Suffolk Division Secretary:Graham White, Brook Farm Pooley Street, South Lopham DISS IP22 2JX [email protected] Minutes of the Division Council Meeting held on Wednesday 7th November 2012 Belstead Brook Hotel, Ipswich at 7pm

Chair: Garry Deeks (GD) - President Secretary: Graham White (GW)

In attendance : Paul Widdowson (PW),Linda Rutter (LR),Peter Byatt (PBy),Christine Lloyd (CL),Max Phillips (MP),Kath More (KM),Penny Cook (PC), Craig Tournay-Godfrey (CT),Martin Goold (MG), Keith Borrett (KB),Andy Royall (AR)

1 Apologies : received from Paul Brewerton, Tina Webber & Andrew Guite.

2 The minutes of the General Meeting held on 19th September 2012 were approved

3 Matters arising : MG reported that he had handed old minutes from East and West Suffolk to Mike Sharman and Peter Dunnett respectively.

The President congratulated Graham White on being elected to the Executive.

4 Division Reports

a) National Executive Report : GW to attend Executive meeting on 8th November. A copy of Executive News 184 is filed with a list of Circulars from Hamilton House. MG asked that under item 6 members be encouraged to sign the petition regarding Malala Yousafzai.

PW drew attention to item 1 regarding Pensions – that this is in fact a cut, and that the only people to benefit under new system will be those in Management in the 40% Tax Band. He asked if the NUT should be supporting those who had worked longer and ensuing pressure is put on to ensure those under the old scheme could still access their pensions at 60.CT asked if a legal challenge could be mounted. GW would try to find out. PW asked about possibility of a Judicial Review.

MG referred to item 4 concerning information about Capability questions to prospective employer as worrying. GW said this could affect Compromise Agreements., so it was important to try to avoid Capability Procedures. MG said that on the form there was a question “Would you re-employ this person?” AR asked when formal Capability now starts. GW stated that no school has to accept the Government’s or SCC’s Capability Guidance. Most schools have accepted SCC model – the 2010 Policy was much better. New procedures do not have an Informal Stage but do have an investigative meeting and first warning at the same time. The process is now between 6 and 12 weeks. GD asked if the NUT was working with other unions on this. GW said that the NASUWT and NUT haven’t agreed to the new protocol, ATL also agree and possibly VOICE. GD asked if we could communicate directly with Governors. GW suggested that we could contact the Suffolk Governors Association, but they already seemed to be in agreement with SCC . MG suggested that NUT at national level could use NAGEM with this. AR said that as a Staff Governor asked what LEA guidance there is. GD asked if NUT could produce some advice to Governors. PW observed that OFSTED are already making comments telling schools what to do about Capability.

b) Regional Report : none c) Divisional/County Reports

i) Secretary’s Report : GW submitted a written report (in file)

(1) EOTAS – MG reported that this is to be restructured as it isn’t working and the service will be located with PRUs. There are unrealistic expectations from the LEA regarding excluding pupils from their centres. The “person in charge” is not a headteacher. Further info in section 25 on Executive Circular sheet. GD said that this was worrying due to the vulnerable person being dealt with. MG said that there was high absence from stress amongst staff. PBy asked if this could be a matter to refer to SCC Health Scrutiny and would try to find out protocol for this

(2) LR said that there were concerns at Kedington Primary re planning demands from SMT.

(4) MG reported that Ben Gummer and the Taxpayers Alliance were still campaigning for a reduction/removal of Facility Time. Gummer claims that facilities time goes to organisations supporting the Labour Party . MG said that this was only true of Unison. MG had queried the proportional allocation of Facility Time. KB asked how we defend the need for Facility Time. MG said that if asked we should emphasise the fact that that it enables employees to have access to workplace representation and to meet with employers in a Statutory role. PW queried why Headteachers have HR representation from the LEA without quest.The cost of Facility Time is minimal as it keeps industrial relationships relatively stable for 0.0003% of the budget. If it is reduced significantly or withdrawn it will lead to more Employment Tribunals and the risk to the LEA of large payouts. CT said that Gummer’s view is that the unions should pay. GW has responded, pointing out that for every £1 paid out for Facility Time the LEA save between £3 - £9 PC asked if the NUT has sought a meeting with Gummer. CT is organizing a lobby, but has lobbied him in the past, and has heard him state that “he wants to break the NUT” so doesn’t think they’ll get anywhere. Gummer sees the NUT as a rallying voice for unions. GD asked if GW could seek a meeting with Gummer. MG pointed out that Facility Time is “public duty” much like Jury Service. PC said that the funds had been delegated to schools and were “peanuts.” KB asked if the cover for Facility Time should be a qualified teacher. MG said it should. AR asked what the cost per employee was across the LEA.GW said that the amount for the teaching unions was £10,000

ii) Assistant Secretary’s Report (including Scrutiny) : PW submitted a written report(in file)

PW reported that cuts will continue to 2019. He expressed concern that the Government seem only concerned with public debt (20%of National Debts), and that private debt (80%of National Debt) was even greater. He said that SCC could expand into the private sector to increase it’s income and thus make better use of economy of scale to preserve services. PW said that at Scrutiny NEETS were discussed in the Mildenhall and Brandon area. There were no issues in the current Forward Plan. He hopes to get EOTAS before Scrutiny as he believes there is a lot to learn for SCC from the mistakes made. MG said that not enough funds had been allocated for premises, and that if this goes before Scrutiny they should be looking at the use of redundant buildings in Newmarket.

ii) Treasurer’s Report : None available

iv) Health and Safety Report: None available

v) Equal Opportunities: CL will be attending February meeting.

vi) Student Recruitment: LR reported 36 NQTs and 4 Graduate Trainees in West Suffolk.

vii) Local Associations

Ipswich: CT reported that there was an association meeting next week. The association has been active in opposing local cuts such as the CAB office.

West Suffolk: LR reported many ex-middle staff with no jobs. Plenty of casework, including teacher threatened with legal action re comments about Free School made as a parent. MG concerned at this new way of dealing with opposition to Free Schools. LR said that Regional Office were aware of this. GD asked if a school could be sold on once it became a Free School. CT said that the LEA would still own the land, as in his own school, but lease the buildings. PC queried about land left in Covenant for school use only.

S.E.Suffolk: No report

North East Suffolk: PW reported that they had held a well-attended NQ meeting and that he was busy with casework.

Lowestoft: PBy reported an increase in contacts from members post-OFSTED re Capability, and other contract and Conditions of Service related matters.

There then followed a brief discussion related to problems with the lack of support form the LEA for Middle School staff transferring to High or Primary Schools, leading to instances where capability issues have been highlighted by receiving schools. This has been exacerbated by OFSTED putting pressure on Headteachers to put teachers into Capability as part of their inspection processes. PW said that this is the root cause of much casework, and that we need to challenge OFSTED, asking for written feedback on teachers they find “failing.” He suggested that the NUT should front a campaign to get teachers to grade inspectors. CT asked about boycotting OFSTED. PBy asked if GW could seek views at Executive level. . 5 Executive Election Results : GW confirmed that he had received two thirds of the votes cast.

6 Capability/Appraisal update : GW said that policies in schools need monitoring. LR referred to compromise agreements, and asked that if this had been done should no other reference be provided. GW confirmed this, no verbal or other reference, and that no member of staff may breach any such agreement. Ct asked if teachers could be paid until they secure another post. MG said this can sometimes be done via “gardening leave.” . 7 Non-strike action update : included in Secretary’s Report. CT questioned how the NUT are getting our message across to the public. In his school the action is counter-productive as it is eating into the supply budget. He suggested that the Executive find out how effective the action actually is, and as the Government are not going to change their views on Pensions perhaps we should re-evaluate the campaign. GW said that this is only Phase 1 of the campaign– he will find out more in the coming weeks. PW said that it had at least helped teachers who wanted to say no to excessive paperwork. MG asked what we can do to get members behind us. AR was concerned about how this action affects split-site duties. KM said that in her school they had said no to more initiatives and to handing in lesson plans unless part of lesson observation for Performance Management .

(MG proposed 5 minute extension to the meeting – agreed nem con)

KB concerned that the action is isolated. P said that people have little understanding of the action and that we need to get out into schools. GD suggested that we could get retired members to work with the union more – perhaps set up a Suffolk Retired Teachers Section? GW suggested that this could be something for Local Secretaries to investigate initially.

8 TUC Rally report : GW thanked KB for organizing the transport. KB reported that there were underused spaces on the coach. CT asked about how much Associations were going to contribute. GW said PBr would write to Association Treasurers

9 A.O.B. : CT asked about Conference representation as GW now on Executive.

10 Date, time and venue of next meeting

6:30 pm for 7pm General Meeting - Wednesday 16th January 2013 – Belstead Brook Hotel, Ipswich

Meeting closed at 9:05 pm

Signed: Dated: