Advertising Signs Information Kit
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Advertising Signs Information Kit A guide to outdoor advertising in Brisbane
This information kit has been developed to assist business owners, individuals and industry who would like to exhibit an advertisement or signage on property and buildings in Brisbane.
All laws, documents and tools referenced in this information kit can be viewed online at
Brisbane City Council is responsible for regulating outdoor advertisements and signage in Brisbane under Advertisements Local Law 2013 and the Advertisements Subordinate Local Law 2013. This is to ensure advertisements and their associated structures are constructed and maintained to meet public safety standards and that they complement the surrounding natural and built environments.
The information provided within this kit will help you to determine the type of advertisement you can display, if you require a licence and how to make an application to Council. As part of the application and approval process you will need to refer to the Advertisements Subordinate Local Law 2013 to ensure your advertisement complies with the prescribed conditions and criteria prior to submitting an application to Council.
Application and Approval Process
Step 1 – Choose your type of advertisement
The first step is to decide the type of advertisement you wish to exhibit on the property or building. The various types of advertisements are defined and illustrated in Schedule 1 of the Advertisements Subordinate Local Law 2013 (available online at
Step 2 – Conduct a property enquiry
As part of the application process you will need to do a property enquiry to determine the following details.
• Property zoning. • Is the property a Heritage Place? • Is the property adjoining a Heritage Place? • Is the property within the City Malls precinct? • Is the building a Commercial Character Building? • Is the property located on a state controlled road or motorway? For more information on state controlled roads or motorways please visit the Department of Traffic and Main Roads at
All these searches can be done by:
• visiting • phoning Brisbane City Council on (07) 3403 8888 • visiting the Central Business Centre, or your nearest Regional Business Centre. Step 3 – Determine the City Environment
To ensure advertisements make a positive contribution to the aesthetic of our city, Council has grouped property zonings into the following City environments.
• City Centre Environment • Business Centres Environment • Industry Environment • Residential Environment • Green Space Environment
When you have confirmed the property zoning from step 2, use the Conversion Table to identify the City environment the advertisement will be in.
Conversion Table
Property Zoning Equivalent Signs City Environment CN Conservation Area Greenspace Environment CR Character Residential Area Residential Environment CU1 Community Use Area (Cemetery) Residential Environment CU2 Community Use Area (Community facilities) Business Centres Environment CU3 Community Use Area (Crematorium) Residential Environment CU4 Community Use Area (Education purposes) Residential Environment CU5 Community Use Area (Emergency services) Business Centres Environment CU6 Community Use Area (Health care purposes) Business Centres Environment CU7 Community Use Area (Railway activities) Industry Environment CU8 Community Use Area (Utility installation) Classification of dominant adjacent area EC Emerging Community Area Residential Environment EI Extractive Industry Area Industry Environment EP Environmental Protection Area Greenspace Environment FI Future Industry Area Industry Environment GI General Industry Area Industry Environment HI Heavy Industry Area Industry Environment HR High Density Residential Area Residential Environment LI Light Industry Area Industry Environment LMR Low to Medium Density Residential Area Residential Environment LR Low Density Residential Area Residential Environment MP1 Multi–purpose Centre (City Centre) City Centre Environment MP2 Multi–purpose Centre (Major Centre) Business Centres Environment MP3 Multi–purpose Centre (Suburban Centre) Business Centres Environment MP4 Multi–purpose Centre (Convenience Centre) Business Centres Environment MR Medium Density Residential Area Residential Environment PK Parkland Area Greenspace Environment RU Rural Area Greenspace Environment SP1 Special Purpose Centre (Major hospitals and Business Centres Environment medical facility) SP10 Special Purpose Centre (The Brisbane Business Centres Environment Market) SP11 Special Purpose Centre (Vehicle sales and Business Centres Environment service) SP12 Special Purpose Centre (Mixed industry and Business Centres Environment business) SP13 Special Purpose Centre (Office park) Business Centres Environment SP14 Special Purpose Centre (Cottage industry and Business Centres Environment retail) SP15 Special Purpose Centre (Marina) Residential Environment SP16 Special Purpose Centre (South Bank) Business Centres Environment SP2 Special Purpose Centre (Major educational Business Centres Environment and research facility) SP3 Special Purpose Centre (Major defence and Residential environment communications facility) SP4 Special Purpose Centre (Major sporting Business Centres Environment stadium) SP5 Special Purpose Centre (Entertainment Business Centres environment centre) SP6 Special Purpose Centre (Airport) Industry environment SP7 Special Purpose Centre (Port) Industry environment SP8 Special Purpose Centre (Major residential Business Centres environment institution) SP9 Special Purpose Centre (Correctional centre) Residential Environment SR Sport and Recreation Area Greenspace Environment
Step 4 – Advertisements in City Environments
All types of advertisements have been classified as Permitted, Approval Required, Generally Inappropriate or Prohibited within each City environment. When you have determined the type of advertisement you wish to exhibit and the City environment, refer to the Advertisements Classification Table to determine the advertisement classification.
Advertisements Classification Table Key: (P) Permitted = advertisements may be exhibited without applying for Council approval (unless on a heritage place or a large development) but must comply with all relevant sign conditions in the subordinate local law. (A) Approval Required (X) Prohibited (I) Generally Inappropriate
City Environments
Environments Type of Advertisement City Business Green Fee Industry Residential Centre Centres Space Level Above Awning Sign X X X X X NA Awning Fascia Sign P P P I I Level 2 Billboard Sign X L L X X Level 2 Blind or Canopy Sign P P P I I Level 2 Boundary Fence Sign I P P I I Level 1 Bunting and Streamers X X X X X NA Business Promotion P P P I I Level 2 Sign Changeable Message A P P I I Level 2 Sign Commercial Flag Sign P P P I I Level 2 Community Event Sign P P P P P NA Community A A A A A Level 1 Infrastructure Sign Construction Project P P P P P NA Directory Sign Construction Site Sign P P P P P NA Construction Site Fence P P P P P NA Sign Construction Site A A A I I Level 2 Building Wrap Created Awning Fascia A A A I A Level 1 Sign Display Home & Estate P P P P P NA Sales Sign Election Sign P P P P P NA Footway Dining P P P I I Level 1 Furniture Advertising Footway Sign I P P I I Level 1 Garage Sale Sign I P P P P Level 1 Ground Sign A A A A A Level 1 High-Rise Building Sign A A A I I Level 2 Home Business Sign P P P P P NA Inflatable Sign X X X X X NA Information Sign P P P P P NA Mobile Motor Vehicle A A A A A Level 1 Sign Motor Vehicle Sales I P P I I Level 1 Bunting New Estate Sales Sign I A A A A Level 1 Newsagency Sign P P P P P NA Off-site Directional Sign X X X X X NA Pole Sign A A A I I Level 1 Projected Image Sign A A A I I Level 1 Projecting Flag Sign P P P P P NA Projecting Sign A A A I I Level 1 Pylon Sign I A A I I Level 2 Real Estate Sign P P P P P NA Road Banner Sign A A A I I Level 2 Roof Sign A A A I I Level 2 Signwritten Roof Sign I I A I I Level 1 Sporting Field Fence I P P P P Level 1 Sign Statutory Sign P P P P P NA Temporary Bunting and P P P P P NA Streamers Temporary Inflatable A A A I I Level 1 Sign Transport Infrastructure A A A A A Level 2 Sign Under Awning Sign P P P I P Level 1 Vehicle Sign (Standing) X X X X X NA Vertical Banner Building A A A I I Level 1 Sign Vertical Banner A A A I I Level 1 Freestanding Sign Wall Sign A A A I I Level 1 Window Sign P P P I I Level 1
Step 5 – Is Council approval required?
If your proposed advertisement is classified as ‘permitted’ within the City environment you do not require Council approval but your advertisement must comply with the conditions and criteria in the Advertisements Subordinate Local Laws 2013 (available online at advertisingsigns). Exceptions apply when a ‘permitted’ advertisement is to be exhibited on a Heritage place or in relation to a large development. In these instances Council approval is required.
Advertisements that are ‘Approval Required’ require Council approval. Customers have two assessment options available to them: Express Assessment and Full Assessment.
Approval is also required if the permit holder wants to cancel or transfer the permit. EXPRESS ASSESSMENT Express Assessment is a streamlined process that provides you with a quick response from Council and a reduced application fee. Express Assessment requires the customer to carry out an assessment and submit an application to Council for a decision.
Express Assessment applications can only be used for first party advertising on the following sign types:
• Created Awning Fascia Sign • Ground Sign less than 6m2 • Projecting Sign • Roof Sign less than 5m2 • Signwritten Roof Sign • Vertical Banner Freestanding Sign • Wall Sign less than 5m2
Express Assessment Checklists have been created to assist you with your assessment and to ensure the advertisement meets all the prescribed conditions and criteria. If the proposed advertisement complies with all of the requirements you can submit an application and the necessary supporting documentation (see Step 6 – How to Apply) and you will be issued with a Council decision within ten working days.
For proposed advertisements that are to be exhibited on a state controlled road or visible from a state controlled road or motorway please refer to the ‘Other approvals you may require’ section of this information kit.
Council will not accept Express Assessment applications for proposed advertisements on Heritage Places, adjoining a Heritage Place, Commercial Character Buildings and in City Malls (Queen Street Mall, Valley Mall and Chinatown Mall). An application for a Full Assessment must be submitted in these instances.
FULL ASSESSMENT Advertisements requiring Council approval and that fall outside of the Express Assessment application restrictions must be submitted for full assessment. An application with supporting documentation (see Step 6 – How to apply) must be lodged with Council and a decision notice will be issued after a Council officer conducts an assessment.
Step 6 - How to apply
Application requirements are different dependent upon the assessment option you select. Applications must include all the documents listed under the relevant assessment option.
Application Requirements
Express Assessment Council Assessment 1. Advertising Signs Licence Application – 1. Advertising Signs Licence Application – Full Express Assessment Assessment
2. Relevant express Assessment Checklist 2. Site plan (drawn to scale) and including the following information: 3. Site plan (drawn to scale) including the • building footprint following information: • property boundary • building footprint • street frontages • property boundary • location of all existing and proposed • street frontages advertising sign/s • location of proposed advertising sign/s • landscaping • landscaping • can be hand drawn. • can be hand drawn. 3. Site photos capturing the following details: 4. Sign illustration and construction details • each frontage including the following information: • view facing outwards from the position of the • drawn to scale proposed sign • proposed sign shape and dimensions • view towards the proposed sign location from • wording of the sign the roadway or footpath • materials, construction and means of • any existing advertisements on site attachment • colour, reflectivity and means of illumination 4. Sign illustration and construction details (if applicable). including the following information: • drawn to scale 5. evidence of permission from the Department • proposed sign shape and dimensions of Transport and Main Roads, if the • wording of the sign advertisement is to be exhibited on a state • materials, construction and means of controlled road or outside the boundaries of, attachment but visible from a state controlled road or • colour, reflectivity and means of illumination motorway (if applicable). (if applicable).
6. Council may request a certificate of 5. Sign specific additional document structural adequacy from a certified engineer requirements construction site building wrap for other types of advertisements during the and road banner assessment process. • Copy of the Public Liability Insurance policy for a minimum of $10 million with Council 7. Site photos. named as an interested party. • Certificate of structural adequacy from a certified engineer.
Temporary inflatable sign and real estate signs
• Copy of the Public Liability Insurance Policy for a minimum of $10 million with Council named as an interested party.
Mobile motor vehicle sign
• Vehicle registration number.
6. Council may request a certificate of structural adequacy from a certified engineer for other types of advertisements during the assessment process.
Applications for Multiple Signs
• Approval for multiple signs on one property for a single licence holder may be sought on one application. • Approval for multiple signs on a large development should be sought on a single application as an advertising package. • Approval for multiple signs on multiple properties must be sought on separate applications. • It is the property owner’s responsibility to manage the total maximum advertisement area allowable for the site. Information You Need to Know
Payment of an application fee, assessment fee (per advertisement) and an annual licence fee (per advertisement) is required upon lodgement of your application to Council. If you are making an Express Application, no assessment fee is required.
The fee is calculated as:
Application fee + assessment fee (per sign) + licence fee (per sign) = TOTAL FEE
Assessment fees for a full assessment are categorised as Level 1 or Level 2 dependent upon the type of advertisement. Refer to the Advertisements Classification Table to determine the fee level.
A Level 2 application fee and licence fee will apply for any advertisement on a Heritage Place, even if that advertisement is classified as permitted in the applicable City environment.
Generally Inappropriate applications may be considered for an advertisement classified as ‘Generally Inappropriate’ if the applicant can demonstrate that there are special circumstances which justify approval of the advertisement. For more information on the criteria for ‘Generally Inappropriate’ advertisements refer to the Advertisements Subordinate Local Law 2005. Fees are applicable for each ‘Generally Inappropriate’ advertisement applied for in addition to the assessment fee.
Lodgement Options
In person Brisbane City Council Regional Business Centres Brisbane City Council Central Business Centre
Email [email protected]
Post Brisbane City Council GPO Box 1434 Brisbane QLD 4001
Term of Approval
Advertisement licences are valid for a period of one year except for the following sign types:
• Business Promotion Sign – licence is valid for a maximum of 14 days within any 90 day period. • Temporary Inflatable Sign – licence is valid for a maximum of 21 days within any 26 week period. Unless the licence (or instrument of approval) states otherwise the licence is renewable annually up to five times provided the conditions of approval are met and the renewal fee is paid. Where the supply and installation of the advertisement exceeds $25,000, the licence may be renewed up to nine times subject to Council approval.
Maximum Area of Advertisements for a Sign
The maximum area for a single advertisement is the lesser of
• 48m² or • the maximum area as specified in Schedule 4, part 1 of the Advertisements Subordinate Local Law 2013.
For a Site
The maximum area for all advertisements on a site in a City Centre environment, Business Centre environment and Industry environment is 6% of the area of the property. For example if the area of a property is 400 m2 then the total area permissible for all advertisements is 24 m2. This is calculated by adding the total area of each face of every advertisement on site.
Property owners need to consider this issue when granting consent to a licensee to exhibit an advertisement, particularly when it’s a multi-tenanted site.
Calculating the Area of a Sign
The area of a sign includes the whole area of the rectangle in which the sign is completely contained, as illustrated below.
The total area of a sign is calculated by adding together the area of each face.
Other Approvals You May Require
You need to identify and comply with all other relevant laws and requirements associated with exhibiting an advertisement in Brisbane. Below is a list of some of the approvals you may require.
Department of Transport and Main Roads
If the proposed advertisement is to be exhibited on a state controlled road a Road Corridor permit from the Department of Transport and Main Roads is required. Similarly if the proposed advertisement will be outside the boundaries of, but visible, from a state controlled road or motorway Council invites the Department of Transport and Main Roads to make comments on traffic safety and efficiency.
If you are submitting an Express Assessment application for an advertisement that will be exhibited on a state controlled road or visible from a state controlled road or motorway you will need to obtain a Road Corridor permit from the Department of Transport and Main Roads prior to submitting your application to Council. If you opt for a Full Assessment, a Council officer will seek the necessary approval from the Department of Transport and Main Roads on your behalf.
Heritage Places Advertisements on a Heritage Place should be designed in accordance with the original character and period of the building or structure. Council has published Heritage place Fact Sheets that will assist you to design appropriate signage for the Heritage Place. Prior to lodging a full assessment application it is recommended you contact Council’s Heritage Unit to discuss your proposed advertisement. A Council officer will refer your application to Council’s Heritage Unit for a site specific analysis before making a final decision. Proposals for new signage at registered State heritage sites require approval from the Department of Heritage. An exemption certificate from the Department of environment and Resource Management will need to be submitted with the application.
Building Approvals
In addition to an application under the Local Law, the sign may require a building approval under the Building Act 1975. Please contact a building certifier for advice as to whether the sign requires building approval.
Development Approval to Operate a Business
You may require planning approval from Council to operate your business. Council’s Planning Scheme directs all development in Brisbane and sets out criteria and legal requirements that developments must address.
Transferring a Licence
Existing advertisement licences can be transferred between licensees provided the licence is current and there are no changes to the size, scale, media or location of the advertisement. An application form must be submitted to Council with a transfer of licence fee payable.
Any changes to the size, scale, media or location of the advertisement requires the submission of a new application to Council for approval.
More Information
For further information on advertisements and signage in Brisbane:
• visit • visit Council’s Customer Business Centre located in Brisbane Square, 266 George St, Brisbane or your nearest Council Regional Business Centre • phone Council on (07) 3403 8888.
Advertisement means an advertisement or sign that is visible from a road or other public place and includes a structure that forms part of the advertisement or sign, or to which it is attached, or on which it is exhibited.
Advertising package means all advertisements proposed to be exhibited on, or in relation to, a large development. City malls precinct means the pedestrian malls known as Queen Street Mall, Valley Mall (Brunswick St) and Chinatown Mall.
Commercial Character Building means a premises indicated on the Scheme Maps in City Plan 2000 as “Commercial Character Buildings” which include buildings that usually have the following characteristics:
• constructed pre-1946 • a non-residential gross floor area of less than 250m2 • built to the alignment • an awning over the footpath • designed for commercial activities or for use as a corner/local store or a small shopping group.
First party advertising means the advertising of any product or service which is produced or performed at the premises on which the advertisement is located.
Heritage place means a place identified as of ‘cultural heritage significance’ and listed in accordance with the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 or listed as a Heritage place in City Plan 2000.
Large development means a development where the impact of advertising is intensified because of the scale of individual signs or the exhibition of multiple types of sign, both on and off a site. Examples include shopping centres, motor vehicle sales yards and new residential estates.
State controlled road means a road so designated under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994.