GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Administers the operations of the police department during an assigned shift; does related work as required.

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is an important law enforcement position involving responsibility for supervising the operation of the police department according to established procedures and policies. Work is performed under the general supervision of the

Police Chief. Responsibility is involved for assigning officers to their posts, evaluating their work performance, and instructing them in new and improved police methods. Supervision is exercised over the work of Police Sergeants and Police Officers.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: (Illustrative only)

Organizes the shift into work units;

Directs the activities of patrol forces during an assigned shift;

Assigns tasks to subordinates and reviews operations;

Gives instructions to subordinate officers as to methods of correcting faults;

Directs raids and makes arrests;

Directs police activities at riots, serious crimes, fires and unusual disorders;

Investigates complaints regarding activities of the police department;

Takes charge of department in the absence of Police Chief;

Dispenses information to the public regarding departmental policies and methods;

Operates two-way radio station and other communication systems;

Keeps records, answers correspondence and prepares reports;

Dresses neatly and in proper uniform.

1 REQUIRED KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of modern principles and practices of police work; thorough knowledge of the New York State Penal Law,

Court of Criminal Procedures, Vehicle and Traffic Law and all local ordinances and laws pertaining to police activities; thorough knowledge of the geography of the city; familiarity with the operation of radio equipment; ability to lead and direct subordinate officers; ability to deal courteously but firmly with the public, excellent moral character; good judgment and observation; tact; good physical condition.

ACCEPTABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Either: a) Two continuous years of satisfactory permanent competitive class service as a Police

Lieutenant; or b) Three* continuous years of satisfactory permanent competitive class service as a Police

Sergeant; or c) Any equivalent combination of (a) and (b) above.

*revised 2/6/75 CSC

Revised 5/6/88
