Preparing for LEVEL 4
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Preparing for LEVEL 4 Being an Author
Table of Contents
1. Summer Assignments Introduction
2. Experiential Activities: activities related to topics we will study.
3. On-line and Media Activities: grammar, reading, writing, speaking, listening, vocabulary
4. Reading, Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary Practice: keep your skills sharp and develop new skills you will need for ESOL 4 Introduction: Summer Assignments Why?
If you practice your English and learning skills over the summer, you will return to school ready to move forward in all of your classes. You will avoid losing what you have learned. You won’t have to struggle to remember or catch up. You will be able to focus on learning and growing. What do I have to do?
Make a plan and stick to it. Show this packet to your parent or guardian. Choose and schedule at least one experiential learning activity with your friends or family. Set aside a little time every day to do something in this packet. Think about our first themes: Expression and Perseverance What do these mean to you? How are they connected to your summer assignments?
Practice speaking English as much as you can all summer. Look for opportunities to speak English. Practice using the grammar in the activities. Share this packet with your family, then practice together. Watch TV, and listen to the radio and to music in English. Use the online resources to practice and learn.
Complete this package: Complete all of the attached activities. Bring your completed work to the first day of school. You will receive your first grade of the next school year for completing the assignments.
Learn from experience: Choose at least one experience from the attached list. We live in an area with wonderful resources for learning and growing. Share your experience with your class for your second grade of the year.
How can I communicate?
Contact Ms. Molyneaux at: [email protected] OR on Facebook. I may not respond quickly if I am travelling, but I will contact you as soon as I can.
Contact Ms. Zolkower in the ESOL Office often this summer. You can call (240)497-6383, or e- mail her at [email protected]
This assignment is on the BCC web site. Click on Academics Click on ESOL Find the summer assignments Section 1 Experiential Activities
Have an interesting experience.
You will have fun and you will remember well when you do things. This Section has many interesting things to do – and most are free! You can do all these activities with family or friends.
What do I have to do?
1. Choose at least one of the activities on the list. If you want to do something else, you must contact Ms. Molyneaux or Mrs. Zolkower for approval. 2. Check the website to find directions and times. 3. Go to the place or event. 4. Get something to share (a program, a photograph, a souvenir…) that is especially interesting to you. 5. Prepare to describe your visit in class. 6. Write a well-developed essay about your experience: a. For art, use the “Writing Assignment” attached as a guide. b. For other experiences, write a three paragraph essay. b.i. Give information about where you went and the reason you chose it. b.ii. Describe, and analyze one thing you saw there that was meaningful to you. Explain why you care about it. Use sensory words and words to express emotion. b.iii. Evaluate the experience. Would you recommend this place to others? Explain why or why not. Where? These are places to visit to learn about the culture of the United States, which is the combination of cultures from around the world. Visit the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Human Origins – Where did we come from? Written in Bone - Learn about the first European immigrants to America
Visit the Library of Congress How do we pass on knowledge within a culture?
Attend an event ( reading, lecture, concert) at the Library of Congress
Visit the Organization of American States Headquarters and Art Museum. Attend one of their events.
Attend the Shakespeare Theatre Free for All – Free!
Attend Shakespeare in the Park – Free!
Visit the Folger Shakespeare Library
Visit the Freer, Sackler, or African Art Museums to see examples of cultural expression
Visit the Smithsonian Folklife Festival June 24–28 andJuly 1–5, 2010 – Free! – or - Volunteer for SSL hours!
Visit the Smithsonian Museum of American History How is American culture expressed?
Visit the Museum of American Art and The National Portrait Gallery How do portraits express culture? Visit your local library: Whether you live in Bethesda, Chevy Chase, or Silver Spring, there is a library near you. Get a library card if you don’t have one. Use their computers – for FREE!
Attend FREE concerts in Bethesda, Silver Spring, Rockville and Strathmore Music Center (FREE summer concerts on Wednesday nights) Section 2 On-line and Media Adventures Assignment: Use a variety of media to support your English skills, and learn more about topics you will study this year.
The two themes we will study in the first semester are “Expression” and “Perseverance.” Look these words up in a dictionary and write their meaning, in your own words, below. You can use examples from your media adventures to help explain their meaning.
o Expression ______
o Perseverance ______
If the web sites have printable activities, make a print-out to show your work.
Create a resource list to show which of the following media sources you used. Use the samples at the end of this section, or
Use the “B-CC HS Media Center: Bibliographies and Notes Page” at notes.aspx to find the correct format. Vocabulary and Grammar: Activities for ESL: Dave’s ESL Café: English Online Interactive: Capital Community College, Guide to Grammar and Writing Leo Network (British English) (includes an audio chatline) Warning! British English! Purdue University’s OWL site. Instruction: Exercises: U.S. Department of Education: University of Victoria “Study Zone”
On-line Connections We will study ideas about how people express themselves, how culture is related to expression and how these things are connected to our own lives. We will also study authors and how they express themselves. These sites will give you an introduction to these themes and authors.
Sites on Culture Culturegrams: click on Culturegrams in the Media Center website CIA World Factbook; Brain-Pop: Focus on the English section Username: bccesol Password: esol406 Sites on Authors You will focus on your writing this year. How can you help your reader understand what you want to say? What do you have to say that is interesting? These authors talk about how they answer these questions. You will read the writings of all of these authors this year.
Sandra Cisneros : aCisnerosaudra.html Frank McCourt talks about writing about his life as a child in poverty. Amy Tan talks about writing about personal experiences. Pablo Neruda ctoYY&feature=related
Langston Hughes
Paul Lawrence Dunbar
Rudolpho Anaya
Duke Redbird
Gwendolyn Brooks QTbw&feature=PlayList&p=3420989A45D1367D&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1 &index=38 Films Check at your library to borrow copies for free. Come in to the ESOL office to watch a movie. You can find information for the bibliography on the packaging of the DVD or tape or online. Movies about Expression or Perseverance Forrest Gump Romeo and Juliet – two versions: Franco Zefferelli (1968), and Baz Luhrmann (1996) Of Mice and Men Gone with the Wind
Movies about Writers Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle Misery My Brilliant Career Capote The Hours Sunset Boulevard Julia Barton Fink Shakespeare in Love MLA Works Cited Examples & Templates
Television or radio program:
"The Cause: 1861" Civil War. Produced by Ken Burns. PBS. 22 September 2002.
Prairie Home Companion. Narr. Garrison Keillor. National Public Radio. WETA. Washington. 20 Sept. 2002.
Movie, Film, or Video:
Film Title. Director. Performers: Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, and Firstname Lastname. Production Company, Copyright Year.
Schindler’s List. Dir. Steven Speilberg. Perf.: Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, and Ralph Fiennes. Universal Pictures, 1993.
Web Site on the Internet:
Lastname, Firstname. “Web Page Title.” Full Web Site Title. Day Month Year (of page revision). Affiliated Organization. Day Month Year (of your access)
Baczkowski, Brian. “THS Media Center.” Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School Web Site. 31 May Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School. 10 August 2006 <>
“Airline Terror Plot 'Close to Execution.’” 2006. Cable News Network. 10 August 2006
Newspaper Online
Bowie, Liz. "City Struggles to Fill 1,200 Teaching Jobs." Baltimore Sun on the Web. 5 July 2006. 12 July 2006 < http://www.sunspot.netlnews/local/>. Section 3 Practice Reading, Writing, Grammar & Vocabulary Assignment: These activities will keep your English reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary skills sharp. They will take time, so plan to work on them a little every day. Read the directions carefully. Do all of the work. Turn them in on the first day of school.