Report to the Ministry of Tourism in Egypt

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Report to the Ministry of Tourism in Egypt

Egypt the Land of Mysteries: a Website Introducing the Major Egyptian Sites

Report to the Ministry of Tourism in Egypt

December 10, 2007 Designed by: Afifa El Bayed, Ihssane Iraqi, Majdoline Mouflih, Salma Mesbahi ______Table of content

Abstract...... 3 Overview...... 4 Review of project...... 4 Constraints...... 4 Initial Situation of TCP...... 4 Particular Need for TCP...... 5 Basic Conclusions and Analysis...... 5 Research/Topic Analysis...... 6 Primary Research Methodology...... 7 Survey...... 7 Primary Research Analysis Results...... 8 1. Audience Analysis Worksheet...... 8 2. Needs and Tasks Analysis...... 10 Assumptions about Audience Knowledge...... 10 Information Included versus Information Omitted...... 10 Task Observation...... 10 Criteria for Success...... 10 The Steps to Follow...... 10 Going to the website...... 10 Finding the information in the website...... 11 Selecting the home button...... 11 Selecting the About button...... 11 Finding the information in the website...... 11 Surfing through the website...... 11 Secondary Research...... 12 Secondary Research Analysis Results...... 13 1. The website Plan...... 13 Naming the site...... 13 What do you want the name to convey about your site?...... 13 What are your competitors named?...... 13 What are some possible names?...... 13 Which names are available?...... 14 Which name do you want?...... 14 What is your mission statement?...... 14 What are your specific goals?...... 14 2. The users (audience)...... 15 Who are your users and what do they need?...... 15 3. The Competitors...... 16 Who are your known competitors?...... 16 What sites might become competitors?...... 16 What are the top ranked sites in your category?...... 16 Which sites appear on the first page of the listing?...... 17 4. Cost and advertising...... 18 How will you make money?...... 18

2 How will you promote your site?...... 18 How will your site be used?...... 18 Usability Test of TCP Methodology...... 19 1. Testing the website...... 19 Describing the Methodology...... 19 The Findings...... 19 2. Testing the poster...... 23 Usability Analysis Results...... 24 References...... 26 Appendices...... 27 Meeting Minutes...... 31

3 Abstract

Tourism plays an important role in boosting the economy of Egypt and advertising the right image of the country to foreign tourists. The Ministry of Tourism is making all efforts to find the eligible ways to attract a great number of tourists and to make the country a total experience rather than just a place to visit (Rehab Saad, 2007). This report is for the intention of the Ministry of Tourism in Egypt. Its aim is to propose an advertising campaign for the country through a website that we propose to be an official one for the ministry. The website presents the major sites that tourists could visit accompanied with pictures and links for the main hotels and restaurants of each region. Before designing the website, it was necessary to gather information about tourists from all over the world chosen randomly. It was helpful for us while making decisions about what information to include or not in the website.

4 Overview

Review of project

“Egypt the land of Mysteries” is the name chosen for our Egypt’s advertising website.

Its main purpose is to inform potential English speaking tourists about the major sites and the most interesting ones to be visited. Tourists will also have a better idea on the restaurants where they can eat, and the hotels where they can stay. The URL proposed for the website is The website can also be reached through the search engines available on the internet. Conceptually the website provides four links named “Giza Plateau”, “The

Nile”, Khan Al Khalili” and, “Al Azhar Mosque”; as well as, a “Home” welcoming the tourists and “About us” where one can find information about the owner of the website. Users may also send emails to the webmaster of the website if needed.


Time is the first constraint we face while working on the project because primary research needs a big amount of time in order to gather the needed information, which is going to help us in assessing the audience needs. Financially, we could not purchase a web hosting provider for the website in the internet. Besides, the domain .gov was not available.

Initial Situation of TCP

The Ministry of Tourism in Egypt did not have an official website; so it was necessary to design a site for it that could represent the Ministry and at the same time advertise the country. Before conducting the primary research, the website was lacking the accurate information that the audience really need. Besides, the images were not sited in their appropriate position and the links were not correctly designed.

5 Particular Need for TCP

Unlike any other print TCP, a website for tourism in Egypt is the appropriate way to advertise the major sites of the country because it is cheap, quick, easy, and accessible for a wide range of people from all over the world. The website is the proper way to reach the objective set by the Ministry of Tourism in Egypt to reach 16 million annual tourists by 2014

(Go Travel News, 2007).

Basic Conclusions and Analysis

Egypt the Land of Mysteries website will reach a great number of users since the posters designed are for the purpose to increase the awareness of people about the existence of the website. It will also provide users with accurate and reliable information about tourism in

Egypt and make them think of the country as a mysterious place that has to be discovered.

6 Research/Topic Analysis

Before starting designing the site, we considered a number of things. First, we had to agree on the purpose of the website, which is to provide information about tourism in Egypt.

Then we assessed the target audience needs by sending a survey to potential tourists chosen randomly. We had also to consider the huge size of the market and the big number of competitors.

Besides, we needed to focus on our immediate goal which is to attract as more tourists as we can by making the website easily accessed and attractive.

7 Primary Research Methodology

In order to assess the audience needs an online survey was sent to randomly selected tourists from different regions of the world:


Pledge This questionnaire aims to collect data in order to find out if and how a website describing the major sites to visit in Egypt has to be designed. This questionnaire is developed for the COM 3325 course at Al Akhawayn, and will not be communicated to any authority out of the class’s context.

1-What is your age? Under 20 20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 2-Do you relay on the internet to plan for your holidays? Yes No 3-Do you access tourism websites? Yes No If yes, how often? ______4- Do you check tourism websites while planning for your holidays? Yes No

If no, where do you find information about places to visit? If yes, would you like to go back there? ______5- Do you need to economize time while searching information about tourism in the internet? Yes No 6- Have you ever accessed a website about tourism in Egypt? Yes No If no, why not? ______7- Have you ever visited Egypt? Yes No

8- Would you be willing to relay on information posted on a website about tourism in Egypt? Yes No

8 Primary Research Analysis Results

1. Audience Analysis Worksheet

Communication Aspect Specific Features Audience General information  - Mainly adults with independent outcome - Middle and upper class families - Able to access and navigate on the Internet

Primary audience  - Tourists interested in discovering  The ancient world of Egypt

 The holy lands and monuments.

Secondary audiences   The Egyptian culture and traditions

Attitudes toward information - Any tourist looking for a destination

Experience with topic - Positive because of their lack of time to move to agencies to look for information about Egypt - Enthusiastic about it because it is from a reliable source - Ignorant about the topic or have a little knowledge about Egyptian sites in general Purpose Primary purpose - To make information about Egypt available, quick and easy to access - To persuade tourists to come to Egypt

Secondary purpose - To provide e-services for tourists - To create tourists’ loyalty Context Role within the organization - Employees with middle to high incomes and people in

9 retirement

Social situation - Middle and upper class families

Legal issues - The TCP must be legally protected by a copyright from the Ministry of Tourism in Egypt

Community Membership - The use of international English that can be understood by a wide range of people

Other contextual issues - The document will be in English easy to be translated for the future into other languages such as French and Spanish

10 2. Needs and Tasks Analysis

Assumptions about Audience Knowledge

Our audience, as revealed in through the conducted survey and the audience analysis worksheet, is mainly adults with independent outcome able to access the internet.

Information Included versus Information Omitted

Considering the level of computer and internet literacy of our audience and their familiarity with websites designed for tourists, the task analysis provides general guidelines to access and navigate through the different links provided by the website. The task analysis also includes the steps to follow for the e-services offered by the website. Any useless information not related to the purpose of the TCP will be omitted such as how to send an email to the webmaster.

Task Observation

The observation of the tasks was performed by sketching a plan of how the website will looks like and making research of other websites related to tourism.

Criteria for Success

. In short term, we will check the success of the website by checking its usability through the testers’ feedback, and therefore by modifying it, we aim to reach a clarity, preciseness and easy access to the information presented for the potential tourists. . In long terms, the success of the steps can also be measured by the rise of number of customers of the website and the increasing flow of tourists to Egypt.

The Steps to Follow

Going to the website

 Go to any search engine like “google”  Type in any query related to tourism in Egypt, or site to visit in Egypt

11  A link to our website/or the website of the Ministry of Tourism in Egypt will be shown  Click on the link and you will be redirected to the main page

Finding the information in the website

 Focus on the horizontal menu will appear, showing clickable buttons, named: Home - About – Giza Plateau – The Nile - Al Azhar Mosque – Khan Al Khalili  Click on the chosen button

Selecting the home button

 You are back on the home page with a welcoming statement and the major parts of the site

Selecting the About button

 You go to a page including information about the Ministry behind the creation of his website, in addition to its contact details.

Finding the information in the website

 You are in a page that presents the site whose name is the clicked button’s label. It will include the following data about the site: o Location o Description o Pictures o Interesting hotel(s) o Interesting restaurant(s)

Surfing through the website

 Keep checking all the presented pages by clicking on the appropriate button in the horizontal menu.  Home is a useful button that takes you always back to the welcoming page that might include new updated information recently uploaded on the website.

12 Secondary Research

In order to find out what might be missing in the website, a secondary research was a key element in our project in order to compare our website with others and to distinct it from other ones. In order to choose a name for our website, we researched the site’s major competitors in order to have an idea about their choice of name and to select the one that really suit the theme of the project. An online research was also conducted to check if the name chosen is not already used by another website. Besides, blogs were helpful to find real tourists who had already visited Egypt and to learn from their stories posted the reasons behind choosing Egypt as their first choice destination. Many websites related to tourism in a number of countries were also investigated to know our website potential competitors and to have an idea about the services provided about those websites. Finally, we made a number of tests in different search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN Search to find out the right keywords necessary to browse our website.

13 Secondary Research Analysis Results

1. The website Plan

Naming the site

What do you want the name to convey about your site?

1. That the site is an official governmental website

2. That the site is a reliable source

3. That the site offers information about tourism in Egypt

4. That the site is the website of the Ministry of Tourism in Egypt (actually it is a


5. That the site is for the purpose set by Egypt’s tourism minister to attract 16 million

annual tourists by 2014 (Go Travel News, 2007)

What are your competitors named?






What are some possible names?






14 Which names are available? is available but the domain .gov is not available.

Which name do you want?

1. does not seem to be official website because there is a

contrast between the name of the site and the domain required (.gov)

2. leaves a little ambiguity about the kind of services offered by the


3. is an interesting name, but does not match with the

governmental identity with the site

4. Since our website is the template for the official website of the ministry of tourism of

Egypt, it would be suitable to use the name, which is both formal

and attracting to our audience.

5. is suitable for our website, but the one before is more appropriate.

What is your mission statement? is the official website of the Ministry of Tourism in Egypt, offering information about the Egyptian‘s sites, hotels and restaurants to a large audience of tourism eager to know more Egypt.

What are your specific goals?

1. To offer better services to the tourists interested in Egypt.

2. To promote the image and efforts of the ministry of Tourism of Egypt.

3. To increase the number of tourists visiting Egypt.

4. To attract hotels and restaurants to advertise themselves in the services section in the

developed website.

5. To attract 16 million annual tourists to Egypt by 2014.

15 2. The users (audience)

Who are your users and what do they need?

Segment 1: Tourists that come to Egypt every year and want to have extra online services.

Segment 2: Tourists that already come to Egypt and have never accessed a tourism website.

Segment 3: Tourists that have never come to Egypt and never accessed a tourism website.

Persona 1 (Travel Photo Blogging, 2007)

Name: Marko

Nationality: Slovenia

Age: 30

Occupation: university professor

Status: married, no kids

Madeleine and Marko have a free access to the internet

and check tourism websites on a daily basis. Marko has

an online blog where he posts photos and descriptions about his trips. He travelled

to Egypt for the purpose of education about an important historic culture, for fun,

shopping and sunbathing.

Persona 2 (Inside the Great Pyramid, 2005)

Name: Monica

Nationality: Italian

Age: around 45

Occupation: journalist

Status: divorced

16 Monica checks tourism websites before the period of holidays. She likes traveling to Egypt for relaxation, adventure and healthy rejuvenation.

3. The Competitors

Who are your known competitors?

1. Websites advertising other countries such as:



2. Tourism websites recognized by the ministry of Tourism of Egypt such as

3. Tourism agencies such as , and

What sites might become competitors?

1. as a vertical competition because this is an information resource

for places to visit in Egypt.

2. Horizontal competition from the websites advertising other countries

What are the top ranked sites in your category?






17 Which sites appear on the first page of the listing?

On Alltheweb:

 On AOL search:

On Google:

On MSN Search

On Yahoo:

18 4. Cost and advertising

How will you make money?

1. The website is financed by the Egyptian government

2. Advertisement of hotels and restaurants

How will you promote your site?

1. Advertising the site on the frequently used websites by our target audience

2. Making the site appear in the first page of the search engines such as Google and


3. Making links in the websites recognized by the ministry of Tourism of Egypt such as

4. Making pop up ads in emails such as Gmail, Hotmail and Caramail.

How will your site be used?

 It will be checked by the target audience whenever they start looking for a place to

travel to during their holidays.

 It will be checked for a quick access to the Egyptian Hotels and Restaurants.

19 Usability Test of TCP Methodology

1. Testing the website

Describing the Methodology

To find out the usability problems in our website, we decided to make use of the concepts from Redish and Burke. Not to be too theoretical, our team decided to test the website through experiencing its use. So, we asked two people to try to use the website in our presence. Then, we tried to analyze their behavior and feedback toward the site based on the appropriate theoretical framework. The result of the testing is presented in this document through the remarks of the 3 website testers.

The testers checked the pages of the website in the order presented in the menu in the top, as follows: home, the Giza Plateau, the Nile, Khan Al Khalili, Al Azhar Mosque, About us.

The Findings

1. “About” in the menu is meaningless to me

According to the tester, most websites use “About us” instead of “About”. Therefore, we decided to use About us instead of About.

Before After

20 2. In the “Giza Plateau”, the link of “le Meridien” is not

working appropriately

Again, this is a good remark that raises an important issue: a non-functioning link. Instead of conduction the user to the correct link, it takes him/her to the link of the home page. So, we corrected this problem.

Before After

3. 3. In “The Nile” section, “In the past…” is written


This was an interesting feedback from our 2nd tester. Actually, she was totally right.

There was a mistake and in the section about the Nile, in the past was written differently from in the present and in the future. Therefore, we had to modify it to keep consistency and hierarchy in the page.

Before After

21 4. In “Khan Al Khalili” section, the title of the page is “Home”

instead of Khan Al Khalili

In this page, the title was accidently set to Home instead of Khan Al Khalili, which makes the user lose his/her orientation. Therefore, we fixed it.


22 After

5. “Al Azhar Mosque” was validated by both testers

6. In “About” section (About us in the final version), there are

strange characters that appear

23 After going back to the website, we found at that it is true. Since the majority of the

website was developed through coding, a typing mistake was made. In the last version of

the TCP, the “ ” does not appear.

Before After

2. Testing the poster

As the poster needed to emphasize and support the campaign launched, we decided to make it relevant to the website. After releasing a first draft, and going through the usability checklist (presented in the next section), we included some modifications in order to meet the

24 requirements in the checklist. We also made sure to get the feedback of 4 people from those who answered our surveys so that they enhance the testing of the poster’s usability and design. By the end of the testing phase, we made these 2 major enhancements:

1. Adding the link of the website at the bottom of the poster.

2. Modifying the color of the arrows so that it suits the background of the poster.

Usability Analysis Results

1. Usability and Research

Major Points Website Poster

25 Did we anticipate the audience’s needs and wants?    Please, refer to the needs’ analysis part.

Did we do enough research?  

 Please, refer to the primary and secondary research sections.

Did we look at the audience productivity?  

 The site is easy to access and fast to load.  The poster offers a link to the website, readable for the target audience. 2. Usability and Planning Major Points Website Poster

Did we perform an audience and purpose analysis?    Please, refer to the audience analysis worksheet  Purpose analysis was presented in the proposal of the TCPs

3. Usability and Writing Major Points Website Poster

Did we make needed revisions to the product based on testing?    Please, refer to the section usability test of TCP methodology.

Does the document use the appropriate grammar and style?  

 Global English was used in both TCPs to enable translation in the future.

4. Usability and Organization

Major Points Website Poster

26 Is information appropriately chunked?    In the website, there are small paragraphs apart and the suggested hotels and restaurants apart.  In the poster, the welcome is up, the graphics in the middle and the website in the bottom.

5. Usability and Design

Major Points Website Poster

Did we test an early version of the communication product?    The first drafts of both TCPs were tested and modified.

We made Did we compare our website’s design to other websites’?  it relevant to the  We compared the website’s design to the competitors’ website website’s design. design. 6. Usability after TCP release

Major Points Website Poster

Did we provide mechanisms for user feedback?    We included in the section, About us a mailing link that enables us to get the suggestions and feedback about the campaign as a whole (both the website and the poster).

Did we plan for the next release?  

 Both the website and the poster are easy to modify and to maintain.


Almira Travel Agency. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from

27 Egypt Guide for Travel and Tours, Modern and Ancient Egypt, Welcome. Retrieved

December 6, 2007 from

Go Travel News. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from

Office of Travel and Tourism Industries Retrieved December 6, 2007 from

Pars Tourist Agency. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from

Saad, R. (2007, February 7). The gift of the sun. Al-Ahram. Retrieved December 7, 2007,


The Gift of the Sun. Retrieved December 7, 2007 from


Tourism In Egypt Retrieved December 7, 2007 from

Travel and Tourism in Egypt. Retrieved December 7, 2007 from

Travel Photo Blogging, 2007. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://photo-

Inside the Great Pyramid. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from

Welcome to Spain. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from


Your Smart Travel Gate to Egypt. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from


1. Answered Questionnaires

28 a. Questionnaire 1: Pledge This questionnaire aims to collect data in order to find out if and how a website describing the major sites to visit in Egypt has to be designed. This questionnaire is developed for the COM 3325 course at Al Akhawayn, and will not be communicated to any authority out of the class’s context.

1-What is your age? Under 20 20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 2-Do you relay on the internet to plan for your holidays? Yes No 3-Do you access tourism websites? Yes No If yes, how often? Whenever I want to travel 4- Do you check tourism websites while planning for your holidays? Yes No

If no, where do you find information about places to visit? ______5- Do you need to economize time while searching information about tourism in the internet? Yes No 6- Have you ever accessed a website about tourism in Egypt? Yes No If no, why not? I never found a good one 7- Have you ever visited Egypt? Yes No If no, would you like to? _Yes______

8- Would you be willing to relay on information posted on a website about tourism in Egypt? Yes No

b. Questionnaire 2: Pledge

29 This questionnaire aims to collect data in order to find out if and how a website describing the major sites to visit in Egypt has to be designed. This questionnaire is developed for the COM 3325 course at Al Akhawayn, and will not be communicated to any authority out of the class’s context.

1-What is your age? Under 20 20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 2-Do you relay on the internet to plan for your holidays? Yes No 3-Do you access tourism websites? Yes No If yes, how often? Very often, I love travelling 4- Do you check tourism websites while planning for your holidays? Yes No

If no, where do you find information about places to visit? ______5- Do you need to economize time while searching information about tourism in the internet? Yes No 6- Have you ever accessed a website about tourism in Egypt? Yes No If no, why not? Most of them are bad and messy, it is a loss of time. 7- Have you ever visited Egypt? Yes No If no, would you like to? _Yes______If yes, would you like to go back there? _Definitely______

8- Would you be willing to relay on information posted on a website about tourism in Egypt? Yes No

c. Questionnaire 3: Pledge

30 This questionnaire aims to collect data in order to find out if and how a website describing the major sites to visit in Egypt has to be designed. This questionnaire is developed for the COM 3325 course at Al Akhawayn, and will not be communicated to any authority out of the class’s context.

1-What is your age? Under 20 20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 2-Do you relay on the internet to plan for your holidays? Yes No 3-Do you access tourism websites? Yes No If yes, how often? ______4- Do you check tourism websites while planning for your holidays? Yes No

If no, where do you find information about places to visit? Billboards in the streets, and poster in magazines. 5- Do you need to economize time while searching information about tourism in the internet? Yes No 6- Have you ever accessed a website about tourism in Egypt? Yes No If no, why not? I don’t use internet for such a purpose 7- Have you ever visited Egypt? Yes No If no, would you like to? _With pleasure_ If yes, would you like to go back there? ______

8- Would you be willing to relay on information posted on a website about tourism in Egypt? Yes No

2. First Draft and Final version of the TCPs a. Website

31 First draft: It defers from the final draft, in the few matters that were discussed in the usability test of the TCP methodology. The only difference is that it was enhanced to solve the problems discussed in that section. Final version: Check it on: b. Poster

First Draft Final Version

32 Meeting Minutes

The following table gives detailed information about our work strategy. We have met

15 times and spend an overall of 32 hours and 30 minutes

Timing Work November 11th, 2007  We chose the topic of the project (from 4:00 to 5:30 PM)  We discussed the project and brainstormed ideas about which TCP to choose  We divided the tasks November 13, 2007 This meeting was devoted to the project’s secondary research: (from 12:00 to 2:00 AM)  Preliminary research about the topic  Mojdoline & Ihssane found out documents needed for the project November 15, 2007 This meeting was devoted to the project’s primary research: (from 10:00 to 12:00 AM)  Afifa and Salma presented the audience analysis  We agreed on the methods we will use, the format and questions. November 16th, 2007 Afifa presented the Tasks and needs analysis. (from 3:00 to 5:00 PM) November 18th, 2007  We begin writing the report; each one contributed to this (from 2:00 to 4:00 AM) task by providing meaningful ideas.  Afifa and Salma analyzed the Burke's Designing Business Documents November 21st, 2007 Investigating more about the sites we need to present. (from 12:30 to 2:00 AM)  Afifa and Majdoline: Pictures

33  Salma and Ihssane: Text November 23rd, 2007 Designing the first version of the TCP. (from 2:00 to 4:00 AM)  Afifa made a template about how the website will look like  Discussion about the design and agreements on the colors used. November 26th, 2007  Afifa and Salma: First version production (from 7:00 to 9:00 PM)  Majdoline and Ihssane: Peering the project November 29th, 2007 Looking for potential restaurant and hotel clients (from 7:00 to 9:00 PM)  Afifa and Ihssane: Searching about hotels  Majdoline and Salma: Searching about restaurants November 30th 2007 Having testers (some AUI students) who give us feedback (from 2:00 to 4:00 AM) about the usability problems in the TCP  Afifa and Ihssane: Testing December 1st 2007 Deciding on how our restaurants and hotels will be presented (from 2:00 to 4:00 AM) to the tourists:  Salma and Majdoline: choosing the information December 2nd 2007 Fixing the usability problems: Majdoline and Ihssane (from 7:00 to 9:00 PM) December 7th 2007  Designing a version of the website with hotels and (From 2:00 to 4:00 PM) restaurants: Salma and Afifa  Designing a poster: Majdoline and Ihssane December 8th 2007  Having testers give feedback about the usability problems: (From 10:00 to 12:00 AM) Afifa and Majdoline (From 2:00 to 4:00 P.M)  Fixing the usability problems: Salma and Ihssane

December 9th 2007  Finalizing the work and peer review of the report (from 9:00 to 12:00 AM)  Uploading the website in the FTP server (from 2:00 to 2:30)

34 35

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