The Earliest Magdalene: Varied Portrayals in Early Gospel Narratives
Chapter 1 The Earliest Magdalene: Varied Portrayals in Early Gospel Narratives Edmondo Lupieri In the early writings produced by the followers of Jesus, Mary Magdalene is connected with key events in the narrative regarding Jesus: his death on the cross, his burial, and his resurrection.1 At first sight, her figure seems to grow in importance through time. Her name and figure, indeed, are completely ab- sent from the oldest extant texts written by a follower of Jesus, the authentic letters of Paul.2 This is particularly striking, since 1 Cor 15:5–8 contains the ear- liest known series of witnesses to the resurrection, but only men are named specifically.3 1 All translations are the author’s. The Greek text of the New Testament is from Eberhard Nestle et al., eds., Novum Testamentum Graece, 27th ed. (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1993). 2 This phenomenon seems to parallel the minimal importance of the mother of Jesus in Paul’s letters. He mentions her only once and indirectly, when stressing that Jesus was born “of a woman” and “under the Law” (Gal 4:4). Besides using her existence to reaffirm the humanity (and Jewishness) of Jesus (for a similar use of a similar expression to describe the humanity of John the Baptist, see Luke 7:28 / Matt 11:11), Paul does not seem to care about who that “woman” was. This does not mean that Paul is particularly uninterested in Mary Magdalene or in Jesus’s mother, but that generally in his letters Paul does not seem to be interested in any detail regarding the earthly life of Jesus or in the persons who were around him when he was in his human flesh (see further n.
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