Mr. Hall S Social Studies Class Procedures Sheet for Students 2010-11
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Mr. Hall’s Social Studies Class Procedures Sheet for Students 2010-11
1. How to enter the classroom: You should be lined up outside my door before entering. One foot should be on the gray line along the lockers. Enter quietly and sharpen your pencil if you need to. Have a seat and get your agenda out so that you can copy the agenda down for the day. Wait for notebooks to be passed out to being bellwork or follow my directions.
2. Getting Attention: I will raise my hand in front of the class when I want your attention. If you want my attention then raise your hand and wait on me to call on you.
3. Turning in Papers: When told to, place papers in the brown tray next to the door. Someone will collect homework when it needs to be taken up. If you have make-up or missing work to turn in, there are trays for each class on the yellow bookcase. Please turn those papers in at the appropriate time. (Not when I am up speaking)
4. Homework: When you do not do your homework, get a pink slip out of the pink slip tray. Fill the pink slip out and turn it in when the homework is turned in or give to me when I am checking. You know if you did your homework, so it is your responsibility to get that slip when I am ready to check or take up homework. Keep in mind that if I have meeting these pink slips will be shown to parents and administrators.
5. When you finish your work early: Work on missing assignments or read your AR book. If you do not have an AR book, then ask me for a book to read.
6. Absenteeism: If you miss a day(s) you need to look on the agenda board and copy the agenda down for that day(s). You need to check the bellwork file folder if a bellwork was assigned on that day. See me for any handouts you need or if you don’t understand something on the agenda board.
7. Discussions: Participate! I want to hear what you have to say. Make all questions/comments relevant to the current discussion. We can discuss off topic questions later or you can write it down and give it to me later. Respect everyone’s opinion.
8. Bathroom: Raise three fingers when you want to go to the restroom. I will address you when I see you and have you bring your agenda up for me to sign. Ask to go at the appropriate time. If you are about to go while we are finishing bellwork ask then…don’t wait until we are getting ready to start notes or I am about to give instructions for the next task.
9. Moving around the room: Ask before you get up or simply stay seated. Hold garbage at your seat until the end of class.
10. Work area: Keep your work area clean. Throw away your trash as you leave.
11. Class Dismissal: I dismiss class. Do not put things up until I release you. You are not released when a bell rings. You will not be late to your next class or in trouble. 12. Substitutes: If your name is left by a sub, you will be written up and serve a detention.
13. Visitors/Announcements: Respect is the key term here. This is not an opportunity to talk to your neighbor or friend across the room. I expect you to treat adults in this room with respect and dignity.
14. My Desk: Ask permission for things on my desk. Don’t be behind my desk without my permission.
15. Late Work Procedure: Late work will be accepted with the understanding that each day it is late the student will lose credit. Students with excused absences will have their work accepted late for full credit as long as it is turned in after a reasonable amount of time after they miss. Students must put their make-up work in the trays provided. It is each student’s responsibility to get their assignments for days that they are absent.
16. Make-up Exam Procedure: Make-up tests will not be given during class unless absolutely necessary. There will be designated times for students to make up tests. Changes to this policy may occur with grade and/or school review.
17. Extra Credit Procedure: Students will be given opportunities in the form of extra readings, projects, or assignments in which they can earn extra credit. The amount of available extra credit may differ during each grading period.
18. Phone Procedure: Students will not be permitted to use the phone unless there is any emergency. This must be cleared by me and or the administration, including the reason for calling. This must be done at the beginning or end of class.
19. Locker Procedure: Students will not be permitted to go to their lockers during class without disciplinary actions. Students are expected to bring class materials when they come to class.