Complete Bio-Data
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Complete Bio-data Name : Shri Mohinder Singh Identity No. : 033/PL-2018 Service/Cadre/Allotment Year : Indian Defence Accounts Service, CSE-1987, Allotment year-1988 Source of Recruitment : CSE Date of Birth : 04/05/1962 Sex : Male Place of Domicile : Sonepat, Haryana Mother Tongue : Hindi Indian Languages Known : Hindi, English Foreign Languages Known : - Date of Joining : 26/12/1988 Retirement Reason : On Superannuation
II. Details of Central Deputation A 1. Whether presently on deputation to GOI? No 2. Date of start of Central Deputation 3. Expiry date of tenure of Central Deputation. 4. Tenure Code B If in Cadre, date of reversion from Central Deputation C Whether debarred from Central Deputation? If No so, period of debarment
III. Educational Qualification Sl.N Qualification Subject Division Year of o Institute/University/Place Passing 1. B.A(Pass)/AIJHM College, Hindi, English, Sanskrit & First 1982 Rohtak/M.D. University Geography 2. MA/Punjab University, Hindi First 1985 Chandigarh
IV. Experience Details Sl.N Designation/Level Department/Office Organization Experience Period o (Major/Minor) (From/To) CDA (TRAINING), Defence Accounts Financial Advice 26/12/1988 to 1. PROBATIONER MEERUT Department & Accounts 08/12/1989 C OF A (FYS) FGF, Defence Accounts Financial Advice 19/12/1989 to 2. PROBATIONER KANPUR Department & Accounts 31/12/1990 Defence Accounts Financial Advice 04/01/1991 to 3. ACDA CDA, LUCKNOW Department & Accounts 24/03/1992 Defence Accounts Financial Advice 30/03/1992 to 4. ACDA CDA (R&D), DELHI Department & Accounts 20/05/1993 Defence Accounts Financial Advice 21/05/1993 to 5. DCDA CDA (R&D), DELHI Department & Accounts 31/12/1997 GUN CARRIAGE Defence Accounts Financial Advice 05/01/1998 to 6. JCFA(Fys) FACTORY, JABALPUR Department & Accounts 22/05/1998 AO ORD FY, Defence Accounts Financial Advice 22/05/1998 to 7. JCFA (Fys) KHAMARIA Department & Accounts 30/11/2000 05/12/2000 to 8. DY SECRETARY UPSC, DELHI 15/12/2004 Defence Accounts Financial Advice 03/01/2005 to 9. JCDA PCDA(R&D), DELHI Department & Accounts 11/08/2006 PCDA(NC) JAMMU Defence Accounts Financial Advice 22/08/2006 to 10. ADDL CDA MO, JAMMU Department & Accounts 05/04/2007 CFA(FYS) VF 11. Defence Accounts Financial Advice 09/04/2007 to CFA(FYS) JABALPUR, Department & Accounts 06/05/2010 JABALPUR CDA JABALPUR MO, Defence Accounts Financial Advice 07/05/2010 to 12. CDA JABALPUR Department & Accounts 04/07/2011 Defence Accounts Financial Advice 14/07/2011 to 13. JT. CGDA CGDA, DELHI Department & Accounts 01/07/2016 Defence Accounts Financial Advice 14. CDA CDA(AF), DELHI 01/07/2016 Department & Accounts
Station served (as on 01/01/2018): Station Years Months DELHI 17 10
V. Mid Career Training Details Sl.N Year Training Name Period Institute Name o 1. Nil
VI. In-Service Training Details Sl.N Year Training Name Period Institute Name o 1. 1996 Draft Paras and C&AG 13.08.96 to NIMA, Meerut Reports 14.08.96 2. 1996 Project Management 20.11.96 to NIMA, Meerut 22.11.96 3. 1998 Using PCS effectively 13.07.98 to Training Division, Brar Square 17.07.98 4. 1999 Auditor/Lead Auditor 14.06.99 to Training Division, Brar Square 18.06.99 5. 1999 Legal Procedures/ 07.09.99 to RTC, Lucknow Process 11.09.99 6. 1999 Procurement of 25.10.99 to Training Division, Brar Square Imported Stores 29.10.99 7. 2011 FAM. Course on PHP, 01.08.11 to CENTRAD HTML My SQL 05.08.11 VII. Domestic Training Details Sl.N Year Training Name Period Institute Name o
VIII. Foreign Training Details Sl.N Year Training Name Period Country o 2003-2004 Master in About 16 months Netherlands Public Policy and Management A 1. Whether Debarred from Foreign Training? No 2. If so, period of debarment
IX. Award / Publication Details Sl.N Date &Year Particulars in brief Institution o