World Religions Webquest

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World Religions Webquest

World Religions WebQuest


In World History, we strive to understand why events have happened so that we can better understand our present and the future. One of the most important factors to help explain why people react in certain ways is religion. Throughout history, belief in a certain religion has effect the political, social, economic, and intellectual life of the believers. You will be creating a reference chart about some of the world's major religions.

The tragic events on September 11, 2001 and the ongoing events in Afghanistan and Iraq have affected the way many people view certain cultures. Throughout history, many evils have been done in the name of religion. That does not mean that the religion or the majority of believers support those actions. In this turbulent time, it is important to learn what these religions really teach; the message of love, peace, and harmony are usually the central focus.

You will be called on to do a wide variety of research this year. In the opening days of the year, you will do a variety of exercises that will help you with aspects of the research process. This WebQuest will be addressing the question of web site suitability and evaluation.

The Task

You have been asked to do some research on the 5 major world religions. Your first task is to make a clear reference chart that will give them some basic information about Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. You will be creating that chart. In creating your chart, you will also be determining which WWW sites are more helpful and accurate. You will also have to record basic bibliographic information for each site you decide to use. You second task is to publish a 3 page newspaper discussing all 5 religions.

The Process To accomplish the tasks required, you must work your way through the following steps:

1. For each religion you will need to find WWW sites to use for information. After accessing the site, you will make entries on your Major Religions chart about the specifics of that religion. 2. You may also notice that some of the sites are more useful than the other sites; this may be due to many reasons including bias, wrong audience, lack of reliable information. Look at the domain name; is this an education site, or is this a commercial site? You will record this information on the Internet Bibliographic Information Log. Remember that the word "site" refers to the first page and all following pages that have the same root in the URL (address). 3. You and your partner will create a 3 page newspaper discussing the major aspects of each of the five religions. 4. Within the articles you must address: 1. Basic organizational structure 2. Time period or origin of religion 3. Concept and name of god 4. Name of major writings and dates 5. Name of prophet, leader, or founder and the nature of the figure 6. Place of worship 7. Holy cities or places 8. Spiritual practices 5. Also include pictorial representations of each religion.


You will receive a possible total of 100 points for this project. The breakdown of points:

5% - Participation within the Computer Lab

You must attend and participate in the computer lab on the days the class is assigned.

5% - Internet Bibliographic Information Log completed and organized.

The log will be graded on completeness and originality.

25% - Major Religions Chart is complete. (5% for each religion) The Major Religions Chart should be filled out in its entirety with all information accurate, legible, and organized.

45% - Group Work on the newspaper part of the project

Groups of no more than 2 students will work on a newspaper of the religions, including: pictures or symbols of the specific religions.

20% - Final Reflection Paper of Project.

Each student is required to complete a one page (minimum, with maximum of 2 pages) reflection of their views of the project and the participation of their partners within the project. Questions that the student should be thinking about answering are:

What religion do I follow? Was the information I found accurate? Did I do my best and help my partners? If there was one thing I would change with my performance, what would it be? Was this a worthwhile experience for me?

Reflection papers are your opinions of you and your partner’s performance within the project. Your thoughts and comments are important, not only for your grade, but your partners as well. Be honest with your answers to the above questions. Reflection papers are to be confidential.

This paper should be typed, double spaced, with one inch margins on all sides. If you are unable to type this paper at home, you may use the computer or speak with Mr. Chandler to make other arrangements.

Conclusion of Web Quest

Once you are finished with the computer part of this project, you should be finishing the newspaper portion. The newspaper should have all 5 major religions with the information you found on it. Additional things that will be nice to have are: pictures or symbols of the religions, important people within each religion (Today or in the past), and anything else the group thinks would be beneficial. Be creative. Work together and do your best and have fun!

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