E156 Student Union 7:00Pm

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E156 Student Union 7:00Pm

Tuesday, January 13, 2015 (Week #1) E156 Student Union | 7:00pm Minutes ● Call to Order 7:00 P.M. ● Roll Call ● Kyle Powell, Jennifer Humston, Ryan Rushing, Zena Fadel, JB Saul, Gabriel Riegle, , Peyton Jones, Tyler Shaw, Kasey Rawlins, Gavin Doll, Rahima Hamadi, Emily Bingham, Max McConnell, Rob Yada, Latoya Warren, Yawen Xu, Alex Snyder, Ian Kallay, Jeff Wang, Brandon DeFoe, Patrick Scheiderer, Matthew Almazan, Kayla Muncie, Mahesh Veeramala, and Aaron Engle ● Absent: Nathan Balasubramanian, Jonathan Granata, and Corey Yoder ● Approval of the Agenda ○ Additions, Corrections or Deletions to Agenda ■ Announcement - House Party ■ Enough Senators to vote? ● Moved by______; Seconded by______○ Approved X Not Approved ___ Tabled ___ ● Approval of the Minutes ○ November 18, 2014 ○ Approved X Not Approved ___ Tabled ___ ● Guest Speaker: Mr. David Finnie, Chief of Police (WSUPD) ● PowerPoint Presentation ○ Overview of Police Department (5 positions) ○ Community engagement ○ Staffing special events ○ Mutual aid with area jurisdiction ○ Critical incident report ○ Executive training/Awards ○ Questions ● Demo- k-9 unit ● Committee Reports ● Peyton Jones (Speaker of the House) ○ Hospitality Services Committee – vacant SG member ■ Kayla will be taking Peyton’s spot on the committee, but still in need for another SG member to attend. Please let Peyton know if you can attend these committee meetings. ● Rob Yada (Governmental Affairs): ○ SG Scholarship Benefit Committee ■ Benefit will be moved one day later (25th), due to a prior university event. ● Emily Bingham (Campus Culture): ○ Bolinga Director Search Committee – in search of a new director ○ Multicultural Millennium Committee ○ UDAC – climate survey ● Jennifer Humston (Vice President): ○ UCC – vacant SG member ■ Let Jen Humston know if you can fill in her position ● Student Trustee Report – Ryan Rushing ● Fall Break – Survey coming soon ● Member Reports (Attached) ○ Senate ■ Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator - Jeff Wang ■ College of Liberal Arts Senator - Brandon DeFoe ■ College of Nursing and Health Senator - Patrick Scheiderer ■ College of Science and Mathematics Senator - Matthew Almazan ■ Commuter Senator - Kayla Muncie ■ Graduate Studies Senator - Mahesh Veeramala ■ Lake Campus Senator - Corey Yoder ■ University College Senator - Aaron Engle ● Report Discussion ● Lot 4, elaboration on mentor program, and grading scale in CoNH ● Old Business ○ Constitution and Bylaws - Zena Fadel ○ Please look over both documents and Send Gabe and I any edits. The committee would like to hopefully on these next meeting. ● New Business ○ Confirmation Hearing: ■ Residential Senator - Kristina Burris ○ Introduction and questions ○ Private Discussion ■ Motion to Approve ● Motion moved by Brandon Defoe; Seconded by Matt Almazan ○ Approved (In favor- Unanimous) ■ College of Engineering and Computer Science Senator - Will Krueger ○ Introduction and questions ○ Private Discussion ■ Motion to Approve ● Motion moved by Brandon Defoe; Seconded by Kayla Muncie ○ Approved (In favor- Unanimous) ○ Confirmation of Students Commission Members for the Spring Elections - Gabe Riegle ○ Ala Saleh ■ Introduction ■ Private Discussion ● Motion to approved ○ Moved by Jeff Wang; Seconded by Brandon Defoe ■ Approved (In-Favor: Unanimous) ○ Zena Fadel ■ Introduction ■ Private Discussion ● Motion to approved ○ Moved by Brandon Defoe; Seconded by Jeff Wang ■ Approved (In-Favor: Unanimous) ○ Sabrina – not present ■ Private Discussion ● Motion to approved ○ Moved by Brandon Defoe; Seconded by Jeff Wang ■ Approved (In-Favor: Unanimous) ○ Trevor ■ Private Discussion ● Motion to approved ○ Moved by Brandon Defoe; Seconded by Jeff Wang ■ Approved (In-Favor: Unanimous) ○ Strategic Planning Progress Report - Matt Almazan and Max McConnell ○ Draft Phase ○ PowerPoint: ■ Vision statement, mission statement, value statements, nest steps (survey to campus), timeline and core committee members ○ SG Monthly Budget Update - JB Saul and Zena Fadel ○ Overview and questions ○ Will hopefully be voted at next Tuesday’s meeting ○ Report Schedule - Jennifer Humston ○ Staggered reports (report schedule in the office and google drive) ○ Questions (due date for reports) ○ Social Justice Training - Peyton Jones ○ Early stages ○ Looking for SG to promote and endorse (possibly through public forum) training to departments, staff, faculty, students in policies of protest (on-campus and off-campus). This will be taken care of by the Bolinga Center. ■ Promote through HoR ○ Open Discussion ■ Motion to table till next meeting ● Motion moved by Brandon Defoe; Seconded by Matt Almazan ○ Approved (In-favor: Unanimous) ● Public Forum ○ None ● Rowdy Bobblehead Award ○ Brandon Defoe to Jeff Wang ● Advisor Reports ○ Dr. Dan Abrahamowicz ○ Staff Appreciation Night ○ Men’s Basketball Games ■ WSU vs. Clevland State (Jan. 14) ■ WSU vs. Valparasio (Jan. 17) ○ Dr. Gary Dickstein ○ Pick up SO accounts ○ New members – set meeting with Dr. Dickstein ○ Raiderthon applications are available ○ New online process for SOBC and SFC ■ Demos scheduled ● Announcements ○ Upcoming Events: ■ Thursday, Jan. 15 (11am-3pm) in the SU Atrium: CoSM Dean's Circle Blood Drive - Matt Almazan ○ Walk-in appointments welcomed; encourage to schedule ahead of time ■ Monday, Jan. 19 (9am-1pm): MLK March - Peyton Jones ○ Bolinga Center is offering free rides to Dayton ○ Peyton will send out an email with more information ■ Thursday, Feb. 26 (7pm-10pm) in the SU Atrium: Salsa Samba Night - Ryan Rushing ■ House Party – Peyton Jones ○ Next Wednesday from 11am-3pm ○ SG table and spotlight ■ Sign up list will be sent for members to be at the SG table ■ E-cigarettes – treat like regular cigarettes ■ Elections – email sent out today with link ○ Promote!! ○ Applications available on Monday ■ Vacant positions – application at wsusg.com ○ Director of Disabilities ○ Associate of Web Communications ○ College of Education and Human Services Senator ○ School of Professional Psychology Senator ○ College of Business Senator ● Adjournment 8:58 P.M. ○ Moved by Brandon Defoe ; Seconded by Patrick Scheiderer to adjourn the meeting.

2014-2015 Student Government Members: ● Executive Board ○ President - Kyle Powell ○ Vice President – Jennifer Humston ○ Chief of Staff - Ryan Rushing ○ Chief Justice - Gabriel Riegle ○ Associate Justice - Nathan Balasubramanian ○ Director of Internal Affairs - Zena Fadel ○ Associate of Finance - JB Saul ○ Speaker of the House - Peyton Jones ● Cabinet ○ Assistant Speaker of the House - Tyler Shaw ○ Secretary of the House – Kasey Rawlins ○ Director of Academic Affairs - Gavin Doll ○ Associate of Academic Affairs - Rahima Hamadi ○ Director of Campus Culture - Emily Bingham ○ Director of Communications and Marketing - Max McConnell ○ Associate of Web Communications – Vacant ○ Director of Disability Affairs - Vacant ○ Associate of Governmental Affairs - Rob Yada ○ Director of International Affairs - Latoya Warren ○ Associate of International Affairs - Yawen Xu ○ Director of Student Affairs - Alex Snyder ○ Associate of Athletics – Ian Kallay ○ Associate of Veteran Affairs - Jonathan Granata ● Senate ○ Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator - Jeff Wang ○ College of Education and Human Services – Vacant ○ College of Liberal Arts Senator - Brandon DeFoe ○ College of Nursing and Health Senator - Patrick Scheiderer ○ College of Science and Mathematics Senator - Matthew Almazan ○ Commuter Senator - Kayla Muncie ○ Graduate Senator - Mahesh Veeramala ○ Raj Soin College of Business Senator- Vacant ○ Residential Senator – Kristina Burris ○ School of Professional Psychology Senator - Vacant ○ College of Russ Engineering and Computer Science Senator- Will Krueger ○ University College Senator - Aaron Engle ○ Lake Campus – Corey Yoder SG Winter Report Date: 1/5/15 Name, SG Position: Boonshoft Senator 1. Worked on Pre-med mentor/mentee program over break. We are having orientation for medical students on January 8th and the official meet & greet on January 26th. I have been in contact with Amanda Herbe, the new pre-health advisor on campus. She has been updating us with interested undergraduate students. We are working on the logistics of the two dates mentioned above & ironing out any details that are needed to make the events as smooth as possible. We are still brainstorming advertising ideas to make our program better known across campus. We have posted on the bulletin board on Wings to reach the entire campus.

2. Pre-health admissions panel

 Brainstorming ideas for who to ask to sit on the panel. Deciding whether we want just medicine or other specialties of health to sit on the panel. Trying to find a date and location for the event.

3. Filled out the Transition Packet for next year’s Boonshoft Senator 4. END OF REPORT SG Report 10/27/14 Brandon DeFoe, College of Liberal Arts Senator

1. Events Attended a. Women’s Basketball vs. Chicago State 2. Old Business a. Knowta a.i. Continued to Research company a.i.1. Webpage - Seems somewhat outdated, but well-organized a.i.2. Terms and Conditions - Standard and straight-forward a.ii. Research into other schools a.ii.1. Case Western Reserve University - No new information a.ii.2. John Carroll University - No new information a.ii.3. Kent State University - No new information a.ii.4. Ohio State - No new information a.ii.4.a. Should be implementing system currently a.ii.4.a.i. Future - keep track of implementation process and successfulness a.iii. Began Drafting Resolution a.iii.1. Encourage University to look into Knowta or a similar program once the Printing Environment becomes stable a.iii.2. Likely occur next fall at the earliest a.iii.3. Overarching purpose of Resolution is to lay groundwork for future Senator to have a solid base to work with and have a more simple implementation process a.iii.3.a. Student Interest is there a.iii.3.b. Company Interest is there a.iii.3.c. Need to pitch idea to University at a better time with all of this support behind it a.iv. Future a.iv.1. Finish Resolution a.iv.1.a. Revise a.iv.1.b. Make sure senate is on board a.iv.1.c. Add to agenda as soon as possible a.iv.2. Contact current universities to personally discuss experience with Knowta b. Pre-Law Program b.i. Continued researching diversity of law students b.i.1. Phone Conference with University of Virginia b.i.1.a. Diversity b.i.1.a.i. Many students come from “traditional” backgrounds b.i.1.a.i.1. Social Sciences, PLS, PHL, CJ, etc. b.i.1.a.ii. Many others come from COSM and STEM backgrounds b.i.1.a.ii.1. Sometimes favored because it brings diversity into the field and classroom b.i.1.a.ii.2. Also needed for emerging/growing fields of law b.i.1.b. Characteristics of Law Students b.i.1.b.i. Writing Skills, Critical Thinking, Analytical Reasoning b.i.1.b.ii. Any undergrad will work b.i.1.c. Discussed my plans for pre-law expansion b.i.1.c.i. Likes idea of LSAT prepcourse b.i.1.c.ii. Campuswide outreach would be ideal b.i.1.c.iii. Would potentially be open to attending a large scale law school fair b.i.2. Need to follow up with phone conference scheduling with: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and Ohio Northern University Claude W. Pettit College of Law. b.ii. Finished compiling law school undergrad demographics b.iii. Researched Pre-Law Programs of: b.iii.1. Yale: b.iii.1.a. No degree b.iii.1.b. Advising b.iii.1.c. Pre-Law Society: advising, speaker events, etc. b.iii.2. Harvard: b.iii.2.a. Advising b.iii.2.b. Multiple Societies and Organizations on campus b.iii.2.c. Speaking Events and Workshops b.iii.3. Stanford: b.iii.3.a. No pre-law track b.iii.3.b. Advising b.iii.3.c. Pr-Law Society with events and workshops b.iii.4. University of Chicago b.iii.4.a. No degree b.iii.4.b. No other information - Website down b.iii.5. Columbia University b.iii.5.a. Advising b.iii.5.b. Pre-Law Society b.iii.5.c. Events and Workshops b.iii.6. *To conserve space, nearly all universities researched were similar to those listed above, some seemed more involved while others seemed to stick more closely with simply advising. b.iii.7. Schools of Interest Offering LSAT Prepcourse: b.iii.7.a. Penn State: $350 b.iii.7.b. Southern Methodist University: In Class - $999/Online - $799 b.iii.7.c. Cleveland State: $560 b.iii.7.d. For Reference, Princeton Review Prepcourse: $499 (online self guided) - $6600 (top of line private tutoring practice) b.iv. Need to: b.iv.1. Meet with Dr. Feldmeier concerning his meeting with Dean Sobolik on the topic b.iv.2. Complete research b.iv.3. Meet with Gabe to discuss what programs we could start implementing b.iv.4. Begin planning, or outlining law school fair c. Disabilities Arts Gala - Joe c.i. Researched potential galleries to bring to Gala c.i.1. We Care Arts (already visited) c.i.2. Passion Works Studio c.i.3. Creative Foundations c.i.4. VSAO c.i.5. Open Door Arts Studio c.i.6. Up and Beyond Arts Studio c.ii. Need to meet with Joe to begin contacting these and other organizations to bring in to display at Gala d. Refillable Water Station d.i. Finished Semester Readings, Final Results: d.i.1. Total Bottles Saved: 16,758 d.i.2. Average Bottles Saved/Week: 1,197 d.i.3. Max/Min Bottles Saved: 1,579/553 d.ii. At first Internal SA meeting, will discuss future implementation across campus d.iii. Met with Drew Corbett to discuss average gym visitors d.iii.1. Hard to determine because people swipe in at front desk and then go to gym/classrooms/locker rooms/pool. Due to this, an average number of people going into the gym where the station(s) is(are) located is difficult to ascertain. d.iii.2. Educated Guess: 400-500 d.iii.3. Also informed that as other fountains in Recreational Area break, they will be replaced with this hands-free station d.iii.4. I have charts and statistics if anyone is interested. e. Modern Languages e.i. Attempted research into program of “locking-in” professors at U. Cincinnati, need to email, or contact someone directly for information. f. Strategic Planning Committee f.i. Met to discuss Goals, Value Statement and plan future sessions 3. New Business a. Organized physical SG binder, and have mostly updated all projects therein b. Transition Binder b.i. “Complete” - Likely add more to Knowta information (certain emails, Wings poll info, and copy of Resolution once passed) 4. Administrative Office Report a. CoLA DSAB a.i. End of year event a.i.1. Attempted to reserve room, but could not submit electronically a.i.2. Will go again during first week of class to reserve in person 5. Outreach a. Student Concerns (New) b. Student Concerns (Old) b.i. 10/23 - Student issue with the hiring process of TA’s and major concerns about a specific TA. b.i.1. Informed senator of that particular college, all other senators, and Ryan to look into the issue further. END OF REPORT SG Report Date: Winter Break Report 1/9/2015 Patrick Scheiderer, College of Nursing and Health Senator 1. Events Attended: N/A

2. Old Business:

a. Completed the Transition Packet for the following Senator for the CONH

b. Looked over and approved Revised Bylaws and Constitution

c. Completed goal sheet for Spring 2015 Semester.

3. New Business:

a. Looking into current or possible changes being made related to the College of Nursing and Health grading scale.

4. Associate’s Report (if applicable):

5. Administrative Office Report:

6. Outreach (if applicable):

a. N/A

END OF REPORT SG Report Date: January 13, 2015 Eugene Matthew P. Almazan, College of Science and Math Senator: 1. Events Attended:

a. Interview with Kristina Burris on December 17, 2014

2. Old Business:


a.i. Honorary Resolution to be Drafted

b. Summit of the Boards

b.i. Acquainted all DSABs and exchanged ideas

b.ii. Powerpoints and discussion

b.ii.1. Spring Summit Date Set

c. Transition Binders

d. CoSM Blood Drive on January 15, 2015 in SU atrium

3. New Business:

a. Meeting with CoSM Dean’s Circle on January 11, 2015

a.i. Retirement of

a.ii. Advertising for Blood Drive in January

a.iii. Faculty of the Year Award set to launch early spring

a.iv. STEMulations #2: the” Chemistry of Candy Combustion” for Spring Semester

a.v. New Committee Assignments

b. Academic Affairs Committee

b.i. Generated Survey Questions

c. Strategic Core Planning Committee

c.i. Mission Statement and Vision Statement Drafted

c.ii. Values Statement in the Process of Revision

c.iii. Progress Report II with Max McConnell END OF REPORT

SG Report Date: 11/24/14 Name, SG Position: Kayla Muncie, Commuter Senator 7. Events Attended:

8. Old Business:

a. Ticket Pricing Excel Chart

 I have the information of ticket prices from state intuitions in Ohio comparable to WSU. This information is not formulated in an excel format because it is too difficult to explain the parking regulations of each institution in that format. The information I have is in a Microsoft document and will be uploaded to my google drive. I am planning to reach out and try to receive guidance with the information I have to see the best way I can use it to better the parking regulations at our university.

b. CSA T-shirts

 I received these t-shirts and put them in storage over break. They are ready to be distributed at CSA’s next event.

c. Completed the Transition Packet for the following Commuter Senator

d. Looked over and approved Revised Bylaws and Constitution

e. Completed goal sheet for Spring 2015

f. All the Commuter Survey data has been distributed to members of CSA

 I plan to use this at the next CSA meeting when we create our goals for the Spring Semester of 2015

g. I created the Spring Semester CSA Schedule and it is distributed to all members

h. I have made a fun fact sheet for the CSA social media sites

9. New Business:

a. Crosswalk in Lot 4

 I plan to meet with the Director of Student Affairs within the next couple of weeks to discuss the progress on this matter.

b. Received information on all Wright State Shuttle stops and times

 I have reviewed this information over break more in depth and I am still struggling with how to make this information more visible to students. I am hoping to find an SG member who is interested in the matter and maybe we could coordinate ideas with getting more students to know about the shuttles. c. CSA Housing Survey

 The survey is completed, but needs to be sent out to all commuters still. I plan to have it go through the list serve the second week of this semester.

d. CSA Car Show

 CSA’s idea for next semester as an event.

 This is in the very beginning planning stage.

 At the next CSA meeting this is going to be the main focus.

10. Administrative Office Report:

 I have been in touch with my advisor via email about how she can help CSA this semester

 I am hoping to get her support for the CSA Car Show

11. Outreach (if applicable):

 I have added members to CSA on Org Sync

 I have been in contact with commuters about lockers

 I have been in contact with a new organization coming to campus that would like to present themselves at a CSA meeting END OF REPORT SG Report Date: 01/09/14 Veeramala Mahesh, Graduate Senator 1. Events Attended: N/A 2. Old Business:

a. Medical Insurance Fee. Gathering information from different resources. b. Completed the transition binder and the goal sheet for the spring semester.

3. New Business:

a. Looking forward to help the students in as many ways as possible.

4. Administrative Office Report: N/A 5. Outreach (if applicable): N/A

END OF REPORT SG Report Date: Winter Report Name, SG Position: Corey T. Yoder, Lake Campus Senator 12. Events Attended:

a. Attended Lake Campus Basketball game OU Chillicothe

13. Old Business:

a. Athletic Direct, Trent Kline and I finished the survey for spring semester. We are still looking into the cost of equipment for starting a wrestling club. Also, we have found a facility to use for indoor soccer, but we are still working on a scheduling and whether or not to start it as an intramural or club sport.

14. New Business:

a. Currently working on getting the University a Spirit Rock for Lake Campus Student Organizations to advertise activities and upcoming events they have planned.

15. Associate’s Report (if applicable):

16. Administrative Office Report:

a. Present any information pertinent from the office and/or DSAB you work with.

17. Outreach (if applicable):

a. How did you reach out to students in the past two weeks?

b. Concerns from students you have talked with and/or met

END OF REPORT SG Report Date: 1/09/2015 Aaron J. Engle, University College Senator 1. Events Attended:

a. Prior to break meeting with David concerning Internship power point.

2. Old Business:

a. Progress on Power point presentation, Transition binder, member reports, and communication back and forth with SG members such as Jennifer. Resolutions are finish the power point completely and start going to schools to meet with High School Students to discuss more about Student Government, and talk about all the benefits. Also discussion with other SG members/Administration/DSAB, and etc.

3. New Business:

a. Upcoming plans to finish transition binder, meet with Interns, start new projects for 2015. * meet with students to talk about issues they may have concerning wright state, also am ready to discuss things that are going on with other student government officials in committee meetings.

4. Associate’s Report (if applicable): N /A

5. Administrative Office Report:

a. Present any information pertinent from the office and/or DSAB you work with.N/A

6. Outreach (if applicable):

a. How did you reach out to students in the past two weeks? Currently over break I have only emailed back and forth with student government. Also I have posted and spoke with a few students on my Twitter/Facebook page.

b. Concerns from students you have talked with and/or met. N/A


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