Alexandra Park Residents Association

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Alexandra Park Residents Association


Draft Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Held at Alexandra House Hotel 22 May 2012

1. Welcome and Apologies

John welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Ann Richards (Counsellor) and Wayne Crabbe (Counsellor) to the meeting along with Ben Staite and Tim Price from the Planning Office. John gave apologies for Brian Ford who could not attend as he was at another meeting.

John invited Ben to take the floor. Tim Price took the lead and asked that everyone approach and take a look at the proposed routes and he then went on to discuss the route of the path, why the route was chosen and what the path would be made of at various points along its route. At this point Brian Ford arrived to take part in the meeting.

The cost of the path was discussed and at the moment with the path looping round to link up with the bus stop near to the entrance of the estate it would be £340,000.00. The cheaper option would be for the path to curve in as it approaches the estate and link in to the existing path.

The Money is from a pot called the “106 Moneys to be spent on highway issues. There are two phases and the money above is to be used out of the Phase II pot. The question was raised with reference to the Phase I pot and if there is any money left to be used there. The 106 money lasts for 5 years and with regards to the Phase I money it is coming up to that time.

So we need clarification of whether there is money in the Phase I pot left and if so how much Ben Staite / Planning Office said he would check on this and so did Brian Ford (Counsellor). Action: Brian Ford and Ben Staite

It was confirmed at the meeting that the roads had been adopted by Swindon Borough Council.

One of the path routes proposed has the path joining up with the bus stop – it was felt that the front of the estate with the path going along the front would not look as nice as it currently does. There was a point raised that we would not be allowed to join the new path up to the existing one as in the original documentation this proviso was put in place to protect the wildlife. Brian Ford said that there is the opportunity to go back to the Planning Committee to have an original covenant changed.

The issue was raised then that when the route of the path was agreed who would be responsible for it us/incurring more management fees or Swindon Borough Council. As the path goes through the Estate may have to be adopted by us and our maintenance contractor to take on. Hence cost involved? Maintenance and Solitaire.

Discussions took place about what the path would be made of – the part that is stone is it like our Hogan path. It’s the section near the road and the reason for using this material is that it would be able to soak up the water so that it then wouldn’t end up on the highway.

On looking at the route the proposed path takes you can see that the path actually crosses over to the other side of the road. A resident raised the issue of safety; it was felt the point at which you have to cross over could be a dangerous spot. Ben confirmed to those present that risk assessments etc. would be carried out before going ahead with the path. If it was felt that it was not safe for pedestrians / cars it would not go ahead. Ben explained that because there wasn’t enough land on the same side to build the path it was too narrow at that point and this is why they have had to cross over the road. The path tends to be 1.2M/1.5M and they do not go below this width. Discussed the possibility of cutting into the road to make the path wider.

As there are not many rural links in Wiltshire there isn’t really a way of comparing what we have/want with anything else. Tim / Planner said that there are processes in place that the designers cannot produce something dangerous hence paths cannot really cut into the road. To round up, a copy of the plan will be put on the site along with the Minutes for Residents to see and comment on. It was confirmed that the pathway would be used once in and does the plan include for slowing down of traffic? Action: Set of Minutes and proposed design to be put on APRA website.

If we have to go ahead with the crossing over the road, it needs to be in a place where pedestrians have a fair chance to see a car and a car sees pedestrians.

The main concern for everyone is the safety aspect – it was felt that the crossover point at present the traffic is quite fast.

So after the above discussion on pros and cons, costing etc. John asked those present, do we in principal want a footpath?

Prior to the show of hands Counsellor B Ford suggested they could look at the footpath being on one side of the road. Tim/Planner is happy to revisit this.

Firstly, John asked those present, if they would like a footpath to be built who was in favour? The response was yes.

Secondly would you prefer west side continuously over east? The response was yes.

Residents discussed the speed at which cars go along this stretch of road and the planner said that with detail design – speed could be a factor and could be included. Question raised would the speed limit reduce? He confirmed that it could do if the police think they cannot maintain the speed limit they will not change it. Also discussed marking up of the road – so delineation is clear, the reason being is that there has been occasion in the past particularly in the bad weather that cars have gone off the road and into the ditch. As it is quite busy a road would cyclists be allowed to use the footpath – Ben said officially no.

The question was asked with reference to the cost of the feasibility study and whether it was included in the price. Apparently the feasibility study cost is from a different pot of money and the cost to carry it out was below £5,000.00.

Talked about safety issues – what we can do to traffic calm the road, signs, rumble strips etc. Tim / Planner didn’t recommend crossings. Tim/Planner to package road and safety.

The 3 counsellors would support the speed limit to be lowered. Brian belongs to the Police Committee.

The issue of speed was talked about and the fact that we are a small community – it has been noted that residents who live on the estate actually are doing the speeding. We need to look at our own house before looking to lay the blame at other doorsteps.

Counsellor B Ford put forward a scenario where there were complaints of speeding in North Wroughton. The end result was that 11 of the residents were caught speeding. So as stated earlier look at our own house first.

The issue of white lines to be painted to carry on.

The meeting drew to a close at 8.40PM.

Short break followed

6. AGM

6a Chair Address

John presented to the residents present the work the Committee have done on their behalf for the last 12 months. Firstly he reminded everyone that 12 months ago the Association changed its constitution and the reasons why this was done. John reported that there was one resident who has opted out of being a member. John went on to report that the Association had received contributions and thanked everyone for their support.

John went on to talk about the events that had been held, the Christmas Carols and the quiz night which were both a success and enjoyed. Phillip Cox is the new Manager at hotel and John expressed thanks for all rooms and help they give us and the fact that it is much appreciated. John then also acknowledged the fantastic work that Andy Lambert / Vice President has put in and continues to do with reference to the APRA website. John then went on to thank everyone on the Committee for their hard work during the past year.

John said that if everyone keeps checking out the website, if there is anything they want to go on etc. to let us know. We also have businesses advertise on the site for which they pay a fee per year and this goes into the Associations fund.

John then went on to discuss the issues with reference to Solitaire and Estates and Management. John explained that we pay £40.00 fixed rent per year and we are trying to ascertain for that money what their responsibilities are and that they don’t seem to be able to answer this question and in fact are still waiting to hear.

A question was raised what happens if we don’t pay – this was dealt with later in the meeting. John informed those present that through the work that the Team have been doing that there is a £48.00/year saving for everyone with reference to the variable charge.

6b Treasurers Report

John then introduced Ben who presented the accounts. The Treasurers report was as follows: As there is no membership fee to belong to the Association that avenue of income has been lost. At the moment there is £971.50 in the account – Contingency. Amongst the Committee we have been covering the cost of printing, we are not paying for the use of the conference rooms but to bear in mind they will not be free for ever. Ben feels that the £971.50 is a fair contingency to have for anything we need for the future.

John asked everyone present if they were happy with the existing Committee Members and if they were he proposed that they carry on Phil proposed it and Derek’s wife seconded it. Motion carried.

Again the Accounts were proposed and seconded.

7. Any Other Business

Beranburh Field

A request was put forward for the residents of Beranburh Field to be a part of APRA. APRA was set up to deal with the issues specific to the estate such as OM and Developers and Landscape issues and it was thought that it wouldn’t be worth them joining for those reasons. It was put forward that they could be involved with the social side and wider issues such as footpath and the shop etc. we are all neighbours together and that what we could do is have a contact for Beranburh Field and that when there was a meeting on let them know the Agenda for the meeting and if anything relevant they could attend. John suggested that we should invite someone to join the Committee.

The land between Lords Close and the hotel was discussed in particular that it is still owned by the MoD – which David Wilson Homes would build on it if they could. It was raised that whilst the area is maintained by us that if it reaches 20 years we can apply for village green status.


It was noted that the library in Wroughton was used for the elections for Alexandra Park and residents asked if the polling station could be at the hotel. John reported that last year the hotel kindly did do just that for us – but that residents complained.

Some of his staff were talked to in a bad way and Phillip Cox – Alexandra House Hotel confirmed that they would not do this in the future because of this.

Brian Ford (Counsellor) commented on the low turnout from the Estate.

Fixed Charge / Covenants Cliff Barry asked if anyone has received their invoice for the fixed charge for the current year. He went on to explain why you should pay your fixed charge fee and not withhold it.

One of the residents had asked what the fixed fee was for and had received an answer – Cliff asked her to send a copy of the letter to John. R Buckland is helping us achieve this and any information to pass on to help their case. Read your TP1.

Fixed charge clear what we pay for.

The TP1 will explain specific services they should provide. They are supposed to be enforced and went on to discuss the covenants and enforcing them. £40.00 does not cover you have to underwrite.

Cliff went on to explain that two years ago he took them to the County Court … 1 day before they were due to appear he was contacted and told that they would sort out the covenants and make sure they are enforced. He gave them the benefit of the doubt and the proceedings stopped and he paid the £40.0. If you do not pay you do not have the right to ask for the covenants to be enforced.

Divide and rule – when bill comes in he encouraged residents to contact Hilary Quinn Managing Director of Estates and Management. Copy Cliff your letter R Dendy – John – copy in John.

Do you want stuff delivered? Explained what happens if you do not pay. When you sell your house they will recoup the money and interest.

David Wilson Homes are still housing public open spaces. Because of the problems we have experienced they are withholding passing over the responsibility.

John read the letter reference Solitaire. Hilary Quinn of Estates and Management has stated that Estates and Management are acting on behalf of the Freeholder of the POS, when in fact we are aware that the Freehold of the POS has not yet been transferred by David Wilson Homes, and bizarrely if that was the case you would be acting on behalf of the company, whilst at the same time being that company.

John to find out who owns it!

The meeting was closed at 9.20PM and John thanked everyone for coming the Committee Members, residents and the Counsellors for attending

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