Trent Park Annual General Meeting Minutes 30Th November 2009

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Trent Park Annual General Meeting Minutes 30Th November 2009

Trent Park Annual General Meeting Minutes – 30th November 2009.

Thirty (30) members were present plus the manager of Trent Park Golf Centre, Scott Sidley and the course manager James Bonfield.

1 Apologies

No apologies received

2 Election of Returning Officers

Andy Elliott and Greg Hanley were nominated as ‘Returning officers’ who are tasked with counting any votes.

3 Election of New Committee Members

There are 12 places available on the committee. There are 6 perpetual positions that are chosen by the Committee as per the constitution. The remaining 6 are nominated before the AGM each year. Thank you for your nominations. As we have 6 exactly then we do not need a vote.

2010 Perpetual Committee Members

Men’s Captain – MATT CLARKE Vice Captain – NERO JANI Past Captain – TONY DAVIES Lady Captain – BERNADETTE SHEEHAN Vice Captain – BREDA ELLISS Lady Past Captain – JENNY SUTTON

2010 Nominated Committee Members


Club President

The committee is pleased to announce BARRY HOLCROFT who will serve as President for one year.

Leaving the committee in 2009 – Thank you!

MIKE FEVER JOHN VILLA PAUL GILBERT (Co-opt) ROSY COOK ROGER COOK 4 Minutes of Meeting of 25 th November 2008

Proposed Bernadette Sheehan Seconded Tony Davies

Vote carried unanimously. The Minutes were approved

5 Matters Arising

Outstanding committee questions from 2007 meeting

1 Could the AGM be moved from Monday to say Sunday or even a different time of the year? A suggestion shared by others. (Action closed)

 It’s difficult to book the hall on Saturday’s and Sunday’s in late November due to it being a busy period and also we may need to pay for the hall.

 Holding the event after members play golf – Sunday pm for example – was felt inappropriate, particularly in winter.

2 In the case of the 2008 medal final where the competition was not abandoned, what do other public courses that have a membership do in this situation? (Action closed)

 We again faced this situation in 2009 and took the approach to abandon the event with the support of the Pro shop and management. This now sets precedent.

3 During 2008 an issue occurred with the potential publication of members mobile numbers on to the notice board to assist with them arranging matches. Could members be asked if they mind sharing their number for 2009 KO’s? (Action closed)

 With the reintroduction of a play on date and tee times booked by the club we no longer see expect this to be an issue. For the Masters Competition we did place phone numbers on the draw sheet to aid communications.

4 Committee to discuss a 4 card rule during 2009 to ensure fair handicaps for those playing in Major competitions and knockouts. (Action closed)

 The committee will reintroduce a 6 card rule in 2010. Players entering Major Competitions and KO’s (all of which will be clearly marked in the fixture book) will need to have played in a min of 6 competitions in the previous 12 months to gain entry.

5 It’s a compliment to the course that players want to come back – Perhaps we can be more proactive in getting members from private clubs? (Action closed)

 We have tried a number of initiatives to stimulate interest in TPGC; a new website is live and up-to-date, we supported the regional Pro-Am in the summer and a new Trophy Cabinet has been installed to showcase the club. 6 How many members came tonight was poor – Roger Cook we must do something. Committee agreed that we will ensure that vouchers can only be redeemed at the AGM in future to prop up attendance. (Action closed)

 We have looked into this and we have tried a few tactics to improve attendance. We are giving out the vouchers tonight and then we will next give them out on Saturdays and Sundays in January.

 Signage, letters and emails have been clearly displayed since October.

7 Graham commented on the pace of play and that he will need to work with the committee during 2009 to speed play up. (Action closed)

 TPGC introduced a motto across all its fixture books, bag tags and the website to try and grow the awareness that slow play is not tolerated.

 We have lobbied for the replacement of the on course ranger and have ensured all major events have been organised and well run in 2009.

Outstanding management questions from 2008 meeting

1 Question regarding the quality of the fencing on the first and can it be improved to stop balls going under – Crown to look at this. (Action carried forward)

 James Bonfield explained how this was tackled in 2009 however the netting has been cut players seeking balls that have run into the range. It was suggested that a board be placed along the bottom of the range netting something which James will look at if he can.

6 Treasurer’s Report

Report of Honorary Treasurer on Accounts for Year ended 31 August 2009

The attached accounts show the Income and Expenditure for the year and the resulting net surplus of £2434.01. This follows deficits in the previous 2 years of £2752 (2008) and £2215 (2007).

Looking at some individual items:-

 Membership this year is 236 at 31 August compared with 216 at the same time last year. Another 6 people have joined since then, partly as a result of more active promotion of the club in the pro-shop which is a great help.

 Looking at ‘green fees’. First the large increase from 2007 - 2008 is caused by changing the analysis of income received on big days. Previously they were shown as ‘competition entry fees’. This shows that there has been an increase in competition fees this year which is a good sign.  There was a reduction in income from social events. We didn’t run evening dinners for Captains Day or Presidents Day instead opting for lower cost buffet lunches.

 The reduction in both income and expenditure for sweaters and polo shirts is because a number of long standing members purchased them when they first became available. Now the main sales are to new members with a few replacements. There is still a stock available for sale.

 Miscellaneous income is mainly for the hole-in-one competition with some advertising income in the fixture book.

 The hole-in-one pot stands at £457. Since there is a limit to the amount an amateur golfer can win in cash and none had been won on a big day the committee decided to pay £50 each for 2 holes in one in other competitions this summer.

 The main expenditure items in miscellaneous include the new trophy cabinet. The club only paid for materials and the labour was generously donated by a club member. We also bought the new bag tags which will last for several years with replacement labels each year.

 We have undertaken some maintenance to replace flags and flagpoles at the back of the 18th green, to provide cases for notices opposite the shop and other small items.

 Looking forward the committee has reviewed membership fees and recommends increasing to £40 for 2010. The increase is needed to offset increasing affiliation fees, auditor fees and changes to the Handicap system in 2010.

Finally we have recorded a surplus for this year thanks to the enthusiasm of the committee and all members who support the competitions and the club teams.

The Meeting was asked to approve the Accounts.

Proposed: Matt Clarke Seconded: Martin Neiland

Vote carried unanimously, The Accounts were approved.

7 Changes to the Constitution / AGM Proposals

No changes to the constitution were proposed before the 2009 AGM.

Proposals for the AGM

The committee would like raise the issue of the Club Pro’s playing in future weekly or knock-out competitions. During the second half of the year some of the Club Pro’s expressed an interest in joining in club competitions to keep their game active during the winter months. This was later extended to allowing them to enter the winter knock-outs. Nero Jani commented that it was a great idea and wonderful that member can play against Professional golfers.

Martin Coyle commented that the Pro’s are welcome to play however in 2009 it came a shock when the members saw Pro’s in the knockout draw’s for the first time. Martin raised the issue of Pro’s from other clubs coming to TPGC to enter KO’s. This was immediately answered with competitions only open to the resident Professionals at Trent Park.

Jon Williams asked if Pro’s would maintain a handicap on the basis that they appeared recently on the handicap sheet. This was a mistake and going forward they will not be in the system for handicapping purposes.

Breda Ellis asked if the club Pro’s would consider playing with the ladies also.

The AGM were asked to vote on whether the resident Club Pro’s should be allowed to play in the Club Competitions with the exception of the Drummond.

Vote carried unanimously

8 Captain’s Address – Tony Davies

 This year has gone quickly and I have thoroughly enjoyed my year as Captain.

 I hope that I did a good job on behalf of the members and I gave my very best.

 As Past Captain I will be working alongside Matt Clarke and wish him all the best

 I am the longest serving member who has been here the least amount of years!

 Finally just to say that my Charity (Parkinson’s Society) has raised £1720.34. Thank you very much from myself, Jackie and the Parkinson’s Society.

9 New Captain’s Address – Matt Clarke

Firstly I would like to say that on average spending a committee member spends 10 working days on club issues. The Captain can spend more like 20-30 working days at the club. To thank Tony for his heroic effort this year and we would like to present you with a token of our appreciation.

Thank you from everyone!

Personally I look forward to playing the worst golf of my life this year and following the tradition of all the recent captains who have gone up at least one shot as captain and been beaten in all knockout Comps. I also have the pleasure of watching my Phone bill double and family hate me for living at Trent Park Golf Club. Some areas I want to pursue are;

 Attracting more members to the club I would love to see us top the 300 mark.

 Improving communication between the club and its members.

 And finally pulling out all the stops to get further in the interclub competitions.

 It goes without saying that I'll be prudent with the funds we have and aim to leave Nero with a strong balance sheet in 2011.

I am so pleased to have Nero on board as my vice captain. From my first conversations with Nero I knew we would make a fantastic team. Nero has been here for over 30 years and has massive knowledge of the club.

Finally after the great success and fun of Tony's charity bunkers last year I would like to announce that a voluntary a donation of 50p in the jar will continue. Next year’s Charity is Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

From Next weekend if you go out of bounds on the first tee, be sure to have your 50p ready.

Play well everyone.

10 Questions for Committee

1 Flag Attendance – Can we have a change to winter rules / competitions rules to stop people tending flag during winter? (Action Carried Forward)

From John Villa via the notice board

Matt Clarke immediately answered with ‘Yes’ if it doesn’t break the rules of Golf we can look to implement such a rule.

John Williams commented that many other courses do this and suggested holes be cut closer the edge of the green

Martin Neiland raised a supplementary point around suspension of handicaps in Dec / Jan when the course is saturated with water. (Action Carried Forward)

James Bonfield and Scott Sidley broadly supported this as it saves on wear and tear around the actual greens.

Barry Holcroft thought that the Greenstaff should also be congratulated as time and time again players from other clubs come here in winter to play golf Scott Kyle asked if a sign for non members could be added to ensure they are also aware of the need to take care around the greens and not tend the flagstick

Bernadette Sheehan asked the management if the starter could also help in this and provide all weekend players with an update on what do be doing with regard to winter rules etc. All agreed this was a good point and the starter to be armed with written materials.

2 Why do we play all knockout rounds on a Sunday can this be changed? (Action Closed) From Craig Chamberlain via the notice board

Matt Clarke started by answering how this issue has gone on for many years. We have tried both play-on dates (i.e. Sunday) and also setting a play-by date where members organise themselves. There are pro’s and con’s to each. With the Committee running out of ideas a discussion was entered into.

Barry Holcroft stated how many people’s only day off is a Sunday and that by making it Saturday it could alienate more people.

No resolve or agreement found. We will continue with the current system of a play-on date with members free to play their matches anytime before this date.

11 Management Report/Questions

Course Management Report

Hopefully everyone has enjoyed playing the golf course as much as possible in 2009.

Our 2 projects from last year, the 6th comp tee and 16th green drainage, seem to have both gone well.

This winter we are planning to continue the drainage scheme, we have already done the 18 th and are planning a couple more before Christmas. There will also be various drainage issues being addressed all over the course.

In the early part of next year we will be renovating as many bunkers as we can, this is all dependant on the weather at the time.

For next year’s main playing season we plan to do pretty much what has been done this year. Hopefully the people taking part in the competitions have enjoyed the extra effort that we have put in for those days. We would like to do more, but are limited by man power and funds. However, we will continue to improve as much as we can around the course and hopefully once again we can produce the kind of course that received so many kind comments from the membership all of last season.

James Bonfield Questions received for the management

1 Can the 150 Markers be placed on both sides of Fairways please? (Action Carried Forward) Joe Brandon via the notice board

 Scott Sidley answered that the team are looking into this and they are aware that for many reasons some have missing.

 On the issue of measurement, many members volunteered their own Sky Caddies to help establish exact positions for the post. James Bonfield to speak with members and enable fixed distances to be established.

2 Can something be done to add more little bins on the course and ensure the animals cannot get in to them i.e. heavier lids? Joe Brandon via the notice board

 Scott Sidley answered this is partly down to expense and that more bins can attract vandalism. Scott commented that this would not be a high priority item for his team.

3 Is it possible that a single toilet be provided (or portacabin) on the course for the ladies? (Action Carried Forward)

 Scott Sidley reiterated answers that were received last year, and this is not something they have the money or manpower to maintain.

 Bernadette Sheehan asked if the management could commit to establishing a cost which they replied they would look into.

4 What is the club doing to attract more lady members? (Action Carried Forward)

 Bernadette Sheehan commented that as Lady Captain this year she will be putting every effort to gain more lady members.

12 Any Other Business

Members were invited to ask any questions of the Committee or Management

1 What is being done to improve the state of the Car Park? (Action Carried Forward)

 Scott Sidley has identified this as a major weakness and explained how it comes down to prioritisation of funds and he was aware that Brendan Morgan had carried our repairs. November has not been a good month with 7 inches of rain falling in the region. Scott will try and talk to the council and see if any major improvements can be made. 2 Is there any intention to replace the bridge on the 18th Hole? (Action Carried Forward)

James explained that this would be done during early 2010

3 Andy Elliott suggested that the management do more to ensure cleaning facilities for Trolleys and Shoes. (Action Closed)

Although Scott Sidley agreed he also commented on some members who bring their trolleys through the club house which is not acceptable. Committee agreed with this.

Scott Kyle also raised an issue around security of bags and trolleys and that this is why some members bring in their golf bags.

Scott Sidley felt there were adequate places outside the rear of the property where member can safely stow their bags and keep an eye on them. His did share the concern of many that security is an issue particularly at the front of the club house.

4 Where holes on the green where cut and replaced there often are height discrepancies with the astro-turf cap that is used. (Action Carried Forward)

James agreed that this sometimes is the case. The committee will check if any rules of golf can help with this issue or whether additional local rules are needed.

5 With respect the 6 Card rule – Iain Stewart felt that the onus should be on the player to check that they have played in enough competitions to qualify. (Action Carried Forward)

This sentiment is shared by the committee who will do all they can to highlight this change during 2010.

6 Bernadette Sheehan raised an issue regarding the ladies toilets and asked if the management planned improvements? (Action Carried Forward)

Scott Sidley explained that this was not a priority given the state of the gentlemen’s toilets which are far worse.

7 Why was the siren not sounded on remembrance Sunday? (Action Carried Forward)

Scott Sidley apologised as this was the first he had heard that this had not taken place. Scott to ensure that the siren is working as we are getting to the time of year when fog is prevalent.

8 Will the qualifying system for Knockout competitions continue in 2010?

After some discussion AGM members were asked to vote on whether they wanted to revert to the previous system of knockouts and scrap the qualifying rounds.

For: 19 Against: 4 Undecided: 7

The committee will scrap the qualifiers for the Summer Knockouts and revert to a bye system 9 The Player of the year points system favours those who play Saturday and Sunday. Can anything be done to address this? (Action Carried Forward)

The Match Committee will look to see if anything can be done to make it a fairer system for all.

10 It is not clear for those who reach the national finals of Interclub competitions, such as the NAPGC Men’s Championship of England, how much they are entitled to claim back from the Club. (Action Carried Forward)

Broadly speaking we pay 75% of reasonable travel and accommodation expenses for those who reach a national final. On behalf of the members we will check to see if the NAPGC or EGU to see if there are other claims that can be made.

11 Can the Major competitions be drawn randomly to encourage players to mix more in 2010 (Action Carried Forward)

After a vote the committee will ensure that this is the case for the major competitions however will still accommodate those that stipulate early tee times.

For: 23 Against: 0 Undecided: 2

Tony Davies closed the meeting Members Present


Management Present


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