National Program for Developing E-Government in the Republic of Kazakhstan for Year 2008-2010
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National Program for Developing e-Government in the Republic of Kazakhstan for Year 2008-2010
1. Executive Summary
Title: National Program for Developing E-Government in the Republic of Kazakhstan for years 2008-2010.
Development basis: President’s Address ‘A New Kazakhstan in a New World’ dated 28 February 2007.
Executive Agency: Agency for Informatization and Communication, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Goal: To create integrated e-government that efficiently serves all needs of citizens and business and consolidates society by means of information technologies.
Objectives: 1) To develop accessible e-government services; 2) To increase competitiveness of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Realization period: 2008 – 2010
Recourses required and sources for financing: Program realization will be financed from the Republican Budget – ______billion Tenge during 2008-2010, including for 2008 – ______billion Tenge, for 2009 – ______billion Tenge, for 2010 – ______billion Tenge; from local budgets implementing information technology programs – ______Tenge per year; as well as from non-budget sources such as private investments, grants of international and national financial organizations.
Expected outcomes: As a result of Program implementation: - under the framework of e-government integrated information system the following numbers of most demanded government public service shall be automated: ______of government to citizens public services (G2C), ______of government to business public services (G2B), and ______of government to government services (G2G); - the following e-government integrated information systems shall be created: e- Customs, e-Procurement, e-Finance, e-Taxation, e-Citizens, and e-Business; - e-Akimats shall be created in regional centres and large cities; - Assessment and monitoring system shall be created to examine e-government performance indicators; - Radiofrequency spectrum conversion shall be carried out to eliminate assignment and payment procedures for radiofrequencies use in ranges of 2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5.8 GHz with the purpose to stimulate competition and development of alternative (wireless) access methods; - 6 (six) new normative and legislative acts in the form of laws or amendments shall be passed; - A set of governing and regulating documents determining e-government architecture shall be developed; - Uniform National Technical Policy aimed at development of mechanisms to provide access to e-government resources and services shall be formulated; - At least 100 standards and technical regulations shall be developed and adopted so that harmonization level of national standards and international standards is expected to reach 65 %; - All of the central bodies and regional centres Akimats shall be connected to the Government-wide Intranet (“Uniform Transport Space”); - 9 (nine) electronic registration and record-keeping systems shall be created including 4 based on the old national information DBs and 5 new DBs, establishing of the National Information System (GIS) shall be commenced; - existing e-government management institutes shall be further developed and expanded to the form of new divisions of Automated Information Systems (AIS) and JSC NIT (National Information Technologies) both at the central and regional levels; - At least, 6 institutions for e-government development shall be established.
2. Introduction This National Program for Developing e-Government in the Republic of Kazakhstan for years 2008-2010 (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is developed pursuant to the President’s Address to the Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘A New Kazakhstan in a New World’ dated 28 February 2007, and in compliance with the fundamental principles of e- Government Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved at session of the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan by Minutes No. 9 dated 8 June 2004. This Program is based on the idea of building up service-oriented state through mechanisms such as development of electronic services, improvement of legal framework, methodological and infrastructural bases of e-government aimed at achieving ‘A Progressive Informational Kazakhstan’. Program implementation is intended to automate most demanded types of government services, to ensure realization of administrative and IT reform, to develop mechanisms of access to its resources and services covering all spheres of citizens life and government agencies functioning. The core of administrative and informational reform is to redeem from a paper workflow heritage and to redefine state functions and interdepartmental interaction within the framework of e-government development in order to ensure transparency and increased efficiency of government agencies activities. Integrated system of National Electronic Registration incorporating national, administrative and departmental registration systems will be set up. Most government functions and services are connected to paper workflow, information systems fragmentation and require gathering or confirmation of information from various adjacent government agencies. All costs associated with information gathering and confirmation processes are incurred by applicants or service recipient. E-government is a mechanism that allows to eliminate most of such expenses and to reduce the number of required information, certificates and other documentation. To achieve this, government agencies through business processes re-engineering, should move to a more extensive use of e-Government infrastructure integration opportunities, such as e-Government Gateway, National Electronic Registration System in order to efficiently organize inter-agency interactions and provide the citizens and businesses with most demanded types of electronic services. e-Government infrastructure development will be carried out by stimulating and providing conditions required for the development of IT access infrastructure to its resources and services: mobile Internet, wireless broadband digital networks, as well as by setting up institutes for management and development of e-government. e-Government Project as well as any successful ICT project passes through evolutionary stages of maturity: initial, guided, defined and optimized. National Program for developing e-Government in the Republic of Kazakhstan for years 2005 - 2007 was intended to implement activities of the initial maturity stage of the e-government system, when its outline was in place and basic components of various success degree set up. Main purpose of e-government project management is to make a transition to the next maturity stage – ‘well and efficiently guided stage’. At this stage the e-government project is intended to be an integer bases with uniform requirements and implementation plan rather than a sum of rather independent projects aimed at realization of its base components and electronic services. It should significantly improve the overall performance of the e-government project aimed to provide most priority types of government services.
Terms and Definitions IIC - Integrated Information System ICT - Information and Communication Technologies QMS - Quality Management System PSC - Public Service Centre EDS - Electronic and Digital Signature Administrative process - A sequence of actions taken by officials of government agencies and organizations within the jurisdiction of government agencies in the process of exercising government functions and administrative role (regular result-oriented activities). Administrative - Normative act that set the requirements for administrative Regulations processes and/or their results. E-government - A structured concept model that define common principles Architecture and standards for setting up national information systems, common principles of information compatibility and information exchange within government organizations, and provide a basis for ICT investment management and planning both on national and ministerial/departmental level. Benchmarking - A method of analyzing best practices of other organizations aimed at increasing own performance efficiency and business processes improvement through evaluation of various aspects of performance and results of others followed by adoption of such best practices. Business Process - A stable and well-directed set of linked activities that (process) through a certain technology transform input into a more valuable for a user outputs. Government Service - Legal service that government agencies provide citizens, businesses or other government agencies with (external user view on interactions with the state) Government Function - Regular activities of a government agency aimed at realization or provision of government power (internal view of government and local authorities) LEA - Local Executive Authority Model - Graphic, table, textual, symbolic representation or interrelated set of the above. National Registration - 1) Legislative regulations of record-keeping and and Record-keeping registration procedures; System (NRS) 2) Means that provide record-keeping processes, including means for office records-keeping management, ICT applications designed for realization of record-keeping logic 3) A system combining all types of record-keeping (national, administrative and departmental record-keeping systems) Notation - A standardized method for representing information (can be in text, table or graphic form) Registration subject - Subjects, legal facts, objects or real cases, data on which shall be subject to retrieval and storing under the record- keeping procedures Process Approach - Using a system of interrelated processes in organization’s performance and resource management Record-keeping event - Any variation of record-keeping data E-government - Technical and organizational management network of (E-Government) government agencies performing automated government functions to deliver public services to citizens and businesses through the information and communication technology access, and aimed to improve quality provision of the constitutional rights and liberties of every citizen in particular, and to increase transparency and efficiency of 3. Situation Analysis of e-Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan The National Program for developing e-Government in the Republic of Kazakhstan for years 2005 - 2007 has provided the following results: - Setting up the Uniform Protected Multi-Service Transport Space (government- wide Intranet) for government agencies at the central level in its completion phase; - Setting up the Uniform electronic workflow system for government agencies at the central level in its completion phase; - Basic components of e-Government are in place, including e-Government Portal and Gateway, Backbone Databases; putting in place the Payment Gateway and National Identification System in its completion phase; - 1,186 public access points are established to provide more extended access to government agencies electronic services; - Mechanism for provision of 15 interactive services is in place, setting up conditions for transaction services is in its completion phase; - In 2006 computer literacy of the population of Kazakhstan reached 10%; - Telephones installation completed in 6,579 villages out of 7,258 with rural population exceeding 50 persons. Telephone density achieved 18.5 telephones per 100 residents; - By the end of 2007 number of schools connected to the Internet is expected to reach 100%; - Under improvement of education level in ICT area, it is expected to have ______schoolchildren per one PC instead of 54; to increase the number of schools connected to the satellite link for distance education from 8.7 per cent up to ___ per cent. It is also required to pay special attention to the following issues: - Insufficient normative and legislative framework for effective implementation of e- government projects; - Unequal opportunities of different levels of population in getting access to the Internet services; - Insufficient development of ICT infrastructure in rural areas, and low level of Internet low Internet distribution in provinces; - A tendency of increasing deficit of qualified staff in ICT industry, a drop ICT staff training quality, which could lead to a lower quality of ICT projects organization; - Partial deterioration of technical regulating documentation, lack of certain standards in the field of ICT projects; - Prime concern of government agencies about their departmental interests rather than about population’s needs; - Lack of understanding among government agencies about benefits of e- government ICT initiatives implementation, which often become an obstacle in the process of e-government implementation; - Absence of institutes for ICT projects monitoring and audit; - Low integration of automated systems between agencies, imperfection of agencies’ business processes; However, other factors reflecting current situation exist: - Strong centralized political will of management promoting successful project implementation; - Literacy and high educational level of the population allowing to expect a sufficient level of understanding of the e-government initiatives; - Presence of international organizations, such as USAID, the World Development Bank ensuring that the best world practices and experience can be adopted in the Republic of Kazakhstan; - At present, in Kazakhstan some foundation for setting up ICT infrastructure is in place, in some regions economic structures and social institutes are ICT equipped at certain minimum level. Thus, current e-government implementation processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan has potential for further development, allows to improve the positive results obtained and to progress further in order to achieve new outcomes.
4. Program goal and objectives The goal of the Program is to create integrated e-government that efficiently serves all needs of citizens and business and consolidates society by means of information technologies. To achieve its goal the following objectives are set 1) To develop accessible e-government services; 2) To increase competitiveness of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. Main directions and mechanisms of Program implementation Program implementation and achievement of the objectives set will be executed in the following directions: 1) Realization and introduction of electronic services that meet the requirements of citizens, business and government agencies; 2) Development of access mechanisms to and raising awareness about e-government services; 3) Development of human resources; 4) Maintenance of normative and legislative framework for the e-government model; 5) Development of e-government institutes and infrastructure; 6) Monitoring ICT development indicators and assessment of e-government services efficiency.
5.1 Realization and introduction of electronic services that meet the requirements of citizens, business and government agencies At present a variety of definitions of the term e-government exists. Most briefly e- government is ‘automated provision of government services’. Thus, e-government should ensure that the citizens and business can interact with the government and have access to the government services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, irrespective of their geographical location.
5.1.1 Classification and priority of e-government services According to the adopted practice the e-government Model consists of three clearly defined types of services and interactions: - between government agencies and citizens (G2C - Government To Citizen); - between government agencies and business (G2B - Government To Business); - between various government agencies and all levels of government administration (G2G - Government To Government). Most demanded government services, above all, are so-called ‘vital episodes’ (G2C) and ‘business situations’ (G2B). These services have a different degree of formalization, differ in their functional types and provision mechanisms. Under the framework of e-government each of the government agencies will estimate prospects and expediency of their services automation (first of all, services to citizens and business). To maintain the legal importance, corresponding regulations and standards for e-government services will be developed in accordance with authorized notation, measurable and qualitative indicators to be achieved will be described (for example, reduction of temporary expenses, number of documents, forms or application processing stages) subject to their partial or complete automation. The following associated electronic services shall form a common functional content for all government services to be automated: - Submission of an electronic application for receiving public service via Web-Portal (for example, filling the web form, sending by e-mail, or through CPS, etc.); - Electronic tracking (notification) of service provision progress and status, informing on readiness of the target documents through different channels (such as SMS- messaging, electronic mail, web-page, etc.). Each government agency will classify its services by their functional content, expediency of rendering them through CPS and through web-forms according to the following types:
Table 1 Functional Types of Suitability for Potential advantages of government Government delivery of services automation Services government services through the Centres of Public Services (CPS) 1 Issuing Certificates Suitable for routine Reduction of costs associated with and well-structured printing out, storing and transportation standard services of paper documents. Reduction in (processes) number of information inquiries received from citizens followed by cost reduction. 2 Consultancy Suitable for routine Reduction of repeatedly carried out and well-structured work. Time reduction in consultation standard services processes (processes) 3 Reception of Unsuitable as service Transportation costs reduction, reporting type is G2B or G2G improvement and acceleration of information management processes 4 Reception of Unsuitable as other Processes acceleration payments, taxes, etc. alternative and more efficient mechanisms in place 5 State Registration Suitable for routine Administrative procedures acceleration, and well-structured transparency provision standard services (processes) 6 Record Registration Suitable for routine Administrative procedures acceleration, and well-structured transparency provision standard services (processes) 7 Licensure Suitable for routine Administrative procedures acceleration, and well-structured transparency provision standard services (processes) 8 General procedures Suitable Saving time required for information of receipt, filing of processing by departments. Processes complaints, claims, acceleration due discrepancy applications and contradictions requests 9 Financial and Social Suitable Processes acceleration. Elimination of Aid cases related to repetitive rendering assistance (fraud) 10 Other (supervision, Unsuitable as service Reduction of costs related to business control and type is G2G trips, logistics, communication (faxes, monitoring, phone call). Reduction of costs interdepartmental associated with work coordination cooperation, etc) (meetings, etc). Administrative procedures acceleration and as a result reduction of employees work load
The authorized bodies will reconsider the requirements to the content, development and approval procedures, realization of government, industry (sectoral), regional and budget Programs with the purpose to increase its motivation and responsibility in development of e- government. E-government services will be realized by means of setting up Integrated Information Systems (hereinafter referred to as IIS) of e-government, which, in turn, will be based on the National Registration System. First of all, the following IIS will be set up. 5.1.2. Development of G2C electronic services Under implementation of e-government Concept it is necessary to carry out system automation of government services – to create and develop electronic services (such as submission of applications and requests, issues of certificates, receipt of notices, permissions, etc), accompanying the most priority types of government services for the citizens and significantly expediting the delivery of such services. Government services G2C of the first functional type (issue of certificates, references) will be fully automated. Most priority types of government services for citizens will be automated under the framework of integrated information systems in accordance with the following table of services and application systems.
Table 2. G2C Services Table 2 No. Service Description Service Type Service Date Provider 1 Distance warrant to a taxpayer pursuant to Interactive Tax Committee Article 31 of the Tax Code 2 Application of a non-resident taxpayer Interactive Tax Committee (according to the Form 102.01) for reimbursement of income tax 3 Application of a non-resident taxpayer for Interactive Tax Committee receiving a certificate on accumulated income from the sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan and tax deducted according to the Form 204.01 4 Application of a non-resident taxpayer Interactive Tax Committee (according to the Form 102.02) to receive confirmation of tax residence status 5 Application of a non-resident taxpayer Interactive Tax Committee (Form 003.00) to register as a taxpayer and to be unregistered as a natural person, including an entrepreneur (non-resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan), and (according to the Form 005.00) a tax player of legal entity, branch, representative office, organization department (non-resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 6 Application to register tax objects and tax Interactive Tax Committee related objects 7 Taxpayer application for extension of due Interactive Tax Committee date for tax declaration and documentation rendered 8 Access to the standards of government tax Informational Tax Committee services 9 Application to reckon overpaid (erroneously Interactive Tax Committee collected) taxes and fees to the budget 10 Personal access to the data on taxpayer’s Interactive Tax Committee objects of taxation including foreign immovable property 11 Submission of tax accounts and reporting Interactive Tax Committee through thin client and data portal 12 Registration at place of residence of the Transactional Ministry of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan Justice 13 Cancellation of registration at place of Interactive Ministry of residence of the citizens of the Republic of Justice Kazakhstan 14 Registration of acts of civil status Transactional Ministry of Justice 15 Issue of passports and identity cards of the Transactional Ministry of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan Justice 16 Issue of certificates on surname, name, and Transactional Ministry of patronymic change Justice 17 Issue of technical certificate for a Transactional Ministry of immovable property object Justice 18 State registration of property rights Transactional Ministry of (burdens) for immovable property and Justice transactions with it 19 Registration of pledge for movable property Transactional Ministry of not liable to obligatory state registration Justice 20 Issue of a certificate for registration of Transactional Ministry of movable property pledge Justice 21 Issue of certificate for registered real estate Interactive Ministry of right (burden) and its technical Justice characteristics 22 Issue of certificate on ownership (non- Interactive Ministry of ownership) of immovable property Justice 23 Issue of extract from the Register about Interactive Ministry of movable property pledge Justice 24 Issue of license in the field of property Transactional Ministry of assessment Justice 25 Assignment of pensions from the Centre Interactive Ministry of Labour and Social Protection 26 Assignment of state basic pension pay-out Interactive Ministry of Labour and Social Protection 27 Assignment of state social welfare payments Interactive Ministry of due to disability, bread-winner loss and age Labour and allowances Social Protection 28 Assignment of state special allowances Interactive Ministry of Labour and Social Protection 29 Assignment of social allowance due to social Interactive Ministry of risks: loss of work ability, bread-winner loss Labour and or loss of job Social Protection 30 Assignment of childe birth and childe care Interactive Ministry of benefits Labour and Social Protection 31 Application and paper work for orthopedic Interactive Ministry of support to disabled persons Labour and Social Protection 32 Application and paper work for provision Interactive Ministry of persons with hearing and sight disabilities Labour and with special aid and obligatory hygienic aid Social and means Protection 33 Assignment of lump sum allowances to Interactive Ministry of oralmans entered Kazakhstan under Labour and immigration quota Social Protection 34 Paper work for reimbursement of expenses Interactive Ministry of on passage to the permanent place of Labour and residence and carriage of asset (including Social livestock), allotment of means for Protection purchasing dwelling 35 Issue of expert’s report on medical and Transactional Ministry of social examination Labour and Social Protection 36 Apostilling of archive references, Transactional Ministry of certificates, and archive documents, Culture and outgoing from state archival funds of the Information Republic of Kazakhstan and directed abroad 37 Issue of permission on temporary import and Transactional Ministry of export of cultural values Culture and Information 38 Issue of permission on colleting historical Transactional Ministry of documents in the territory of the republic of Culture and Kazakhstan Information 39 Issue of permission on temporary export of Transactional Ministry of National archival fund’s documents outside Culture and the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan Information 40 Services of electronic library Interactive Ministry of Culture and Information 41 Certification of physical persons for Transactional Ministry of practicing untraditional medicine Health 42 Accreditation of natural persons and legal Transactional Ministry of entities for conducting an independent expert Health assessment of public health services’ performance 43 Customs registration service Transactional Customs Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 44 Storage of goods (Customs) Transactional Customs Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 45 Customs clearance service Transactional Customs Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 46 Issue of qualification certificate of the expert Transactional Customs on customs registration Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 47 Information on results of monitoring of on Interactive Customs state purchases Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 48 Certificate. General secondary education Interactive Local Executive (general compulsory education) Authority (LEA) 49 Certificate. Extra-curricular education Interactive LEA (children and youth, palace of students)
50 Certificate. Preschool education and training Interactive LEA
51 Issue of information from the place of Interactive LEA residence 52 Issue of information about family Interactive LEA composition 53 Issue of information on presence of a part- Interactive LEA time farm
54 Issue of information on land use Interactive LEA
55 Information about cattle stock Interactive LEA
56 Information. Maintenance of population Interactive LEA employment
57 Issue of reference to unemployed citizens Interactive LEA
58 Issue of reference for social benefits and Interactive LEA allowances 59 Issue of reference about son’s (daughter) Interactive LEA training abroad
60 Issue of reference about assignment of new Interactive LEA addresses to the new ground areas
61 Issue of confirmation about work experience Interactive LEA length to heads regional educational institutions 62 Issue of reference about cattle export Interactive LEA
63 Reference for a loan and asset sale Interactive LEA
64 Information about ownership of cattle on a Interactive LEA farm
65 Processing social and legal inquiries: Interactive LEA confirmation of service length and salary, military service, participation in partisan movement, elective positions, awards of orders and medals, tanks and titles honoured, medical treatment, education, facts of repressions and dispossession, withdrawal of electoral rights 66 Issue of certificates on trusteeship Interactive LEA
67 Issue of reference of the same name of Interactive LEA towns Semipalatinsk-21-Kurchatov 68 Information, confirming the fact of training Interactive LEA at city schools
69 Information, confirming the fact of work in Interactive LEA organizations in the city
70 Information to notarial office for the Interactive LEA permission for exchange or sale of the inhabited area, belonging to minor children
71 References to State Social Benefits and pay Interactive LEA outs, Pension funds, Certificates to State Road Police for registration of the inheritance to minor children
72 Information of the Decision of trusteeship Interactive LEA council for the bargains touching interests of minor children being the proprietors of dwelling.
73 The information. The account of the Interactive LEA militarians
74 Information about a place of location of the Interactive LEA enterprises, organizations in city
75 Information on registration and Interactive LEA unregistration from a place of residence
76 Information to the citizens about renaming Interactive LEA city streets for granting in RSE ‘Real Estate Centre’ 77 Information about distances from trade Interactive LEA points to educational institutions 78 Permission for export of literature not Interactive LEA representing value for Republic of Kazakhstan
79 Distribution of copies for alcoholic Interactive LEA beverages product license
80 Death Certificate Interactive LEA
81 Reference on dwelling destruction Interactive LEA
82 Information about time for completion of Interactive LEA sowing and harvest works, about productivity, for purchase of engineering in leasing, about stabile performance of enterprise, about a place of location of legal or physical person 83 Issue of reference for accompanying corpse Interactive LEA
84 Information about epidemic environment Interactive LEA
85 Information on presence of the experts on Interactive LEA the declared vacancies
One of the tools to increase efficiency of e-government and transparency of the government is a direct unimpeded interaction between government and population. In connection with the above, under the Program it is planned to implement and introduce a system for e-dialogue (electronic dialogue), which will provide direct involvement of population in the discussions and debates of bills and will guarantee answers to set questions within 48 hours. The task of setting up and developing information systems is assigned to the government agencies and akimats with appropriate competence and responsibility, the task of maintenance of their functioning under the framework of e-government is assigned to an authorized body in charge of information technologies. As a result of development of the given G2C e-government services G2C the following outcomes are expected: - Improvement of indicator of irregular payments in foreign-economic activities from 4.4 up to 4.7 by 2010; - Improvement of indicator of irregular payments in the field of taxation and tax collection from 4.5 up to 5.0 by 2010.
5.1.3. Development of G2B electronic services Under e-government Concept realization it is necessary to set up and develop government electronic services (submission of applications and inquiries, receipt of certificates, notices, permissions, etc) that accompany most priority types of government services for business. Government services G2B of the first functional type (information, inquiries, issue of certificates) will be completely automated. Most priority types of government services for business will be automated under integrated information systems in according with the following table of services and application systems.
Table 3. G2B Services Table 3 Service Description Service Type Service Date Provider 1 Distance warrant to a taxpayer pursuant to Interactive Tax Committee Article 31 of the Tax Code 2 Application of a non-resident taxpayer Interactive Tax Committee (according to the Form 102.01) for reimbursement of income tax 3 Application of a non-resident taxpayer for Interactive Tax Committee receiving a certificate on accumulated income from the sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan and tax deducted according to the Form 204.01 4 Application of a non-resident taxpayer Interactive Tax Committee (according to the Form 102.02) to receive confirmation of tax residence status 5 Application of a non-resident taxpayer (Form Interactive Tax Committee 003.00) to register as a taxpayer and to be unregistered as a natural person, including an entrepreneur (non-resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan), and (according to the Form 005.00) a tax player of legal entity, branch, representative office, organization department (non-resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 6 Application to register tax objects and tax Interactive Tax Committee related objects 7 Taxpayer application for extension of due Interactive Tax Committee date for tax declaration and documentation rendered 8 Access to the standards of government tax Informational Tax Committee services 9 Application to reckon overpaid (erroneously Interactive Tax Committee collected) taxes and fees to the budget 10 Personal access to the data on taxpayer’s Interactive Tax Committee objects of taxation including foreign immovable property 11 Submission of tax accounts and reporting Interactive Tax Committee through thin client and data portal
12 Issue of technical passport of real estate Transactional Ministry of objects Justice 13 State registration of the legal entity, its Transactional Ministry of branches and representative offices Justice 14 Registration of the duplicate of the certificate Transactional Ministry of on state registration (re-registration) of legal Justice entity, branches and representative offices 15 State registration of property rights (burdens) Transactional Ministry of for immovable property and transactions with Justice it 16 Registration of pledge for movable property Transactional Ministry of not liable to obligatory state registration Justice
17 Issue of a certificate for registration of Transactional Ministry of movable property pledge Justice 18 Issue of certificate for registered real estate Interactive Ministry of right (burden) and its technical characteristics Justice 19 Issue of certificate on ownership (non- Interactive Ministry of ownership) of immovable property Justice 20 Issue of extract from the Register about Interactive Ministry of movable property pledge Justice 21 Issue of licence in the field of property Transactional Ministry of assessment Justice 22 Licensing of lawyer activity and notarial Transactional Ministry of activity Justice
23 Issue of preliminary patent, certificate Transactional Ministry of Justice 24 Issue of certificate on well known trade mark Transactional Ministry of Justice 25 Licensing for activity, connected with import Transactional Ministry of of foreign labour and export of a labour from Labour and Republic of Kazakhstan abroad (Almaty city, Social executive body of Almaty city) Protection
26 Experts' report on medical and social Transactional Ministry of examination Labour and Social Protection 27 Registration of mass media Transactional Ministry of Culture and Information 28 Apostilling of archive references, certificates, Transactional Ministry of and archive documents, outgoing from state Culture and archival funds of the Republic of Kazakhstan Information and directed abroad 29 Licensing of archaeological and restoration Transactional Ministry of works of monuments of historic and cultural Culture and value Information 30 Licensing for TV or radio broadcast Transactional Ministry of Culture and Information 31 Issue of permission on temporary import and Transactional Ministry of export of cultural values Culture and Information 32 Issue of permission on colleting historical Transactional Ministry of documents in the territory of the republic of Culture and Kazakhstan Information 33 Issue of permission on temporary export of Transactional Ministry of National archival fund’s documents outside Culture and the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan Information
34 Access services to the library electronic Interactive Ministry of catalogue with opportunity for information Culture and downloading Information 35 State registration, re-registration of medicinal Transactional Ministry of means, medical equipment and products for Health medical purpose
36 State registration of food products for Transactional Ministry of children, food and biologically supplements Health food and biologically of active additives to food (nutraceutical), generically modified sources, dyes, materials and products contacting with water and food, chemical substances, certain kinds of products and substances causing harm to human health 37 Licensing for activity connected to narcotic Transactional Ministry of substances’ supply, psychotropic substances Health and their precursor in public health services 38 The licensing for medical activity in a part of Transactional Ministry of works and services which are carried out by Health organizations of republican importance), as well as physical and legal persons, activities of which move beyond the frontiers of one area (big city, capital)
39 Permissions to advertise medical services, Transactional Ministry of new methods and means of preventive Health treatment, diagnostics, treatment and medical rehabilitation, except for medicine
40 Licensing for practicing in public health Transactional Ministry of services of new methods and means of Health preventive maintenance, diagnostics, treatment and medical rehabilitation, except for medicine 41 Accreditation of the subjects of public health Transactional Ministry of services Health
42 Accreditation of natural persons and legal Transactional Ministry of entities for conducting an independent expert Health assessment of public health services’ performance 43 Issue of expert report on sanitary and Transactional Ministry of epidemiologic condition of project Health
44 Experts' report on sanitary – epidemiological Transactional Ministry of examination (laboratory research: Health bacteriological, viral, sanitary - hygienic, toxicological, radiological, electromagnetic and other physical factors) 45 Customs clearance service Transactional Customs Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 46 Storage of goods (Customs) Transactional Customs Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 47 Customs support service Transactional Customs Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 48 Licensing by customs bodies Transactional Customs Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 49 Information on results of monitoring of state Interactive Customs purchases tenders Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 50 Reception of tender application Interactive Customs Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 51 Reception of bidding documents Interactive Customs Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 52 Information about assignment of new Interactive LEA addresses to the new ground areas
53 Information on registration and unregistration Interactive LEA from a place of residence
54 Information to the citizens about renaming Interactive LEA city streets for granting in RSE ‘Real Estate Centre’
55 Information about distances from trade points Interactive LEA to educational institutions 56 Distribution of copies for alcoholic beverages Interactive LEA product license
57 Reference on dwelling destruction Interactive LEA 58 Information about time for completion of Interactive LEA sowing and harvest works, about productivity, for purchase of engineering in leasing, about stabile performance of enterprise, about a place of location of legal or physical person 59 Information on presence of the experts on the Interactive LEA declared vacancies
Task of setting up and developing information systems that provide these electronic services is assigned to government agencies with corresponding competence and responsibility, task of maintenance of their functioning under the framework of e-government is assigned to an authorized body in charge of information technology. As a result of development of the given G2B e-government services G2B the following outcomes are expected: - Indicator of Internet use in business will improve from 3.6 up to 4.5 by 2010; - Indicator for irregular payments in foreign-economic activities will raise from 4.4 up to 4.7 by 2010; - Indicator of irregular payments in tax collection will go up from 4.5 to 5.0 by 2010.
5.1.4. Development of G2G electronic services The purpose for setting up and development of G2G services is to provide administrative reforms of agencies interactions at various levels of government administration with ICT means so that they can perform their functions efficiently. In connection with the above further development of electronic workflow will be carried out, a system of Intranet Portals and Gateways of government agencies and akimats will be created. The Program intends to create and develop electronic services of the following types and under the following application Programs.
Table 4. G2G Services Table 4 № Service Description Service Type Service Date Provider 1 Organization of electronic interaction Interactive Tax Committee between tax and customs bodies 2 Organization of electronic interaction of tax Interactive Tax Committee bodies with National database ;Address Register’ 3 Providing information to central and local Informational Tax Committee state authorities on budget profit
4 Providing information to law enforcement Interactive Tax Committee agencies about taxpayer subject to criminal case 5 Realization of mechanism for interactions Interactive Tax Committee between tax bodies and justice bodies in providing information about tax debt of the Founders of the newly created legal entity (branch, representative office) and about liquidated legal entities for the purposes of simplification of procedure of registration and liquidation of the legal entities 6 Granting information about tax payer’s Interactive Tax Committee budget payments upon inquires of : Banks – loaning; Akimats – land registration, etc. 7 Interaction with Migration Police at departure Interactive Tax Committee of the citizens of Republic of Kazakhstan ton a permanent place of residence abroad 8 Services of providing of access to the Interactive Ministry of catalogue of electronic library with an Culture and opportunity of downloading information Information 9 Accreditation of the subjects of public health Transactional Ministry of services Health
10 Accreditation of natural persons and legal Transactional Ministry of entities for conducting an independent expert Health assessment of public health services’ performance
11 Information on monitoring of state purchase Interactive Customs tenders Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 12 Reception of tender application Interactive Customs Control Committee under Ministry of Finance 13 Reception of bidding documents Interactive Customs Control Committee under Ministry of Finance
To increase efficiency of the government structure, as well as to monitor and control economic and political situation it is planned to develop a system of Situation Centre for the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan. Task of setting up and developing information systems that provide these electronic services, is assigned to government agencies with appropriate competence and responsibility, tasks of coordination and maintenance of their functioning within the framework of e- government is assigned to an authorized body in charge of information technologies.
5.1.5. Electronic Akimats A significant share of government services is necessary for local executive bodies. The overall performance of e-government as a whole will depend on success of automation of such services. Electronic Akimats will be set as regional ‘e-governments’, i.e. its is integration of regional government information resources and government information systems, on the basis of which, e-government services will be provided to the citizens and business. Not all of the government services can be completely automated and transformed to electronic form in terms of process and government service rendering result. However, majority of most demanded government services related to inquiries and issue of various certificates and extracts are expected to be completely automated.
5.2. Development of access mechanisms to and raising awareness about e- government services One of the important Program directions is to develop access mechanisms to electronic services. Until recently opportunities for public infrastructure development and public access provision were determined exclusively by the National Telecommunication Company. Nevertheless, last years experience demonstrates that due to liberalization of telecommunication market, private sector can also play a significant role in infrastructure development. Universal spread of telecommunications and ‘universal access’ are even more achievable today due to the world trends and decrease in cost of telecommunication and network technologies. This trend allows the developing countries, including Kazakhstan, to achieve a great breakthrough in use of high technologies. e-Government access development is expected to be achieved through an extensive and maximum use of such tools as the Internet, public access points, public service centres, mobile Internet, broadband wireless networks. Development of mechanisms of access to е-services will provide: - Increase in the number of PCs up to 50 per 100 persons by 2010; - Indicator of number of Internet hosts per 100,000 persons will increase from 14.7 up to 30; - Indicator of competition quality among Internet services suppliers should be improved from 3.5 up to 4.5 upon the completion of Program implementation.
5.2.1 Development of mechanisms of electronic access To minimize digital inequality it is necessary to ensure that information resources and services of e-government are widely accessible any time and from any terminal device connected to the Internet, including PC, laptop, HPC, mobile telephone, smart phone, digital TV, digital radio. To achieve the above, it is important to have the radiofrequency resource available and distributed among digital TV, digital radio, 3G-network and broadband wireless Internet access (WiMAX), as well as to have at disposal the latest Internet technologies for interactive services (Web 2.0). It is necessary to develop the Program for Civil and Military conversion of radiofrequency spectrum distribution. Technological and technical lag in this field can be a direct threat to the national security, so a new philosophy is required which is bound to result in a new paradigm for information security. Mobile technologies Mobile technologies can serve as an effective tool for developing of and raising awareness about electronic services, owned to a much higher degree of their market entry and availability compared to PCs. Under the Program it is planned to launch 2 to 3 pilot projects, including a project ‘м- Citizen’ (mobile citizen) aimed to provide the citizens with most demanded services in format of mobile technologies. Broadband digital networks To ensure on the national level construction of, first of all, broadband wireless access networks, it is required to select one or several free of licensing ranges radiofrequency spectrum in Kazakhstan’s territory. It is also necessary to conduct appropriate research on radiofrequency spectrum conversion to eliminate assignment and payment procedures for radiofrequencies use in ranges of 2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5.8 GHz, and based on the research results develop a Program for development of broadband access, formulate normative and technical framework, regulations, standards and protocols. It is important for each city to have the adapted Concept and Program for the development of ‘digital city’ on the bases of broadband access. Maintenance of the population by accessible computer engineering (National Computer Project) One of the mechanisms aimed to provide citizens with access to electronic services is ‘National Computer’ project, which promotes distribution of accessible computer technology. Main task of the project is to create a special line of new PC that will have all the necessary hard- and software functions, as well as a moderate selling price to be available to the public. Target audience of the project will be families with children of school or student age, in particular, living in small towns, settlements, villages and remote areas with underdeveloped infrastructure for PC production and distribution. This project is intended, first of all, to provide some background for building up integrated information society in the regions, as well as to create conditions for the accelerated development of IT industry and market in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is projected that the number of PCs sold under the Project will increase the total PC supply by 69% in 2008, 59% - in 2009 and will reach more than 720,000 PCs.
5.2.2 Maintenance of public support In order to gain public support and loyalty of target audience in respect of e- government (citizens, business and government sector) the Program initiatives shall be widely advertised and supported by mass media. Main task of this direction is to gain public trust and long-term preference to the e- government services, to create a favourable image of the e-government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to ensure that all the issues related to the sphere of e-government are recognizable and familiar to the public, as well as to stimulate further development and support of electronic services. In order to attract and capture general attention to the Program and to gain public support for its realization, e-government trade mark or brand will be promoted, as well as corporate identity and successful positioning. Successful promotion of e-government brand is closely associated with efficiency of projects implementation under the Program as well as demonstration of clear benefits of newly introduced electronic services. In order to raise population’s awareness about e- government, information and news on Program implementation progress and results shall be reported by mass media.
5.3. Development of human resources Human factor such as lack of sufficient number of professionals or insufficient knowledge of the population can be an obstacle for e-government development. Therefore, a Program that focuses on human capital development, will also lead to a higher efficiency of ICT use in other areas. For example, for infrastructure development, an increase in numbers of qualified users can result in a more efficient use of available capacities. One of the critical factors in developing human resources is the need to overcome information inequality. Successful reduction of information and digital inequality, characterized by different levels of computer literacy and unequal access opportunities to the latest ICT among the population in the Republic of Kazakhstan, will allow to create necessary conditions for Kazakhstan to be ranked among the world top 50 most competitive countries. Main criteria to overcome the information inequality are: - To optimize procedures for interactions of the government, citizens and business, to improve mechanisms for overcoming information inequality; - To consider specific informational needs and requirements of different social levels and groups of the population; - To development call centres and public access points; - To support projects implemented by central and local executive bodies aimed at development of industry information resources for web portals; - To introduce multi-level training for the population at educational centres with certification, and to set up a motivation system for government employees on the national level. For human capital development and information inequality reduction it is required to analyze normative and legislative provisions aimed at overcoming information inequality and main direction of ICT application in educational, as well as to assess current status of ICT use in educational institutions, to research the importance of ICT introduction in human factor development, and to develop a system for application of ICT knowledge and skills. Under the Program it is expected to classify and systemize educational assessment processes, develop standards and classifiers in the ICT field, create information resources designed for electronic training system to support primary and secondary education. It is expected that a set of measures taken to develop human capital and broadband networks will ensure an increase in Internet use at school level from 4.3 up to 4.6 by year 2010.
5.4. Maintenance of normative and legislative framework for the e-government model
Development of normative, legislative and methodological base is one of the key elements for e-government development, aimed at regulating relations in the sphere of information technology on order to meet the society’s informational requirements, to protect e- services consumer rights, to establish government agencies’ terms of references, and to coordinate their activities under е-government functioning. In order to practice common approaches when creating base components and departmental information systems and to ensure their compatibility, a uniform methodology framework for e-Government infrastructure will be developed, providing for development of national technology standards and/or adoption of international ones, to ensure uniform mechanism for integration of government agencies information systems’ data and services. As a result, it is expected that indicator of ICT priority for government to increase from 5.0 to 5.4 by 2010, and indicator of government success in ICT introduction will increase from 4.3 to 4.6 by 2010.
5.4.1. Improvement of normative and legislative acts ‘ The right of citizens and organizations to receive information from government agencies and officials’ forms a foundation for normative and legislative regulations. Government approaches to regulation of information technology and public relations in this sphere, as well as prospects of national IT legislation improvement, determine prospects for their further development and depend on what aspects of informatization are/are not subject to normative and legislative regulations. In the light of second phase of e-government Program implementation it is important to note that most crucial aspects that are subject to normative and legislative regulation in electronic services provision are: - Issues connected to development of clear conceptual device in the field of government services, e-government services; - Classifiers formation for government functions and services, including electronic ones (both existing and perspective), establishing rights and duties of the citizens and organizations, related to services, functions and authority both government agencies and officials in connection with rendering appropriate government services, including electronic ones; - Defining the role and place of information systems, resources and other IT products in a system of Civil Law objects, and subjects of relations arising in the sphere of information technologies; - Issues connected to definitions of the term ‘National (electronic) registration system’ (e.g., Legal Entities database, database of individuals, National Identification Numbers Register, etc.), that issue legally documents for citizens and business, and connected to the term ‘electronic notarial system’; - Issues connected to development of quality and availability criteria (indicators, factors) for e-government services; - Issues related to organization of government services rendering processes (including е-services) in government agencies, and in officials’ daily duties; - Issues related to regulation of access to the information and information systems, which is directly linked to the task of clearly defining information, its characteristics depending on type and level of access (public and confidential information). One of the forces for e-government development is ‘e-commerce’ and ‘e-contracts’, that come to a different aspect of normative and legislative regulations. This part of regulations has a weak development base, for example electronic payments. In particular, by means of legislative regulations mechanisms it is necessary to overcome certain mistrust to electronic contracts’ legitimacy, and therefore, it is not sufficient enough to have ‘e-contracts’ practice purely based on the norms of Civil Law, instead such contracts should be clearly and unambiguously regulated by the law ‘On e-Commerce’. In other words, legislative recognition of electronic documents’ equivalence is not enough for complete trust to deals’ legitimacy by means of electronic trade mechanisms. Thus, under the Program it is important to consolidate adequate and effective measures of legal regulations to the Law of Kazakhstan in the field of information technology and provide effective correlation with other legislative and normative acts in the form of amendments or independent laws.
5.4.2. e-Government Architecture Important issue for the development and modernization of electronic services is considered to be methodology base for e-government architecture, consisted of four levels is: activities architecture, information and data architecture, application systems architecture, and technological architecture. Increasing role and significance of architecture and standards development for e- government applications is predetermined by the need to set up a uniform system of organizational and technical norms, requirements, principles, rules and methodological materials, providing for effective creation and well-coordinated development of government information systems and IT infrastructure according to initiated government administration modernization and e-government formation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Development of a set of Regulating Documents for e-government architecture is assigned to an authorized body in charge of information technologies. Based on the given set of the Regulating Documents each department should develop: - Departmental Information Technology Concept as a fundamental document; - Methodology for project selection; - Methodology for information systems creation and for their life cycle starting from their development until putting them into operation, including updating in favour of a new version; - Departmental IT architecture (document should be formulated in language that can be clearly understood both by technical experts and functional managers, and describe framework and organization of the basic information systems); - Information security document. Based on the world best practices a methodology for describing government agencies functions and activities by processes shall be developed and approved. The methodology should reflect methods (tools and notation) applied to decompose government services from different perspectives, such as government department, realization of ICT assisted services and service user (consumer). It is important to determine maturity levels of e-government services when they pass through their determination stages under Quality Management System, indicators evaluation system and modeling. Methodology for information systems’ description and standardization, standards on government documents’ formats (development and approval of XML-circuits, XML - Extensible Markup Language – extensible language of hypertext for information description) will be developed and approved. National description language based on XML, providing for description of standard government documents and government electronic services regulations shall be formulated. Methodology for description of application systems providing for implementation of government electronic services and processes in accordance with electronic administrative regulations will be developed. Government services repository shall be created. Electronic services creation environment, environment of electronic services execution, integration of government information resources, common services and components, and data transfer infrastructure will be described. Technological architecture of ‘e-Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be developed as an integrated system, information and communication unit’s organization of which, will be have hierarchically enclosed structure (principle – ‘whole repeats itself in its part »), according to ‘vertical’ management structure and information collecting, processing and storing systems. In general, information and communication unit of e-government should include three components – Portal (Intranet Portal), Gateway and Registration System in conformity with events, information and functionality distribution (reception, transfer and processing). Standards and recommendations for hardware, software, communications, technology standards and protocols used by the government agencies will be developed and/or harmonized.
5.4.3. Development of technical standards and regulatory framework This Program’ section is designed to analyze existing technical regulations in order to actualize, harmonize and develop the new ICT technical regulations and standards according to the following directions: 1. Standards Development for government services formal description (notations). 2. Unified assessment criteria development for government, its departments and officials activities. 3. Processes standardization of socio-, technical and economic feasibility studies for ICT investments. 4. Standardization of ICT design management. 5. Standards for processes of incremental and evolutionary models of software life cycle. 6. Standards for description and modeling of information and data. 7. Standards in the field of application systems’ architecture. 8. Networks and communications standards. 9. Information security standards. The ideas of transition to an international model of technical regulation will be widely highlighted in mass media. At least 100 standards and technical regulations will be developed and adopted so that harmonization level of national standards and international standards is expected to reach 65 %.
5.5 Development of e-government institutes and infrastructure
5.5.1 Development of e-government infrastructure E-government infrastructure development will have three main directions, i.e. development of Uniform Transport Environment (UTE), National registration system (NRS), and Portal and Gateway for government and electronic Akimats. UTE Development UTE development consists of activities aimed to expand the network of e-government information and communication units. Each unit can be described as a set of servers, Uninterruptible Power Supply units, backup devices and communication equipment that provide for maintenance of reliable and effective operations of Portal, Gateway and Registration systems’ databases. NRS Set up and Development National Registration Systems in form of National databases are designed to become a base component for creation and development of all e-government integrated information systems. A system of National electronic registration that unifies nation-wide, administrative and departmental registration systems will be created. In addition to the national databases such as Natural persons database, Legal entities database, etc. (national registration systems needs to be legitimated yet), it is important to set up National registration systems such as databases of granted, not granted and cancelled licenses categorized by licensing agency, database of radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices, database of legal acts. At the same time it is crucial to completely exclude ‘human factor’ from the interdepartmental licensing approval procedures. It is required to further develop electronic archives’ information systems in the National archival fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan up to the level of ‘National electronic archival fund’. Uniform database directories and classifiers, information resources database, as base components of e-government should be incorporated to the National electronic registration system. It is necessary to define NRS’ regulations and services, rules for publishing database events, directories, classifiers and information resources. NRS set up will provide for a significant cost reduction for the process of base components integration of e-government and government agencies’ departmental information systems. In order to significantly increase the efficiency of production monitoring, management and planning, as well as development of various national industries it is necessary to develop the Concept and Program for setting up the National Geoinformation System of Kazakhstan’s government agencies (GIS GA RK). One of the base components of e-government should be a uniform GIS-platform functioning as integrated and synchronized uniform storage (common library, spatial and attribute data) with a wide range of services and potential to operate with 3D maps. As national information and analytical system aimed to support decision-making processes it is necessary to develop basic system-dynamic and imitating models of state management reflecting consequence and different scenarios of administrative decision- making. National GIS GA RK should be set up on the basis of AIS ‘National Land Cadastre’ and a range of government agencies’ information and analytical systems developed on uniform GIS platform. Digital cards creation and actualization should be assigned to a specialized authorized body and its regional divisions. Access to certain thematic database layers of government agencies, which are of interdepartmental interest, should be shared or under collective authority of government agencies. Principle should be implemented that ‘each of the government bodies being a user of National GIS GA RK, should also be information and resource supplier of the database’.
Development of e-government Portal and Gateway e-Government Portal and Gateway will expand its services and functions to maintain direct and open dialogue between the citizens and authority, including various social services, committees, departments, and at the end, any official of any rank and status. Electronic payment realization, support of mobile Internet and Web-2 format will be provided. Portals and Gateways for all regional and municipal electronic akimats will be realized on unified integration platform by means replication and adaptation of the decisions that provide for budget economy and meeting of all the technical requirements. For realization transactional services of e-government, primarily ‘e-payments’, it is necessary to conduct a research and find thee most effective mechanisms of receiving payment made for e-government services. In order to maintain extensive access to e- government transactional services a range of payment reception forms, including smart-cards and on-line mode, should be developed. Based on research results, technical regulations for e-government transactional services should be formulated and approved, as well as normative and technical definitions should be given to the e-government Payment Gateway, which is to be created and put into operation as one of the base components of e-government. According to administrative reform strategy formation and development of government agencies Intranet Portal will aim at achieving the following objectives: - to provide technical opportunity for horizontal interaction between ministries and departments. - to create a unified procedure of coordination and interaction of executive authorities’ central bodies, including their territorial divisions with local authority bodies. Intranet Portals of government agencies and akimats can be created by replication of standard Intranet-Portal project. Under the e-government framework in addition to electronic workflow some traditional elements of paper workflow take place. Thus, it is important to develop a mechanism for protecting hard copies by means of product bar code, so that a paper copy of the electronic original would maintain its legal importance. Product bar code has two functions, which are - to verify the conformity of a paper copy of the document to its electronic original and to ease automatic input of information from the paper medium to electronic one. Introduction of Payment Gateway will be the key factor for development of ‘e- commerce’ in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of state and private partnership. This direction will provide small and medium scale businesses with electronic platform for rendering electronic services.
5.5.2. Information Security E-government dynamic development demands a higher level of information security, which can be achieved by use of a complex approach and set of measures, including organizational, technical, Program, and social mechanisms that provide any citizen with capability to exercise his constitutional right in terms of receiving information required. E-services will be provided by government agencies according to the established requirements of information security to ensure high level of information protection and trust of е-services users. Methodology basis of principles of maintenance of information security of an infrastructure of е-government of Republic of Kazakhstan is incorporated in the appropriate Concept. To monitor and maintain non-stop processes of e-government information security it is planned to create Information security Support Centre on the basis of the National operator in the field of IT. Primary objective of the Centre is to secure e-government information by taking certain measures aimed at prevention, localization or liquidation of any threats/its consequences to the e-government components. Under the Program implementation it is planned to develop national standards and/or adapt international ones in the field of information security, according to which, the requirements for maintaining information security both at formation stage of e-Government information infrastructure and development stage will be determined. Decision-making documents templates will be developed for effective protection of information and resources, providing for information security at the designing stage of e- service. It is also planned to carry on activities aimed at creation of the National Protected Operating System based on the ‘open source’ technology. In particular, it is expected to create the NPOS competence centre and appropriate supporting infrastructure so that NPOS can have high quality operational performance. Activities for ‘public key’ infrastructure (PKI) development, based on application of registration certificates connecting users’ individual closed keys to their open keys will be carried out. Introduction of the ‘open key’ infrastructure will require a certifying centre for the physical and legal persons of Republic of Kazakhstan to be developed, main and backup system for PKI National Identification Centre RK to be created, as well as creation of registration centres in big cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5.5.3 Institutes for e-government management The main purpose of e-government management institutes is to assist in creation, development, coordination and technical support of e-government. Overall efficiency of e- government projects implementation will depend on quality work and organization of e- Government management institutes, as its efficiency in performing their functions leads to efficient and quality realization of e-Government Development Program, and therefore, to efficiency in budget expenditure. In order to realize the key objectives of national policy and to administer IT budget, as well as to coordinate IT and e-government inter-industry activities, the top control loop must be determined, providing for clearly set differentiation of rights and powers, decision-making mechanism. The top loop should be represented by the IT Commission of the Government, Agency for Informatization and Communication, Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning, and Ministry of Justice. The second control loop of management institutes for e-government should be created on the basis the national project integrator and represented by central office of JSC NIT (National Information Technologies), its regional representative offices located in regional centres and big cities, and its representative offices in the central government agencies. These rather independent offices should be responsible for the implementation of regional e- government and specialized division of e-government in government agencies. Unique general technical finding and decisions developed by the Centre should be introduced in divisions through replication and adaptation. The second key objective of all JSC NIT representative offices and divisions is integration of local information systems to ensure automation of corresponding government services. The third control loop of management institutes interactive is represented by public organization in the sphere of ICT, however, any decisions of such organization are considered to be of a recommendation nature.
5.5.4 Institutes for e-government development At present time, full-scale and high-level development of e-government is difficult without developing structures (institutes), conducting marketing and scientific research in the ICT field, as well as institutes that provide consulting services, including alternative ideas on more preferable for Kazakhstan development way. Under this Program it is planned to create at least: Three educational centres; Two research centres in the field of creation of the national protected operating system and conducting ICT projects audit; One test laboratory specialized in reliability and security testing of software and databases, as well as preproduction testing that enables developers to certify information systems and resources developed; One information and analytical agency specialized in market research for the e- government as well as performing independent assessment and monitoring of Program implementation. One sociological centre conducting a survey on public opinion of the e- government initiative. Establishment of research institutes will be government supported as research of that kind has high risks of not having immediate results. Research institutes can therefore overcome lack of equipment, experience and qualification which often occur at university and corporate research centres. For effective development of the centres it is important to attract resources of private companies interested in technological development. Effective cooperation with technological world leaders can allow to enter hi-tech markets and to gain access to a significant number of latest technologies.
5.6 Monitoring ICT development indicators and assessment of e-government services efficiency To estimate efficiency of new technologies used in government functioning it is important to have in place a system of indicators reflecting interaction of government and citizens through information technologies. Such evaluation allows to answer whether life of citizens has improved due to ‘electronization’ of government services, whether business activities have facilitated, whether the overall performance of government agencies has improved, as well as helps to reveal changes occurred in the processes of granting services and information, availability of on-line government services, its quality, demand and user-friendliness. At present, in order to get some feedback for further development of e-government it is important to monitor: - e-government development indicators; - ICT development indicators in Kazakhstan.
5.6.1 System of ICT development indicators An effective system of indicators for ICT development can guarantee successful monitoring of State IT Programs and creating the economy based on knowledge. However, even in high developed countries definitions and indicators for information technology sector has not been clearly formulated. So, it is impossible to speak about a successful system of indicators for ICT development in Kazakhstan yet. In the process of system formalization best world practices, experience of statistical and research organizations of Kazakhstan will be widely used. Under the Program a system of ICT development indicators will be based on benchmarking of various systems of indicators followed by screening and selection of the most appropriate ones for Kazakhstan. Indicators should contain both ‘quantitative characteristics’, for example describing ICT availability among one group of population or another, and ‘efficiency ones’, such as output frequency to the Internet for population or number of companies actively using Internet technologies for their business or number of teachers using ICT for student training, etc. It is also important to take into account ‘quality’ of services» - network capacity, up- to-dateness of computer equipment, design and content of web-sites, personnel qualification, quality of service etc. Each indicator should contain a reasonable number of additional indicators and parameters that can be aggregated and define the meaning and value of the indicator. It is imperative in this case to assess regional structure of one or another indicator. It is also necessary make a list of main reasons behind bad performance of some indicators, thus determining of such reasons should be conducted by questioning respondents. On-going assessment of ICT indicators, especially concerned with ICT users is required. It is quite important to consider in details public access to information systems and problems with such access, as well as considering Internet providers and audience. Lack of detailed statistical information about the Internet and latest communication means is one of the main problems of excising system of indicators in Kazakhstan.
5.6.2 E-government efficiency assessment (Monitoring system of e-government development indicators) E-government efficiency assessment or benchmarking is determined as comparative performance analysis between countries or agencies/departments. There are normally three key criteria used to assess official e-services quality: - Users demand for information and services provided; - Availability of information required by users; - Electronic services availability at government agency. Assessment of electronic services availability for provision to its customers by government agency can be based on the following indicators: - ICT infrastructure; - Access of authorities to ICT; - Access of citizens and business to ICT; - Human Capital (educational level, ICT skills, motivation to use the Internet and e- government ); - Normative and legislative base. Taking into account, that G2C and G2B interactions are carried out both at the central and local executive level, under this Program it is planned to develop and further improve methodology for e-government performance assessment both at central and local levels.
6. Resources required and sources for financing
Program realization will be financed from the republican and local budgets, as well as from non-budget sources. Based on expert assessment of activities planned and calculations made for the public sector information systems the total amount of funds allocated will be: - from Republican Budget – ______billion Tenge during 2008-2010, including for 2008 – ______billion Tenge, for 2009 – ______billion Tenge, for 2010 – ______billion Tenge; - from local budgets implementing information technology Programs – ______Tenge per year; - as well as from non-budget sources such as private investments, grants of international and national financial organizations.
Financing will be specified by items and activities in the Action Plan to be developed for effective Program implementation and approved by a resolution of Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Any amendments to the Program in terms of making alteration of financing from respective budgets will be carried out in accordance with existing legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
7. Expected outcomes of Program implementation
As a result of Program implementation: - under the framework of e-government integrated information system the following numbers of most demanded government public service shall be automated: ______of government to citizens services, ______of government to business services, and ______of government to government services; - the following e-government integrated information systems shall be created: E- Customs, E-Procurement, E-Finance, E-Taxation, E-Citizens, and E-Business; - ‘E-Akimats’ shall be created in regional centres and large cities; - Assessment and monitoring system shall be created to examine ‘e-government performance indicators; - Radiofrequency spectrum conversion shall be carried out to eliminate assignment and payment procedures for radiofrequencies use in ranges of 2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5.8 GHz with the purpose to stimulate competition and develop alternative (wireless) access methods; - 6 (six) new normative and legislative acts in the form of laws or amendments shall be passed; - A set of governing and regulating documents determining e-government architecture shall be developed; - Uniform National Technical Policy aimed at development of mechanisms to provide access to e-government resources and services shall be formulated; - At least 100 standards and technical regulations shall be developed and adopted so that harmonization level of national standards to international standards could reach 65%; - All of the central bodies and regional centres Akimats shall be connected to the Uniform Transport Space; - 9 (nine) electronic registration and record-keeping systems shall be created including 4 based on the old national information databases (GID)and 5 new systems, establishing of the National Information System (GIS) shall be commenced; - Existing e-government management institutes shall be further developed and expanded to the form of new divisions of Automated Information Systems (AIS) and JSC NIT (National Information Technologies) both at the central and regional levels; - At least, 6 institutions for e-government development shall be established.