Agenda to the Joint Board of Directors of Jefferson Academy
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Minutes for the Joint Board of Directors of Jefferson Academy, A Colorado Nonprofit Corporation April 16, 2013 Elementary Library
I. Preliminary A., B., C., D., E., F. Mr. Langer called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. The guests were welcomed. Roll call was taken and the following Board members were present: Ms. Atencio, Ms. Clark, Ms. Graziano, Mr. Haynes, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Vierra, Mr. Wall and Mr. Langer. Mr. Moss had an excused absence. Mr. Vierra led the Board of Directors and guests in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Langer presented the agenda. Ms. Atencio requested that Thunder Baseball Academy be added between Items E. and F. Ms. Atencio requested that Expenditure of Official Core Knowledge Certification be added between Items K. and L. There was no Public Comment.
II. General Agenda A. Home School Mr. Langer reviewed the report in the Board packet. Ms. Stringari reported that she received an email from Ms. Johns, who was out of town for this meeting. Ms. Johns will be visiting another possible site this week. Ms. Stringari explained that the purpose for the site visits is to get an estimated cost of facilities for the projected budget. The Board will review the Home School Program and vote on this issue at a special meeting in May (date/time to be determined).
B. Committee Reports Facilities Committee Report Ms. Lewis stated that the master plan was studied during their last meeting, examining the current layout and collecting ideas for development.
Accountability Committee Report Ms. Lewis reported that to date there are 203 completed Parent Surveys in the Secondary and 240 in the Elementary. This is about 50 % for each school and is a higher amount than last year. It was mentioned that parents of more than two children had difficulty completing the Elementary survey.
PTO/Boosters Report Ms. Graziano invited Ms. Gelston to report on the allocation of PTO funds. Ms. Gelston reported that the PTO had allocated $54,000 in the elementary. Ms. Gelston stated that the remaining 15 classrooms will have Active Boards. Also, five more projectors and one new document camera. Every classroom teacher, Special Education, Literacy and Enrichment teacher will receive $300 for instruction materials in their classrooms for the 2013-2014 school year. Ms. Gelston shared that 11 sets of ActivExpression sets will be purchased and also two and half days of ActivBoard training will be provided for the staff. Ms. Graziano mentioned the annual Sock Hop and Soda Shop. Fifth grade students work the Soda Shop to earn money to offset the cost of their sixth grade Outdoor Lab trip. Ms. Graziano stated that Scrip has a profit of over $10,000 to date and the spring Book Fair was a success.
1 Ms. Lewis reported that the Boosters are getting ready for prom, which is on April 19 and after prom will be at Fun Times. Ms. Lewis stated that new Board members will be voted on in May, and Julie Sava and Donna Chen will remain on the Board. Also, the Boosters will be searching for a new vending machine coordinator.
Communications Committee Report Ms. Graziano presented a draft of the committee’s plan. Ms. Graziano reviewed four main areas that the committee is focusing on: clarifying the roles of the Board of Directors; developing interactive communication between the Board of Directors, staff and families; explaining the school’s growth plan and strategic vision; and updating and utilizing the websites. Ms. Stringari mentioned that she has been working on JA’s history, as this would enable new families a better understanding of the school’s vision.
Capital Development Committee Report Mr. Wall reported that the committee has completed their fundraising plan. They have spoken with businesses about fundraising and long-term funding. Mr. Wall stated that by partnering with businesses, they could assist JA with financial support and in return their business would be provided with marketing. Mr. Wall has approached a web developer for suggested ideas.
Policy and Governance Committee Report Ms. Clark stated that a meeting is scheduled for April 24th. The committee members will each be reviewing the bylaws, composition and requirements of three to five schools. They will be combined and compared in a report.
SRC Committee Reports Ms. Atencio explained that the SRC Committees meet yearly with the administrators to review staff members. Ms. Atencio reported that the Board members were pleased with the evaluations and process for the Elementary and Secondary.
Secondary Lunch Committee Ms. Larson presented a report to the Board. Ms. Larson reviewed the Secondary Lunch program and the average daily number of lunches served. Ms. Larson pointed out that when the Secondary switched to Jefferson County Schools’ pre-plated meals in February there was a drop from an average of 210 to approximately 68. Ms. Larson provided a comparison to local programs.
Ms. Atencio explained that the new secondary kitchen was designed according to the approved plans by the Colorado Department of Health and Broomfield Health Department. Jefferson County Schools was also contacted and stated that the new kitchen could be built according to the same design as in the Commons. However, when Jefferson County previewed the new kitchen during construction, they would not approve the design. The architect was contacted and responded that it was too late to change the design.
Discussion ensued. It was suggested that JA contact Adams 12 Schools and inquire about ordering lunches from one of their satellite kitchens. Ms. Larson provided a cost estimate to remodel the kitchen to become a prep kitchen, along with ideas for fundraising. It was noted that the committee needs a decision by May.
2 C. STRAT Plan Review Ms. Atencio requested that this item be tabled for the May meeting. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Approve Salary Schedules Mr. Nolan stated that he had sent the salary schedule to Board members via email. It was pointed out that the Board approves the salary schedule every year and that salaries have been frozen for the past two years. The teachers’ salary schedule is based on the number years of experience and the teacher’s education. Discussion ensued that JA’s salary schedule is lower than the districts and concerns that we could lose teachers. It was mentioned that the teachers in Jefferson County have also had their salaries frozen and have had scheduled furlough days. It was mentioned that increasing the salary schedule for the teachers be more of a priority than using funds for remodeling the Secondary kitchen. Ms. Smith. Elementary Financial Secretary, explained that funds from the bond could not be used for salaries. Ms. Smith also offered to be on the committee to review the salary schedule. Ms. Atencio moved that the Board approve the Salary Schedule for the 2013-2014 school year as presented. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
E. Principal Report Regarding Staff and New Hires for 2013-2014 Mr. Nolan reported that the interviews for the Kindergarten teaching positions and classroom demonstrations are completed and he is checking on references on the preferred candidate. Mr. Nolan stated that the EA openings for full-day Kindergarten, 3rd grade, 5th grade and Literacy have been posted. Mr. Nolan also mentioned that he may hire another enrichment EA for one day a week to assist with math. Ms. Stringari stated that she has two openings for math teachers and has made an offer to one of the candidates.
F. Thunder Baseball Academy Ms. Atencio shared with the Board that Sean Williams with Thunder Baseball Academy has 33 teams in Broomfield. The JA baseball team has been allowed to use their indoor facility at a minimal cost. Mr. Williams had mentioned to Mike Wilson, JA Athletic Director, the possibility of purchasing property adjacent to the Secondary and building a baseball field. Mr. Williams has offered to find private funding and it was suggested that Mr. Williams be invited to the May meeting. It was mentioned that JA has the first right of refusal on this property. It was stated that Mr. Williams has developed a good relationship with the City of Broomfield. Ms. Atencio moved that the Board allow Mr. Wilson the opportunity to explore a relationship with Thunder Baseball Academy. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. Discussion ensued with prioritizing JA’s goals. Ms. Clark also pointed out that Cindy Staudt, previous Board member, had spent a good deal of time on developing a baseball field and we should utilize those documents. The motion passed unanimously.
F. Schedule Executive Workshop for Principal Evaluations This meeting was scheduled for April 30th at 5:30 p.m. to be held at the Secondary conference room.
G. Bylaws 3.2
3 Ms. Atencio introduced the bylaw. Mr. Langer read the proposed changes. It was stated that the Policy and Governance Committee was tasked with reviewing this bylaw but recommended folding this into the current work. Discussion ensued with only having JA parents on the Board; allowing parents to complete their term should their child leave JA by graduating or by continuing their education at another school; also possibly having community emeritus members that would not have voting privileges. It was noted that when the Policy and Governance Committee submits suggested revisions to the Board, the changes would be voted on by the parents. Revisions were made. Ms. Atencio moved that the Board approve Bylaw 3.2 as amended, making the effective date of 2014/2015 or until a revised bylaw is passed by a vote by of the parents. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. Ms. Graziano made a friendly amendment to add, or if your child graduates. Ms. Atencio accepted the friendly amendment. Ms. Clark made a friendly amendment that 2014/215 be at the beginning of the language. Ms. Atencio accepted the friendly amendment. The motion passed with the following roll call vote: Ms. Atencio – yes, Ms. Clark – yes, Ms. Graziano – yes, Mr. Haynes – yes, Ms. Lewis – yes, Mr. Vierra – yes, Mr. Wall – yes and Mr. Langer – yes.
H. Response to Two Roads The response generated by Ms. Clark has been sent to Two Roads. It was mentioned that the Hope program does not have a trademark nor is registered. Ms. Clark will email a copy of the letter to the Board members.
I. Board Self-Evaluation Forms/Schedule Workshop May This was scheduled for May 29 at 5:30 p.m. in the Secondary conference room.
J. IGA Update Ms. Clark reported that she has not received a response from the district on the use agreement, and that the agreement needs to be taken to the city council. Mr. Wilson had also not had a response from the City of Broomfield. Ms. Clark will have an updated report in May.
K. Secondary Review of Tech Strategy and Ability to Implement Ms. Stringari reported that there will be a meeting on Friday working with a new IT company which will improve the technology in the Elementary. Ms. Stringari stated that signing a three-year plan would save at least $7,000 in both of the school’s budgets.
It was mentioned that the TCAP in the spring of 2014 for 5th grade science, and 4th and 7th grade social studies is projected to be taken online.
L. Core Knowledge Expenditure Official Certification Ms. Stringari pointed out that the cost of retaining an official title is at a cost of $13,000. Ms. Stringari shared the new state standards and feels that the secondary content standards take the depth of knowledge to a different level. Ms. Stringari stated that their tests scores would decline because of the differences in Core Knowledge and the state standards, and that the district is expecting a 15-20 percent drop in scores. Ms. Stringari suggested that this be set aside for one year so that teachers can concentrate on the new standards. Ms. Stringari suggested that the money spent on retaining an official certification could go toward professional development.
4 Mr. Nolan stated that Core Knowledge is working with the publisher to realign with the standards. Discussion ensued by not obtaining an official status is giving up our vision and mission as a Core Knowledge school. Mr. Nolan explained that the we have not paid any money to Core Knowledge for this status but have reserved training in May for his staff. Mr. Nolan also mentioned that this training would benefit his new teachers. Mr. Nolan reported that the Elementary could not fund the entire cost. Ms. Stringari suggested that Mr. Nolan investigate to see if Core Knowledge would allow JA to be an official school K-6. Mr. Nolan will look into this matter and report back to the Board.
L. Future Committee Meetings The Communications Committee will meet on May 8th. The Policy and Governance Committee will meet on April 24th. The Boosters will host Staff Appreciation week the last week in April and the PTO will host the Elementary the first week of May.
III. First Reading A. None
IV. Second Reading A. None
V. Reports A. K-12 Financials and Budgets Mr. Haynes presented the K-12 budget. Mr. Haynes stated that the Finance Committee met with Mr. Nolan and Ms. Stringari for a combined budget. Mr. Haynes moved that the Board approve the K-12 Budget of 4/16/2013 as presented. Ms. Atencio seconded the motion. It was suggested that a line item be placed in the budget for conferences. It was determined that with the five-year budget, this may look different. The motion passed unanimously. The combined budget was reviewed and there were no concerns.
B. Principals Reports Mr. Nolan stated that the church is planning on building a soccer field in their dirt lot. Mr. Nolan shared that the teachers have been moving items into the storage room (weight room).
The Board members will review the upcoming school events and email all the members on the events they will attend
VI. Miscellaneous Board Items A. Approval of Minutes March 19, 2013 and Minutes April 11, 2013 Mr. Langer presented the Minutes of March 19, 2013. Revisions were made. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the Minutes of March 19, 2013 as amended. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Mr. Langer presented the Minutes of April 11, 2013. Revisions were made. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the Minutes of April 11, 2013 as amended. Ms. Graziano seconded the motion. Mr. Haynes made a friendly amendment that the Elementary repurposing list and costs be attached to the approved Minutes and emailed to Board members. Mr. Langer accepted the friendly amendment. Motion passed unanimously.
5 B. Debriefing of Board Agenda and Action Items These items were reviewed and revised.
Mr. Langer moved that the Board move into Executive Session at 10:26 p.m. for the purpose of C.R.S. 24-6-402(v) Matters that may be Subject to Negotiations and Personnel Matters and C.R.S. 25-6-402(f) Monthly Administrative Review and Matters Pertaining to Staff Budget Increases. Ms. Atencio seconded the motion that passed with the following roll call vote: Ms. Atencio – yes, Ms. Clark – yes, Ms. Graziano – yes, Mr. Haynes – yes, Ms. Lewis – yes, Mr. Vierra – yes, Mr. Wall – yes and Mr. Langer – yes. The required 2/3 vote to move into Executive Session was met.
VII. Executive Session Ms. Atencio moved that the Board move out of Executive Session at 11:10 p.m. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
VIII. Adjournment Mr. Langer moved that the Board adjourn at 11:10 p.m. Ms. Atencio seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Shelly Cohen, Clerk Jefferson Academy Board of Directors