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The Spencer Christian

May 2008 Volume 50, No. 5 The Spencer Christian

Dan’s Wonderfulness

A little over a month ago the storm had begun its rage. The Spencer School Board had announced its plans for major budget cuts that will have a dramatic impact on the school district for years to come. Needless to say, many people were upset. People stood on both sides of the debate, wrote letters to the editor of the newspaper, discussed their thoughts and opinions everywhere, and got really mad at each other. This was very interesting for me to watch as a new person in the community. I couldn’t go anywhere without hearing about this issue. People were talking about it at the barber shop, at the coffee shop, and even at church. I began to wonder about the events leading up to this crisis, a subject which not many people were willing to offer information about. I began to wonder about this crisis, about what could have prevented it, about what could have made it less of a crisis, and if there was any way everyone could have been better prepared. A crisis is only a crisis if we make it into one. A crisis usually begins as a challenging situation that has potential to be resolved as well as potential to become a problem. The method in which we choose to address or to not address challenging situations can dictate whether we’re able to find resolution or whether a crisis develops. Choosing to address a challenging situation in a healthy way, by gathering information, seeking the wisdom of wise people or experts, calming down and thinking rationally, working together, seeking God in prayer, and approaching with a desire for resolution can have good results. Conversely, panicking and doing irrational things or choosing to ignore or minimize the situation can cause whatever it is to quickly spiral into a problem, and then into a crisis. Recently I visited the mosaic in East Leach Park. I was taken by the beauty of this mosaic, and by the way many different aspects of Spencer’s history and uniqueness are woven into the work. There are tributes to agriculture, the lakes region, Native American culture, the early settlers, the land, and the story of Spencer. It’s truly magnificent! But while viewing this artwork, I was struck by one particular aspect of the mural. On the west wall, prominently featured, there is a picture of a broom sweeping things under a rug. Out of curiosity I looked for information on the web and found the complete story of the mural at It said that this section of the wall tells the story of Spencer’s past and announces the future and that the broom “sweeps debris under the rug!” Whether this was a metaphor for rebuilding, cleanliness, or a bit of cutting social commentary, we all know about the most common purpose for the phrase “sweeping things under the rug.” We have a tendency, as people, to ignore problems, or to fail to address them. When we sweep things under the rug we’re only creating a larger problem for the future. There will always be challenging and difficult situations for us to face. They may come in our personal lives, in our family relationships, in our spiritual journeys, in our careers, or even in midst of our chosen faith community here in our church. And when these challenging and difficult situations arise we must have the wherewithal to see the possible futures, namely, to see the potential for crisis as well as the opportunity for resolution. By failing to address these difficult and challenging situations, ignoring them, minimizing them, or acting irrationally we begin down the path towards crisis. By choosing to address them in a healthy way we create the possibility for resolution. As we come together as a faith community, my prayer is that we are always able to address our challenges and our difficulties in healthy ways, through prayer, discernment, study, seeking wise counsel, and working together. Perhaps someday a new mosaic will be erected. Perhaps it will be here at our church. And perhaps instead of a broom and a rug it will depict a mouth talking honestly, an ear listening intently, a brain thinking rationally, a heart loving earnestly, and a pair of hands folded in prayer.

Blessings from your Pastor, Dan Overcoming Betrayal

(This article was taken from the Lee’s Summit Christian Church newsletter and was written by their Associate Pastor, Chris Franklin. Reproduced by permission.) This Sunday we will be retelling the story of Saul’s attempt to betray David and have him killed, because he thought of him as a threat to his leadership. This is a great story of personal failings, and the triumph of God’s will in the midst of the frailty of people. One of my first chairpersons of the board, Don, taught me a lesson of leadership well. In his career he had supervised 20-30 farm co-operatives for a large farmer organization. Dealing with farmers, fertilizer dealers, chemical representatives and farmers will test and sometimes destroy your faith in people. These interactions have the distinction of being big business and because of the family farms, very personal at the same time. Nothing is as difficult as dealing with the markets, knowing that the fluctuations of the market or just a change of weather can ruin a family and destroy longstanding relationships. It is easy to feel threatened and even betrayed, when we expected too much of people. The church can be very similar. People have a lot of their life and soul invested in the church. For many people, the ties run deep, maybe even generational. So minor problems, or even like David, great success can cause disruption and create fear. When I served in Don’s church, we remodeled the entire church; painted every wall, changed every furnace, moved walls, threw away dump truck loads of stuff that had accumulated in the 100 years of ministry. In doing all this, we often ran into controversy. Who picked the colors of the rug, some people liked the deep blue that overwhelmed the sanctuary; who decided on a neutral tan? How could we throw out the old furniture in the youth room, it came from some aunt’s estate. Whenever someone got upset, Don had a saying, that at first startled me, and later I understood. I would come and tell him the problem and who was upset, and he would say, “Well, people are no damn good.” I was stunned. In the chemical, fertilizer and farm business, I grew up with I knew he was correct, but certainly not in the church. But Don always had a smile on his face when he said it, and he would always come back with a great solution to the problem. Over time I began to realize that what he really was saying was, “Only God is perfect, just get used to having problems if you are going to work with people.” A great spiritual guide of this century put it this way, “The first thing we have to accept is that life is difficult. After we accept that, life isn’t so bad.” Whenever you are faced with betrayal, realize that’s just the way it is if we are going to work with people, but we aspire to a world that is better because we follow a God who shows us dim shadows of a perfect way. If we as people humbly realize our fallen state, we can aspire to follow the path to the greater world of our Lord.

Pray For Our Campers

Summer Church Camp is quite an experience! It’s a time away from home that creates a unique opportunity for campers to experience God in a very real way. Please help make these experiences great. Please begin praying for these campers, especially during their time at camp. Send them a card or a letter, also. If you send mail, please make sure it is at the post office on the Friday prior to camp and don’t forget to include their name and camp name/number. Here are the campers:

Camper Date attending Camp Camp Attending Send mail on Diamond Hollander July 1-3 Pee Wee 1 June 27 Sean McCord July 7-12 Chi Rho 10 July 3 Shelby McCord July 7-12 Chi Rho 10 July 3 Christopher Anderson July 21-26 Junior 5 July 18 Taylor Blume July 21-26 Junior 5 July 18 Sean Hollander July 21-26 Junior 5 July 18 Saige Mayes July 21-26 Junior 5 July 18 Megan Blume July 21-26 Equestrian July 18 Scott McCord July 28-August 2 CYF 17 July 25 Eric, Danielle, Elizabeth & Nathaniel Sipress August 8-10 Family Camp August 5 THE SPENCER CHRISTIAN May 2008 A Church of the Frontier

Next year, in 2009, we’ll all celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the Cane Ridge meeting. That huge evangelical gathering, on what was then the American frontier, is regarded by many as the place where the very roots of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) were planted. Since that time, the Disciples have been a church of the American frontier, all kinds of frontiers. Sure, in the literal sense, as the nation moved westward, our church followed it, and grew with the country. And, later, as the growing nation took its place in the community of nations, our church was one of the early leaders in sending out missionaries, bringing help, hope, and the Gospel to many corners of the world. Through the years, the Disciples have been leaders in building educational institutions that push the frontiers of knowledge, and in building programs that push the frontiers of caring. Disciples have been leaders in preaching, teaching, social programs and more. Wherever the frontier, our church has been there. Today, we’re among the leaders in the mainline denominations in planting new churches. The “frontier” today may be in the inner city or the suburbs. It may be peopled by retirees needing a church; or first- generation Americans from a variety of nations; or young families concerned about bringing up children with care and values. Wherever that new frontier is, our gifts to the Pentecost Offering help bring new churches there, and help spread the ministry of the Disciples of Christ to new people and places. Since 2001, in response to the call in the 2020 Vision of the church, we have planted more than 530 new churches. That’s nearly 40,000 new Christians. This year, through the Pentecost Offering, we are asked to join together and “Share the Chalice;” to continue that work. Through the Pentecost Offering, we support the New Church Ministry of the Disciples, throughout the nation, and right here in our region. We help in the recruiting and training of New Church planters, and we share in the fruits of their ministry, bringing God’s message to new places and new communities—today’s frontiers. We “Share the Chalice,” and multiply the love.

Pentecost is Here!

Sunday, May 11th is Pentecost! Pentecost is the celebration of the birth of the Church Universal. On this day we remember in liturgy the story of the giving of the Holy Spirit as told in the book of Acts. The liturgical color for the day of Pentecost, as well as any celebration of the Holy Spirit, is RED. Do your best to wear red to Church on both Saturday, May 10th and Sunday, May 11th.

Sunday Free Breakfast Program Is Up and Running!

We need people to volunteer for the Free Breakfast Program. If you volunteer you’ll be responsible for set up and clean up, and for providing a hot dish (such as eggs, pancakes, waffles, casserole, toast, or get creative!) and milk. Thanks to those who’ve donated cereal, pop tarts, oatmeal, juice, and other items. Those will be served alongside the dish you prepare.

The schedule for May is as follows: May 4 Jack and Mary Schomaker May 11 Lloyd and Nancy Triggs May 18 Lanny and JoAnn De Young May 25

Mark Your Calendars

The annual School For Congregational Learning will be held on Saturday, August 23 at Valley Southwoods Freshman High School in West Des Moines. This year’s theme is “Around the World, Around the Year” and the Keynote speaker will be Rev. Amy Gopp, Associate Director of Week of Compassion. There will be over 50 different workshops focusing on all areas of church life and ministry, a few outreach work opportunities, and inspiring worship. For more information, including registration, visit THE SPENCER CHRISTIAN May 2008 THANK YOU to all who are delivering Meals on Wheels during May: Deane and Margaret Anderson, Ardyce Stevenson, Marge and Bob Guerttman, Vicky Beach, Sherry Groenewold, Doris and Don Nissen, Alice Gaston, Lloyd and Nancy Triggs, Marcia Christy, Jackie Mann, Elliott and Norma Larsen, Harland and Barbara Brownmiller, Denise Salton, Susan Brumbaugh and Alice Dalager.

We just want to say a big THANK YOU for all the prayers, calls, cards, visits and the many kindnesses that have come our way over the past few weeks. We are happy to report we are doing better. We also are so thankful to report that our grandson, Jacob Brownmiller is recovering well though it will take time for complete recovery. In gracious appreciation, Harland and Barbara Brownmiller Bible Studies

During the next few months you’ll have a few different options for mid-week Bible Study. Our current study, Disturbing Passages of the Bible, will continue to meet in May on the 7th and the 21st. In June we’ll begin a new study titled Who Are the Disciples, Anyway? which will focus on Disciples history, polity, and possible futures. This will meet June 4, 18, and July 2nd. And the remainder of the summer we’ll look at the Nooma series by Rob Bell. These will be video and discussion based sessions that will meet on July 16 & 30, August 6 and 20. All sessions are at 7:30 pm.

Remember To Remember

One Memorial Day, some children were asked what the holiday meant to them. “That’s the day the swimming pool opens!” answered one eager boy. What he didn’t realize or appreciate was that he can freely go to the pool because more than one million people have put their lives on the line to preserve America’s democracy. Many of them have died so citizens of other countries might also enjoy the privileges of political, social and economic freedom. Memorial Day is our opportunity to pause and remember the sacrifices of many of America’s best citizens. They made the supreme sacrifice on our behalf, so please remember to honor these heroes on May 26.

Brent Kimbell – Air Force David Barglof – Active Duty Army KIMBELL BRENT A1C Stationed in Ft. Eustis, VA PSC 88 Box 2759 Deployed in Kuwait APO AE 09821 SGT DAVID BARGLOF 97 TRANS DET 1 APO AE 09337

Tyson R. Zellaha – U.S. Marine Corps Roger Rigby – 194th National Guard Stationed in Iraq Stationed in Kosovo LCPL TYSON R ZELLAHA SPC ROGER RIGBY 3\11 MIKE BATTERY 1ST PLATOON KFOR9 MNTF(E) TF THUNDER UNIT 41655 TM CYCLONE FPO – AP 96426-1655 CAMP BONSTEEL APO AE 09340 THE SPENCER CHRISTIAN May 2008 CWF met at 7 pm on April 3rd. RUTH group served refreshments with Ardythe Harris, leader. Nancy Triggs introduced Anita Jorgensen from Upper Des Moines Opportunity who shared that UDMO is a private non profit corporation and is governed by an all volunteer, 36 member Board of Directors. The programs are funded through federal and state grants, local governments and donations from area organizations and individuals. Anita said there are about 3,000 people in Clay County that UDMO helps. She thanked our CWF ladies for the Dough for Bread and our church support. Connie Hollander read about the “Pastor’s Cat.” Sherry Groenewold did devotions for the Blessing Boxes and to be thankful for our blessings. We sang the song “Give Thanks” after ladies took their blessing gifts to the basket. Phyllis Hurdle, treasurer stated a balance of $2,439.40 in the treasury. Sherry Groenewold said she had purchased 150 loaves of bread to UDMO since July. Dear God, you are the source of strength and a present help in trouble. Thank you for your loving support in times of testing and trials. Help us to depend on you in every need and problem. Help us to trust your plans for our lives as we share your forgiveness, love and comfort with others. Teach us to sing your praises in good times and bad and experience the love that comes from knowing Jesus. Amen. Margaret Anderson, CWF Secretary

The Christian Men’s Fellowship will meet Saturday, May 17 at 8 a.m. at the Church. All men of the Church are invited to this time of breakfast, fellowship and study.

Praise Group and Choir Update

And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying “Blessing and honor and glory and honor and power Be to Him who sits on the throne, And to the Lamb, forever and ever!” Revelations 5:13 The Praise Group and Choir are currently on sabbatical for a while. The meaning of sabbatical is to “Reconnect with your purpose and reinvent your life.” I came back from the School for Congregational Learning last August very inspired! I was hoping to transfer that inspiration to the choir and have us meet regularly once again. The offer was made that anyone not able to read music would be taught. However, when I inquired about the number of people interested in joining the choir and meet regularly once again, I found that there were only four people interested. Each time the Praise Group sang it was difficult to get people together to sing. People lead busy lives and are out of town, etc. It required constant communication to find a time when everyone would be present and we could all sing together. I miss singing to the Lord very much. I cannot remember how long I have been spending my time finding songs, preparing songs, learning songs, and learning to lead songs. I have spent so much of every week singing and practicing that it has left a huge hole in my weeks. It has been a great joy for me to serve in this way. We take this sabbatical for the purpose to reconnect and reinvent our lives. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6 Kay Galm, Praise Group Director THE SPENCER CHRISTIAN May 2008 Serving in May

Elders: Linda Gaston and Bob Griffiths Deacons: Bev Dudziak, Co-Captain, Gerry Griffiths, Co-Captain, Dawnetta Baethke, Dawn Feucht, Marcia Petersen and Rebecca Sturdevant Deacon Preparers: Denise Salton and Doris Salton Junior Deacons: Tyler Essick and Kayla Salton Worship Leaders Song Leaders May 4 JoAnn De Young May 4 Ron Klinsky May 11 Bev Dudziak May 11 Bev Dudziak May 18 Glen Petersen May 18 Marcia Petersen May 25 Jerry Groenewold May 25 Kay Galm

Children’s Moment Nursery Attendants May 4 Glen Petersen May 4 Brenda Griffin May 11 Megan & Taylor Anderson May 11 Baethke’s May 18 Dick McCord May 18 Missy Lair & family May 25 Marcia Petersen May 25Dana Anderson & girls

Greeters May 4 Lloyd and Nancy Triggs May 11 Jack and Mary Schomaker May 18 Bob and Gerry Griffiths May 25 Linda and Gary Gaston

Day May Birthdays May Anniversaries Day 1 Brian Nissen Ruth and Maurice Kirlin 2 3 Ben Griffiths Elizabeth Sipress* Earl & Vicki Price 12 3 Tyson Zellaha Dave & Deb Kimbell 15 12 Karen Eickhoff Jerry & Sherry Groenewold 16 14 Dortha Johnson Lanny & JoAnn De Young 18 15 Felicia Essick Bev & Norm Dudziak 24 17 Julie Kinsley Jessica & Mark Roelfsema 27 18 Brendon Grotjohn* 19 Sean McCord 20 Kaitlynn Lawson* Bonita Speight 20 Shayna Zellaha 22 Carson Baethke Ann Rigby 22 Alice Gaston 23 Lori Combes 24 Don Veitch Names of participating members 25 Kelly Blume and their children* age 18 & under 28 Joyce Clarke 29 Glen Petersen 30 Becky Woolery Saige Mayes* 31 Coreen Boernsen Heather Feucht 31 Brenda Griffin Cooper Griffin* THE SPENCER CHRISTIAN May 2008 Church Calendar Thursday, May 1 7 pm LYDIA at FCC 1:30 pm CWF Executive Board Saturday, May 17 6:30-7:30 pm Cub Scout Pack Meeting 8 am CMF meet Thursday, May 1-May 3 12-1 pm Angel Food distribution Pastor Dan at Workshop in Des Moines 5:30 pm Worship in the Fireside Room Saturday, May 3 Sunday, May 18 5-7 pm Angel Food orders 8:30-9:30 am Free Sunday Breakfast 5:30 pm Worship in the Fireside Room 9:30 am Church School Sunday, May 4 10:45 am Worship. Nursery Available 8:30-9:30 am Free Sunday Breakfast Promotion Sunday 9:30 am Church School Communion to Shut-ins 10:45 am Worship. Nursery Available St. Luke Roundup 9-10 am; 12-1 pm Angel Food orders Youth End of School Year Party Pentecost Special Offering 7 pm Spencer Baccalaureate @ Sacred Heart Graduation Reception Tuesday, May 20 Youth Activity Newsletter Deadline Monday, May 5 Wednesday, May 21 6:30 – 7:30 pm Cub Scouts 7 pm Prayer Time Wednesday, May 7 7:30 pm Study “Disturbing Passages of the Bible” 7 pm Prayer Time Thursday, May 22 7:30 pm Study “Disturbing Passages of the Bible” 1:30 pm CWF Calling Day at Phyllis Hurdle’s Saturday, May 10 Saturday, May 24 5:30 pm Worship in the Fireside Room 5:30 pm Worship in Fireside Room Sunday, May 11 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 25 8:30-9:30 am Free Sunday Breakfast 8:30-9:30 am Free Sunday Breakfast 9:30 am Church School 9:30 am Church School (Promotion Sunday) 10:45 am Worship. Nursery Available 10:45 pm Worship. Nursery available Pentecost Special Offering 2:30 pm Spencer Commencement @Field House 4:45 pm Longhouse/Northshire Monday, May 26 Memorial Day Wednesday, May 14 Church Office Closed 7 pm Ministries meet Wednesday, May 28 8 pm Board meets 7 pm Elders meet Thursday, May 15 Saturday, May 31 CWF Groups meet 5:30 pm Worship in Fireside Room 9:30 am RUTH at FCC 1:30 pm ESTHER at FCC

May Lectionary Readings Week of May 4 Acts 1:6-14 Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35 1 Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11 John 17:1-11 May 11 Acts 2:1-21 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13 John 20:19-23 May 18 Genesis 1:1-2:4a Psalm 8 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Matthew 28:16-20 May 25 Genesis 22:1-4 Psalm 13 Romans 6:12-23 Matthew 10:40-42 Sign Up Now for Infant Dedications On Sunday, May 11th we’ll be offering a service of Infant Dedication during the 10:45 am worship service. In our tradition we don’t practice Infant Baptism because we affirm the necessity of baptism at an age where a person can make their own informed tradition. But we do offer Infant Dedication, which is a ceremony where the parents and the congregation celebrate the miracle of birth and covenant together to raise our children in the faith and to help them develop a relationship with God. If your child has not yet been dedicated, and you’d like them to be, please contact Dan Mayes as soon as possible at 712-262-2945 or at [email protected]. THE SPENCER CHRISTIAN May 2008 A Word For Graduates

Congratulations to the young members of our congregation who are graduating! They include Sam Gray and Scott McCord. No doubt they look forward to the next phase of their lives with excitement, anticipation and perhaps a little apprehension. There will be a reception on May 4th after church to honor our graduates. We hope these words, adapted from Phillips Brooks, will serve graduates well as they embark on their journeys: “Do not pray for an easy life; pray to be a stronger person. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers but for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you will be the miracle. Every day you shall wonder at yourself and the richness of life which has come to you by the grace of God.” Spencer Community School’s Baccalaureate will be Sunday, May 18th at 7 pm at Sacred Heart Church with Commencement being the following Sunday on May 25th at 2:30 pm in the High School Field House.

Promotion Sunday will happen this year on Sunday, May 18. Saige Mayes will be receiving his Bible, and all other youth will be ceremonially promoted for the following year. Promotion will take place in the 10:45 am worship service.

May Youth Schedule

Sunday, May 4...Random Acts of Kindness Activity. Sunday, May 11th...No activities Sunday, May 18th...End Of School Year Party All times and locations are To Be Announced. Please check the youth bulletin board for information.

Sunday School Changes for the Summer

This summer we’ll have a bit of a different opportunity during the Sunday School hour. The schedule will remain the same, with breakfast at 8:30, Sunday School at 9:30, and worship at 10:45. During the Sunday School hour you will have a new option for the summer. Any Sunday School classes that wish to continue meeting over the summer may do so, but it is solely at the discretion of the teacher. Anyone whose class takes a break for the summer, or anyone who desires a change in pace, may attend our summer educational option, which will be an intergenerational class offered in the Fellowship Hall. This class will be for all ages. Parents are encouraged to attend with their children. This class will be very informal, with some music and devotion time that will usually be led by Dan Mayes. You can even continue eating if you haven’t finished your breakfast yet. This option will be offered from Sunday, June 1- Sunday, August 31.

Sunday School Offering

An important part of being a Christian is to give to others. Like any other aspect of our lives giving is a behavior that must be learned and practiced in order that it become a habit. The Christian Education Ministry has decided to reinstitute the Sunday School offering for the children’s classes as well as the adult classes on a weekly basis. The offering will be gathered throughout the year and put toward one of our churches special offerings collected during the year, such as Heifer International, Blanket Sunday, or Week of Compassion. Please encourage your children, and consider yourself, to contribute to this fund as giving to others is a central tenet of Christianity. THE SPENCER CHRISTIAN May 2008 The Birth of Mother's Day

Anna M. Jarvis (1864-1948) loved her mother dearly. It was Miss Jarvis who first suggested a national day to honor all mothers. At a memorial service for her mother on May 10, 1908, Anna gave a carnation, her mother’s favorite flower, to each person in attendance. Within a few years, the idea to honor mothers gained popularity, and Mother’s Day was soon observed annually in many large cities of the United States. On May 9, 1914, by an act of congress, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday of May (May 11, 2008) as Mother’s Day. He established the day as a time for “public expression of our love and reverence for the mothers of our country.” By then, it had become customary to wear white carnations in honor of departed mothers and red carnations to honor the living. The custom continues to this day.

“By Faith” Vacation Bible School, June 9-12 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 This is the theme for this year’s vacation bible school. Once again First Christian Church will be participating with other area churches in a day camp provided by Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp. Children completing kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to attend. The day camp will be held at First Congregational Church. Sign up soon to reserve your child’s spot for this energetic and exciting Vacation Bible School. Sign up sheets are available at the church or you may contact Deb Kimbell at 580-0176 to get a copy. Volunteers Needed for Vacation Bible School

Along with the fun of VBS, comes the behind-the-scenes work that makes everything run smoothly for the counselors and their students. First Christian needs to provide workers as well as food for the week. Sign- up sheets are on the sign-up board for the following: a daily kitchen helper (4 adults needed, one for each day); one or two families to host the counselors for the week; three middle school or high school classroom helpers; and four kitchen helpers for the Thursday night meal. We also have been asked to provide bars and hot dogs for Thursday evening, as well as a case of Diet Coke for the counselors throughout the week. Please consider volunteering in some way. You may sign up at the church or call Deb Kimbell at 580-0176 to volunteer for any of these options.

Angel Food Ministry Begins in May!

For more information regarding Angel Food Ministry, visit or The e-mail address is [email protected]. Each month Angel Food Transportation needs 3 people; Order Takers needs 2 people; and Food Sorters need 5-10 people. For May the following are scheduled: Food Sorters (17th): Sherry Groenewold, Dick & Deanna McCord, Lanny & JoAnn De Young, Gary & Linda Gaston, Wayne & Doris Salton, Max & Phyllis Hurdle & Ruth Kirlin, Randall and Kathy Anderson Transportation (17th): Dan Hollander, Bob Griffiths, Barry Anderson and Greg Baethke Food Order Takers (3rd & 4th): Dana Anderson and Dawnetta Baethke Food Order Takers (17th): Connie Hollander and Gerry Griffiths THE SPENCER CHRISTIAN May 2008 Prayers, Concerns and Celebrations O ther Prayers: Kathy Anderson, Margie Bishop (Dana Anderson’s mom), Vivian Anderson, Bob Roti, Shirley Newcomb, Shirley Smith Our Christian Love and Sympathy to the families of those who died: Eldon Biekert on April 6th, Services held at Warner’s on April 9th

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< When you or a family member is hospitalized, please let the church office know at 262-2945, so we can have the opportunity to minister to you. The hospital is not allowed to tell us of patient admissions. <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< The Congregational Vitality Unit invites you to join in praying for different congregations, Regions, and General Units during the year. For more info go to or

Date Christian Church (DOC) Congregations General Church and Regional Ministries May 4 First Christian Church, Adel, IA Office of General Minister and Early Chapel Christian Church, Earlham, IA President – is responsible for the Minnesota Korean Dordom Church, Crystal, MN pastoral care and nurture of the (Emerging congregation) Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). May 11 First Christian Church, Albia, IA Christian Church in Michigan Bethel Christian Church, Eddyville, IA Woodward Christian Church, Woodward, IA May18 Altoona Christian Church, Altoona, IA The Northwest Regional Christian First Christian Church, Eddyville, IA Church – includes congregations in Woodburn Christian Church, Woodburn, IA Washington, North Idaho, and Alaska May 25 First Christian Church, Ames, IA Christian Board of Publication – the First Christian Church, Estherville, IA Disciples publishing house producing Oakland Christian Church, Oakland, IA Christian Education and Congregational resources and books

Newsletter Deadline will be the Tuesday before the last Sunday of the month with the exception of some months due to the holidays. June’s deadline is May 20th.

Office Hours Financial and Membership Secretary Alice Dalager will be in the office on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8-12 and 1-5. Barb Schomaker, Communications Secretary will be in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-12 and 1-5 and Fridays hours will vary. However, those times may be somewhat flexible, so call first if you need to see them. Custodian’s Hours Dana Galm’s day off is Saturday. If you need him to do something, please call ahead of time. His hours are flexible, but if he is not at the church, you may leave a message for him with someone else or on the answering machine.

THE SPENCER CHRISTIAN is published monthly by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Spencer, IA, Barb Schomaker, editor. Web site: Phones: Office, 262-2945; Pastor’s Office, 262-1029; Cell, 270-0004 Daniel Mayes, Pastor [email protected] Barb Schomaker, Comm. Sec. [email protected] Alice Dalager, Fin. & Memb. Sec. [email protected] Sherry Groenewold, Organist [email protected] Dana Galm, Custodian [email protected] Carolyn Hicks, Parish Nurse [email protected]

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