5000 Bush Announces Summit with Gorbachev Dec. 2
16—MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday. Ocl. 30. 1989 CARS ICARS ICARS APARTMENTS STORE/OFFICE f o n FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Inside today: A special section on Manchester candidates O F F IC E - 3 ro o m , 900 C H E V R O L E T 1974 M a Spccjoli# COVENTRY Lake, 2 libu Classic. 79K, origi sq.ft, on Spruce Street. BOB RILEY SCHALLER room Efficiency apart nal owner, 2 door, V8. CLYDE ment, private beach, Lease, parking, CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. ACURA QUALITY $700/month. 643-6712. Some repairs, excel OLDSMOBILE quiet neighborhood. lent engine. 643-5675. ROUTE 83. VERNON Budget Pleasers $500 per month, utilities 82 Malibu 4 Dr $4,695 259 Adams St., 82 Chev El Camino $5,495 MANCHESTER FOR CHRYSLER LeBaron- Included. Call 742-8671. 64 Caprice Classic Cpe. $6,895 Manchester V-6, Auto, Low Miles RENT 1983 4 c y lin d e r, 5 speed, 63 Nissan Stanza $2,495 VERY nice. 6 rooms. New Business 2 Zone standard. Good condi 84 Buick Century Wag $5,995 kitchen. Garage. No 649-1749 5Spd..AC Business - Residential tio n . N e g o tia b le . 646- 84 Olds Cutlass Cpe $5,895 83 Pontiac 6000 LE $2,995 pets. With heat. $875 1313. ______________ Combination 85 Skylark 4 Dr $6,895 1987 Olds Calais $6995 6 Cyl., Ai4o, A/C per month. 644-4555. 5 room office retail suite WET BASEMENT? MERCURY Marquis, 85 Buick Somerset 2 Dr $7,295 1987 Olds Delta 88 $10,995 83 Olds Ciera $2,995 CARPENTRY/ plus Ov»r 40 Years Experienoe 1985, 4 d o o r, p o w e r 86 Delta 66 2 Dr $9,995 1985 Ford LTD $5995 Auto, AC REMODELING Written Guarantee 5 room, 3 bedroom apt.
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