Partners in Miracles

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Partners in Miracles

PARTNERS IN MIRACLES: A CELEBRATION change in Diego’s life that he joined the JESUS Film Team and OF THE LORD OF THE HARVEST! now is passionately proclaiming Christ to others! ONE (Mark 6:30-44) CARING PERSON MAKES A DIFFERENCE! This modern day scenario has been replayed millions of times in Introduction: On the wall of an office was a framed picture the last few years through the JESUS Film ministry. The same with these words, “A hundred years from now it will not matter type of partnership in miracles can be seen in the story of the what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the feeding of the 5,000. kind of car I drove. But the world may be different because I was important in the life of another!” Read scripture/explain story Imagine with me, if you will, a person born and raised in darkness. The only code they have known is survival of the fittest. Kill or be killed. Steal or be stolen from. I want to highlight several things from our miracle story of the feeding of the 5,000: And then, one caring person gives! While the gift is not large, it’s sacrificial. And that one gift sets a whole world of events, people, and equipment in motion that only God could have 1. JESUS’ heart is passionately inclusive! (6:30-34) orchestrated.  YOU matter to JESUS more than anything else in the The dark village is lit with bulbs and projector. JESUS is universe! speaking their language and showing He loves them…all the way to the cross! The message penetrates and produces a radical  In Luke 19:10, JESUS states his purpose when he reconstruction of the heart! The power of JESUS and the tells the religious leaders of that day that he “…came partnership of ONE CARING PERSON transform a life! to seek and save that which was lost” Watch…  God desires to replace our brokeness with His Video Illustration: Rescued from the Fire restoration so that we can once again live in a genuine, authentic relationship with Him. Did you notice the elements of the miracle? Someone gave financially to support a JESUS Film Team. Led by the Lord,  The Lord is a relentless pursuer of those He loves they had a showing in Diego’s town. His friend, Viviana invited (which is all of us)! him to the showing. A divine partnership produced such a  JESUS is moved by our need (“When Jesus saw a  Many times, our response to JESUS’ invitation is large crowd, He had compassion on them…” 6:34). typical:

 His heart is moved by our condition 1. “Let them provide for themselves” (v. 36).

 His emotions are kindled by our confusion 2. “The need is too great” (v. 37).

 His compassion is evident by His actions 3. “My resources are too limited to make a difference” (v. 38).

 Because lost people matter to God, they ought to matter to us Illustration: “Mother Teresa statement” “If you can’t feed one hundred people…feed just one”  You’ve never locked eyes with someone for who Christ didn’t die. (Translation: “If you can’t do it all…at least do something” / “If you can’t do the great thing, then do the  Have we become like the Church at Ephesus small thing in a great way” / Parable of the Talents – forsaking our first love (Rev. 2:4)? “good and faithful servant’ as opposed to “wicked, lazy servant”)  We can misplace Kingdom priorities because of busyness, distractions, attitudes (lack of caring, lack of love, someone else’s responsibility). Video Illustration: “Fred Huff – Africa Regional Director”

2. JESUS wants to include us in a miracle- Did you pick up on that? The villagers asking, “What producing partnership with Him! (6:35-38) have we done that the JESUS Film should pass our village?” There is a world hungry for the gospel of JESUS. The harvest is ripe...the fields are ready...and the  YOU possess the ingredients for a miracle. Lord still calls harvesters into the field. Some on the front lines. Others, like most of us, as the support team,  Jesus still comes to us as He did His disciples and keeping the supply lines open…teams funded… says, “you give them something to eat” (6:37). equipment operational.

 JESUS wants us to trust Him with our relationships emotionally crushed, the young man went to work for his and resources (“How many loaves do you have?” v. 38). father—a dentist with a small side business that produced unfermented wine for church communion services.  JESUS doesn’t ask for something you don’t have… but He does ask for all you have. As his father grew older, the young man took over the side business. One day, it struck him that perhaps he could still touch the world for Christ. He could still fulfill  Never underestimate the power of God in YOU – the words he had spoken to the mission representative Don’t minimize the impact in eternity of that day. He would work hard, be a good steward of his wholehearted living and giving! resources, and see that Christ became known to as many people as possible—he would just do it in a different way. He would keep his promise by financially  God uses anyone or anything totally committed to supporting others who could go overseas as missionaries. Him. He worked hard and eventually built the company into a huge enterprise. What was his name? Welch. Today his grape juice is sold in supermarkets everywhere. And Mr. Illustration: “Mr. Welch” Welch has given huge sums of money to the cause of world missions. Ironically, he has done far more for His life’s dream was to be a missionary, and it looked as world evangelism than he could have by working in the though it was finally coming true. As the nervous young field himself. Because he adapted to his circumstances man sat in the mission agency’s office, he assured the and blossomed where he was planted, he became a interviewer that he and his new bride were committed to valuable partner in missions around the world. working hard, managing their resources as good stewards, and seeing that Christ was shared with as many people as possible. He was confident that everything was Don’t put limits on the type of partnership coming together for him and his future. God may have in mind for you. But soon it looked like his dream would fall apart. During their cross-cultural preparation, he and his wife realized she could never endure the rigors of living  A small gift…committed to Christ…results in large overseas. She was far too fragile and frail. If they went to impact (God does not despise the day of small Africa as planned, she would certainly die. Confused and beginnings– Zec. 4:10) 3. JESUS provides abundantly, not only for the $12,000 was a lot of money to give for a medium size people, but also for the partners (6:39-44). church…but scripture states, “Give and it will be given you…For with the measure you use, it will be measured  God’s economy is abundance, not scarcity to you”. The measure they used was the largest they could find. And their return?

 “They all ate and were satisfied” (v. 42) Six months later, a report came from the JESUS Film teams that had received the equipment. From the church’s sacrifice and investment, 8,393 people had seen  “…picked up 12 basketfuls of…bread and fish” (v.43) and heard the message of God’s love for them through the JESUS Film and the team had started 10 new mission churches! In addition to the victories on the field, a teenager who had gone on the trip was called to be a  “The number of the men who had eaten was 5,000” (v. 44) missionary!

 The question is, “What measure are you using?” Many want to use a thimble to give and expect a 55-  The need supplied always overflows back to us gallon drum of return.

 “Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will  “…Test me in this, says the Lord, and see if I will not be poured into your lap. For with the measure you throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so use, it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38). much blessing that you will not have room enough for it” (Malachi 3:10b). Illustration: Marysville, WA Church (This is a wonderful place to tell your church’s story) Conclusion: Someone once wrote, “Never underestimate the The Nazarene Church in Marysville, Washington wanted power of giving. It shines like a beacon throughout humanity. It to do something beyond their four walls. They decided cuts through oceans that divide us and brightens the lives of all to trust God and connect with the JESUS Film to it touches. One of life’s greatest laws is that you cannot hold a purchase 2 sets of equipment, deliver them to the field, torch to light another’s path…without brightening your own!” and participate in several film showings while there.

I want to challenge you today to “take up the torch”…answer the call of God…join in a creative, holy partnership with the creator of the universe who is looking for “lunches and lives” to make a miracle happen in the hearts of thousands of people!

Watch this video of men and women who have offered JESUS their lunch…and their life!

Video Challenge: “Sharing JESUS…Making Disciples”

(After the video, issue the specific challenge you want your congregation participating in, go through the response card, pray, and allow a few moments to fill it out. After collecting them, reaffirm that their commitment to the Lord will produce a harvest of souls for eternity!)

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