Group Project: an Analysis of an Emerging Technology in Business Organizations
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Group Project: An Analysis of an Emerging Technology in Business Organizations AIMS 2710 R. Nakatsu
The outline for your project report and presentation is given below. You should include all of the headings in your report, although you may emphasize different points, depending on your group’s choice of an emerging technology. If you would like to include an additional heading, please see me before you do so. I am somewhat flexible as to what you include/exclude since each group will be studying a different emerging technology.
I. Introduction History of the technology and brief description
II. Description Include software/hardware considerations, cost of implementing the technology, companies making the technology
III. Applications in business organizations (You may want to bring in actual case studies of the technology being used in business organizations)
IV. Benefits A. Can the technology enhance my organization’s productivity? B. Can the technology enhance my organization’s competitive position in the marketplace? C. Other Benefits
V. Problems A. Technical problems: unresolved standards, problems with a technology that has not quite matured in the marketplace B. Organizational barriers to adoption C. Problems implementing the technology D. Ethical issues E. Other limitations
VI. Future trends in the field
VII. Concluding remarks and recommendations to companies
1 Deliverables:
1. Project status report (optional). You are to report on your group’s status. In this brief report, I expect you to have a plan for completing the group project. In particular, you are to provide me with a list of references you plan to investigate further (internet web sites, magazine articles, books, etc.), as well as how you intend to divide the work among the group members. You may want to include dates so that your group is kept on track. However, it is your responsibility to see that the due dates are met.
2. Presentation of 30-35 minutes in length, including time for questions and answers from the class. You are required to create a powerpoint presentation. If you plan on doing a software demonstration, please let me know beforehand so that we can make the appropriate arrangements. Please note: ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY, and I will be taking attendance, which will be part of your class participation grade.
3. I would like both a hardcopy (i.e., printouts of your presentation slides, 6 slides per page is fine), as well as a file of your powerpoint presentation. In addition, I would like a list of references you used for your presentation, including all web sites used, as well as any other sources of information (e.g., book, magazine articles, etc.).
2 Some possible topics:
1. Big Data / Data warehouses / data mining 2. Artificial Intelligence / Augmented Intelligence 3. Geographic Information Systems / Location-based systems 4. Interesting applications in social media / social networking 5. Crowdsourcing** 6. Machine Learning / Neural Networks 7. The Internet of Things 8. Trends in search engine technology 9. Optical networking and other advanced networking technologies 10. trends in m-commerce 11. New and interesting graphical user interfaces (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, wearables) 12. Multimedia on the Web (podcasting, videocasting, videostreaming on the Web) 13. 3D Printing 14. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning Systems) / CRM (Customer Relationship Management Systems) 15. Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID) and tracking systems 16. Gaming with applications in Business 17. Open source software development (e.g., Linux) 18. Autonomous technologies: self-driving cars, drones, robotics 19. Copyright protection on the Internet** and trends in digitization (e.g., digitizing the world’s libraries) 20. Collaboration technologies (i.e., technologies to support group/team working) 21. Security issues on the Internet** 22. Future trends in computer hardware (storage, computer monitors, batteries, etc.) 23. Privacy on the Internet** 24. New and emerging technologies in television/film (3D, 4K, OLED) 25. New and emerging technologies in digital photography 26. Online Education and MOOCs
**these are not really new and emerging technologies; they are technology trends
You are not limited to these topics. If your group has another topic in mind, feel free to discuss this with me.
3 Criteria for Presentation
1. The group provided a good background on the subject 1 2 3 4 5
2. The group presented the arguments/issues persuasively 1 2 3 4 5
3. The group demonstrated a firm grasp of the main issues 1 2 3 4 5
4. The group addressed important business issues of the technology, or IT trend 1 2 3 4 5
5. Novelty: I learned something new 1 2 3 4 5
Presentation and Delivery
1. The presentation was well-organized with an overall sense of direction 1 2 3 4 5
2. The presentation was interesting and kept the audience’s attention 1 2 3 4 5 3. The presentation was coherent: the pieces of the presentation were well-integrated and tied together 1 2 3 4 5 4. Clarity: I had no trouble understanding the presentation, even when highly technical information was presented 1 2 3 4 5