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MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 1 of 13


Respiratory Protection Program


Murphy Oil USA, Meraux Refinery has established a program to provide respiratory protection to employees from exposure to harmful atmospheric contaminants. Respirators are to be utilized when feasible engineering controls fail to reduce atmospheric contaminants to an acceptable level below the permissible exposure limits established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).


The requirements stated herein apply to all refinery employees. Contractors must also adhere to this policy and procedure, but must do so using respiratory equipment that has been supplied, maintained and approved by their respective company.


In the control of potential exposures caused by breathing air contaminated with harmful dusts, fumes, mists, gases, smokes, sprays or vapors, the primary objective shall be to prevent atmospheric contamination. This shall be accomplished, as far as feasible, by accepted engineering control measures. When such control measures are not feasible or while they are being instituted, appropriate respirators shall be used in accordance with the requirements stated herein.

The specific respirator provided by the refinery and selected by the employee must be suitable for the purpose intended.

The requirements of this policy reflect established safety requirements of MOUSA, and the mandatory provisions of OSHA contained in Title 29 CFR 1910.134. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 2 of 13


Air Purifying Respirators: Respirators that are capable of screening out a certain contaminant as specified on the filter element, but do not provide any supply of fresh breathing air. Therefore, they shall not be used in atmospheres immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) such as oxygen deficient atmospheres.

Dust Mask: It is a single use or disposable respirator with a low protection value. They are to be used only for protection against non-hazardous airborne particles.

Explosive Reading or Atmosphere: A term that is normally given to the analysis of air tests taken by a combustible gas meter. The meters normally read the lower explosive limit (LEL) of a given material. Any reading above "10" percent LEL is not acceptable for entry into a confined space. The preferred reading for entry is "0" percent LEL. Any entry above "0" percent LEL must be approved by the Safety Department prior to entry.

High Efficiency Filter (HEPA): Filters capable of screening out 99.97% of all particles larger than 0.3 micrometers in diameter.

Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH): Included are conditions that pose an immediate threat to life or health and conditions that pose an immediate threat of severe exposure to contaminants which are likely to have adverse delayed effects on health.

Oxygen Deficient/Enriched Atmosphere: An atmosphere that contains less than 19.5% oxygen is considered deficient or more than 23.5% is considered enriched. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 3 of 13

Pressure Demand: A breathing apparatus that maintains a positive pressure in the face piece at all times by means of a spring loaded demand regulator and a balanced exhalation valve. Both demand and pressure-demand devices employ a manual bypass system to permit the wearer to breath if the demand valve fails.

Qualitative Fit Test: The procedure for employee respirator fit testing for half- face air purifying respirators in which a substance such as banana oil, irritant smoke or saccharin is introduced into a hood or other enclosure. The employee, with the respirator worn properly, should not detect the testing agent if a proper fit exists.

Quantitative Fit Test: The measure of the effectiveness of a respirator seal in excluding the ambient atmosphere. The test is performed by dividing the measured concentration of a challenge agent, such as Corn Oil or Sodium Chloride, in a test chamber by the measured concentration of the challenge agent inside the respirator face piece when the normal air purifying element has been replaced by an essentially perfect purifying element.

Respirator: The term "respirator" as used in the OSHA standards refers to all types of personal respiratory protective equipment.

Supplied-Air Respirator: A respirator that has a central source of breathing air which is supplied to the wearer by way of an air line or a self- contained cylinder of air. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 4 of 13


1. All jobs requiring the use of air supplied respiratory equipment will require the issuance of a Safe Work Permit in accordance with the refinery policy SSP-0010.

2. Supervisory personnel will assure that personnel assigned to respiratory-required work have been instructed and trained in the proper use and limitations of the respirators provided.

3. Personnel required to wear respiratory devices in their everyday job activities, or in emergency response, shall receive physical examinations annually. Emphasis shall placed on pulmonary functions, to insure that they are physically capable of wearing the apparatus.

4. Proper selection and use of respirators is essential for adequate personnel protection. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) give general guidance as to the product or chemical's permissible exposure limit and appropriate respirator selection.

5. Whenever the concentration of an air contaminant is unknown or if there is uncertainty or insufficient information, air supplied respirators shall be required.

The following is a guide to respiratory equipment available for use in the refinery, and ranked in order from minimum to maximum respiratory protection:

a. Dust Respirators:

Use for nuisance dust conditions only. They shall not be used if the dust is contaminated with any hazardous material. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 5 of 13

b. Half Mask Air Purifying Respirators:

Do not use in atmospheres that are oxygen deficient or in concentrations of the specified contaminant above the maximum design efficiency and capacity of the cartridge or filter. They also shall not be used in an atmosphere containing an eye irritant unless adequate eye protection is provided.

c. Full Face Piece Air Purifying Respirators:

Full face A.P.R's require the same precautions as half mask respirators except they do provide eye protection.

d. High Pressure Air Demand Systems:

May be used in oxygen deficient and immediately dangerous to life or health atmospheres if equipped with an escape cylinder.

e. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA):

Can be used in immediately dangerous to life or health and oxygen deficient atmospheres, but they are limited in their maximum working duration.

General Considerations for Respiratory Protection:

Activities requiring respiratory protection are encountered in the refinery and include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Opening Equipment which may contain Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S):

a. Positive pressure airline respirator with escape provision. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 6 of 13

2. Vessel Entry:

(An analysis of the confined space atmosphere must be conducted. See Policy SSP-0015.)

a. Air purifying - half or full face (cartridge type) with appropriate cartridges.

b. Pressure demand airline respirator with escape provision.

c. SCBA - for emergencies and emergency rescue only.

3. Gauging and Sampling Tanks:

a. See Policy SSP-0012.

4. Tank Cleaning and Repairs:

a. Full face/half face respirator with HEPA cartridges if potential benzene and/or total hydrocarbon exposure is above TLV's.

b. Pressure demand airline respirator with escape provision if atmospheres that are oxygen deficient or immediately dangerous to life or health are present. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 7 of 13

5. Inert Atmospheres:

a. Pressure demand airline respirator with escape provision.  NOTE: Task involving entry into an inert atmosphere should be conducted with a monitored life support system. Prior to the use of a pressure demand airline respirator with egress into an inert atmosphere, all involved parties shall consult with the Safety Department. Additional review of respiratory use shall be performed as well as any additional safety procedures.

6. Flare Header Work:

a. Supplied air with egress provision.

7. Painting: Spray/Confined Space:

a. Filter respirator with organic vapor cartridges.

b. Airline respirator.

8. Asphaltene Handling:

a. Filter respirator with HEPA cartridges.

9. Welding - Inadequate Air Flow:

a. Combination cartridge plus filter respirator.

b. Airline respirator.

10. Dusty Atmospheres:

a. Dust Mask or Filter respirator.

b. Airline respirator. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 8 of 13


A. Program Implementation

1. The Safety Department is responsible for the implementation and administration of the refinery respiratory protection program. Safety personnel will assist affected departments to determine respirator needs, selection and procurement.

2. Operations Area Superintendents and the Maintenance Superintendent are responsible for assuring proper and prompt issuance, usage, cleaning, inspecting and maintenance of all refinery owned respiratory equipment. At a minimum, this shall include the following:

a. Face masks will be washed, sanitized and sealed after each use and before re-issuance.

b. Prompt refilling of all breathing air cylinders, self contained and egress type, after use in the refinery.

c. The Safety Department will arrange for maintenance and repair of respiratory equipment that is authorized by the respective manufacturer.

3. The Safety Department will assist as required in the planning and monitoring of jobs worked in IDLH environments.

4. The Purchasing Department will coordinate with the Warehouse assuring that an adequate supply of certified "Grade D" breathing air is maintained on- site. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 9 of 13

5. Employees are responsible for maintaining, sanitizing, and proper storage of their assigned respiratory equipment using supplied provisions.

6. Contractors are responsible for their own respiratory equipment.

B. Training

1. Safety Department personnel will conduct annual training sessions for refinery personnel in the proper selection and use of respiratory equipment. This extensive training will include, but is not limited to annual pulmonary function examination, model specific respirator training, annual fit testing, and HAZWOPER. Contractors shall be responsible for training their own employees. Training shall meet or exceed all applicable regulations and standards.

2. Training will include explanations of the purpose of respirators, their limitations, demonstrations of their proper care, use, donning, doffing, and a positive and negative pressure test.

3. A master respiratory training log will be kept by the Safety Department. It will indicate which type(s) and size of respirators each employee has been trained and fit-tested to wear.

C. Fit Testing

1. The fit testing shall be conducted in accordance with the instructions of the test kit's manufacturer and will consist of either a qualitative or a quantitative fit-test. Proper fit of respiratory devices will be established by availability of different sizes and a limited choice of models or brands to the employee. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 10 of 13

2. After a determination has been made as to the size and model or brand that properly fits the employee, a notation shall be made in the employee's medical record for future reference.

3. Conditions that can hinder the seal of the respirator face piece, such as excessive growth (24 hours) of facial hair, temple bars on glasses, extensive dental apparatuses, or head coverings, are not allowed during the required fit-test, nor at any other time the employee is performing a task requiring the use of any respirator.

4. Personnel who routinely wear a full face respirator will be provided with eyeglass adapters as required.

5. Contact lenses shall not be worn at any time.

D. Medical Monitoring

1. A company appointed physician will conduct an annual physical examination of MOUSA employees required to wear respiratory equipment. The physician will also determine any further medical testing that may be appropriate.

2. An annual pulmonary function and mask-fit test will be conducted on employees covered under this policy. The mask-fit test will be conducted with the proper respirator for the employee as determined by the employee and the testing authority.

3. The Central Safety Committee is responsible for reviewing any employee's medical disqualification from wearing respiratory protection.

4. Contractors are responsible for all medical surveillance, OSHA medical questionnaires, pulmonary function tests, and/or chest x-rays of their employees. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 11 of 13

E. Management Responsibilities

1. Ensure that all employees who are required to use respiratory equipment in their everyday duties or emergencies receive the required training.

2. Each department provided with, and having custody of emergency respiratory equipment (SCBA), will inspect their units at least weekly to determine the operational readiness of their equipment, and indicate the findings on the area safety equipment check lists.

a) This inspection will be documented on the "Safety Equipment Inspection Logs" maintained by the Area and Maintenance Superintendents.

b) Each department will, with the assistance of the Safety Department, review periodically their emergency respiratory protection requirements and upgrade as required.

F. Routine Fresh-Air Work

1. At least four (4) trained personnel are required for all jobs in IDLH environments; two (2) people are considered "active" and work off fresh air using the same bottle or manifold of bottles. The third person in this crew standby with a self-contained breathing apparatus, ready to call for and render emergency assistance if required by the active personnel.

2. On jobs not immediately dangerous to life or health, a minimum of two (2) persons are required; one (1) shall act as a standby person and monitor the air bottle pressures and/or alarms.

3. Air cylinders, empty or full, will always be secured in an upright manner. All bottles will be returned to appropriate storage at job conclusion. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 12 of 13

4. All cylinders shall be tagged either full, empty or in use.

5. The user of respiratory equipment shall clean and wipe the regulator, case, box and hoses, and return all the respiratory equipment to proper storage promptly after the conclusion of a job.

Guide for Performing Weekly Respirator Inspections Utilizing Respirator Inspection Log:

1. Indicate date of inspection in the "Date" column.

2. Bottle Pressure: Check pressure and enter number. If less than 90% of recommended psi, recharge or replace. Enter new pressure in the Bottle Pressure column, and note "bottle recharged/replaced" in the Remarks column.

3. Face Piece: Inspect for visible defects, cracked/dry rubber, head band condition, etc. Check for pliability and deterioration of rubber. Inspect inhalation/ exhaust valve. If all acceptable, enter "OK" in the Face Piece Column; if not, note "not OK" and enter comments in Remarks column.

4. Hoses: Inspect the rubber tube for cracks, holes, etc. If acceptable, enter "OK" in Hose column; if not, follow instructions in Step 3.

5. Regulator: Check entire regulator for corrosion and for freedom of valves to turn. If acceptable, enter "OK" in Regulator Column; otherwise, follow Step 3.

6. Straps: Refer to Item #3. If headband and body straps are acceptable, enter "OK" in the Straps column. MURPHY MERAUX REFINERY OIL U.S.A., Inc. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SSP-0014 Date Issued: 03-02-00 Supersedes: 04-30-97 Page 13 of 13

7. If the four preceding columns are all marked "OK", and if the pressure is greater than 90% of the recommended psi, put a check ( ) in the "yes" column. Check ( ) the "no" column if any one or more are marked "not OK". Then assure that the respirator receives prompt service.

8. Person performing the inspection should enter his/her initials in the Remarks column. All emergency respirators will be inspected at least once a month or after each use.

Issued by: William C. Turnage, Jr.

Approved by: James P. Kowitz

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