or item IE what constitutes a ‘Sword’, ‘Rapier’, ‘Longsword’, ‘Dagger’ or other. 5.10 Companion Weapons / Items include dagger, cloak, buckler, mailed parry gauntlet, rotella. 5.10.1 Companion weapons must be matched between opponents. I.e. both must use daggers, bucklers, rottelas, etc or not at all.

5.11 Case of Rapiers/ swords is permissible. 5.12 Any weapon possessing a heft that in the opinion of the Weapon Marshal would prove too difficult to control impact will not be permitted into the Sword Fight, Gold Coast tournaments. 5.13 No weapon possessing a blade flex that in the opinion of the Weapon Marshal would have minimal flex when struck against a stationary human target will be permitted into the Sword Fight, Gold Coast tournaments. The guide for this measure is a flex of 5 cm or greater from the centre-line when executing a thrust with hand in ‘fourth’ against a stationary object or else can be flexed when grasped between the hands without undue exertion. This includes daggers. 5.14 All weaponry must be inspected and cleared by the Weapon Marshal(s) prior to the tournament commencing.. 5.15 All weapons are to be presented to the Weapon Marshal prior to commencement of the Sword Fight, Gold Coast tournaments in accordance with the following requirements: 5.15.1 No weapon (except dagger) possessing a blade length of under 18’’ measured from cross- hilt to tip; 5.15.2 All blades are to have rebated (blunt) edges of no less than 1mm rounded edge and the blade point is to be rounded to no less than a 10mm in diameter; 5.15.3 All blades, including daggers, are to be equipped with rubber blunt or leather sock of no less than 12mm in diameter, firmly secured with fibre / electrical tape (bright coloured preferably yellow); this tip should not be removable with basic hand pressure; 5.15.4 For weapons without rolled / forged-flat tips; metal washers / document clips are highly recommended to stop tips punching through. 5.15.5 No hilt possessing quillons greater than 20cm in length from the cross-hilt or which possess projections from the top of the pommel; 5.15.6 All blades are to possess a flex of 5 cm or greater from the centre-line when pressed against a stationary object with simple weight pressure being applied to the straight arm or else flexed with both hands on the blade; 5.15.7 All weapons are to be in a clean condition free of nicks & rust; 5.15.8 All swords have passed the ‘heft’ and ‘flex’ test to the Weapon Marshal’s satisfaction; and 5.15.9 All weapons have been categorised as either ‘Sword’, ‘Rapier’, ‘Longsword’ ‘Dagger’ or ‘non-typical’. 5.16 Cloaks are to be constructed of heavy material preferably of wool or velvet. Cloaks may not have edges weighted or be in a state of disrepair such as having tattered holes.

7 April 2015 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 5.17 Bucklers can be either wood or metal construction with rolled edges and possess no projections. Bucklers must be no more than 16’’ in diameter. 5.18 Parrying gauntlets must possess a mailed palm section that is considered sufficient to grasp the opponent’s sword in the opinion of the Weapon Marshal. 5.19 Federschwert type Longswords will be classed as a ‘Longsword’. Extreme flex federschwert such as Hanwei feder are not permited. This is at Weapon Marshal’s discretion; 5.20 If dagger quillions possess pointy ends, these should also be covered with leather and tape. 5.21 Weapons to be prepared before inspection (clean, safe, tipped) else will be refused; combatants will be asked to go away and correct. 5.22 Over the course of the event (between bouts) weapons must be checked by competitors to ensure safety; tips intact, remove burrs etc (refer to Weapon Marshal if unsure)

6 Armour Requirements Steel Tournament 6.1 The minimum armour levels (for all weapons) are as follows: 6.2 Three-weapon fencing mask (often known as 12kg masks) or masks / helmets of full metal construction, similar to ‘That Guy’s’ http://www.thatguysproducts.com/index.html 6.2.1 Fencing Mask is fitted with a reinforcing bib. Any non-standard (custom made) mask must have a bib or some construction to stop sword tip reaching the neck or face 6.2.2 It is strongly recommended that fencing masks have an external (padded) protective cover 6.2.3 A basic coif / cap must be worn such that the mask cannot directly impact scalp. 6.2.4 A back of head / neck covering is to be minimum rigid material (hardened leather, plastic or metal). 6.3Fencing jacket of padded material construction of no less than 10mm in the uncompressed state with outer materiel to be of durable material (ie: drill cotton / canvas / wool blend / gabardine); commercially available HEMA / fencing specific padded jackets are also suitable for rapier and sword; 6.4Neck protector (gorget), puncture proof and specifically including rigid plates to cover front, sides and back of neck; 6.5Groin protection and/or breast protection as appropriate; 6.6Simple gloves when using any complex hilted sword 6.7All sword and longsword competitors must wear additional protective gloves, IE padded with hardened leather, plastic or steel plating. These can be custom made or otherwise, but must cover entire hand and wrist. Motorcycle gloves are not sufficient. Lacrosse gloves are not sufficient. Any non-standard (hand-made) gloves are at the discretion of Safety Marshal and Event Coordinator. Gloves should have no uncovered areas on the back of the hand / fingers / wrist (including fingertip coverage). 6.8Hard knee and elbow protection is highly recommended, especially for longsword. 6.9Enclosed indoor footwear, non-marking for indoor venue (with ankle support highly recommended); and 6.10 Arms and legs are also to be covered (however kilts are acceptable) 6.11 All competitors armour will be checked at the start of the Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 weekend by the Safety Marshal(s) at same time as weapon checks. 6.12 Any competitor not wearing minimum armour will be refused entry to any tournament 6.13 It is competitors responsibility to ensure they are wearing complete armour as approved for each bout (marshals will conduct basic ‘sight check’ before commencing bout).

8 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 6.14 Competitors are encouraged to wear additional protective gear for their own comfort level. Some form of rigid torso is recommended for Longsword. The level of protective gear described is the MINIMUM required to participate in the Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 and all participants are encouraged to adopt additional safety gear if they feel inclined to do so. However please note that minimum or additional armour does NOT reflect an increase in any tempo or power of strikes delivered in combat. 6.15 The Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 Event Coordinators may delegate any responsibility to Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 officials for weapon & safety requirements but retains veto power over any decision made thereunto. 6.16 Competitors must provide own weapons and safety equipment. Equipment will not be supplied by event organisers.

7 Armour Requirements Nylon Tournament 7.1 The minimum armour levels (for all weapons) are as follows: 7.2 Three-weapon fencing mask (often known as 12kg masks) or masks / helmets of full metal construction, similar to ‘That Guy’s’ http://www.thatguysproducts.com/index.html 7.2.1 Fencing Mask is fitted with a reinforcing bib. Any non-standard (custom made) mask must have a bib or some construction to stop sword tip reaching the neck or face 7.2.2 It is strongly recommended that fencing masks have an external (padded) protective cover 7.3 Some form of chest protection. Whether it be a fencing jacket, gambeson or motorcycle armour. Subject to safety marshal decree. 7.4 Groin protection and/or breast protection as appropriate 7.5 Protective gloves, lacrosse minimum with additional fingertip protection. Motocross gloves are not suitable. 7.6Hard knee and elbow protection is highly recommended, especially for longsword. 7.7Enclosed indoor footwear, non-marking for indoor venue (with ankle support highly recommended); and 7.8Arms and legs are also to be covered (however kilts are acceptable) 7.9All competitors armour will be checked at the start of the Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 weekend by the Safety Marshal(s) at same time as weapon checks. 7.10 Any competitor not wearing minimum armour will be refused entry to any tournament 7.11 It is competitors responsibility to ensure they are wearing complete armour as approved for each bout (marshals will conduct basic ‘sight check’ before commencing bout). 7.12 Competitors are encouraged to wear additional protective gear for their own comfort level. Some form of rigid torso is recommended for Longsword. The level of protective gear described is the MINIMUM required to participate in the Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 and all participants are encouraged to adopt additional safety gear if they feel inclined to do so. However please note that minimum or additional armour does NOT reflect an increase in any tempo or power of strikes delivered in combat. 7.13 The Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 Event Coordinators may delegate any responsibility to Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 officials for weapon & safety requirements but retains veto power over any decision made thereunto. 7.14 Competitors must provide own weapons and safety equipment. Equipment will not be supplied by event organisers.

9 April 2015 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document

8 Tournament Outlines 8.1 (Steel ‘Skill at Arms’ Tournament) 8.1.1 All rules are based upon HEMA and swordsmanship community conventions and are designed to encourage the display of martial prowess with an acceptable degree of safety. 8.1.2 Combat and scoring is premised upon combatants being unarmoured and wearing civilian attire (IE: breeches, loose shirt, doublet and gloves), and participating in a civilian duel. Combat does not represent armoured combat in any way and tempo and power should be considerate of this. 8.1.3 Tournaments will be conducted as per Conduct of Bouts section. 8.1.4 Each competitor will be required to select their weapon (and companion item) in agreement with their opponent and be prepared to immediately enter the arena when called upon by the Combat Marshal. Competitors are required to discuss what weapons/ weapons and companions they may wish use but this MUST be done prior to being called upon to enter the arena and they must do so immediately. Swapping of weapon/companion cannot occur after this point. 8.1.5 If an agreement between opponents cannot be reached before the scheduled bout competitors shall utilise longswords. If the safety equipment of one or both fencers is not at an adequate standard for longsword, the default shall be rapier (no companion). 8.1.6 In the spirit of the event it is requested that competitors utilise as various a range of weaponry as possible. 8.1.7 Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 will be run via timed bouts against differing opponents from differing schools as much as possible. The winner of each bout will be the competitor who leads on points at end of the bout. 8.1.8 If the timed bout ends with a tie in points between competitors the bout will recommence with the first to touch declared the winner (Sudden Death). 8.1.9 A time limit of four (or 3) minutes applies to each bout (bout times are dependent upon entrant numbers). This time limit is inclusive of all holds and awarding of points excluding safety holds (IE: weapon breakage / rubber tip flying-off a competitor’s weapon, armour / wardrobe malfunction) in which case the timer will hold time and recommence on the Combat Marshal’s call. 8.1.10 Both thrusts and cut, with all weapons, are considered viable techniques. Close in combat (see Grappling) techniques will be scored pending a competitor gaining a clear position of advantage that in the opinion of the Combat Marshal is martially effective. The Combat Marshal can ‘HOLD!’ and reset any such engagement if, in their opinion, risk of injury is increased. 8.1.11 The steel tournament will consist of at least 6-9 rounds; competitors will fight one bout per round. Further rounds may be added dependent upon time and number of competitors and number of volunteer marshals. 8.1.12 Dependent upon time available, (and upon closeness of wins / points) there may be ‘finals’ held to determine place getters. This will be run as a sudden death match. 8.1.13 Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place getters 8.1.14 Places will be calculated in order of; bouts won. Sudden death matches will be used to settle any tied scores.

10 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 8.1.15 Award will be given for ‘best and fairest’ competitor over the event. This will be based on nominations from all attendees over the event.

8.2 (Nylon (waster) Tournament) 8.2.1 All rules are based upon HEMA and swordsmanship community conventions and are designed to encourage the display of martial prowess with an acceptable degree of safety. 8.2.2 Combat and scoring is premised upon combatants being unarmoured and wearing civilian attire (IE: breeches, loose shirt, doublet and gloves), and participating in a civilian duel. Combat does not represent armoured combat in any way and tempo and power should be considerate of this. 8.2.3 Weapons will be supplied by Sword Fighter HEMA Club. These will include; nylon longsword, single hand swords and bucklers. 8.2.4 Participants of the Nylon Tournament will be excluded from the Steel Tournament 8.2.5 Tournaments will be conducted as per Conduct of Bouts section. 8.2.6 Each competitor will be required to select their weapon (and companion item) in agreement with their opponent and be prepared to immediately enter the arena when called upon by the Combat Marshal. Competitors are required to discuss what weapons/ weapons and companions they may wish use but this MUST be done prior to being called upon to enter the arena and they must do so immediately. Swapping of weapon/companion cannot occur after this point. 8.2.5 Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 will be run via timed bouts against differing opponents from differing schools as much as possible. The winner of each bout will be the competitor who leads on points at end of the bout. 8.2.6 If the timed bout ends with a tie in points between competitors the bout will recommence with the first to touch declared the winner (Sudden Death). 8.2.7 A time limit of four (or 3) minutes applies to each bout (bout times are dependent upon entrant numbers). This time limit is inclusive of all holds and awarding of points excluding safety holds (IE: weapon breakage / rubber tip flying-off a competitor’s weapon, armour / wardrobe malfunction) in which case the timer will hold time and recommence on the Combat Marshal’s call. 8.2.8 Both thrusts and cut, with all weapons, are considered viable techniques. Close in combat (see Grappling) techniques will be scored pending a competitor gaining a clear position of advantage that in the opinion of the Combat Marshal is martially effective. The Combat Marshal can ‘HOLD!’ and reset any such engagement if, in their opinion, risk of injury is increased. 8.2.9 No buckler strikes will be allowed in the nylon tournament. 8.2.10 The nylon tournament will consist of at least 6-9 rounds; competitors will fight one bout per round. Further rounds may be added dependent upon time and number of competitors and number of volunteer marshals. 8.2.11 Dependent upon time available, (and upon closeness of wins / points) there may be ‘finals’ held to determine place getters. This will be run as a sudden death match. 8.2.12 Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place getters 8.2.13 Places will be calculated in order of; bouts won. Sudden death matches will be used to settle any tied scores. 8.2.14 Award will be given for ‘best and fairest’ competitor over the event. This will be based on nominations from all attendees over the event.

11 April 2015 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document

8.3 Sudden Death “SD” Tie Breakers 8.3.1 All weapon and armour requirements will be as per Sword Fight, Gold Coast event rules. 8.3.2 The default weapon choice for a tie breaker will be longsword, however a different weapon/weapon combination can be chosen by popular demand of the crowd. 8.3.3 Competitors will be paired for bouts and these will be conducted by the SD coordinator, who will marshal the SD). 8.3.4 Tournaments will be conducted as per Sword Fight, Gold Coast bouts (see Conduct of Bouts) including allowable targets. 8.3.5 Bout winning conditions; a blow (cut or thust) is landed to head or torso. 8.3.6 A blow to limbs equates to loss of use of limb for remainder of bout. 8.3.7 Simultaneous kills result in a bout restart.

9 Target Areas 9.1 Target areas are as follows for all weapons: 9.1 Primary target area; Head, neck and torso; 9.2 Secondary target area; all limbs, including hands and feet. 9.3 No competitor will directly / purposefully target hands, back of head or groin. 9.3.1 Whilst hands, back of head or groin remain valid targets if hit for purpose of point scoring, any competitor specifically targeting these areas will be: - 1st: verbally warned, - 2nd: verbally warned and given 1 point penalty, - 3rd: disqualified from bout (this equivalent to a safety red card and may result in removal from event pending investigation) - note that if impacts are excessive that Safety rules may be used

10 Scoring 10.1 Scoring Sheets will use tables for recording of strikes and scores for tournament purposes as well as be available post-round to provide feedback to competitors. 10.2 All blows; cuts, thrusts, and slices, will be delivered in a controlled manner and only with sufficient force to communicate the intent of the blow. This is defined as the difference between a reasonable adult participating saying ‘good shot’ and that same person saying ‘OUCH! THAT HURT!’ 10.2.1 Note: The Combat Marshal has the authority to restrict tempo and power between combatants, especially if control and safety are being impacted. The Combat Marshal should check if combatants are comfortable continuing at current tempo / power levels (particularly the more experienced / skilled). 10.3 The Combat Marshal has the authority to determine what they consider to be a combat effective or in-effective strike and determine to award points or otherwise. 10.3.1 It is expected that combatants will call “Hit” or “Good” when they believe they have received a blow. After a “Hold” is called by the Marshal and combatants separate, then the combatant can indicate where hit.

12 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 10.3.2 No combatant will remark about landing a blow upon an opponent A combatant may indicate that they did not land a blow or their blow was ineffective (eg flat) 10.3.3 Combat Marshals will not ask if a combatant thinks they have landed a successful blow upon their opponent. 10.4 The Combat Marshal will act as final adjudicator for the awarding of points. 10.5 Points will be awarded based upon four clear criteria: 10.5.1 Thrusts: The placing of the blade tip against the opponent with sufficient force to cause observable blade flex (defined as the clear contact of the point tip upon the opponent’s target area); (Thrusts will be judged by the ability to generate sufficient kinetic energy to penetrate a human torso. Any observable blade flex meets this requirement) 10.5.2 Cuts: The unimpeded landing of the (true or false) edge upon the target area in which the blade lands with the point of percussion, including the observable movement of the arm(s) – not just the wrist; (Effectiveness of cuts will be at discretion of Arena Marshal) 10.5.3 Slice: The placement of the edge on the target area (head and neck only) accompanied by a deliberate drawing or pushing action across that target area. ie: a placement of the edge against the base of the neck followed by a observable drawing motion; (Slices will be judged on whether the edge landed in a fashion likely to have sliced through light garment and damaged underlying tissue); and 10.5.4 Close combat: The use of a companion weapon / pommel / buckler to strike, or body to grapple or dis-arm the opponent rendering them combat ineffective. 10.6 When a combatant executes more than one scoring action in an undefended series IE the follow-on action is in unbroken succession with control, then the action with the higher score takes precedence (IE multiple potential scoring actions upon the opponent are NOT cumulative). 10.6.1 EG Fighter A cuts Fighter B in the leg then the head, Fighter B fails to defend either cut; Fighter A is awarded the cut to the head of Fighter B. 10.7 According to sword type the score awarded shall be:

Rapier: Thrust to Primary Target: 1 point Thrust to Secondary Target: Half point Cut: Head / neck: 1 point - Half point all other targets Slice: Head / neck only: 1 point

Sword: Thrust to Primary Target: 1 point Thrust to Secondary Target: Half point Cut all targets: 1 point Slice: Head / neck only: 1 point

Longsword: Thrust to Primary Target: 1 point Thrust to Secondary Target: Half point

13 April 2015 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document Cut all targets: 1 point Slice: Head / neck only: 1 point

Dagger (companion): Thrust to Primary Target: 1 point Thrust to Secondary Target: Half point Cut: Head / neck: 1 point - Half point all other targets Slice: Head / neck only: 1 point

Pommel & Buckler: to head only: 1 point

10.8 Grapple: A successful grapple or throw will attract a one point score. If likelihood of injury is suspected the Combat Marshal will call ‘HOLD!’ immediately, ‘RESET’, and restart the bout. (see Grappling) 10.9 Disarm: If any competitor loses control of their sword by having their weapon disarmed will count as one point and the bout recommenced after combatant retrieves weapon. 10.9.1 Where a combatant retains a companion item the bout continues until a clean blow is struck by either combatant. 10.9.2 IE Disarm penalty (point to opponent) occurs when a combatant no longer has a weapon in hand. 10.10 Using the buckler offensively is permissible only if it is done with control and does not impact on the fencing mask, buckler strikes need only to show intent. If the buckler is moved offensively within an inch of the head area it will be scored as one point. However safety must be the priority and no strikes are to be made to back of head or neck. Making contact with the face/mask is not necessary or permissible. Dangerous strikes will result in a warning. Additionally this action may only be performed with the flat of the buckler. 10.11 pommel strikes should only be enough to communicate the movement and intent of the strike. At no time should either strike be enough to cause actual injury to opponent. Striking with the pommel will count as one point. 10.12 Points shall be awarded by the Combat Marshal only. The Floor/Corner Judges may be invited to confirm a decision by the Combat Marshal. 10.13 Any simultaneous striking of combatants IE ‘double kills’ (defined as the landing of both blows with both actions having been initiated within the same movement and tempo) will result in no score for either competitor, regardless of point score of either strike. This is to encourage clean combat and effective defence. 10.14 Any hit to score when using the Longsword must be fully controlled to be counted; either hand can remain on the grip to be counted. Any single handed Longsword technique must show control at all times. For any uncontrolled actions EG flailing or over powered swings, will result in a warning to the competitor (refer to Safety). Repeated warnings across bouts may result in removal from event. 10.15 Half-swording is allowed with either hand on handle / blade. Half-swording is defined as the use of any sword (inc rapier) with one hand on hilt and other on blade. 10.16 All weapons will have at least one hand on the handle/hilt at all times. 10.17.1 Combatants may use 2 hands upon Rapier or Sword Hilt. This is a trial rule and any combatant found to be using such techniques as judged by Combat Marshal to be in an unsafe manner will be warned (refer to Safety)

14 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 10.17.2 Weapons must not be thrown. 10.17 Combatants who retreat onto Combat Arena boundaries shall be given two warnings. Continued warnings will receive a 1 point penalty. 10.18 If a combatant falls during a bout the Combat Marshal should allow time to recover. 10.19.1 If the fallen combatant does not recover / defend instantly then the Combat Marshal will call ‘HOLD’ and recommence 10.19.2 A fallen combatant can still score through an effective blow upon opponent. 10.19.3 The standing combatant may strike a fallen opponent, avoiding over powered or uncontrolled strikes and must not strike spine or back of head. 10.20 Scoring reference chart is at end of this document.

11 Grappling 11.1 At commencement of the bout the Combat Marshal shall ask both competitors whether they agree to use of grappling techniques. Competitors are to agree to one of two choices; the outcome always defaults to that competitor choosing the lesser amount of grappling. 11.2 Choices are either; 11.2.1 ‘no grappling’; 11.2.2 ‘to advantage’ or ‘to control’ - defined as one competitor being clearly placed in a disadvantage position sufficient to prevent them being combat effective (unable to defend whilst opponent is able to attack cleanly) in the Combat Marshal’s opinion. This level includes only standing grapples. There will be no throws. No takedowns, trips or throws may be used due to safety concerns on hard wooden floors. 11.3 Grappling lasting more than 3 seconds without affect is to be called HOLD and competitors reset. 11.4 If a Marshal feels that grappling is unsafe there will be a HOLD called and a reset before bout continues. 11.5 At no stage will any combatant attempt dangerous movements designed as limb breaks or joint dislocations. 11.6 Where ‘no grappling’ is chosen, any grappling will be penalised as per 9.3.1; verbal warning, 1 point penalty, disqualification. 11.7 Where ‘grappling to control’ is chosen, any throws will be penalised as per 9.3.1; verbal warning, 1 point penalty, disqualification. 11.8 Use of the unarmed hand for deflecting and grasping the blade (as means of defeating a thrusting attack) is permitted providing any seizure is momentary. 11.8.1 Any back and forth sliding movement of the grasped blade will be considered to have disabled the grasping hand and the bout halted and re-commenced. The only exception is if that competitor is using a parrying gauntlet. 11.8.2 Combatants will not take advantage of the safety tips on any weapon for control. Doing so will result in 1st verbal warning, 2nd warning and 1 point penalty, 3rd disqualification and loss of bout.) 11.9 In case of a double weapon seizure the Combat Marshal shall call HOLD and combatants reset before resuming combat. 11.10 The cloak may be used for blinding, distraction, and deflecting the sword blade manoeuvres only and cannot be employed for any form of physical seizure or striking of the opponent’s body. The cloak cannot be used to aggressively flick towards the opponent’s face.

15 April 2015 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 11.11 No deliberate stepping on a competitor’s feet or blade is permitted. 11.12 No kicks, knees, punches, elbows or headbutts are permitted – refer to 3. Safety

12 Conduct of bouts 12.1 All Sword Fight, Gold Coast tournament bouts will be conducted in a dedicated Combat Arena. 12.2 This arena shall be minimum eight meters square marked, with two en-guarde (start) lines for competitors; these shall each be one meter from arena ropes or ground markers (out of range). 12.3 Only competitors in the current bout and Combat Marshal are to be in the Combat Arena (except for instances of safety and only after combat has ceased) 12.4 Combat arenas will be controlled by a Combat Marshal assisted by a Floor/Corner Marshal(s) whose prime role is to confirm touches and maintain safety at the periphery. 12.5 One competitor shall be given a blue armband and the other a red armband. After this point competitors will be addressed as either ‘blue’ or ‘red’ as relevant. 12.6 Each bout will commence with the following: 12.6.1 Competitors will enter the Combat Arena when called by the Combat Marshal 12.6.2 Combat Marshal will do a quick visual check of armour (Mask front and back, Gorget, Elbows, Knees, Gloves, Shoes) 12.6.3 At this stage, the Combat Marshal may choose to have a ‘pre-bout chat’ to set/remind tempo etc 12.6.4 Combat Marshal will check competitor choice of grappling level 12.6.5 Combat Marshal will check competitor readiness 12.6.6 Combat Marshal: o ‘Ladies & Gentlemen Salute’ (to each other); o ‘En guarde!’, ‘Ready’ (or similar); and o ‘Fence!’ (or similar) (Indicated by the dropping of the hand / staff between both combatants). 12.7 Awarding a point: 12.7.1 When the Combat Marshal identifies a combat effective blow (cut or thrust) upon a combatant; OR 12.7.2 If any combatant considers they have been struck either by thrust or cut enough to register as a hit they are to break distance and indicate this intent to the Combat Marshal. 12.7.3 At this the Combat Marshal shall call ‘HOLD’ and confirm the validity of the strike and award the point as appropriate. 12.7.4 This sequence is as follows: o ‘HOLD!’ o Call colour of person who received the hit ‘RED’ or ‘BLUE’ o HIT TYPE (‘Thrust’ / ‘Cut’ / ‘Slice’) to TARGET AREA (‘Head’ / ‘Body’ / ‘Arm’ / ‘Leg’ / ‘Limb’) o Fencers back to the centre (if necessary to re-position competitors); o En-Guarde (Ready); and o Fence! (Fight) 12.8 If a simultaneous hit occurs between combatants, the Combat Marshal may either indicate to ‘Continue” or HOLD and reset.

16 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document 12.9 Upon the command ‘HOLD!’ competitors shall freeze immediately. The command ‘HOLD!’ is given when it is deemed a combatant has landed a valid blow (in the Combat Marshal’s judgement) and points awarded or in case of a safety violation. 12.9.1 Any striking which continues after the “HOLD” may, at the discretion of the Marshal, be considered a Safety violation. 12.10 In case of a safety violation the command ‘HOLD SAFETY!’ will be given. The Combat Marshal , Corner / Flag Marshall, or spectators may give this command as appropriate; Safety Hold is to be called whenever there is a weapon or armour failure, or other safety concern. 12.11 Once the Combat Marshal awards a hit, or safety issue resolved, both combatants shall resume combat with the commands ‘En-guarde!’ and ‘Fence!’ given by the Combat Marshal. This continues until that bout time has ended. 12.12 Any movement by a combatant onto the ropes of the combat arena shall draw a warning. After this warning the bout will recommence. A 2nd verbal warning will be given. After this, any further violations of the list rope will attract a one point penalty. 12.13 Any competitor is entitled to forfeit the bout for reasons either explained to the Combat Marshal or otherwise, without judgement or loss of honour. A forfeit eliminates that competitor from the bout. 12.13.1 If the forfeit occurs prior to the start of the bout, a WILD card combatant will take their place. 12.14 If a combatant discontinues a combat: 12.14.1 Due to accidental injury: scores are tallied at that time 12.14.2 Due to forfeit during bout: Opponent wins (opponent score is set +1 more than forfeiting combatant if less at that time) 12.14.3 Due to safety violation / disqualification: Disqualified combatant score is 0 and Opponent wins. 12.15 Either the Safety Marshal or Combat Marshal can halt combat if they consider the tempo of Sword Fight, Gold Coast is leading to an imminent danger of injury being inflicted. In the first instance the Competitor warned. For a second warning a one point penalty will be given. In case of a third warning the Competitor will be disqualified, forfeiting the bout (see Safety) 12.16 In case of a tie at end of any bout the Combat Marshal shall initiate ‘Sudden Death’ whereby competitors shall return to en-guarde position and compete to the first touch and a winner declared.

13 Spectators & Coaching 13.1 Spectators may encourage their chosen competitors from the sidelines; EG “Go Blue!”, C’mon Red!”, “Well Done (competitor name)”, “Good Call” etc 13.2 There is to be NO coaching comments, name-calling or use of foul language. Any spectator warned about their conduct but continues to act so shall be asked to depart the tournament venue. 13.3 Coaching by any spectator during bouts is not allowed. Coaching is defined as any specific technique suggestion, attack or defence reminders etc 13.4 Coaching to competitors during breaks between bouts is acceptable. 13.5 Spectators will not disturb event staff (timers, scorers, marshals) during bouts. 13.6 Spectators will not make comments or enter into discussion about scoring or Marshal decisions. 13.7 The only spectator comments beyond encouragement will be safety calls.

17 April 2015 Sword Fight, Gold Coast: 2015 –Version 1.2 Rules Document

14 Appeals 14.1 Any combatant wishing to appeal an award of point or conduct by any tournament representative or participant is to do so at the completion of their bout (or as soon as practicable) and to the Sword Fight, Gold Coast Event Coordinator(s) or Safety Marshal. 14.2 The appeal will be investigated by the Sword Fight, Gold Coast Event Coordinator by meeting with both competitors and tournament staff present at the time of the incident in question. Based upon information given to the Sword Fight, Gold Coast Event Coordinator he/she will either: - Support the original finding of the Combat Marshal; or - Overturn the decision of the Combat Marshal and initiate corrective action to determine combatant placing. 14.3 The decision of the Sword Fight, Gold Coast Event Coordinator is binding and no further appeals regarding that particular case will be entered into.

15 Presentations 15.1 At the completion of Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 presentation of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Places shall take place for each format (steel and nylon).

16 Amendments 16.1 Any amendments to these rules are to be raised to the Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 Coordinators. These amendments will be considered and if deemed appropriate will be deemed in force immediately. 16.2 These rules and containing document have been based upon the work of © Copyright 2015 James Wran. Permission has been granted by the said copyright holder to utilize and modify the document for the purposes of the Sword Fight, Gold Coast event.

18 Sword Fight, Gold Coast 2015 Scoring Reference Chart

19 April 2015______

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